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Graduates Meet in Silver Spring
                                                                                                                                      THE N EWLETTER OF SECOND G ENESIS  40 TH A NNIVERSARY A LUMNI E DI TI ON 2 0 0 9
And Launch Alumni Council                                                        Jack Klimp, CEO & President
                                                                                 J. Michael McGuinness, Executive Director
                                                                                 Bryan Dierkes, Chief Financial Officer
                                                                                 Mary Bracken, M.D., Director of Medical
                                                                                                                                         SG Welcomes Jack Klimp
                                                                                 Lucy Lowenthal, Director of Development
                                                                                 Michelle Larkins, Director of Human
                                                                                 Katie Garriott, Director of Nutrition Services
                                                                                 Raymond Brown, Senior Program Director,
                                                                                                                                         As New President and CEO
                                                                                                                                  If a perfect background existed for leadership at         drilling into what we do, how we do it, how well
                                                                                    Anne Arundel Facility                         Second Genesis, it would be Jack Klimps. He served       we do it, and what we can do well in the future.
                                                                                 Lynn Burke, Program Director
                                                                                 Wilhelm Bonnette, Program Director,              in the Marine Corps for 33 Years, achieving the rank
                                                                                                                                                                                            I look forward to meeting all the members and
                                                                                    Minnesota Ave. Outpatient Facility            of Lieutenant General, finalizing his tour as Deputy
                                                                                                                                                                                            friends of the Second Genesis family. If you have
                                                                                 Kestrl Leffyear, Program Director,               Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs here
                                                                                                                                                                                            ideas you would like to share with me please call
Second Genesis alumni and staff at first Alumni Council meeting.                    Harvard St. Residential Facility              in DC. Following that he was Sr. VP and Director of
                                                                                 Titus Tucker, Program Director, Women and                                                                  me at 301-563-1545 or email me at
                                                                                                                                  the New York region of Phoenix House, managing
It saved my life                    events. All who attended                      Childrens Mellwood Residential Facility                                                                jack.klimp@secondgenesis.org.
                                                                                                                                  drug rehabilitation programs for adults and
I didnt come here with a            the lunch were excited                                                                                                                                                              Warm regards,
                                                                                 Board of Directors                               adolescents. He returned to Washington as President
plan to change but I realized         about getting more involved                                                                                                                                                         Jack
                                                                                 Jane Abraham                                     of the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association in
I had to.                            in the activities of the                   Zion Avissar                                     2005 and three years later led a dynamic merger with
                                      organization. Committee                    Robert E. Carlstrom, Jr., Chairperson            the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration
On July 16th, alumni and
                                      meetings will rotate among                 John Carnevale, Ph.D.                            Institute.
staff met in the Silver Spring
                                      the facilities.The next one                Nancy Dudley
headquarters office to                                                           Patricia A. Farrell, Secretary
                                      will be held in early Fall. To                                                              Dear Second Genesis Friends:
create an Alumni Council.                                                        Michael Jacobs
                                      join our email list to stay up                                                              I am honored to have been asked to lead Second
The Councils goal will be to                                                    Roscoe Little, Treasurer
                                      to date, please call Lucy                                                                   Genesis and am excited by the opportunity to build
deploy valuable graduate                                                         Alan Meltzer
                                      Lowenthal (310) 563-1545                   Robert Naddelman                                 upon the reputation so well deserved by Dr. Sidney
experience to support
                                      x-320 or e-mail development                Richard Robbins                                  Shankman, who had the vision to create and then
programs and activities at
                                      @secondgenesis.org.                        Peregrine Roberts, Vice-Chairperson              lead Second Genisis for forty years.
Second Genesis. Proposed                                                         Edward A. Romanoff
activities include bringing                                                      Dan Rosenthal                                    Our first initiative will be to create a strategic plan
NA/AA meetings to facilities,                                                    John Troha                                       to create and guide the many and varied
sharing business expertise,                                                      Nicole Watson
                                                                                                                                  programs needed in the community. To this end,
mentoring clients, and                                                           Sidney Shankman, M.D., Founder                   we conducted an off-site workshop in June,
representing Second                                                                                                               involving key staff, program directors, and
Genesis at community                                                                                                              members of our board. We created a draft that
                                                                                                                                  captured our core values, vision, mission, and five
                                                                                                                                  strategic objectives. When finalized by the staff and
                                                                                                                                  approved by the board of directors, it will be the
                            Second Genesis, Inc.                                                                                  map we follow.                                            Jack Klimp, New Second Genesis President, and CEO, right, hosts Afghan
                8611 Second Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910                         Come visit our online community                                                                         General/Minister H.E. Khodaidad, Ministry of Counter Narcotics, during
                   Tel: 301 563 1545 Fax: 301 563-1546                                                                            This strategic planning process is already paying         a recent visit to Second Genesis.
                     Therapeutic Community Locations:                                                                             dividends by strengthening relationships and
       Upper Marlboro, Maryland (Women and Children) 301 568 4822
       Crownsville, Maryland (Traditional, Co-Occurring) 410 923 0401
                                                                                  and for more news  see our new video
                Washington, D.C. (Traditional) 202 222 0120
        Outpatient 202 388 3525 Admissions 301 563 1545 ext 153                   on graduation,Afghan visitors, archival
                                                                                  photos and other information on
                                                                                                                                   Whats Inside
 Second Genesis is a 501 (c) 3 organization. Contributions are tax-deductible.                                                       1969-2009:A Visual History
                   Federal Tax Identification #54-0890868
        Second Genesis, Inc. does not discriminate based on gender,               Bianca Poll, Newsletter and Website Editor         Dr. Shankman Retires
                       age, race, or sexual orientation.

                                                                                                                                     Director in the Spotlight:Wilhelm Bonnette
                                                                                                                                     Alumni Group Moves Online
Renowned Founder,                                                          Second Genesis Celebrates Four Decades
CEO Sid Shankman                                                           Of Saving Lives, Families, Communities
Retires After 40 Years                                                     2009 First behind the walls prison
                                                                           program starts at a womens prison in
                                                                                                                                               1997 Adult
                                                                                                                                               outpatient opens in
Of all the awards, honors and accolades I have been fortunate to           Jessup, MD.                                                         Washington DC.
receive on behalf of Second Genesis, the one bestowed upon me 
President Emeritus and Founder of Second Genesis  is the one I
                                                                           2008 Intensive-outpatient treatment for
                                                                           adults starts in Northeast Washington.
                                                                                                                                              1994 In honor of
                                                                                                                                              the 25th
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        M ee t th e Di rec tors
most deeply cherish! A day has not passed without realizing the joy
                                                                           2007 Second Genesis reinitiates Project
                                                                                                                                              anniversary, the                                                                Wil l Bo nnet te
that emanates from helping someone restructure his/her life                                                                                   state of Maryland,                                                          Director of DC Programs
                                                                           New Communities in the most needed
previously shattered by drugs or alcohol.                                                                                                     Washington DC,
                                                                           areas of DC for the third consecutive year.                                                                                                As one of the most at-risk
                                                                                                                                              Virginia Fairfax
Over the years, I have had an opportunity to work with wonderful                                 2006 For the                                 County (VA),                                                            neighborhoods in the country, we
colleagues who taught me so much. Dr. Alan Rochlin, who retired as                               second time, Second     Arlington County (VA), Montgomery,                                                           want to do more than just provide
                                                                                                 Genesis received the    Prince Georges, Anne Arundel County            proceeds from annual Hexagon Club event.
Deputy Executive Director in 1997 after 25 years, was the                                                                                                                                                            treatment  we want to be on the
                                                                                                 highest accreditation   (MD), and Alexandria (VA) all proclaimed       1977 Second Genesiss first D.C. location
consummate professional. Another outstanding individual was Ed                                                          1994 the Year of Second Genesis. Dr.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      cutting edge of community based
                                                                                                 from CARF.  The                                                       opens at 1318 Harvard Street.
Flowers  the best professor I ever had (my Ivy League education                               Justice and Healing     Sidney Shankman won the John Benjamin                                                        interventions.
not withstanding), who taught me how to understand addiction and                                 Project for Sexual      Nichols Award from The Medical Society of      1976 First Lady Betty Ford congratulates
                                                                                                                                                                        Second Genesis for providing hope to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Will Bonnette grew up in a time of
guided me in my interactions with those who had succumbed to it.                                 Addiction opens in      DC.  Second Genesis was awarded a five-
                                                                                                 Montgomery              year grant to provide treatment for women      those whose lifestyles have become self-      social unrest not far from Second
I reflect upon my times with Ed hunched over a Bunsen burner                                     County.  The Prison    and their dependent children (up to 10         destructive. The annual Hexagon Club         Genesis Harvard Street facility. He
trying to make our first meal with the clients, to galas attended by                             Assessment Program      years old) in the                                              event proceeds are also       remembers his family opening their
                                                                                                 opens to identify       state of Maryland.                                             donated.                      home to civil rights activists in 1963
influential Washingtonians applauding a graduates incredible
                                                                                                 inmates who need                                                                     1975 The Rockville, MD          when Martin Luther King delivered
transformation. Every experience was an investment in learning.                                                          1992 Maxwell
                                                                                                 addiction treatment.                                                                 Avery Road center opens.
                                                                                                                         House Coffee                                                                                 his historic I have a dream speech.
Last week, we hosted an alumni group week at the Silver Spring                                 2004 DUI/DWI and          honors Dr.                                                   1973 A third residential        He recalls struggling with his
office. That incredible experience wasnt necessarily measured by          Anger Management classes join the             Shankman as one of                                           therapeutic community
the number in attendance, --- in comparison to the thousands who           outpatient program.                           100 Real American                                           opens at 1001 King Street in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      identity  and ultimately with drugs.
have graduated and lead successful and healthy lives, but rather by                                                      Heroes on its                                               Alexandria, Virginia.           I was high throughout my college
                                                                           2002 Hyattsville, MD is introduced to         100th Anniversary.
the fact that there were so many graduates currently on the staff in       outpatient treatment at Second Genesiss                                                                                                   years. While he worked at CBS
                                                                                                                          Second Genesis                                             1972 Second Genesis opens
attendance.These dedicated professionals, directors and counselors         new program.  Martin OMalley, Baltimore     begins a federal                                             up Crain Highway in Upper       Records promoting Michael Jackson,
and others, are the real deal  the true spirit of Second Genesis.       City Mayor, leads the ribbon-cutting          research project on                                          Marlboro, MD.                   Teddy Pendergrass, and the Isley
                                                                           ceremony at the grand opening of the          drug treatment strategies at St. Elizabeths                                                 Brothers, achieving a certain amount
As I retire, I encourage all alumni to think about reconnecting and        Women & Children program in Baltimore.                                                      1971 Second Genesis separates from the
                                                                                                                         Hospital Campus.                                                                             of fame, he was completely
getting involved. There are jobs (e.g., bringing a meeting, organizing     Teen outreach begins at high schools in                                                      Alexandria Community Mental Health
                                                                           Montgomery County as clients are brought      1991 Second Genesis employee, Nellie           Center to become Second Genesis, Inc., a      miserable. In the end, I lost my
a church group to help our women and children build a garden, or
                                                                           in to lecture on addiction.                   Henken, was named as a James Cash              private, nonprofit organization.              house, my job, my car, my money,
just coming to share your life story), that are invaluable to those                                                      Penney Award Finalist for her
                                                                           2000 Linda Cropp, Chairman of the DC                                                                                                       my health  and almost my mind.
clients starting on their recovery who could benefit from yours.                                                          extraordinary work.                           1970 The first Second Genesis residential
                                                                           Council, honored                                                                             community begins in Alexandria, Virginia at   Fortunately, Will completed 27
Moving forward, Second Genesis has hired a strong, caring person to        Second Genesis for a                          1990 Barbara Bush leads the opening            1013 King Street.
                                                                                                                         ceremony of the Crownsville program
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      months at Second Genesis. The late
lead the organization as President and CEO. Jack Klimp has had not         79% completion rate
                                                                           in its program.                               while William Donald Schaefer, Governor                                                      Ed Flowers at Harvard Street taught
only a senior position at Phoenix House, a large nonprofit                                                                                                              1969 Second Genesis is founded as the
                                                                                                                         of Maryland, declares June 5, Second          drug abuse treatment center of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Will how to live and what it meant
therapeutic community in New York but also had a successful career         1998 Adolescent                               Genesis Day.
                                                                           programs begin in                                                                            Alexandria Community Mental Health            to take personal responsibility.
mentoring staff as a Lieutenant General in the U.S. Marine Corps.
                                                                           Silver Spring, MD.                           1989 Senator Edward Kennedy (D. Mass)          Center.                                       I loved him for that.
Second Genesis is, was and always shall be the most personally             The Montgomery                                praises Dr. Shankman for eloquent
                                                                                                                         testimony and comments before the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Today, Will is responsible for the
gratifying and professionally satisfying entity I have ever or will ever   County Chamber
                                                                           Workforce                                     Senate Committee which helped build                                                          oversight of Project New
know. My dedication to, and the continued support of, this glorious
                                                                           Corporation awards                            support we need to provide the American                                                      Communities, Access to Recovery
entity shall not end as long as my life endures.                                                                         people the treatment opportunities they
                                                                           Second Genesis, Inc.                                                                                                                       Services, Outpatient, and Intensive
You too will find that your continued support of Second Genesis            with the Workforce                            need and deserve.                                                                           Outpatient Services programs. I am
provides gratitude more easily expressed than defined. Thank you           Development Leadership Award. Mentally
                                                                                                                         1987 President Reagan appoints Dr.                                                           really excited about Minnesota
                                                                           ill clients with substance issues receive
for sharing the journey with me.                                                                                         Shankman as a member of the White House                                                      Avenue as well as Harvard Street.
                                                                           their own annex at the Crownsville, MD
                                                                                                                         Conference for a Drug-Free America.
                                    Sidney Shankman, M.D.                  program.                                                                                                                                   After all, Second Genesis is where
                                                                                                                         1980 First Lady Rosalynn Carter donates
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I grew up.

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Fall 2009 Newsletter

  • 1. Graduates Meet in Silver Spring INFOCUS THE N EWLETTER OF SECOND G ENESIS 40 TH A NNIVERSARY A LUMNI E DI TI ON 2 0 0 9 And Launch Alumni Council Jack Klimp, CEO & President J. Michael McGuinness, Executive Director Bryan Dierkes, Chief Financial Officer Mary Bracken, M.D., Director of Medical Services SG Welcomes Jack Klimp Lucy Lowenthal, Director of Development Michelle Larkins, Director of Human Resources Katie Garriott, Director of Nutrition Services Raymond Brown, Senior Program Director, As New President and CEO If a perfect background existed for leadership at drilling into what we do, how we do it, how well Anne Arundel Facility Second Genesis, it would be Jack Klimps. He served we do it, and what we can do well in the future. Lynn Burke, Program Director Wilhelm Bonnette, Program Director, in the Marine Corps for 33 Years, achieving the rank I look forward to meeting all the members and Minnesota Ave. Outpatient Facility of Lieutenant General, finalizing his tour as Deputy friends of the Second Genesis family. If you have Kestrl Leffyear, Program Director, Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs here ideas you would like to share with me please call Second Genesis alumni and staff at first Alumni Council meeting. Harvard St. Residential Facility in DC. Following that he was Sr. VP and Director of Titus Tucker, Program Director, Women and me at 301-563-1545 or email me at the New York region of Phoenix House, managing It saved my life events. All who attended Childrens Mellwood Residential Facility jack.klimp@secondgenesis.org. drug rehabilitation programs for adults and I didnt come here with a the lunch were excited Warm regards, Board of Directors adolescents. He returned to Washington as President plan to change but I realized about getting more involved Jack Jane Abraham of the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association