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James Perry
Research &
Teaching Portfolio
Raising the vision of humanities
scholars through digital research
and publication.
Follow along at: www.jamesperry.uk/byu/
1. Background
2. Research
a. Migration into Britain, 1851-1911
b. British Saints in the Great War
c. Others
3. Teaching
a. Research Informed Teaching (RIT)
b. Postgraduate Digital Humanities
c. Undergraduate Courses & Summer Schools
4. Academic Citizenship
What use could the humanities be in a
digital age? University students focusing on
the humanities may end up, at least in their
parents' nightmares, as dog-walkers for
those majoring in computer science. But,
for me, the humanities are not only relevant
but also give us a toolbox to think seriously
about ourselves and the world.
Nicholas Kristof, NY Times, 13 August 2014
Nice to meet you
About me;
I am a historian that specialises in utilising digital humanities within my
I joined the Church in 2006, in Somerset, England. Between 2008 and
2010, I served a full-time mission in the England Manchester Mission.
My wife, Debs, and I were married in 2011, we have one daughter, Leah
(2), and we are expecting another baby girl in May 2017.
I completed my BA History (Hons) at Lancaster University, and
graduated with First Class honours, from which I received a financial
award for my MA and PhD, also at Lancaster. My MA History thesis was
on the subject of religious nonconformity, for which I was awarded the
M.F. Howson Prize. My MA was completed in 2014 with distinction.
Currently, I am finishing my doctoral thesis.
Feel free to contact me:
The ability to understand, make judgements about, select and use appropriate technologies and
technological systems for different purposes.
The Digital
the dh meta-discussion
The Makers
Coders/programmers, techies.
Might come from non-traditional
humanities backgrounds. They
create the tools used by digital
humanists, which they also might
identify as. This can include self-
taught scholars.
The Convert
Received traditional training,
made the transition to using
digital tools at some point.
Utilises both approaches in their
research. Understands the
opportunities and limitations of
DH and makes judicious
decisions accordingly.
The Born in the Faith
Formal training in digital &
traditional humanities. Small
but growing group that are
emerging from the
proliferation of DH centres.
Come prepared with critical
understanding of the field and
skills necessary for projects.
1. A knowledge site
2. A digital edition of a text or texts
3. A database
4. A semi-linear, customizable narrative that includes text, images, audio, and/or video
5. A large-scale text analysis or topic modeling project
6. A geographic mapping site
7. A digital 3D model
8. An online event
9. A crowdsourcing project
Paige Morgan, What Digital Humanists Do, Demystifying Digital Humanities, 2 September 2013,
available at: http://www.dmdh.org/2013/09/what-digital-humanists-do/, [accessed: 3 April 2017].
What is digital humanities?
How do digital humanities differ from
traditional humanities?
What additional value is provided?
What is the future for DH?
Issues; usability, accessibility, critical
reflection, fair citation, inclusivity,
Divergent channels of communication
and networking, reflect its interest in
the digital; GitHub, Twitter, open-
access digital journals, listservs, and
The Traditional Scholar
Traditionally trained scholars,
might utilise digital resources,
search engines, and so on.
May have interest, but feel
uncertain how DH would relate
to their work. Some might view
be critical of the growth,
interest in, claims of, and
perceived self-interest of DH.
E.g. Brian Lennon
Digital Humanists
1. Research

Research is formalized curiosity. It is
poking and prying with a purpose
Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road
(Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1942), 143.
British Saints
in the Great
May-July 2016
Context: No memorials or remembrance
events for British LDS soldiers who died
during the war, or any idea who they were.
Questions: How many people were involved
in the war? How many died? In what ways did
members respond to the increased demands
placed upon them?
Source: Millennial Star, weekly publication
for the duration of the war, Church History
Library archive, and others.
Methodology: Antconc to identify and extract
death notices from OCRd copies of the Star.
Matched individuals to the 1911 Census, and
the Commonwealth War Graves commission
database. Used QGIS to map deaths,
branches, members, and conferences.
Findings: 63 British LDS members died
during active service, hundreds of Sisters
were called as missionaries, and much more.
