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Frequently asked questions on Tarot: part one.
What are Tarot Cards? What do they imply?
To me the 78 pack of Tarot cards imply a book; a book which represents life. Its emotions
and every possible experience that any human soul is bound to go through in his or her
lifetime. Each card represents a tapestryof emotions. Through a narrative; which is visually
enriched: In the form of pictures. The cards are classified into Major Trump and Minor
Trump or the elemental suits. The Major Trump comprises of cards which gain more
importance when they turn up in a reading. These cards are far more rigid, just like our
karma and they imply situations which are beyond our control. The Minor Trump
comprises of four elemental suits representing the four elements i.e. Fire, Water, Earth and
How do these cards work? What purpose can be achieved from Tarot cards?
Every stream of Occult and Metaphysical has got multiple uses. It varies on the intention
that you have in your heart and the purpose or the objective; you wish to achieve. Tarot cards
are used for meditation, as a medium of divination and even for Wiccan rituals. The cards
are so old, sacred and mysterious. There could be so many ways of using the cards; which
even I may not be aware of.
The cards have a language and power of their own. Also, they are extremely willful. A reader
like me is just a medium between the cards and the client. While doing a reading; I have
absolutely no control over the cards. Any reader who thinks or assumes that he or she can
control the reading or the cards; is only fooling himself or herself. There is a power up there
which runs on its own accord. The cards never go wrong but during any reading. What I
may read could correspond only 20-30% of what the cards have displayed in front of me.
Like any human being. I as a reader also come with my share of flaws. If the reading is low
on accuracy; it is entirely my fault and nothing to do with the cards.
But, how do these cards really work?
To read the cards or to find answers to a particular question.; spreads come into picture. A
spread enables the number of cards you draw in a reading, their position, meaning and
relevance. There are many spreads which one can make use of. Each spread has got its own
use, relevance and importance.
However, I follow only Celtic Cross spreads for professional reasons. This spread comprises of
ten cards and when we lay down the cards as per the spread. We search for answers for the
respective questions.
Let me also clarify that when it comes to Tarot cards. The present is far more important than
your past or future. Your present is the transition between your past and your future. If
you are at a stage in life; where you want to know where you stand right now. With a mind
that is receptive and without any expectations; then you have an optimum mind set to
approach a Tarot Card reader.
Is it any different from Astrology or Crystal Ball Gazing?
The study of Occult and Metaphysical has got many streams and branches. Each has got
its own importance and is as relevant as the other. I have immense respect for anything
related to Occult and metaphysical. Whether it is Astrology or Crystal Ball Gazing; each is
as sacred to me as the other. However Tarot Card Reading is what I professionally do. Hence
that is what I can speak about.
What information do you need before you start laying out cards for any of your clients?
The only thing that is required is the clients willingness to go for a reading. I do not
require any background information or personal details.
Firstly, people who approach me for a reading. Are usually those who are going through a
chronic problem; for which there seems to be no solution within reach. I am not saying I
provide solutions or create miracles of any kind. I am just a medium; a link between the
cards and the client. However, my point is: when one is going through a mess. Discussing
those problems or the suffering one is going through; is a humiliating experience. My job is
to read the cards. Not to make anyone go through anyuncomfortable situation. I start with
a clean slate; no background information is required. For clients who do not know how to
approach someone like me or what questions to ask. A General Reading comes handy. To
know more about General Reading; please visit my web portal: www.taroochi.org.
However, let me also clarify. Tarot Card Reading is very useful when you understand the
importance of your present phase. I understand that any human soul will be more anxious
and curious to know about the future. However, with any Tarot Card reading the present is
far more paramount than the future. If you do not understand your present or where you
stand in your life right now; it implies that you are searching for an escape route and not
facing life the way it is. Our present will lay the foundation of our future; we need to
understand that. However, future is what you are obsessed with; then you need to approach
an Astrologer who is well versed in reading Horoscopes or Birth charts.
There are things we need to understand before we get into anything. You will find many
Tarot Card Readers on the World Wide Web; some of them are really good and know their
craft well. However if you approach any card reader with a rigid mind and unrealistic
expectations; then you are wasting your own time and money. May the Tarot guide you
and god bless you.
Rohit Dua.
e-mail: zenith_400@hotmail.com
cell: +91 9619514705.
