Fairtrade aims to provide better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in developing countries through certification of over 3,000 food and clothing products. The Fairtrade system guarantees fair pay for farmers and workers in the third world and contributes to making the world a fairer place by ensuring those who produce goods can earn enough to live on and improve their lives. Consumers can support Fairtrade by looking for the FAIRTRADE sign when shopping.
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Fairtrade powerpoint
1. Fairtrade is about better prices, decent
working conditions, local sustainability, and
fair terms of trade for farmers and workers
in the developing world
3. Products they sell
Look for the FAIRTRADE sign when you shop!
Over 3,000 products from coffees to flowers are Fairtrade
4. It'sonly fair that the people who produce
what we eat, wear and use should get paid
enough to live on and a chance to improve
their lives
Contributes to making the world a fairer place
You are part of something thats happening
all over the country and around the world
Guarantees a fairer pay for farmers and
workers in the third world
5. A Fair Story
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