1. Model Paper
A.P. Forest Department
牋牋牋о牋 牋牘牋萎愛牘牋謹 牋牋牋朽 牋謹鮎牋
Question paper for recruitment of Forest Beat officers
牋牋鉦旭牘牋伍牋牘 牋牘牋牘 牋牋о或牋牋鉦旭牘牋 牋牋牋牋逗牋牘 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋 牋牘牋む牋萎握牘
Subject: General Mathematics Time: 1 hour 30 minutes
牋伍穐牘牋牘牋牘牘 : 牋牋牋萎芦牘 牋牋鉦哀牋牋鉦牋逗牘牋伍. 牋伍握牋牋牘 : 1牋牋牋 30牋牋逗握牘牋劇握牘牋迦 .
Total Marks: 100 牋牘牋む牋む握牘 牋牋鉦旭牘牘牋迦 :100
Instructions / 牋伍牋牋牋迦 :
1. Answer all questions.
牋牋牘牋牋 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋牋迦牘 牋伍握牋鉦挨牋鉦姶牋牘 牋朽牋萎鮎 牋牘牋牘
2. Answers are to be marked on the OMR sheet supplied. Every question is provided with four
answers. Only one of these answers is correct. Correct answer is to be marked in one of the circles (A
or B or C or D) by filling the circle with black ball point pen.
牋伍握牋鉦挨牋鉦姶牋牘牋迦 OMR 牋牋む牋鉦握牘牋迦 牋牘牋萎牋む或牋牋牋逗牋÷或. 牋牋鉦阿牋 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋牋牘 牋牋鉦芦牘牋牘 牋伍握牋鉦挨牋鉦姶牋牘牋迦 牋牋朽牋朽穐牋÷或牋牋朽或. 牋朽牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋牋
牋伍握牋鉦挨牋鉦姶牋牘 牋牋鉦阿牘牋鉦握牘 牋伍旭牘牋牋牋逗姶牋牋. 牋伍旭牘牋牋牋逗姶 牋伍握牋鉦挨牋鉦姶牋牘牋牋牘 ( A / B / C / D ) 牋牋 牋牋牘牋萎牋牋 牋牋牋
牋伍牋牋鉦或牋迦 牋牋迦牋牘 牋牋鉦芦 牋牋萎渥牋逗或牋牋牘 牋牘牋牘 牋む 牋牘牋萎牋逗牋牋逗牋÷或.
3. The OMR sheet should not be folded or crushed.
OMR 牋牋む牋鉦握牘牋牘 牋牘牋÷圧牘牋朽牋牘牘 牋迦牋 牋牋迦或牋牋逗圧牘牘牋牋朽牋牘牘 .
4. Question numbers 1 to 10 carry one mark each and question numbers 11 to 40 carry two marks
each. Question numbers 41 to 50 carry three marks each.
1 牋牘牋逗牋÷或 10 牋朽牋萎牘 牋牋 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋 牋迦牘, 牋牋鉦阿牋 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋 牋牘 1 牋牋鉦旭牘牋. 11 牋牘牋逗牋÷或 40 牋朽牋萎牘牋牋 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋牋迦牘 牋牋鉦阿牋 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋牋牘 2
牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋迦. 41 牋牘牋逗牋÷或 50 牋朽牋萎牘 牋牋 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋牋迦牘 牋牋鉦阿牋 牋牘牋萎斡牘牋牋牘 3 牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋迦.
2. 5. No negative marking for the wrong answers.
牋む牋牘牘 牋伍握牋鉦挨牋鉦姶牋牘牋迦牘 牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋迦 牋む牋牘牋牋逗牋牋牋÷圧牘牘.
6. Cell phones / calculators and slide rules are not permitted in to the examination hall.
牋牋萎牋牘牋劇鮎 牋項鮎牋迦 牋迦牋牘牋牋牋 牋伍牋迦 牋牘 牋牘牘 , 牋牋萎芦牋逗牘牘牋迦牋牋萎牘 (Calculators ) 牋牋萎牋牘 牋伍牋迦牋÷ 牋萎牋迦牘 牋牋牘牋牋む或牋逗牋牋牋÷圧牘牘 .
