This document discusses plagiarism and provides guidance on how to avoid it. It explains that all internet content is copyrighted unless explicitly marked as public domain, and ideas from others must be properly cited. While paraphrasing is allowed, direct quotes require citation and following the original too closely would be unacceptable. Intentional plagiarism through actions like copying others' work or buying essays is a serious offense. Unintentional plagiarism can be avoided by properly citing sources when using others' words or ideas. Students are advised to take careful notes while researching and cite any uncertain sources.
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1. Plagiarism! FAQs
2. Frequently asked questionsQ: Why cant I copy from the internet? Isnt that free from copyright?A: No, all material on the internet is copyrighted, unless it is explicitly labelled as being in the public domain. In any case, whenever you quote or borrow ideas from someone, you have to cite the source.Q: What if it is an idea or thought that is widely known?A: If something is widely known or common knowledge, you dont have to cite the source. Eg. Green plants undergo photosynthesisEg. F = ma.
3. Frequently asked questionsQ: Is it OK if I paraphrase?A: Paraphrasing is OK as long as you do not follow the original source too closely AND you give credit to the original writer in both your footnotes and works cited. If you use exact phrases, you will have to put them in quotation marks. Refer to examples in the next slide.
4. Frequently asked questionsExamples:Original source The advance of genetic engineering makes it quite conceivable that we will begin to design our own evolutionary progress. ISAAC ASIMOV, The Beginning and the EndAcceptable paraphrase and citation Genetic engineering will enable humans to change the way they evolve (Isaac Asimov).Unacceptable paraphrase Genetic engineering makes it possible that humans will begin to design their own evolutionary progress. [This is unacceptable because there is no indication where it came from.]
5. How can I avoid plagiarism?Do not intentionally plagiarise! If you do any of the following, you have done so with the intention to cheat. These are serious offences!Buying or downloading essays or reports from the internetCopying answers for assignment from a classmateCopying one or more articles from the Web and submitting as your ownSubmitting an essay written by someone else e.g. senior, friendCutting and pasting to create a paper from several sources
6. How can I avoid plagiarism?The following are often committed unknowingly, but are still considered plagiarism!Changing some words, but copying whole phrases from a sourceParaphrasing or summarising without attributing the sourceAvoid un-intentional plagiarism by knowing how to cite your work properly! (Cite simply means including in your assignment the source of the material you copied.)By acknowledging or making reference to the portions that you used from another source, you can avoid plagiarism
7. 5 tips to avoid plagiarismDo not be tempted to submit someone elses work as your own.Whenever you use someone elses words or ideas, cite the source of the idea.Take careful notes when researching to avoid mistaking others words as your own.Be aware of the correct referencing procedure used in the school. When in doubt, cite!
8. In summary,All work that you submit must be your own. You cannot gain credit from the hard work of others. When you submit any assignment at Ngee Ann Polytechnic, you are claiming that the work is entirely your own.If you are found to have plagiarised, you will be penalised!