Outputs: Boundary shapefiles of the British
Conferences, LDS branches shapefile, social
media posts (British Latter-day Saint History),
article forthcoming in the Journal of Mormon
History, presentations to LDS and non-LDS
audiences, including academics at Oxford
British Saints
in the Great
May-July 2016
Using GNU Wget, I used a simple command to
mass download all of the Millennial Star issues
in .txt and pdf format, which are available on
archive.org (1901-1969).
Imported the documents into ArcGIS, which
allowed keyword and phrase searching, but also
a whole suite of corpus linguistics tools.
Required the blending of humanistic close
reading and analysis, with the digital and semi-
automated processes of acquiring and
processing the data.
A batch geocoder was used to pair the locations
identified within the text with coordinates.
QGIS was used to then plot deaths, branches,
boundaries, and other data onto a
georeferenced basemap.
Different forms of analysis could then be carried
4% 4%
% of LDS Casualties per total local Priesthood of each Conference, 1918
J. E. Simister (left) with son
George Simister (right)
Private Archie Brammer
April 2016-Current
Utilises batch geocoding
Has been used in teaching GIS
Raises questions of integration 
where did migrant communities seek
to integrate?
How did different nationalities differ?
Segregation, and
October 2014-Current
Case Studies: Whitechapel, London &
Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland.
Approach: Data led project  What can
we learn from the I-CeM data about migrant
Key Findings: Migrants were rarely
segregated within households, only 15%
lived in exclusively migrant composed
Migrants remained predominantly male,
except for the French, who were largely
composed of females.
Occupations, such as sugar refining, were
heavily segregated, others were
Used a series of logical statements to
ascertain the number of second-generation
migrants, in some places this was as high
as 35% of the population.
Migrant groups varied significantly in their
attempts to integrate, some such as
Germans, actively integrated, others such
as Russians and Italians remained spatially
and demographically segregated.
To what extent were foreign-born migrants
segregated from or integrated with the host society?
1. First critique of the largest dataset of British socio-
economic data.
2. Utilised micro census data for individual
household plotting.
3. Offered national level analysis of occupations via
micro census data.
The European
Mormon Arts
Purpose: To amass the forgotten Mormon art produced in Europe, by
members and missionaries, since the restoration, in all its forms.
Impact: Reinvigorate interest in the arts amongst Latter-day Saints,
and to memorialise the contributions of previous generations of members.
Published Poetry, Stories, and Songs
 De Ster (Dutch) 1896-1967
 Der Stern (German) 1869-1967
 Millennial Star (United Kingdom) 1840-1970
 Skandinaviens Stjerne (Scandinavia) 1851-
Music and Song
 Reimagining long forgotten
pieces, this might include
working with the School of
 Breathing life into the
works produced by early
Latter-day saints, revealing
their thoughts, desires, and
beliefs in alternative forms.
Exploring the wealth of personal
materials that exist within collections
and holdings of the Church.
British LDS
Births, Baptisms,
Marriages, and
Hidden Data, Hidden Stories
October 2016-Current
Our history begins
before we are born. We
represent the hereditary
influences of our race,
and our ancestors
virtually live in us.
James Nasmyth, 1883
Migrants and
Criminality in
in collaboration with Ruth
Byrne, Lancaster University
Identifying Crimes and Criminality
Utilised CQPWeb to conduct a twenty-
word proximity search of German or
Germans within the Reynolds Daily
Newspaper, with the following terms;
[arrest, arrests, arrested, crime, crimes,
criminal, imprison, imprisons,
imprisonment, imprisoned, custody,
court, courtroom, prisoner, prisoners,
convict, convicts, convicted, jury, judge,
coroner, magistrate, police, trial,
prosecutor, defendant] Total Germans: 29,032
-Males: 16,129 (55.6%)
-Females: 10,598 (36.5%)
-Unknown: 2,305 (7.9%)
Exploring the German community within the
context of crime;
1. Were they victims, perpetrators, or
2. What types of crime were they
connected to?
3. How did the occupations of German
criminals relate to the broader
4. Where were crimes committed?
Influences in
the European
December 2016-
How do we reduce anxieties amongst prospective and less-
active members who think that we are an American Church?
What cultural norms and practices of the Church can be
changed within Europe to better reflect indigeneity?
Finding faith affirming ways to redress
cultural frustrations that have emerged
since the correlation program of the
Collaborative project formed in
December 2016 from a BYU sponsored
seminar at the London Centre.
