Pablo Picasso, Edvard Munch, and Vincent van Gogh were three influential post-impressionist artists. Picasso is known for his proto-Cubist painting Les Demoiselles d'Avignon from 1907 and his anti-war work Guernica from 1937. Munch created The Scream, one of the most iconic paintings, in 1893 depicting a figure with an infinite scream passing through nature. Van Gogh's Starry Night from 1889 depicts the night sky over a small French town from memory and demonstrates his distinctive painting style.
2. Pablo Ruiz Picasso
1. Painter,sculptor…,artistic talent
2. 20th century
3. 25 october 1881- 8 April 1973
4. Proto-Cubist Les Demoiselles d'Avignon (1907),Guernica (1937)
3. Les Demoiselles d'Avignon
● The Brothel of Avignon
● large oil- 1970
● (MoMA)- Midtown Manhattan ,(New york, 53 street)
● Revolutionary and controversial
● Why I choose it
4. Edvard Munch
1. 12 December 1863 – 23 January 1944
2. Painted 1789
3. Outside Norway
4. The sick child, Evening on karl Johan, The scream
5. The Scream
● in 1893.
● Der Schrei der Natur
● Most iconic
● Infinite scream passing through nature
● Why I choose it
6. Van Gogh
1. 30 March 1853 – 29 July 1890
2. was a Dutch post-impressionist painter