Farmers are encouraged to develop a farm-level crisis plan to protect their families, employees, animals, and reputations in the event of an activist incident or crisis. The plan should identify industry groups that can provide assistance, key assets to safeguard, potential plan segments to address different scenarios, and designate who is in charge and their backup. Most importantly, the plan stresses doing the right thing, telling your story before others, and maintaining alliances and reputation. Templates and resources will be provided this summer to help farmers develop a written crisis plan and drill.
2. Industry Assistance Is Available
? National Pork Board
? National Pork Producers Council
? State Pork Association
? American Association of Swine Veterinarians
? Extension
? Law Enforcement
3. What Do You Need To Protect?
? Your family and employees
– Safety first
– Keep getting the work done while you fight the battle
? Your animals
– What if your employees all quit
– Who cares for your pigs
? Your reputation
– Not just issue of pride
– Issue of being able to do business
4. Potential Plan Segments
? Activist correspondence
? Employees
? Pork production
? Legal counsel
? Law enforcement
? External communications
– Lenders, packers, vendors, neighbors, community, media
? Industry relations
– the ability to do business after the situation
5. In All Cases
? All employees need to know the plan
– And their role
? Who is in charge and deals with this situation
– Owner, site manager, team leader
? Who is their backup/assistant
– Should be available to assist in any way
– Take notes, listen, contact additional help
6. Bottom Line---
? Do the right thing
? Tell your story before someone else tells their
? Have your alliances and reputation in order
before you need them
? Every single situation is an industry situation today!
7. Farm Level Crisis Planning
? Extension of your existing Emergency Action Plan
? Written Plan
– Crisis Drill
– Later this Summer:
? Completion of beta test with producer
? Templates for your plan
? NPB support for creation of plans
? We Care Open House Kit
? We Care Barn Worker Kit
8. ?This message funded by America’s Pork Checkoff Program.
Available Resources