This document appears to be a quiz on logical fallacies. It presents 17 scenarios or statements and asks the reader to identify the type of logical fallacy present in each one. The scenarios cover a range of topics but aim to showcase different fallacious reasoning patterns such as hasty generalizations, false analogies, appeals to authority, and equivocation.
2. 1) a teacher remarks,
"Ravi has done the
homework today"
B. Relevance
C. Insufficient evidence
A. AmbiguityA. Ambiguity
3. 2)I know three redheads
who have terrible
tempers, and since
Annabel has red hair,
I¡¯ll bet she has a
terrible temper too.
B. Relevance
C. Insufficient evidence
A. Ambiguity
C. Insufficient evidence
4. 3) Water fluoridation
affects the brain.
Citywide, student¡¯s
test scores began to
drop five months after
fluoridation began.
B. Relevance
C. Insufficient evidence
A. Ambiguity
C. Insufficient evidence
5. 4) Plagiarism is
deceitful because it is
B. Relevance
C. Insufficient evidence
A. Ambiguity B. Relevance
6. 5) Supreme Court Justice
Byron White was an All-
American football
player while in college,
so how can you say that
athletes are dumb?
B. Relevance
C. Insufficient evidence
A. Ambiguity
C. Insufficient evidence
7. 6) Why should we put
people on trial when
we know they are
B. Begging The Question
C. Insufficient evidence
A. Equivocation
B. Begging The Question
8. 7) You support capital
punishment just because
you want an ¡°eye for an
eye,¡± but I have several
good reasons to believe
that capital punishment is
fundamentally wrong¡
B. Begging The Question
C. Appeal to ignorance
A. Straw Person
A. Straw Person
9. 8) The meteorologist
predicted the wrong
amount of rain for
May. Obviously the
meteorologist is
B. Begging The Question
C. Amphiboly
A. Hasty Generalization
A. Hasty Generalization
10. 9) You know Jane Fonda¡¯s
exercise video¡¯s must be
worth the money. Look at
the great shape she¡¯s in.
B. Appeal of Pity
C. False cause
A. Division
C. False cause
11. 10) "Nature is governed
by laws. Laws are the
work of law makers.
So, laws of nature are
the work of some law
B. Accent
C. Composition
A. Equivocation
A. Equivocation
12. 11) The book Investing for Dummies
really helped me understand my
finances better. The book Chess
for Dummies was written by the
same author, was published by
the same press, and costs about
the same amount, so it would
probably help me understand my
finances as well.
False Analogy
13. 12) Look, you are going to
have to make up your
mind. Either you decide
that you can afford this
stereo, or you decide you
are going to do without
music for a while.
False Dichotomy
14. 13) I'm positive that my
work will meet your
requirements. I really
need the job since my
grandmother is sick.
Appeal to Pity
16. 15) I'm not a doctor, but I play one on
the hit series "Bimbos and
Studmuffins in the OR." You can
take it from me that when you
need a fast acting, effective and
safe pain killer there is nothing
better than MorphiDope 2000. That
is my considered medical opinion.
Appeal to Authority
17. 16) Ralph: Alfred, did you get the
teaching job at UST?
Alfred: I think so. I did not receive
any letter from that university
rejecting my applications. But I
decided not to pursue my
applications at UST because we will
be transferring to Laguna anyway.
Appeal to Ignorance
18. 17) Because every part of
his machine is light in
weight, the whole
machine is light in weight.