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One Fashionable
Chapter 3.5
Maxs death had taken a toll on the Zhang home. His
presence still lingered in the air (not to mention his ghost)
and the elderly Zhang couple could not help but feel a void
in their household.
This was what ultimately lead Vincent to purchase an
elderly dog, whom they called Bailey.
(I didnt choose the name as Vincent literally purchased him
at a pet store on his own, so he isnt named with the
Despite the new family addition, The Zhangs knew their
days were becoming numbered and decided to take one last
family vacation with all of their grandchildren.
The Zhangs rented out the penthouse of a luxury hotel in
the beautiful Moon Islands.
All seemed to be sun, surf, sand, and fun for the Zhang
Up until about halfway through the trip when something
inside Olivia Zhang decided to snap.
Unsure of how to channel her anger, Olivia attacked her
cousin, Collette.
On multiple occasions.
No one seemed safe from the wrath of Olivia, when she
began to pick fights with her own twin sister.
Not only was Olivia angry, but she was determined! She beat both her sister and Collette in every fight she
Im not sure what to do about this situation, Gela. Vincent
turned to his wife later that night as they sat in their room.
I almost think we need to end the vacation early. I dont
want things to get worse, perhaps the girls just need some
time apart.
Girls in our family sure do love to fight Vincent added,
remembering the trouble that had happened between his
two daughters.
I was afraid of that Gela added
What do you mean?
When I was younger my mother told me that there was a
chance there would be events like this that occurred in our
family, and would only get worse.
What are you getting at? Vincent questioned.
Well, my mother only told me the story at the time but she
wasnt sure if it was true or not. She didnt tell my siblings,
perhaps because I was the oldest.
I am still clueless as to what you are even talking about.
Our family is cursed, Vincent.
Thats abusurd, Gela, a few fights between girls in one family
is not that uncommon, and certainly not something to blame
on a curse. he added turning away.
I know it sounds insane, but if my mother was right things
will only get worse from here on out. This is something I
should have mentioned long ago. I think its time we told the
rest of our family. But I need to go home to do so.
I guess that means we had better end the vacation.
Vincent sighed
Gela didnt reply. She looked out the window, knowing that
it may not have been the most popular decision, but she
needed to let her family know the truth before it was too
Gela knew it would be difficult to gather her entire family
together to discuss what she had to say, and she wasnt sure
how much time she had left in her own life. She began
writing down everything her mother had told her.
As if the drama of the vacation had not been enough, Bailey
passed on not long after the Zhangs return home.
Unaware of the details of the Zhang vacation, Pamela had
decided to also take her grandchildren to the Moon Islands
for some relaxation.
Fashionista 3.5
Unlike their relatives, the Custers had a much more relaxing
and pleasant time.
After the Custers return to Terra Nova, they decided to hold
an anniversary party.
Cheers to my beautiful wife, for giving me such a
wonderful family, a happy life, and true love. Youre my
everything. Here is to you, Pamela!
Fashionista 3.5
As far as generation 3 and 4 are concerned, Chloe was moving up in the world of Business. She had sold back the
coffee shop she had purchased, but her hair salon and car emporium were both not only Level 10, but had
additionally been given the best of the best award.
With the help of Collette, Tommy, and her husband, Chloe was on track to fulfilling her lifetime want. (Although
Collette was a bit more helpful than her older brother)
And finally, it was time for our first generation 4 to move to
Nu Terra University!
Tommy grew up well, besides that hairthats going to have
to change. He looks almost exactly like his father.
In Tommys dorm there were many beautiful women all with the potential to marry into the
Fashionista legacy. There was Renee Johnson and everyones favorite townie, Meadow Thayer.
There was also Margret Turner from Moon Island and
Nichole Thompson.
And then there was Marsha Bruenig. Something about her
stood out to Tommy.
After a quick trip into the local H&M and hair salon, Tommy
was rocking his new and improved college look.
It wasnt long before Tommy decided join the Greek house his
great-grandmother had helped co-found. Oresha Fruhm was
happy to receive Tommy as the newest member.
My simself liked to come over and hang at Oresha Fruhm
(and she always headed straight to the barhow typical)
With the expansion of the Nu Terra University my simself
was beginning to think perhaps the universitys Greek life
should expand as well
But in the meantime Jaiden (our current placeholder at
Oresha Fruhm) was enjoying her last year on campus. As
much as she enjoyed campus life, she was ready to move to
Terra Nova and begin her life as an adult.
Oresha Fruhm also got a bit of a makeover. I like the letters on
their own separate wall a little better.
Back in Terra Nova at the Grundstrom household, Aaron had reached the top of Law
Enforcement and had been enjoying his time as a Captain Hero (which was his LTW.)
Unfortunately, after an incident with a chance card Aaron lost his job.
As far as the Grundstrom kids lives were going, Ben had
fallen for none other than Olivia Zhang.
Not long after his first kiss with Olivia, Ben was off to
college, leaving her behind.
Ben arrived at the Glenwood dorms on a stormy fall
morning. (I modeled these dorms after the ones I lived in
this past year #funfact)
Due to Bens interest in sports he decided to rock the Jock
look for college.
While his mother was an Oresha Fruhm, Ben wasnt so sure he wanted to join the legacy
fraternity. Ben, being more of a leader than a follower, decided to establish his own Greek
house. Urele Var Fruhm became the first all-male Frat on the Nu Terra campus.
Thank god for the national HQ of Urele Var Fruhm (AKA
motherlode) for providing the Nu Terra chapter with money
to build a brand new house. (I based this house of the
Sigma Phi Epsilon house on my campus #morefunfacts)
Ben and Tommy were not the only ones beginning their lives
as young adults, many of their cousins/family friends were
joining them. This included Alvin and Annas son, Adam
And Chloe and Connors daughter Collette.
And a few semesters later Alvin and Annas other son,
And Christian and Ediths daughter, Nina.
Over in the Zhang home Alice was beginning to pursue her romantic aspirations, and
younger brother, Jason was not doing so bad either (despite him being a Knowledge sim)
When Jasons girlfriend, Elizabeth Ng, came for a 3 day visit
from The Moon Islands, she could not help get into fights
with Olivia.
Why would you agree to let that maniac stay here? Let
alone date such a horrible person? Olivia furiously
questioned her brother after pulling him aside.
Whats your deal lately? Its not my fault you dont seem to
get along with anyone! You dont even get along with your
twin sister, shes only finally getting over what you did to her
on vacation!
She has forgiven me, Jason. Collette is the one who is not
over it. I hardly see what this has to do with anything, your
girlfriend started it! Olivia bickered.
Thats not true and you know it! Jason yelled. Im going
to tell her to go home so she doesnt have to deal with you
anymore. But you know this was your fault! He began to
storm out of the room when he turned back and muttered
in a soft and saddened tone Youre not the same anymore,
Unfortunately for Olivia there wasnt much time to make
amends with Jason, as she and Alice moved out to college the
following evening.
Alice and Olivia definitely rock the college look! To be
honest I didnt think they would turn out this pretty based
on their appearances as children.
Upon arriving to college Olivia and Ben were reunited as a
couple, stronger than ever. Alice was enjoying all the men
that had joined Urele Var Fruhm.
Jasmin, Alex and Kellys daughter, was the first in her family
to head to Nu Terra University.
Her appearance didnt change much, but she sure is a
pretty one!
And of course, the Oresha Fruhm crew (which had gotten
rather large) was there the day of Jasmins arrival to take
her home. And they all seem to think Tommy is the hottest
guy on Campus
While everyone seemed to be headed off to college, Veras
sons were still much younger than their cousins and second
cousins. Andrew had just aged into a teen. He rolled
Pleasure aspiration and his LTW is to become a Game
Designer. He looks a lot like his older brother as well.
The last of the Grunstrom kids, Adriana, stepped into the
college taxi only a few nights later.
Not long after her arrival, Adriana met a familiar face from
high school, Meadow Thayer.
Im so happy to see you Adriana! Say, have you ever
thought about going Greek? Meadow asked.
Uh I dont know, my mom was an Oresha Fruhm and my
brother founded his own frat but I just dont think Im the
sorority type Adriana shrugged.
Im one of the founders of the new all-female sorority, Anya
Hoh Oresha! Honestly, Adriana, I think you would be a great
Well alright, Ill give it a shot! I definitely want to live my
college experience to the fullest!
My simself was pretty happy about Adriana joining, as she
had just joined herself!
And so, Adriana became an official Anya Hoh Oresha! (I
may or may not have modeled this house after my own
sorority.sorry not sorry.)
And simself got a new do! I dyed my hair in real life back to
its original brown so I felt my simself had to do the same.
On a sadder noteback in Nu Terra the Elderly Zhang
couple knew death was only days away. *pull out your
tissues now*
I dont tell you enough, but Vincent I love you so much.
Thank you for being my best friend. Gela smiled as she
pulled her husband into an embrace.
I love you too. Vincent said holding back tears.
Fashionista 3.5
I apologize for missing the Grim Reaper picture, but Gela
past away the following afternoon.