Skype: rohit.dua7

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  • 1. Frequently asked questions on Tarot: part one. What are Tarot Cards? What do they imply? To me the 78 pack of Tarot cards imply a book; a book which represents life. Its emotions and every possible experience that any human soul is bound to go through in his or her lifetime. Each card represents a tapestryof emotions. Through a narrative; which is visually enriched: In the form of pictures. The cards are classified into Major Trump and Minor Trump or the elemental suits. The Major Trump comprises of cards which gain more importance when they turn up in a reading. These cards are far more rigid, just like our karma and they imply situations which are beyond our control. The Minor Trump comprises of four elemental suits representing the four elements i.e. Fire, Water, Earth and Air. How do these cards work? What purpose can be achieved from Tarot cards? Every stream of Occult and Metaphysical has got multiple uses. It varies on the intention that you have in your heart and the purpose or the objective; you wish to achieve. Tarot cards are used for meditation, as a medium of divination and even for Wiccan rituals. The cards are so old, sacred and mysterious. There could be so many ways of using the cards; which even I may not be aware of. The cards have a language and power of their own. Also, they are extremely willful. A reader like me is just a medium between the cards and the client. While doing a reading; I have absolutely no control over the cards. Any reader who thinks or assumes that he or she can control the reading or the cards; is only fooling himself or herself. There is a power up there which runs on its own accord. The cards never go wrong but during any reading. What I may read could correspond only 20-30% of what the cards have displayed in front of me. Like any human being. I as a reader also come with my share of flaws. If the reading is low on accuracy; it is entirely my fault and nothing to do with the cards.
  • 2. But, how do these cards really work? To read the cards or to find answers to a particular question.; spreads come into picture. A spread enables the number of cards you draw in a reading, their position, meaning and relevance. There are many spreads which one can make use of. Each spread has got its own use, relevance and importance. However, I follow only Celtic Cross spreads for professional reasons. This spread comprises of ten cards and when we lay down the cards as per the spread. We search for answers for the respective questions. Let me also clarify that when it comes to Tarot cards. The present is far more important than your past or future. Your present is the transition between your past and your future. If you are at a stage in life; where you want to know where you stand right now. With a mind that is receptive and without any expectations; then you have an optimum mind set to approach a Tarot Card reader. Is it any different from Astrology or Crystal Ball Gazing? The study of Occult and Metaphysical has got many streams and branches. Each has got its own importance and is as relevant as the other. I have immense respect for anything related to Occult and metaphysical. Whether it is Astrology or Crystal Ball Gazing; each is as sacred to me as the other. However Tarot Card Reading is what I professionally do. Hence that is what I can speak about. What information do you need before you start laying out cards for any of your clients? The only thing that is required is the clients willingness to go for a reading. I do not require any background information or personal details. Firstly, people who approach me for a reading. Are usually those who are going through a chronic problem; for which there seems to be no solution within reach. I am not saying I provide solutions or create miracles of any kind. I am just a medium; a link between the cards and the client. However, my point is: when one is going through a mess. Discussing those problems or the suffering one is going through; is a humiliating experience. My job is
  • 3. to read the cards. Not to make anyone go through anyuncomfortable situation. I start with a clean slate; no background information is required. For clients who do not know how to approach someone like me or what questions to ask. A General Reading comes handy. To know more about General Reading; please visit my web portal: www.taroochi.org. However, let me also clarify. Tarot Card Reading is very useful when you understand the importance of your present phase. I understand that any human soul will be more anxious and curious to know about the future. However, with any Tarot Card reading the present is far more paramount than the future. If you do not understand your present or where you stand in your life right now; it implies that you are searching for an escape route and not facing life the way it is. Our present will lay the foundation of our future; we need to understand that. However, future is what you are obsessed with; then you need to approach an Astrologer who is well versed in reading Horoscopes or Birth charts. There are things we need to understand before we get into anything. You will find many Tarot Card Readers on the World Wide Web; some of them are really good and know their craft well. However if you approach any card reader with a rigid mind and unrealistic expectations; then you are wasting your own time and money. May the Tarot guide you and god bless you. Rohit Dua. www.taroochi.org e-mail: zenith_400@hotmail.com cell: +91 9619514705. Skype: rohit.dua7