7. Please do not write anything (name or hall ticket number) on the question paper. Two blank
sheets are added at the end of the question paper. These sheets can be used for doing rough work.
No additional sheets for rough work will be given.
牋牋鉦斡牘牋萎或牋牋む牋鉦握牘牋牘牘 牋牋萎姶牘牋 牋伍握牋鉦挨牋鉦姶 牋牋む牋鉦握牘牋牘牘 牋牋萎姶牘牋 牋蹏牘 ( 牋牘牋萎 / 牋項鮎牋迦 牋牋逗牘牋牘 牋牋逗牋牋萎 ) 牋朽牋萎鮎 牋牋朽牋牘牘 . 牋牋鉦斡牘牋萎或牋牋む牋鉦握牘
牋牋逗圧牘牋萎芦牘 牋萎牋逗牋÷ 牋む牋迦 牋牋萎牘牋む牋牘牋迦 牋牋逗牋牋牋÷或牋牋朽或. 牋萎茜牘 牋朽牋萎牋 牋 牋牋萎牘牋む牋牘牋迦葵牘牘 牋牘牋伍牋牘牋牋朽牋牘牘. 牋萎茜牘 牋朽牋萎牋 牋牘牋伍旭牋牘
牋牋牋牋牘牋牋 牋む牋迦 牋牋萎牘牋む牋牘牋迦 牋牋朽牋朽穐牋÷圧牘牘.
8. Make sure that you fill the details like name, hall ticket number, category etc. before start of
answering of the question paper on the OMR sheet.
牋牋鉦斡牘牋萎或牋牋む牋鉦握牘牋牘 牋伍握牋鉦挨牋鉦姶牋牘牋迦 牋朽牋萎鮎 牋伍 牋牘牋逗牋牘, OMR 牋牋む牋鉦握牘牋迦 牋牘牋萎, 牋項鮎牋迦 牋牋逗牘牋牘 牋牋逗牋牋萎 牋牋萎牋牘 牋牋む牋
牋朽或牋朽牋萎握牘牋迦 牋牘牋萎牋逗牋牋逗牋÷或.
1. The sum of 21
, 32
and 43
is :
, 32
, 43
牋 牋牘牋む牋む握牘 牋牋牋む?
(A) 24 (B) 23 (C) 65 (D) 75
2. 169 can be written as:
169牋牋 牋 牋牘牋萎牋牋 牋朽或牋о握牘牋牋 牋朽牋材鮎 牋牋朽牘牋準
(A) 10 (B) 11 (C) 12 (D) 13
3. The HCF of 12 and 28 is:
12 牋牋牋逗渥牘 28 牋 牋. 牋伍虻. 牋牘 牋牋牋む?
(A) 2 (B) 3 (C) 4 (D) 36
3. 4. The square root of 0.0016 is:
0 .0016牋牘 牋朽旭牋 牋牘牋迦握牘 牋牋牋む?
(A) 0.04 (B) 0.02 (C) 0.01 (D) 0.16
5. A person took a loan of Rs 1500 from his employer for 3 months at 12% per annum simple
interest. The amount he has to return is:
牋牋 牋朽渥牋牘牋 1500 牋萎牋牘牋材渥牋迦姶牋 牋牘牋÷ 牋牘牋迦芦 牋牘牋伍握牘 12 % 牋朽亜牘牋÷ 牋牘 牋む牋伍綾牋牘牋牋, 牋牋む牋牋 牋牘牋迦牋迦牋牘牋朽芦牋伍飴牋 牋牘牋む牋む握牘 牋牋牋む ?
(A) Rs 45 (B) Rs 1500 (C) Rs 1545 (D) Rs 1455
6. If the area of a circle is 154 square feet, what is its diameter in feet?
牋牋 牋朽或牋む牋む握牘 牋牘牋牋 牋朽牘牘牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘 154 牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牋÷牋牘牋迦 牋牋, 牋 牋朽或牋む牋む逢牘 牋朽牋材渥牋伍握牘 (牋牋÷牋牘牋迦芦牘 ) 牋牋牋む ?
(A) 22 / 7 (B) 7 (C) 11 (D) 14
7. In a given school, there are 240 boys and 260 girls. What is the ratio of the number of boys to the
number of girls?
牋牋 牋牘牋材牋謹虻牋 牋迦 240 牋牋鉦芦牘牋萎 牋牋牋逗渥牘 260 牋牋鉦芦牘牋牋迦 牋牋牋 , 牋 牋牘牋材牋謹虻牋 牋迦牋牋 牋牋鉦芦牘牋萎握牋牋逗渥牘 牋牋鉦芦牘牋牋 牋牋逗扱牋牋む牋む阿 牋牋牋む ?
(A) 1:1 (B) 13:12 (C) 12:13 (D) 260:240
8. A man purchased a bundle of cloth, with a list price of Rs 20000, and a sales tax of 10%
on it. He paid Rs 25000 to the shopkeeper. The money he got back was :
牋牋 牋朽渥牋牘牋 牋牋 牋む鮎牋牋 牋牋牘牋牋牋 20000 牋萎牋牘牋材渥牋迦牘 牋牘牋牋 , 牋牋鉦姶牋 牋牘 10 % 牋牋牋牋牋牘 牋牋牋準姶 . 牋牋む牋牋 牋劇虻牋牘 牋牋牋牋鉦姶牋逗牘
25000 牋萎牋牘牋材渥牋迦牋牘牋迦牋迦牋牋逗姶, 牋牋む牋牋逗牘 牋む牋む渥牋逗牋 牋朽牋牘 牋伍 牋牘牋 牋牋牋む ?
(A) Rs 22000 (B) Rs 15000 (C) Rs 3000 (D) Rs 2000
9. The area of a circle is 314 cm2. If = 3.14, then its circumferenceis :
牋牋 牋朽或牋む牋 牋朽牘牘牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘 314 牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋伍牋牘牋逗握牘牋牘牋萎 牋迦. 牋朽或牋迦牋 3 .14 牋牋 , 牋 牋朽或牋む牋む逢牘 牋牘牋準牘牋牋 牋牘牋迦阿牘 牋牋牋む ?
(A) 37.4 cm (B) 31.4 cm (C) 62.80 cm (D) 68.20 cm
10. What fraction of 1 hour is 15 minutes?
牋牋 牋牋牋牘 牋迦 15 牋牋逗握牘牋劇握牘牋迦 牋牋牋牋 牋朽牋む牘 ?
A. 1 /15 B. 6/15 C.1/4 D. 4/1
4. 11. N is one of the numbers below. N is such that when multiplied by 0.75 gives 1. Which number is
equal to N?
牋 牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋牋逗牋牋伍牋牘牋 牋 牋迦 牋牋牋牘牋 N 牋朽或牋迦牋 . N 牋牋 0 . 75 牋む 牋項牋牋逗牋牋牋逗姶 牋朽牋牘 牋朽或牋迦牋 3 . N 牋朽或牋迦牋 牋牋牋む ?
A) 0.50 B) 1.0 C) 2 D) 4
12. If sin慮 + cos慮= 2 cos慮, the value of tan 慮 is :Type equation here.
sin慮 + cos 慮 = 2 cos 慮,牋牋 tan 慮牋朽或牋迦牋 牋牋牋む ?Type equation here.
(A) 2 (B) 1 (C) 2 -1 (D) 2 +1
13. Simplify : ( 10000) / ( 16)
( 10000)/(16)牋牋 :牋伍鮎牋牘牋劇牋牋牋牋牋逗牋牘牋牘
(A)10000 / 16 (B) 10 (C) 25 (D) 50
14. Value of k if 64 歎 k = 2.
64 歎 k = 2牋牋 , k 牋朽或牋迦牋 牋牋牋む ?
(A) 4 (B) 8 (C) 16 (D) 32
15. The two sides of a right angled triangle (other than hypotenuse) are 9 cm and 12 cms. Find the
circumference of the triangle.
牋牋 牋迦牋 牋牘牋 牋む牋む鮎牋牘牋牋牘 牋牘牋牋 牋牘牋牋牘牋迦 (牋牋萎娃牋牘 牋牋材姶牘 牋牘牋牋牘牋迦 ) 9 牋伍牋牘牋逗握牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋牋逗渥牘 12 牋伍牋牘牋逗握牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋,
牋 牋む牋む鮎牋牘牋牋牘 牋牘牋準牘牋牋 牋牘牋迦阿牘 牋牋牋む ?
(A) 30 cm (B) 36 cm (C) 42 cm (D) 48 cm
16. 1 歎 0.05 = ?
A. 0.02 B. 0.2 C. 2 D. 20
17. A person walking at a speed of 4.8 kilometres an hour can cover how many metersin one
牋牋牋牘牋牘 4.8 牋牘牋迦牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋朽牘牋牋牘 牋む 牋牋÷牋牋牋 牋牋 牋朽渥牋牘牋 , 牋牋 牋牋逗握牘牋劇握牘 牋迦 牋牋牋逗姶 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋÷圧牋牋迦亜牘 ?
(A) 100 (B) 120 (C) 80 (D) 160
5. 18. The perimeter of square A is 3 times the perimeter of square B. What is the ratio of the area of
square A to the area of square B.
A 牋牋牘 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋鉦握牘 牋牘牋牋 牋牘牋準牘牋牋 牋牘牋迦阿牘 , B 牋牋牋 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋鉦握牘牋牋牘 3 牋牘牋牘牋牋 牋牋, A牋牋牋逗渥牘 B 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋鉦握牘 牋 牋朽牘牘牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘
牋 牋牋逗扱牋牋む牋む阿 牋牋牋む ?
(A) 1:3 (B) 3:1 (C) 1:9 (D) 9:1
19. At a book stall, a discount of 20% was allowed on each book. A book was purchased by
a customer for Rs 100, its marked price was :
牋牋 牋牘牋伍阿牋牋材芦 牋牋準牋材娃牋牘 牋迦 牋牋鉦阿牘牋 牋牘牋伍阿牋牋牘 牋牘 牋牋伍芦牘 牋о旭 牋牘牋 20 % 牋牋材握牋む 牋牋牋逗牋, 牋牘牋牋準牘牋迦牋牋鉦旭牘牋÷ 牋牋 牋牘牋伍阿牋牋牘
牋牋牘 100牋萎牋牘牋材渥牋迦 牋牘牋迦牋迦牋牋逗姶, 牋 牋牘牋伍阿牋牋牘 牋牋伍芦牘 牋о旭 牋牋牋む ?
(A) Rs 110 (B) Rs 120 (C) 125 (D) Rs. 130
20. If 80% of a number is 40, what is 10% of the number?
牋牋 牋伍牋牘牋 牋牘牋牋 80 牋謹虻牋む牋牘 牋朽或牋迦牋 40 牋牋 , 牋 牋伍牋牘牋 牋牋牋 牋謹虻牋む牋牘 牋朽或牋迦牋 牋牋牋む ?
A. 50 B. 5 C. 20 D. 2
21. Which is the greatest?
牋 牋牘牋萎牋牋 牋朽牋材姶牋 牋迦 牋牋牋牋牋 牋蹏牋 ?
A. 90% of 10 B. 6% of 1000 C. 5% of 1400 D. 3% of 2500
22. George bought a car at Rs.10000 and sold it at Rs.12500. What benefit, in percent, did he
牋牋鉦渥牋逗或 牋牋 牋牋材旭牘 牋牋 10000 牋萎牋牘牋材渥牋迦牘 牋牘牋牋 , 12500 牋萎牋牘牋材渥牋迦牘 牋牋牘牋牋牋 , 牋牋む牋牋逗牘 牋朽牋逗牋 牋迦鮎牋 牋謹虻牋む牋牘 牋牋牋む ?
A. 25% B. 10% C. 12.5% D. 5%
23. What is the volume of water that can be filled in a pit having dimensions of 10 m X 8 m X
1.25 m?
A. 100 B. 100m C. 100m2
D. 100 m3
10 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 X 8 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 X 1.25 牋牘牋牘牋萎芦 牋牘牋迦阿牘牋迦 牋牋牋 牋牋 牋牘牋牋む 牋迦, 牋牋牋逗姶 牋牘牋橿牋橿 牋牋逗牋 牋朽牘牋準牋牋?
A. 100 B. 100 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 C. 100 牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 D. 100 牋牋牋牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋
6. 24. Which two fractions are not equivalent?
牋 牋牘牋萎牋牋 牋牋逗姶牋牋牘 牋 牋迦 牋 牋牘牋牋÷ 牋伍握牋鉦姶牋牘 牋牋材愛牋
A. 1/2 and 2/4 B. 4/3 and 8/6 C. 1/5 and 3/15 D. 2/3 and 8/9
25. Arrange from least to greatest: 8/9 , 17/18 , 2/3 , 7/6 .
牋朽牋牘牋逗姶牋 牋む牋牘牋牋 牋牋準牋÷牋 牋牋牘牋牋 牋朽旭牘牋伍芦牘 牋朽牋材鮎 牋牘牋牘: 8/9 , 17/18 , 2/3 , 7/6 .
A. 8/9 , 17/18 , 2/3 , 7/6 B. 2/3 , 8/9 , 17/18 , 7/6
C. 8/9 , 2/3 , 17/18 , 7/6 D. 2/3 , 7/6 , 8/9 , 17/18
26. Pump A can fill a tank of water in 5 hours. Pump B can fill the same tank in 10 hours. How long
does it take the two pumps working together to fill the tank?
A. 3 hours and 30 minutes B. 2 hours and 30 minutes
C. 2 hours and 20 minutes D. 3 hours and 20 minutes
牋牘牋牘牋牋牘 A 牋牋 牋む牋牘牋逗牋牋 5 牋牋牋牘牋迦芦牘 牋牋逗牋 牋牋迦愛牋. 牋牋牋 牋む牋牘牋逗牋牋 , 牋牘牋牘牋牋牘 B,10 牋牋牋牘牋迦芦牘 牋牋逗牋 牋牋迦愛牋. 牋 牋牘牋牋÷
牋牘牋牘牋牋牘牋迦(A 牋牋牋逗渥牘 B ) 牋牋迦牋伍飴, 牋 牋む牋牘牋逗牋牋 牋牋牋む 牋伍握牋牋牘 牋迦 牋牋逗牋 牋牋迦圧牘 ?
A. 3 牋牋牋牘牋 30 牋牋逗握牘牋劇虻牋迦 B. 2 牋牋牋牘牋 30 牋牋逗握牘牋劇虻牋迦
C. 2 牋牋牋牘牋 20 牋牋逗握牘牋劇虻牋迦 D. 3 牋牋牋牘牋 20 牋牋逗握牘牋劇虻牋迦
27. The length of a rectangle is increased to 2 times its original size and its width is increased to 3
times its original size. If the area of the new rectangle is equal to 1800 square meters, what is the
area of the original rectangle in sq. meters ?
牋牋 牋牘牋萎 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋鉦握牘 牋牘牋牋 牋牘牘 牋÷圧牘牋牋 牋牘牋牋÷牋牋牋む牋迦 牋牋牋逗渥牘 牋朽牘牋÷芦牘牋 牋牘牋÷ 牋牘牋牘牋牋 牋 牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋 牋朽牋逗牋 牋牘牋萎 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋鉦逢牘
牋朽牘牘牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘 1800 牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋 , 牋牘牋牋牘牋牋 牋牋牋 牋牘牋萎 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋鉦逢牘 牋朽牘牘牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘 牋牋牋む (牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎芦牋迦 )?
A. 300 B. 600 C. 900 D. 1200
28. To have F + 2 5/7 = 6, F must be equal to
F + 2 5/7 = 6牋迦 F 牋朽或牋迦牋 牋牋牋む ?
A. 2/7 B. 1 2/7 C. 22/7 D. 32/7
29. The total surface area of a closed circular cylinder of radius 3.5 m and height7 m is :
(A) 77 m2
(B) 154 m2
(C) 231 m2
(D) 308 m2
7. 牋牘牋牋÷ 牋朽牘牘牋牘牋 牋牘牋伍飴 牋牋牋 牋牋 牋伍鮎牋 牋牋牘 牋牘牋牋 牋朽牋材渥牋伍虻牋萎挨牋牘 3 .5 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋牋逗渥牘 牋牋む牘牋 7 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋 , 牋 牋伍鮎牋 牋牋牘
牋牘牋牋 牋牋牋牋逗阿牘牋 牋朽牘牘牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘 牋牋牋む ?
(A) 77 牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 (B) 154 牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 (C) 231 牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 (D) 308 m2牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋
30. If tan 慮 = 他, then Sin 慮 is:
tan 慮= 他, 牋牋 , Sin 慮 = ?
(A) 4/5 (B) 3/5 (C) 4/3 (D) 5/4
31. Calculate the circumference of a circular field whose radius is 7 meters (in meters)
牋朽或牋む鮎牋 牋牋材旭牋牘 牋迦 牋牋牋 牋牋 牋牘牘 牋迦握牘 牋牘牋牋 牋朽牋材渥牋伍虻牋萎哀牋牘 7牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 . 牋 牋牘牘 牋迦握牘 牋牘牋牋 牋牘牋準牘牋牋 牋牘牋迦阿牘 牋牋牋逗姶 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 ?
A) 22 B) 44 C) 66 D) 88
32. The rectangular playground of a school is three times as long as it is wide. The area of the
playground is 300 square meters. What is the perimeter of the playground in meters?
牋牋 牋牘牋萎 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋材鮎 牋牋材旭牋牘 牋迦 牋牋牋 牋牋牘 牋伍哀牋迦握牘 牋牘牋牋 牋牘牘 牋÷圧牘 牋牋鉦姶牋 牋朽牘牋÷芦牘牋牋牘 牋牘牋÷ 牋牘牋牘牋牋 . 牋 牋牋牘 牋伍哀牋迦逢牘 牋朽或牋伍絢牋む旭牋牋牘
300牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 . 牋 牋牋牘 牋伍哀牋迦逢牘 牋牘牋準牘牋牋 牋牘牋迦阿牘 牋牋牋逗姶 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 ?
A) 80 B) 100 C) 150 D) 300
33. (9 x - 6) + (- 5x + 7) =?
A. 14x + 1 B. -4x - 1 C. 4x + 1 D. 4x + 13
34. In a school 50% of the students are younger than 10, 1/20 are 10 years old and 1/10 are older
than 10 but younger than 12, the remaining 70 students are 12 years or older. How many students
are 10 years old?
牋牋 牋牘牋材牋謹虻牋 牋迦 牋牋牋 牋牘牋む牋む握牘 牋朽或牋牋鉦渥牋萎牋 牋迦芦牘 牋伍牋牘 牋牋牋牋 10牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘 牋迦牋牘 牋朽牋材旭牘 ; 1/20 牋 牋朽牋む牘
10牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘 牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾 牋朽牋材旭牘 . 1/10 牋朽牋む牘 牋朽牋材渥牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾 10 牋牋準牋÷牋 12牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘牋迦.牋牘牋牋牋逗芦牘牋 牋朽牋材旭牘
12牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘 牋 牋牋牋鉦姶 牋牋牘牋牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾 牋朽牋材旭牘. 12牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘 牋 牋牋牋鉦姶 牋牋牘牋牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾 牋朽牋材旭牘 70 牋牋 ,
10牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘 牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾 牋朽牋材旭牘 牋牋牋牋萎 ?
A) 5 B) 10 C) 15 D) 20
35. if x = 3 and y= 4 , what is the value of (x2
+ y2
x = 3牋牋牋逗渥牘 y = 4牋牋 ,(x2
+ y2
)牋朽或牋迦牋 牋牋牋む ?
A) 25 B) -25 C) 5 D) -5
8. 36. The volume of a cube is 27000 cubic centimetres. What is the surface area of the cube?
牋牋 牋牋牋牘 牋牘牋牋 牋牋 牋牋牋逗握牋鉦娃牋牘 27000 牋牋牋牘 牋伍牋牘牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 . 牋 牋牋牋牘 牋牋牋牋 牋む牋 牋朽牘牘牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘 牋牋牋逗姶 牋牘牋牋萎逢牘
牋伍牋牘牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 ?
A) 54 B) 540 C) 5400 D) 54000
37. The table shows a relationship between x and y. Find y when x = 14.
牋 牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋朽圧 牋牋÷牋牋 牋牋牘牋逗牋, X 牋牋牋逗渥牘 Y 牋 牋牋牋 牋牋牋 牋伍牋牋牋о握牘 牋牋 牋む牋迦牋牘 牋む牘牋牋牋. X 牋朽或牋迦牋 14牋牋 , Y 牋朽或牋迦牋朽牋牋む
0 2
4 10
8 22
10 27
14 ?
A) 30 B. 32 C) 36 D).
38. A car is traveling 90kilometres per hour. How many meters does the car travel in one
牋牋 牋牋材旭牘 牋牋牋牘牋牘 90牋牘牋迦 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋朽牘牋牋牘 牋む 牋朽牘牋橿牋橿牋 , 牋伍牋牋 牋牘 牋牋牋逗姶 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋鉦渥牋鉦娃牋牋牘牋準姶牋 ?
A) 5 B. 25 C) 20 D) 15
39. Two ships are sailing in the sea on the two sides of a lighthouse. The angle of elevation of the top
of the lighthouse is observed from the ships are 30尊 and 45尊 respectively. If the lighthouse is 100 m
high, the distance between the two ships is:
A. 173 m B. 200 m C. 273 m D. 300 m
牋牘牋牋÷ 牋牋÷芦牘 牋伍握牘牋牋鉦握牘 牋迦 牋牋牋牋 牋迦牋牘 牋牋牋 牋迦牋牘 牋項牋伍 牋牋牘 牋牋萎 牋牋鉦牋牋 牋牋牋牋朽或. 牋 牋牋÷芦牘 , 牋迦牋牘 牋項牋伍 牋牘 牋牋鉦牋材姶牋逗牘
牘牘 牋牋牋逗渥牘 牘牘 牋÷牋牋牋萎旭 牋 牋牘牋牋牘 牋む ( 牋牋鉦牋牋逗芦牘 牋牋牘 牋牋迦牋朽牘牋劇姶牘 ) 牋牋牋牋朽或 . 牋 牋迦牋牘 牋項牋伍 牋牋む牘牋 牘о右牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋 , 牋 牋牘牋牋÷
牋牋÷芦牋牋牋牋牋鉦旭牋牘 牋牋牋む ?
A. 173 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 B. 200 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 C. 273 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 D. 300 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋
40. In a bag of small balls 1/4 are green, 1/8 are blue, 1/12 are yellow and the remaining 26
white. How many balls are blue?
