This document discusses Fair Trade, which seeks to create a more equitable global economy. Fair Trade aims to alleviate poverty by supporting marginalized producers and workers through sustainable trade partnerships with organizations that certify and trade Fair Trade products, which customers then choose to buy. It promotes dialogue, transparency, and respect between all actors involved in international trade.
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Fair Trade
2. It's all about creating a better
As simple as that.
A world where economy works
for most people, not against.
3. ? Fair Trade looks
for poverty
alleviation and works
through three main
actors: producers
located on impoverished
countries (globally
called "South"),
organizations that trade,
support and usually
certify the products
and... we
customers who
recognize those
? Fair Trade is a trading
partnership, based on
dialogue, transparency
and respect, that seeks
greater equity in
international trade. It
contributes to sustainable
development by offering
better trading conditions
to, and securing the rights
of, marginalized
producers and workers