Scholars from UK, Norway, and Italy.
Additional support from;
Professor James Faulconer, BYU
Wheatley Institute
2. Teaching

If you're teaching today what
you were teaching five years ago,
either the field is dead or you are.
- Noam Chomsky
Treating students as co-
researchers supports student
engagement within and beyond
the formal curriculum, furthering
knowledge and understanding.
Utilising current research leads to
the formation of valuable
employability skills for students.
Cutting edge research offers
innovative and engaging subject
material for classes, and can
challenge students to face real-
life research issues.
I am actively developing tools
and methodologies that move
students from passive
receivers, to active and
engaged learners.
My teaching styles rotate to
reflect the learning objectives
and needs of the students.
Lectures, workshops, seminars,
lab sessions are adapted to
facilitate the most effective
learning experience.
My teaching pedagogies evolve
in response to new research,
and provide high quality
learning experiences for
Associate Fellow of the Higher
Education Academy (HEA)
Professional development and
training is a marker of a
conscientous educator.
I am passionate about personal
development, which includes
staying up to date with
pedagogical developments and
debates within the field of higher
Supported Learning Practice
(SLP) course completed in
January 2017.
Due to be awarded in July 2017.
- research-led  where students
are taught research findings in
their field of study;
- research-oriented  where
students learn research
processes and methodologies;
- research-tutored  where
students learn through critique
and discussion between
themselves and staff; and
- research-based learning 
where students learn as
Digital Research Skills for
Historians (HIST 492)
Created and convened the
module in the academic year
Introduced students to
spreadsheets, and quantitative
data for use within historical
Spatial Technologies for
Historical Analysis (HIST 429)
Co-convened and co-taught the
module with Dr Leif Isaksen and
Alexander Reinhold in the
academic year 2016-2017.
Topics include; Spreadsheets,
relational databases, GIS, and
linked open data.
Using Digital Texts as
Historical Sources (HIST 426)
Co-taught the module with Ian
Gregory, Professor of Digital
Humanities in the academic
year 2016-2017.
Topics include; HTML, XML,
texts and databases, writing for
the web, and corpus linguistics.
Experience &
HIST 100: From Medieval to Modern:
History and Historians
An introduction to history as a discipline,
with a broad chronological and thematic
Underlying the course is a dedicated skills
syllabus, which advances students
understanding of what it means to be a
historian. The course also introduces
students to the different approaches to
historical research that exist.
I assisted with the teaching of the
Lancaster University European Research
Council Summer School in GIS for the
Digital Humanities, 2015, 2016, and
again in 2017.
The Medieval World, c. 750 to c. 1450
1. Self and Society in the Age of Charlemagne
2. Kingship, Government and Society
3. Religion and Society in the Middle Ages
4. The Significance of the Vikings
5. War and Peace in Stateless France
Early Modern Europe, c. 1450 to 1789
6. Life, Sex and Death in Early Modern Europe
7. Religious Turmoil and State Formation
8. Changing Ideas: Re-Arranging the Universe
9. The Enlightenment
10. Overseas Expansion: from Columbus to Cook
The Modern West, 1789 to the Present
11. What is Modern about Modern History?
12. Modern Work
13. The Modern City: Life, Governance, Identity
14. The Violent Twentieth Century
15. The End of Modern History?
We were
encouraged to
challenge each
statements and
ideas to support
our own.
James got everyone
involved. Splitting us
into smaller groups
made it less intimidating
to talk. There was a laid
back atmosphere, with
very good teaching.
Group work and
discussion helps
with understanding
what we learnt in
the lecture.
James seminars
are always very
interesting, well
planned, and
stimulate interest in
Very informative
seminars, great at
grabbing attention
and making it
HIST 100 Student
Feedback (2016-2017)
talk to anyone working in the
profession and they will be
quick to point to a host of other
roles and functions that are far
less well known or understood
outside the academy but are
nonetheless integral to
academic life., Times Higher
Education, 2015 25
refers to the duties,
responsibilities or virtues
of academic facultyit is
important not to lose
sight of their obligations
in relation to the
communities they serve.
Bruce Macfarlane
The Athena SWAN Charter was
established in 2005 to encourage and
recognise commitment to advancing
the careers of women in science,
technology, engineering, maths and
medicine (STEMM) employment in
higher education and research.
Invited to sit on the history department
board at Lancaster University.
In 2015, it was expanded to include
those involved in the arts, humanities,
social sciences, and other disciplines.
The charter now recognises work
undertaken to address gender
equality more broadly, and not just
barriers to progression that affect
More information available here.
Objective: To provide LDS
scholars with the opportunity to
connect and collaborate, and to
create a space for the
discussion of Mormonism within
an academic environment.
Established in early 2017 to
serve LDS members in
academia who are either based
in Europe or with research
interests connected to Europe.
Applications developed for
network funding through the
AHRC, and other research
Semi-annual symposiums,
sponsored presentations, blog
posts, and a digital network.
Scholars come from around
Europe, and are represented in
a number of prestigious
institutions, including, Lancaster
University, Oxford University,
Cambridge University, London
School of Economics, Universit辿
de Franche-Comt辿, and others.
B.E.A.M.S was designed to
enable experienced academics
to support LDS scholars.
I am also a member of the
European Association for
Digital Humanities
A university must not only
choose the intellectually
best candidate but one
who will do his duty to the
university and the
academic world as a loyal
and responsible academic
citizen Edward Shils
Key Guiding
Principles of
According to James
The mixing of the ideas, customs, etc. of
different places or groups of people, to
produce a better result.
Working with various departments,
individuals, both internally and externally
is crucial for the development of innovative
Balancing the Digital and Humanities
DH requires clear goals and visions. Digital
tools might be developed and utilised, but
they need to be answering carefully
composed questions. The strengths of the
digital and the humanities need to be
blended and simultaneously utilised.
Does this project need these digital tools?
What is question being asked?
Thank you for your time!
Feel free to contact me:

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Faculty Presentation

  • 1. James Perry Research & Teaching Portfolio Raising the vision of humanities scholars through digital research and publication. Follow along at: www.jamesperry.uk/byu/
  • 2. Overview 1. Background 2. Research a. Migration into Britain, 1851-1911 b. British Saints in the Great War c. Others 3. Teaching a. Research Informed Teaching (RIT) b. Postgraduate Digital Humanities c. Undergraduate Courses & Summer Schools 4. Academic Citizenship 2 What use could the humanities be in a digital age? University students focusing on the humanities may end up, at least in their parents' nightmares, as dog-walkers for those majoring in computer science. But, for me, the humanities are not only relevant but also give us a toolbox to think seriously about ourselves and the world. Nicholas Kristof, NY Times, 13 August 2014
  • 3. Hello! Nice to meet you 3 About me; I am a historian that specialises in utilising digital humanities within my research. I joined the Church in 2006, in Somerset, England. Between 2008 and 2010, I served a full-time mission in the England Manchester Mission. My wife, Debs, and I were married in 2011, we have one daughter, Leah (2), and we are expecting another baby girl in May 2017. I completed my BA History (Hons) at Lancaster University, and graduated with First Class honours, from which I received a financial award for my MA and PhD, also at Lancaster. My MA History thesis was on the subject of religious nonconformity, for which I was awarded the M.F. Howson Prize. My MA was completed in 2014 with distinction. Currently, I am finishing my doctoral thesis. Feel free to contact me: www.jamesperry.uk james.perry@Lancaster.ac.uk @JamesAGPerry
  • 4. 4
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  • 6. DIGITAL FLUENCY The ability to understand, make judgements about, select and use appropriate technologies and technological systems for different purposes. 6
  • 7. The Digital Humanities Schema or the dh meta-discussion The Makers Coders/programmers, techies. Might come from non-traditional humanities backgrounds. They create the tools used by digital humanists, which they also might identify as. This can include self- taught scholars. The Convert Received traditional training, made the transition to using digital tools at some point. Utilises both approaches in their research. Understands the opportunities and limitations of DH and makes judicious decisions accordingly. The Born in the Faith Formal training in digital & traditional humanities. Small but growing group that are emerging from the proliferation of DH centres. Come prepared with critical understanding of the field and skills necessary for projects. 