in I had to. in the activities of the Zion Avissar 2005 and three years later led a dynamic merger with organization. Committee Robert E. Carlstrom, Jr., Chairperson the Air-Conditioning, Heating, and Refrigeration On July 16th, alumni and meetings will rotate among John Carnevale, Ph.D. Institute. staff met in the Silver Spring the facilities.The next one Nancy Dudley headquarters office to Patricia A. Farrell, Secretary will be held in early Fall. To Dear Second Genesis Friends: create an Alumni Council. Michael Jacobs join our email list to stay up I am honored to have been asked to lead Second The Councils goal will be to Roscoe Little, Treasurer to date, please call Lucy Genesis and am excited by the opportunity to build deploy valuable graduate Alan Meltzer Lowenthal (310) 563-1545 Robert Naddelman upon the reputation so well deserved by Dr. Sidney experience to support x-320 or e-mail development Richard Robbins Shankman, who had the vision to create and then programs and activities at @secondgenesis.org. Peregrine Roberts, Vice-Chairperson lead Second Genisis for forty years. Second Genesis. Proposed Edward A. Romanoff activities include bringing Dan Rosenthal Our first initiative will be to create a strategic plan NA/AA meetings to facilities, John Troha to create and guide the many and varied sharing business expertise, Nicole Watson programs needed in the community. To this end, mentoring clients, and Sidney Shankman, M.D., Founder we conducted an off-site workshop in June, representing Second involving key staff, program directors, and Genesis at community members of our board. We created a draft that captured our core values, vision, mission, and five strategic objectives. When finalized by the staff and approved by the board of directors, it will be the Second Genesis, Inc. map we follow. Jack Klimp, New Second Genesis President, and CEO, right, hosts Afghan 8611 Second Avenue Silver Spring, MD 20910 Come visit our online community General/Minister H.E. Khodaidad, Ministry of Counter Narcotics, during Tel: 301 563 1545 Fax: 301 563-1546 This strategic planning process is already paying a recent visit to Second Genesis. Therapeutic Community Locations: dividends by strengthening relationships and Upper Marlboro, Maryland (Women and Children) 301 568 4822 Crownsville, Maryland (Traditional, Co-Occurring) 410 923 0401 and for more news see our new video Washington, D.C. (Traditional) 202 222 0120 Outpatient 202 388 3525 Admissions 301 563 1545 ext 153 on graduation,Afghan visitors, archival photos and other information on Whats Inside Second Genesis is a 501 (c) 3 organization. Contributions are tax-deductible. 1969-2009:A Visual History Federal Tax Identification #54-0890868 Second Genesis, Inc. does not discriminate based on gender, Bianca Poll, Newsletter and Website Editor Dr. Shankman Retires age, race, or sexual orientation. www.SecondGenesis.org Director in the Spotlight:Wilhelm Bonnette Alumni Group Moves Online
  • 2. Renowned Founder, Second Genesis Celebrates Four Decades CEO Sid Shankman Of Saving Lives, Families, Communities Retires After 40 Years 2009 First behind the walls prison program starts at a womens prison in 1997 Adult outpatient opens in Of all the awards, honors and accolades I have been fortunate to Jessup, MD. Washington DC. receive on behalf of Second Genesis, the one bestowed upon me President Emeritus and Founder of Second Genesis is the one I 2008 Intensive-outpatient treatment for adults starts in Northeast Washington. 1994 In honor of the 25th M ee t th e Di rec tors most deeply cherish! A day has not passed without realizing the joy 2007 Second Genesis reinitiates Project anniversary, the Wil l Bo nnet te that emanates from helping someone restructure his/her life state of Maryland, Director of DC Programs New Communities in the most needed previously shattered by drugs or alcohol. Washington DC, areas of DC for the third consecutive year. As one of the most at-risk Virginia Fairfax Over the years, I have had an opportunity to work with wonderful 2006 For the County (VA), neighborhoods in the country, we colleagues who taught me so much. Dr. Alan Rochlin, who retired as second time, Second Arlington County (VA), Montgomery, want to do more than just provide Genesis received the Prince Georges, Anne Arundel County proceeds from annual Hexagon Club event. Deputy Executive Director in 1997 after 25 years, was the treatment we want to be on the highest accreditation (MD), and Alexandria (VA) all proclaimed 1977 Second Genesiss first D.C. location consummate professional. Another outstanding individual was Ed 1994 the Year of Second Genesis. Dr. cutting edge of community based from CARF. The opens at 1318 Harvard Street. Flowers the best professor I ever had (my Ivy League education Justice and Healing Sidney Shankman won the John Benjamin interventions. not withstanding), who taught me how to understand addiction and Project for Sexual Nichols Award from The Medical Society of 1976 First Lady Betty Ford congratulates Second Genesis for providing hope to Will Bonnette grew up in a time of guided me in my interactions with those who had succumbed to it. Addiction opens in DC. Second Genesis was awarded a five- Montgomery year grant to provide treatment for women those whose lifestyles have become self- social unrest not far from Second I reflect upon my times with Ed hunched over a Bunsen burner County. The Prison and their dependent children (up to 10 destructive. The annual Hexagon Club Genesis Harvard Street facility. He trying to make our first meal with the clients, to galas attended by Assessment Program years old) in the event proceeds are also remembers his family opening their opens to identify state of Maryland. donated. home to civil rights activists in 1963 influential Washingtonians applauding a graduates incredible inmates who need 1975 The Rockville, MD when Martin Luther King delivered transformation. Every experience was an investment in learning. 1992 Maxwell addiction treatment. Avery Road center opens. House Coffee his historic I have a dream speech. Last week, we hosted an alumni group week at the Silver Spring 2004 DUI/DWI and honors Dr. 1973 A third residential He recalls struggling with his office. That incredible experience wasnt necessarily measured by Anger Management classes join the Shankman as one of therapeutic community the number in attendance, --- in comparison to the thousands who outpatient program. 100 Real American opens at 1001 King Street in identity and ultimately with drugs. have graduated and lead successful and healthy lives, but rather by Heroes on its Alexandria, Virginia. I was high throughout my college 2002 Hyattsville, MD is introduced to 100th Anniversary. the fact that there were so many graduates currently on the staff in outpatient treatment at Second Genesiss years. While he worked at CBS Second Genesis 1972 Second Genesis opens attendance.These dedicated professionals, directors and counselors new program. Martin OMalley, Baltimore begins a federal up Crain Highway in Upper Records promoting Michael Jackson, and others, are the real deal the true spirit of Second Genesis. City Mayor, leads the ribbon-cutting research project on Marlboro, MD. Teddy Pendergrass, and the Isley ceremony at the grand opening of the drug treatment strategies at St. Elizabeths Brothers, achieving a certain amount As I retire, I encourage all alumni to think about reconnecting and Women & Children program in Baltimore. 1971 Second Genesis separates from the Hospital Campus. of fame, he was completely getting involved. There are jobs (e.g., bringing a meeting, organizing Teen outreach begins at high schools in Alexandria Community Mental Health Montgomery County as clients are brought 1991 Second Genesis employee, Nellie Center to become Second Genesis, Inc., a miserable. In the end, I lost my a church group to help our women and children build a garden, or in to lecture on addiction. Henken, was named as a James Cash private, nonprofit organization. house, my job, my car, my money, just coming to share your life story), that are invaluable to those Penney Award Finalist for her 2000 Linda Cropp, Chairman of the DC my health and almost my mind. clients starting on their recovery who could benefit from yours. extraordinary work. 1970 The first Second Genesis residential Council, honored community begins in Alexandria, Virginia at Fortunately, Will completed 27 Moving forward, Second Genesis has hired a strong, caring person to Second Genesis for a 1990 Barbara Bush leads the opening 1013 King Street. ceremony of the Crownsville program months at Second Genesis. The late lead the organization as President and CEO. Jack Klimp has had not 79% completion rate in its program. while William Donald Schaefer, Governor Ed Flowers at Harvard Street taught only a senior position at Phoenix House, a large nonprofit 1969 Second Genesis is founded as the of Maryland, declares June 5, Second drug abuse treatment center of the Will how to live and what it meant therapeutic community in New York but also had a successful career 1998 Adolescent Genesis Day. programs begin in Alexandria Community Mental Health to take personal responsibility. mentoring staff as a Lieutenant General in the U.S. Marine Corps. Silver Spring, MD. 1989 Senator Edward Kennedy (D. Mass) Center. I loved him for that. Second Genesis is, was and always shall be the most personally The Montgomery praises Dr. Shankman for eloquent testimony and comments before the Today, Will is responsible for the gratifying and professionally satisfying entity I have ever or will ever County Chamber Workforce Senate Committee which helped build oversight of Project New know. My dedication to, and the continued support of, this glorious Corporation awards support we need to provide the American Communities, Access to Recovery entity shall not end as long as my life endures. people the treatment opportunities they Second Genesis, Inc. Services, Outpatient, and Intensive You too will find that your continued support of Second Genesis with the Workforce need and deserve. Outpatient Services programs. I am provides gratitude more easily expressed than defined. Thank you Development Leadership Award. Mentally 1987 President Reagan appoints Dr. really excited about Minnesota ill clients with substance issues receive for sharing the journey with me. Shankman as a member of the White House Avenue as well as Harvard Street. their own annex at the Crownsville, MD Conference for a Drug-Free America. Sidney Shankman, M.D. program. After all, Second Genesis is where 1980 First Lady Rosalynn Carter donates I grew up.