This document defines key terms related to fanfiction including fanfiction, canon, alternate universe, mirror universe, and warning labels for slash, smut, and OC characters. It also lists some popular fanfiction archives and provides tips for finding fanfics such as using advanced search filters on and noting authors you enjoy. A link is provided to download the full presentation.
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Fanfiction handout
1. Fanfiction
Fanfiction Derivative works of fiction based on pre-existing works.
Canon Material from the original works that is accepted as official and reliable
information on the universe and characters by the fans. Fanfics that are canon
compliant if they fill in gaps left by the writers and creators.
Alternate Universe Fanfics that violate canon, either by having the characters act contrary to their
established personalities or to putting the characters into situations that are not
likely to happen in the established Canon Universe.
Mirror Universe Fanfics that take place inside an Alternate Universe, in which the characters
with good intentions become evil and the evil characters become benevolent.
Warning Labels
Slash A romantic pairing involving a homosexual couple.
Smut (Or Lemon) A story centered around the explicit sex lives of the characters.
OC Original Characters created by the Fanfiction author. Most are Mary Sue-like
stand-ins for the authors or readers, which may indicate that these character
may have a sexual relationship with one or more of the Canon characters.
Fanfiction Archives
Tips for Finding Fanfics
1. Start your search at in your category of interest.
2. Use the advanced search bars to narrow down the hundreds of thousands of stories by Rating,
Length, Characters, Language, etc.
3. As you read through the stories, make note of the authors you like.
4. Be aware of labels in the summaries.
5. Enjoy!
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