A presentation about fallas celebration. It focuss on the paper mache sculptures history and making process which are burn the night of the 18th of march in Valencia.
2. In themiddle 18th Century, Fallas wereonlyone more eventforthetypicalactivitiesprogram of Saint Josephsday, marchthe 19th, in Valencia.In themorning of marchthe18th somestreetswouldappearshowingstraw and ragdollsnexttothewalls. Theserepresentedsomebodyorsomethingthatcouldbecriticized.Kidscollectingwood and oldfurnishingtoburnit at night.Duringtheday (marchthe 18th) kidswouldcollectwood and oldfurnishing and pile thattoburnitwiththedolls at sunsetthenightbefore Saint Joseph. Magazine iIlustration . 1860
4. Buttherewas a complaintaboutthesedolls and piles of oldfurnishing and wood. As theywerelocatednexttothewalls in thestreets, theydisturbedpedestrianswalks and traffic. Construction of Falla in Escalante street, In Caba単al NeighbourhoodFalla d鱈a del estatut / Statutesday 1934And as a reponsetothatcomplain fallas startedtobelocatedright in themiddle of widerstreets and crossroads. Thatwaytheybecame round sculptureswithmanyconstructiveposibilities. However fallas keepbeing a bigdisruptionfortraffic in town.
5. 1934: Firstdoll (ninot) anual exhibition in la Lonja Valencia. Everyyeartheaudiencewhovisittheexhibition vote forthebest ninot. Thewinerdoesntgetburntand goestothe Ninot museumcolection. LETS SEE HOW FALLAS DOLLS (NINOTS) HAVE BEEN CHANGING IN TIMESet of dolls in thefirst ninot anual exhibition in 1934, La lonja ValenciaIaia i neta / Grandma and grandaughter 1934Llauradorsballant / Dancingfarmers 1935Mareta / Mummy 1936
6. Allthesedollsweremadeoutwith a woodstructure and real clothes. Theirhands and faces weremodeled in waxwithhotpaletteknives and bladesVenedoradalls / TheGarlicseller 1940Trini i regalito 1941El vell del viol鱈 / Theoldviolinist 1942However,Trini and regalitos faces and handsweremadeout of polyester. Fallas Materialshavebeenchangingsincetheystarted. Falleros artistsare allwayslookingforbettermaterials and procedures. Theycurrently use polyester whentheyhavetomake a sculpture, not a falla, whichisnotgoingtobeburnt.
8. LETS SEE HOW FALLAS DOLLS (NINOTS) HAVE BEEN CHANGING IN TIMEAgranador / sweeper 1956The oldpeanutsellerismadestillwithwax, a woodstructuure and real clothes. Butthesweepers handsweremadewithpaper mache, and hisfacewithwax. Thisisprobablythefirst time paper mache wasusedtomake fallas.Cacauera estraperlista1943
9. Thesewerethefirst time real clothesdisapeared, beingdepictedonlywiththesculpturematerials. Theindianfamilywasmadeonlywithpaper mache and thePrehistoricmarriagewasmadeoutwith polyester.Indiantouristfamily. / Familia India turista 1956PrehistoricMarriage. / MatrimoniPrehist嘆ric 1957Allthe fallas wereallwayspaintedwithoilpaint. Butcurrentlythey are paintedwithacrilicorplasticpaintwhichdriesfaster and iseasierto use.
11. PROCESS TO MAKE A FALLATRADITIONAL WAY: PAPER MACHEFIRST: THE SKETCH AND THE SCALE MODELA Sketch and a scalemodel are presentedtothe Fallera neighbourhoodassociationtobeaproved. Thisassociations are theoneswhopaytotheartistforthe falla tobemade.Falla Conde Altea- Almirante Cadarso 2011Once theproject, through sketch and scalemodel, isaproved, the falla startstobemade.