Fashionista 3.5
Vincent was not surprised when death arrived for him only a
few days later.
Vincent, Its time to join your family in the afterlife.
What is in this suitcase anyway?!
Its just for dramatic affect, now come on
Pamela found it hard to live without her twin sister, and
mourned her for the rest of her own life.
Pamela and Toby Custer made sure to appreciate each other
in their own final days.
Fashionista 3.5
Fashionista 3.5
The loss of the Generation 2 twins and their spouses did not
sit lightly at the Oresha Fruhm house. Jasmin, being a
family sim, had an especially hard time dealing with the loss
of her grandparents.
Despite everything life does have to move onand Tommy
had began to pursue Marsha Bruenig, who he had taken a
liking to since he first laid eyes on her. She didnt seem to
The slap-dance also became popular, so that was exciting.
And Jaiden finally graduated! Yay! She earned her degree in
Psychology and graduated Summa Cumme Laude with a 4.0!
Jaidens graduation party was the biggest party of the
And Im OUT!
She grew up in a verytropical? Outfit. Cute, but not really
Dont worry, of course I fixed her right up once she moved
to Terra Nova!
Until her own home was built, Jaiden stayed with Alex and
Kelly Custer as Kelly had been one of her closest friends in
*Random side note: I did get replacement skins/eyes at this
point in the story so dont freak out that my sims look
Jaiden was able to purchase a lovely green rambler across
the street from the Grundstrom home. It was a fairly large
home and she began to feel lonely
But thank god for Cyd Roseland!
After a chance encounter (AKA me driving Jaiden to just
about every possible downtown location with the hopes of
her running into Cyd) Jaiden met Cyd and the two instantly
hit it off! These two have two bolts for each other. (Yes
Jaiden does randomly appear in a Llama costume when
arriving at community lots, I think its funny.)
Fashionista 3.5
Because this is the sims, Cyd agreed to move into Jaidens
house shortly after they started dating.
Its like they are a part of a legacy or something, isnt it?
Well thats all folks! Until next time

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Fashionista 3.5

  • 2. Maxs death had taken a toll on the Zhang home. His presence still lingered in the air (not to mention his ghost) and the elderly Zhang couple could not help but feel a void in their household.
  • 3. This was what ultimately lead Vincent to purchase an elderly dog, whom they called Bailey. (I didnt choose the name as Vincent literally purchased him at a pet store on his own, so he isnt named with the theme.)
  • 4. Despite the new family addition, The Zhangs knew their days were becoming numbered and decided to take one last family vacation with all of their grandchildren.
  • 5. The Zhangs rented out the penthouse of a luxury hotel in the beautiful Moon Islands.
  • 6. All seemed to be sun, surf, sand, and fun for the Zhang family.
  • 7. Up until about halfway through the trip when something inside Olivia Zhang decided to snap.
  • 8. Unsure of how to channel her anger, Olivia attacked her cousin, Collette.
  • 10. No one seemed safe from the wrath of Olivia, when she began to pick fights with her own twin sister.
  • 11. Not only was Olivia angry, but she was determined! She beat both her sister and Collette in every fight she started.
  • 12. Im not sure what to do about this situation, Gela. Vincent turned to his wife later that night as they sat in their room.
  • 13. I almost think we need to end the vacation early. I dont want things to get worse, perhaps the girls just need some time apart.
  • 14. Girls in our family sure do love to fight Vincent added, remembering the trouble that had happened between his two daughters. I was afraid of that Gela added What do you mean?
  • 15. When I was younger my mother told me that there was a chance there would be events like this that occurred in our family, and would only get worse.
  • 16. What are you getting at? Vincent questioned.
  • 17. Well, my mother only told me the story at the time but she wasnt sure if it was true or not. She didnt tell my siblings, perhaps because I was the oldest. I am still clueless as to what you are even talking about. Our family is cursed, Vincent.
  • 18. Thats abusurd, Gela, a few fights between girls in one family is not that uncommon, and certainly not something to blame on a curse. he added turning away. I know it sounds insane, but if my mother was right things will only get worse from here on out. This is something I should have mentioned long ago. I think its time we told the rest of our family. But I need to go home to do so.
  • 19. I guess that means we had better end the vacation. Vincent sighed
  • 20. Gela didnt reply. She looked out the window, knowing that it may not have been the most popular decision, but she needed to let her family know the truth before it was too late.
  • 21. Gela knew it would be difficult to gather her entire family together to discuss what she had to say, and she wasnt sure how much time she had left in her own life. She began writing down everything her mother had told her.
  • 22. As if the drama of the vacation had not been enough, Bailey passed on not long after the Zhangs return home.
  • 23. Unaware of the details of the Zhang vacation, Pamela had decided to also take her grandchildren to the Moon Islands for some relaxation.
  • 25. Unlike their relatives, the Custers had a much more relaxing and pleasant time.
  • 26. After the Custers return to Terra Nova, they decided to hold an anniversary party. Cheers to my beautiful wife, for giving me such a wonderful family, a happy life, and true love. Youre my everything. Here is to you, Pamela!
  • 28. As far as generation 3 and 4 are concerned, Chloe was moving up in the world of Business. She had sold back the coffee shop she had purchased, but her hair salon and car emporium were both not only Level 10, but had additionally been given the best of the best award.
  • 29. With the help of Collette, Tommy, and her husband, Chloe was on track to fulfilling her lifetime want. (Although Collette was a bit more helpful than her older brother)
  • 30. And finally, it was time for our first generation 4 to move to Nu Terra University!
  • 31. Tommy grew up well, besides that hairthats going to have to change. He looks almost exactly like his father.
  • 32. In Tommys dorm there were many beautiful women all with the potential to marry into the Fashionista legacy. There was Renee Johnson and everyones favorite townie, Meadow Thayer.
  • 33. There was also Margret Turner from Moon Island and Nichole Thompson.
  • 34. And then there was Marsha Bruenig. Something about her stood out to Tommy.
  • 35. After a quick trip into the local H&M and hair salon, Tommy was rocking his new and improved college look.
  • 36. It wasnt long before Tommy decided join the Greek house his great-grandmother had helped co-found. Oresha Fruhm was happy to receive Tommy as the newest member.
  • 37. My simself liked to come over and hang at Oresha Fruhm (and she always headed straight to the barhow typical) With the expansion of the Nu Terra University my simself was beginning to think perhaps the universitys Greek life should expand as well
  • 38. But in the meantime Jaiden (our current placeholder at Oresha Fruhm) was enjoying her last year on campus. As much as she enjoyed campus life, she was ready to move to Terra Nova and begin her life as an adult.
  • 39. Oresha Fruhm also got a bit of a makeover. I like the letters on their own separate wall a little better.
  • 40. Back in Terra Nova at the Grundstrom household, Aaron had reached the top of Law Enforcement and had been enjoying his time as a Captain Hero (which was his LTW.) Unfortunately, after an incident with a chance card Aaron lost his job.
  • 41. As far as the Grundstrom kids lives were going, Ben had fallen for none other than Olivia Zhang.
  • 42. Not long after his first kiss with Olivia, Ben was off to college, leaving her behind.
  • 43. Ben arrived at the Glenwood dorms on a stormy fall morning. (I modeled these dorms after the ones I lived in this past year #funfact)
  • 44. Due to Bens interest in sports he decided to rock the Jock look for college.
  • 45. While his mother was an Oresha Fruhm, Ben wasnt so sure he wanted to join the legacy fraternity. Ben, being more of a leader than a follower, decided to establish his own Greek house. Urele Var Fruhm became the first all-male Frat on the Nu Terra campus.
  • 46. Thank god for the national HQ of Urele Var Fruhm (AKA motherlode) for providing the Nu Terra chapter with money to build a brand new house. (I based this house of the Sigma Phi Epsilon house on my campus #morefunfacts)
  • 47. Ben and Tommy were not the only ones beginning their lives as young adults, many of their cousins/family friends were joining them. This included Alvin and Annas son, Adam
  • 48. And Chloe and Connors daughter Collette.
  • 49. And a few semesters later Alvin and Annas other son, Rick...
  • 50. And Christian and Ediths daughter, Nina.
  • 51. Over in the Zhang home Alice was beginning to pursue her romantic aspirations, and younger brother, Jason was not doing so bad either (despite him being a Knowledge sim)
  • 52. When Jasons girlfriend, Elizabeth Ng, came for a 3 day visit from The Moon Islands, she could not help get into fights with Olivia.
  • 53. Why would you agree to let that maniac stay here? Let alone date such a horrible person? Olivia furiously questioned her brother after pulling him aside.
  • 54. Whats your deal lately? Its not my fault you dont seem to get along with anyone! You dont even get along with your twin sister, shes only finally getting over what you did to her on vacation!
  • 55. She has forgiven me, Jason. Collette is the one who is not over it. I hardly see what this has to do with anything, your girlfriend started it! Olivia bickered.
  • 56. Thats not true and you know it! Jason yelled. Im going to tell her to go home so she doesnt have to deal with you anymore. But you know this was your fault! He began to storm out of the room when he turned back and muttered in a soft and saddened tone Youre not the same anymore, Olivia.
  • 57. Unfortunately for Olivia there wasnt much time to make amends with Jason, as she and Alice moved out to college the following evening.
  • 58. Alice and Olivia definitely rock the college look! To be honest I didnt think they would turn out this pretty based on their appearances as children.
  • 59. Upon arriving to college Olivia and Ben were reunited as a couple, stronger than ever. Alice was enjoying all the men that had joined Urele Var Fruhm.
  • 60. Jasmin, Alex and Kellys daughter, was the first in her family to head to Nu Terra University.
  • 61. Her appearance didnt change much, but she sure is a pretty one!
  • 62. And of course, the Oresha Fruhm crew (which had gotten rather large) was there the day of Jasmins arrival to take her home. And they all seem to think Tommy is the hottest guy on Campus
  • 63. While everyone seemed to be headed off to college, Veras sons were still much younger than their cousins and second cousins. Andrew had just aged into a teen. He rolled Pleasure aspiration and his LTW is to become a Game Designer. He looks a lot like his older brother as well.
  • 64. The last of the Grunstrom kids, Adriana, stepped into the college taxi only a few nights later.
  • 65. Not long after her arrival, Adriana met a familiar face from high school, Meadow Thayer.
  • 66. Im so happy to see you Adriana! Say, have you ever thought about going Greek? Meadow asked.
  • 67. Uh I dont know, my mom was an Oresha Fruhm and my brother founded his own frat but I just dont think Im the sorority type Adriana shrugged.
  • 68. Im one of the founders of the new all-female sorority, Anya Hoh Oresha! Honestly, Adriana, I think you would be a great fit!
  • 69. Well alright, Ill give it a shot! I definitely want to live my college experience to the fullest!
  • 70. My simself was pretty happy about Adriana joining, as she had just joined herself!
  • 71. And so, Adriana became an official Anya Hoh Oresha! (I may or may not have modeled this house after my own sorority.sorry not sorry.)
  • 72. And simself got a new do! I dyed my hair in real life back to its original brown so I felt my simself had to do the same. #anotherfunfact
  • 73. On a sadder noteback in Nu Terra the Elderly Zhang couple knew death was only days away. *pull out your tissues now* I dont tell you enough, but Vincent I love you so much. Thank you for being my best friend. Gela smiled as she pulled her husband into an embrace. I love you too. Vincent said holding back tears.
  • 75. I apologize for missing the Grim Reaper picture, but Gela past away the following afternoon.
  • 77. Vincent was not surprised when death arrived for him only a few days later.
  • 78. Vincent, Its time to join your family in the afterlife. What is in this suitcase anyway?! Its just for dramatic affect, now come on
  • 79. Pamela found it hard to live without her twin sister, and mourned her for the rest of her own life.
  • 80. Pamela and Toby Custer made sure to appreciate each other in their own final days.
  • 83. The loss of the Generation 2 twins and their spouses did not sit lightly at the Oresha Fruhm house. Jasmin, being a family sim, had an especially hard time dealing with the loss of her grandparents.
  • 84. Despite everything life does have to move onand Tommy had began to pursue Marsha Bruenig, who he had taken a liking to since he first laid eyes on her. She didnt seem to mind.
  • 85. The slap-dance also became popular, so that was exciting.
  • 86. And Jaiden finally graduated! Yay! She earned her degree in Psychology and graduated Summa Cumme Laude with a 4.0!
  • 87. Jaidens graduation party was the biggest party of the semester.
  • 89. She grew up in a verytropical? Outfit. Cute, but not really her.
  • 90. Dont worry, of course I fixed her right up once she moved to Terra Nova!
  • 91. Until her own home was built, Jaiden stayed with Alex and Kelly Custer as Kelly had been one of her closest friends in college.
  • 92. *Random side note: I did get replacement skins/eyes at this point in the story so dont freak out that my sims look different.
  • 93. Jaiden was able to purchase a lovely green rambler across the street from the Grundstrom home. It was a fairly large home and she began to feel lonely
  • 94. But thank god for Cyd Roseland!
  • 95. After a chance encounter (AKA me driving Jaiden to just about every possible downtown location with the hopes of her running into Cyd) Jaiden met Cyd and the two instantly hit it off! These two have two bolts for each other. (Yes Jaiden does randomly appear in a Llama costume when arriving at community lots, I think its funny.)
  • 97. Because this is the sims, Cyd agreed to move into Jaidens house shortly after they started dating.
  • 98. Its like they are a part of a legacy or something, isnt it? Well thats all folks! Until next time