Learn more about the EB-5 program by reviewing the answers to five of the most frequently asked EB-5 investment questions, from capital fund requirements to petition prioritization methods.
3. One primary requirement of
the EB-5 program is to
invest a capital amount in a
qualified EB-5 project
through direct investment or
a regional center. The
minimum required amount is
$1.8 million. However, when
an EB-5 project is based
within a TEA (targeted
employment area), the
required amount is reduced
to half, $900,000.
5. The capital invested in an EB-5 project needs to remain "at-
risk" for at least two years. It is another primary requirement
of the program. However, some circumstances may cause
that period to be extended. The invested capital amount is
sometimes not returned for upwards of 5 years. That is why
an EB-5 investor must conduct due diligence of a prospective
EB-5 project and examine all the project documents.
Aside from the potential delays, some EB-5 projects might
only return part of the money. You can consult an EB-5
attorney to fully understand the terms and conditions with
regards to capital repayment.
7. Well, not necessarily. An EB-5 investment
must remain "at-risk" for the two years of
the investor's conditional residency period,
but it doesn't mean that it must be risky.
What "at-risk" means is that the investment
must maintain the possibility of gain and
loss for the investment period's whole
duration. A careful assessment of the
prospective project and regional centers
can show investors about the level of risk of
an EB-5 project could entail. Checking the
track records of project developers and EB-
5 regional centers should be included in
conducting the project's due
9. E B - 5 c a p i t a l m u s t c o m e f r o m l a w f u l
s o u r c e s a n d p r o p e r l y d o c u m e n t e d f o r i t s
v a l i d i t y a n d l e g a l i t y . A l o a n i s c o n s i d e r e d
a s o n e o f t h e l a w f u l s o u r c e s o f E B - 5
f u n d s . A d o n a t i o n f r o m f a m i l y i s a l s o
a c c e p t a b l e a s l o n g a s a d e q u a t e
d o c u m e n t a t i o n i s p r o v i d e d . I n v e s t o r s c a n
o b t a i n a l o a n f r o m f i n a n c i a l i n s t i t u t i o n s
f o r l a r g e r f u n d i n g a m o u n t s a n d u s e t h e i r
a s s e t s a s c o l l a t e r a l .
11. In the past, United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) used the
first-in-first-out approach to adjudicate EB-5 petitions. However, that changed into a
new method called the visa availability approach last April 2020. This approach means
that EB-5 applications are prioritized according to the investors' country of origin.
Each country is allocated 700 EB-5 visas each year. The new method allows USCIS to
adjudicate EB-5 petitions for investors from countries with immediate visas available.
Investors can check USCIS's monthly Visa Bulletin to check for the current status,
countries' prioritization, and backlogs. As of September 2020 visa bulletin, China is the
only country not considered "current" in the Chart B section that determines the
adjudication priority of USCIS.
12. For more information on EB-5 investments, see
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