16. Thisisthe sketch forthe 2012 forthe MUNICIPAL falla.Everyyearallthe fallas participate in a contestforthebests fallas. Theybelongtodifferentsectionsdependingonhowmuchtheycost.The MUNICIPAL falla doesntparticipate in thatcontest, cause itspaidwithpublicmoney and itismuch more expensivethantheothers.Buttheresnotonlyone sketch forevey falla.
17. Hereyou can see a sketch plan (plant, air sight) of the MUNICIPAL FALLA 2012.
19. NEXT: MAKING THE FALLAMakingthe Falla is a longprocessthattakestheartistsallyear round. Thelasttwomonthstheyusuallyworkveryhardtobeon time.Weregonnaseethemakingprocess of the Municipal falla in the 1991. Thisoneismade in thetraditionalmaterials and procedures: Wood and threelayers of paper mache whichpreparedtobepainted and colored at theend.Firstthescalemodelisdividedintopartstobecopied in the real size.Scalemodels are madeout in plaster and iseasyto divide themwith a saw
22. Thenthey can modelwithclaythe figures overthewoodstructure.Theclayneedstobefreshduringalltheprocess cause itsgonnabe removed.Whenalltheclaymodelingis done theartiststake a mold of itwithplaster.Withthemold done, theyrecoverthesamevolumebutthis time done withthreelayers of paper mache.
24. Whenalltheparts are painted and readyto set up. They can bestartedtoputtoguether in thestreet.Thisprocessusuallytakes a longnight. Butthe MUNICIPAL falla and someother BIG onestakeabout a weektobe set up.
25. MAKING THE FALLA WITH STYROFOAM (CURRENT PROCESS AND MATERIALS)Styrofoamisveryeasytoworkwith. Theresmanydifferentshapesartists can get in ordertobeclosertothe target volume.Butitsverycommonto use stryrofoamsheetsstickedtoguethertomakethesculptureArtistscallit modelingthestyrofoam butwhattheyactually do iscarvingitwith metal brushes and cutters.Whenthevolumeis done thenitscoveredwithnewspaperstobepainted.Thistechniqueismuchfaster, easier and letsartistsget imposible figures. Butitis a littlecontaminantwhenitburns, so itsbeenverycriticized. They are currentlysearchingforlesscontaminantmaterials.
26. MAKING THE FALLA WITH STYROFOAM (CURRENT PROCESS AND MATERIALS)Thetown of AlicanteFOGUERES DE SAN JUAN ( SAINT JUANS BONFIRES). Bondfires are burntthe 21st of july. San Juansbondfires are a little bit youngerthan fallas.Both are celebrationsclosetospring and summer. And both are purifyingfireceremonies.Itsdifficulttofindsculturalappearingdifferencesbetween fallas and bonfires. Somepeoplesaythey are very similar and someotherssaythey look prettymuchthesame. Municipal Falla 2011Municipal Foguera 2011
28. IMAGE RESOURCES AND BIBLIOGRAPHY Ninots ardiendo.jpg (slide1): http://www.urbevalencia.es/wp-content/uploads/fallas2.jpg
29. FALLAS MUSEUM Guide, Ayto de Valencia. SLIDE 2: Peleles 1930.jpg,recogiendo trastos.jpg, ilustraci坦n 1860.jpg SLIDE 3: El d鱈a del estatut.jpg, falla escalante 1934.jpg.LINDULT DEL FOC (VOLUM I y II). Coord Gil Manuel Hdez y Mart鱈. Ayto. Valencia 2002. SLIDE 4: cercle de bellesarts 1914.jpg, doctor collado 1912.jpg, falla quartmonserrat 1913.jpg, falla quartmonserrat 1914.jpg SLIDE 5:Sketches and sclaemodels are fromwww.fallas.com SLIDES:
30. Falla makingprocess: Ayto de Valencia 1991. from URL: http://usuarios.multimania.es/Cargonmar/comosehaceunafalla.htmPicturestakenby Jos辿 Mart鱈nez Moll叩. SLIDES: