This document provides instructions for a family systems test assignment requiring students to review a journal article related to family therapy, systems, or dynamics. Students must choose one article to summarize in a 3-page paper including the article title, authors, publication details, problem discussed, author's purpose and conclusions, and how it contributes to the field. They are asked to evaluate the abstract and explain why they chose this article over others reviewed.
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Family systems exercise #1 copy
1. Family Systems
Test #1
Fall 2013
Review of Journal Article
Pick a family journal from the library. Choose an article related to a topic in
an area of family therapy, family systems or family dynamics that you are
interested in. Review 2-3 articles on your topic and pick one to review.
Write a 3 page typed paper using the following format:
1. The title of the article
2. List the authors
3. Title of journal, volume number, date, month and page numbers
4. Statement of the problem or issue discussed
5. Authors purpose, approach or methods, hypothesis and major
Read the abstract. Does it clearly explain what the article is about?
What can you conclude from the article that will contribute to the field
of family therapy?
Why did you choose this article from the three you reviewed?
What do you disagree with, if anything that the authors present?
One paragraph summarizing your thoughts as a closing paragraph.