7 1. A knowledge site 2. A digital edition of a text or texts 3. A database 4. A semi-linear, customizable narrative that includes text, images, audio, and/or video 5. A large-scale text analysis or topic modeling project 6. A geographic mapping site 7. A digital 3D model 8. An online event 9. A crowdsourcing project Paige Morgan, What Digital Humanists Do, Demystifying Digital Humanities, 2 September 2013, available at: http://www.dmdh.org/2013/09/what-digital-humanists-do/, [accessed: 3 April 2017]. What is digital humanities? How do digital humanities differ from traditional humanities? What additional value is provided? What is the future for DH? Issues; usability, accessibility, critical reflection, fair citation, inclusivity, Divergent channels of communication and networking, reflect its interest in the digital; GitHub, Twitter, open- access digital journals, listservs, and others. The Traditional Scholar Traditionally trained scholars, might utilise digital resources, search engines, and so on. May have interest, but feel uncertain how DH would relate to their work. Some might view be critical of the growth, interest in, claims of, and perceived self-interest of DH. E.g. Brian Lennon
  • 10. Research is formalized curiosity. It is poking and prying with a purpose Zora Neale Hurston, Dust Tracks on a Road (Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott, 1942), 143. 10
  • 11. British Saints in the Great War May-July 2016 Context: No memorials or remembrance events for British LDS soldiers who died during the war, or any idea who they were. Questions: How many people were involved in the war? How many died? In what ways did members respond to the increased demands placed upon them? Source: Millennial Star, weekly publication for the duration of the war, Church History Library archive, and others. Methodology: Antconc to identify and extract death notices from OCRd copies of the Star. Matched individuals to the 1911 Census, and the Commonwealth War Graves commission database. Used QGIS to map deaths, branches, members, and conferences. Findings: 63 British LDS members died during active service, hundreds of Sisters were called as missionaries, and much more. Outputs: Boundary shapefiles of the British Conferences, LDS branches shapefile, social media posts (British Latter-day Saint History), article forthcoming in the Journal of Mormon History, presentations to LDS and non-LDS audiences, including academics at Oxford University. 11
  • 12. British Saints in the Great War May-July 2016 Using GNU Wget, I used a simple command to mass download all of the Millennial Star issues in .txt and pdf format, which are available on archive.org (1901-1969). Imported the documents into ArcGIS, which allowed keyword and phrase searching, but also a whole suite of corpus linguistics tools. Required the blending of humanistic close reading and analysis, with the digital and semi- automated processes of acquiring and processing the data. A batch geocoder was used to pair the locations identified within the text with coordinates. QGIS was used to then plot deaths, branches, boundaries, and other data onto a georeferenced basemap. Different forms of analysis could then be carried out. 12 8% 4% 4% 5% 7% 8% 2% 7% 10% 19% 7% 5% 13% 0% 2% 4% 6% 8% 10% 12% 14% 16% 18% 20% % of LDS Casualties per total local Priesthood of each Conference, 1918 J. E. Simister (left) with son George Simister (right) Private Archie Brammer
  • 13. Becoming British April 2016-Current Utilises batch geocoding Has been used in teaching GIS Raises questions of integration where did migrant communities seek to integrate? How did different nationalities differ? 13
  • 14. Migration, Segregation, and Integration, 1851-1911 October 2014-Current 14 Case Studies: Whitechapel, London & Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Northumberland. Approach: Data led project What can we learn from the I-CeM data about migrant communities? Key Findings: Migrants were rarely segregated within households, only 15% lived in exclusively migrant composed households. Migrants remained predominantly male, except for the French, who were largely composed of females. Occupations, such as sugar refining, were heavily segregated, others were underrepresented. Used a series of logical statements to ascertain the number of second-generation migrants, in some places this was as high as 35% of the population. Migrant groups varied significantly in their attempts to integrate, some such as Germans, actively integrated, others such as Russians and Italians remained spatially and demographically segregated. To what extent were foreign-born migrants segregated from or integrated with the host society? 1. First critique of the largest dataset of British socio- economic data. 2. Utilised micro census data for individual household plotting. 3. Offered national level analysis of occupations via micro census data.
  • 15. The European Mormon Arts Purpose: To amass the forgotten Mormon art produced in Europe, by members and missionaries, since the restoration, in all its forms. Impact: Reinvigorate interest in the arts amongst Latter-day Saints, and to memorialise the contributions of previous generations of members. 15 Published Poetry, Stories, and Songs De Ster (Dutch) 1896-1967 Der Stern (German) 1869-1967 Millennial Star (United Kingdom) 1840-1970 Skandinaviens Stjerne (Scandinavia) 1851- 1967 Music and Song Reimagining long forgotten pieces, this might include working with the School of Music. Breathing life into the works produced by early Latter-day saints, revealing their thoughts, desires, and beliefs in alternative forms. c Exploring the wealth of personal materials that exist within collections and holdings of the Church.
  • 16. British LDS Births, Baptisms, Marriages, and Deaths Hidden Data, Hidden Stories October 2016-Current Data Collection Processing Data Linkage Analysis 16 Our history begins before we are born. We represent the hereditary influences of our race, and our ancestors virtually live in us. James Nasmyth, 1883
  • 17. German Migrants and Criminality in London, 1887-1895 in collaboration with Ruth Byrne, Lancaster University Identifying Crimes and Criminality Utilised CQPWeb to conduct a twenty- word proximity search of German or Germans within the Reynolds Daily Newspaper, with the following terms; [arrest, arrests, arrested, crime, crimes, criminal, imprison, imprisons, imprisonment, imprisoned, custody, court, courtroom, prisoner, prisoners, convict, convicts, convicted, jury, judge, coroner, magistrate, police, trial, prosecutor, defendant] Total Germans: 29,032 -Males: 16,129 (55.6%) -Females: 10,598 (36.5%) -Unknown: 2,305 (7.9%) 17 Exploring the German community within the context of crime; 1. Were they victims, perpetrators, or witnesses? 2. What types of crime were they connected to? 3. How did the occupations of German criminals relate to the broader community? 4. Where were crimes committed?
  • 18. US Influences in the European Church December 2016- Current How do we reduce anxieties amongst prospective and less- active members who think that we are an American Church? What cultural norms and practices of the Church can be changed within Europe to better reflect indigeneity? 18 Finding faith affirming ways to redress cultural frustrations that have emerged since the correlation program of the 1960s/70s. Collaborative project formed in December 2016 from a BYU sponsored seminar at the London Centre. Scholars from UK, Norway, and Italy. Additional support from; Professor James Faulconer, BYU Wheatley Institute
  • 20. If you're teaching today what you were teaching five years ago, either the field is dead or you are. - Noam Chomsky 20
  • 21. Research Informed Teaching (RIT) Co-researchers/Collaborators Treating students as co- researchers supports student engagement within and beyond the formal curriculum, furthering knowledge and understanding. Utilising current research leads to the formation of valuable employability skills for students. Cutting edge research offers innovative and engaging subject material for classes, and can challenge students to face real- life research issues. Pedagogy I am actively developing tools and methodologies that move students from passive receivers, to active and engaged learners. My teaching styles rotate to reflect the learning objectives and needs of the students. Lectures, workshops, seminars, lab sessions are adapted to facilitate the most effective learning experience. My teaching pedagogies evolve in response to new research, and provide high quality learning experiences for students. Associate Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (HEA) Professional development and training is a marker of a conscientous educator. I am passionate about personal development, which includes staying up to date with pedagogical developments and debates within the field of higher education. Supported Learning Practice (SLP) course completed in January 2017. Due to be awarded in July 2017. 21 - research-led where students are taught research findings in their field of study; - research-oriented where students learn research processes and methodologies; - research-tutored where students learn through critique and discussion between themselves and staff; and - research-based learning where students learn as researchers.
  • 22. Digital Humanities Teaching Experience Digital Research Skills for Historians (HIST 492) Created and convened the module in the academic year 2015-2016. Introduced students to spreadsheets, and quantitative data for use within historical research. Spatial Technologies for Historical Analysis (HIST 429) Co-convened and co-taught the module with Dr Leif Isaksen and Alexander Reinhold in the academic year 2016-2017. Topics include; Spreadsheets, relational databases, GIS, and linked open data. Using Digital Texts as Historical Sources (HIST 426) Co-taught the module with Ian Gregory, Professor of Digital Humanities in the academic year 2016-2017. Topics include; HTML, XML, texts and databases, writing for the web, and corpus linguistics. 22
  • 23. Undergraduate Teaching Experience & Summer Schools HIST 100: From Medieval to Modern: History and Historians An introduction to history as a discipline, with a broad chronological and thematic survey. Underlying the course is a dedicated skills syllabus, which advances students understanding of what it means to be a historian. The course also introduces students to the different approaches to historical research that exist. I assisted with the teaching of the Lancaster University European Research Council Summer School in GIS for the Digital Humanities, 2015, 2016, and again in 2017. 23 The Medieval World, c. 750 to c. 1450 1. Self and Society in the Age of Charlemagne 2. Kingship, Government and Society 3. Religion and Society in the Middle Ages 4. The Significance of the Vikings 5. War and Peace in Stateless France Early Modern Europe, c. 1450 to 1789 6. Life, Sex and Death in Early Modern Europe 7. Religious Turmoil and State Formation 8. Changing Ideas: Re-Arranging the Universe 9. The Enlightenment 10. Overseas Expansion: from Columbus to Cook The Modern West, 1789 to the Present 11. What is Modern about Modern History? 12. Modern Work 13. The Modern City: Life, Governance, Identity 14. The Violent Twentieth Century 15. The End of Modern History?
  • 24. 24 We were encouraged to challenge each others statements and ideas to support our own. James got everyone involved. Splitting us into smaller groups made it less intimidating to talk. There was a laid back atmosphere, with very good teaching. Group work and discussion helps with understanding what we learnt in the lecture. James seminars are always very interesting, well planned, and stimulate interest in history. Very informative seminars, great at grabbing attention and making it interesting. HIST 100 Student Feedback (2016-2017)
  • 25. 3. Academic Citizenship talk to anyone working in the profession and they will be quick to point to a host of other roles and functions that are far less well known or understood outside the academy but are nonetheless integral to academic life., Times Higher Education, 2015 25 Students Colleagues InstitutionDiscipline Public
  • 26. Academic Citizenship refers to the duties, responsibilities or virtues of academic facultyit is important not to lose sight of their obligations in relation to the communities they serve. Bruce Macfarlane The Athena SWAN Charter was established in 2005 to encourage and recognise commitment to advancing the careers of women in science, technology, engineering, maths and medicine (STEMM) employment in higher education and research. Invited to sit on the history department board at Lancaster University. In 2015, it was expanded to include those involved in the arts, humanities, social sciences, and other disciplines. The charter now recognises work undertaken to address gender equality more broadly, and not just barriers to progression that affect women. More information available here. Objective: To provide LDS scholars with the opportunity to connect and collaborate, and to create a space for the discussion of Mormonism within an academic environment. Established in early 2017 to serve LDS members in academia who are either based in Europe or with research interests connected to Europe. Applications developed for network funding through the AHRC, and other research councils. Semi-annual symposiums, sponsored presentations, blog posts, and a digital network. Scholars come from around Europe, and are represented in a number of prestigious institutions, including, Lancaster University, Oxford University, Cambridge University, London School of Economics, Universit辿 de Franche-Comt辿, and others. B.E.A.M.S was designed to enable experienced academics to support LDS scholars. www.beamscholar.org I am also a member of the European Association for Digital Humanities (EADH) 26 A university must not only choose the intellectually best candidate but one who will do his duty to the university and the academic world as a loyal and responsible academic citizen Edward Shils
  • 27. Key Guiding Principles of Digital Humanities According to James Cross-fertilization The mixing of the ideas, customs, etc. of different places or groups of people, to produce a better result. Working with various departments, individuals, both internally and externally is crucial for the development of innovative projects. Balancing the Digital and Humanities DH requires clear goals and visions. Digital tools might be developed and utilised, but they need to be answering carefully composed questions. The strengths of the digital and the humanities need to be blended and simultaneously utilised. Does this project need these digital tools? What is question being asked? 27
  • 28. Thank you for your time! 28 Feel free to contact me: www.jamesperry.uk james.perry@lancaster.ac.uk @JamesAGPerry Questions?

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Eduroam is here, all hail Eduroam. http://news.byu.edu/news/eduroam-wireless-network-comes-brigham-young-university
  • #20: Scene from vase, showing a teacher with an open three-part tablet holding a stylus. A young pupil stands in front of him. https://aristotleguide.wordpress.com/2016/02/08/ancient-greek-laptop-explained/ancient-greek-teacher-tablet-stylus/