牋牋 牋伍牋牋 牋迦牋牋 牋牋牋む牘牋迦芦牘 1 / 4 牋 牋朽牋む牘 牋牋牘 牋牋牘牘 , 1 / 8 牋 牋朽牋む牘 牋牘牋迦握牘 牋牋牋逗渥牘 1 / 12 牋 牋朽牋む牘 牋牋伍綾牋牘 牋牋牘牘
牋萎牋牘 牋迦 牋牋牋牋朽或. 牋牘牋牋牋逗芦牘牋 牋牋牋む牘牋迦 牋む牋迦芦牋朽或. 牋む牋迦芦 牋牋牋む牘牋迦 26 牋牋, 牋牘牋迦握牘 牋萎牋牘 牋牋牋む牘牋迦 牋牋牋逗姶 ?
9. A) 6 B. 12 C) 18 D) 24
41. Four congruent isosceles right triangles are cut from the 4 corners of a square with a side of 20
cms. The length of one leg of the triangles is equal to 4 cms. What is the area of the remaining
octagon in sq. cms?
20牋伍牋牘牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎芦 牋牘牋牋牘 牋牋 牋牋 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋鉦握牘 牋牘牋牋 牋牋迦牋牘 牋牘牋迦芦 牋牋準牋÷牋 4 牋伍牋牘牋 牋牘牋牘牋萎芦 牋牘牋牋牘 牋牋 牋伍握牋牋鉦姐牘
牋む牋む鮎牋牘牋牋牘牋牋 牋牋む牋む阿牋牋逗牋牋逗姶 ( 牋牘牋萎牋牋 牋牋牘牋牘牋迦 牋牘牋鉦葵牋死姶 牋朽或牋о握牘牋牋 ), 牋牘牋牋牋逗芦牘牋 (牋 牋牘牋む牘牋萎宛牋鉦握牘牋迦 ) 牋朽牘牘牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘 牋牋牋む (牋牘牋牋萎逢牘 牋伍牋牘牘
牋牘牋牘牋萎芦 牋迦 ) ?
A. 368B. 400 C. 32D. 80
42. Find the total surface area of the box open at the top.
牋牘牋 牋む牋萎牋 牋牋牋 牋牋牘牋逗 牋牋牋牋 牋む牋 牋朽牘牘 牋謹虻牋迦渥牋牘 牋牋牋む ?
A) 400 cm2
B) 570 cm2
C) 600 cm2
D) 670 cm2
10. 43. If a trench is to be dug around playground which is 20 m wide and 60 m long and if the
dimensions of the trench are such that it is 1 m wide and 1 meter deep, what is the earthwork
involved in cubic meters?
20 牋牘牋牘牋萎芦 牋朽牘牋÷芦牘牋 , 60 牋牘牋牘牋萎芦 牋牘牘 牋÷圧牘 牋牋牋 牋牋 牋牋牘 牋伍哀牋迦握牘 牋牘牋準牘牘牋 , 牋牋 牋牘牋牘牋萎 牋朽牘牋÷芦牘牋 牋牋牋逗渥牘 牋牋 牋牘牋牘牋萎 牋迦牋む牘
牋牋牋牋牋牘牋牋 牋む牋朽或牋朽姶 , 牋牋牋牋準芦牘牋牋 牋牋準牋÷牋 牋朽牋牘 牋牋牘牋逗 牋牋 牋牋牋逗握牋鉦娃牋牘 牋牋牋逗姶 牋牋牋牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 ?
A. 160 B. 164 C. 1360 D. 1200
44. Find the unknown angles (x and y) in the figures below.
牋 牋牘牋萎牋牋 牋牋牘牋牘 牋迦牋牋 x 牋牋牋逗渥牘 y 牋朽或牋迦牋朽芦牋牋 牋む牋迦牋牘牋牘
A) 260
, 640
B) 640
, 260
C) 640
, 520
D) 520
, 640
45. A train traveling at 72 kmph crosses a platform in 30 seconds and a man standing on the
platform in 18 seconds. What is the length of the platform in meters?
牋牋牋牘牋牘 72 牋牘牋迦 牋牘牋牘牋萎芦 牋朽牘牋牋牘 牋む 牋朽牘牋橿牋橿牋牘牋準姶牋 牋牋 牋牘牘牋迦 牋牘牋材芦 牋牘 牋牘牋材旭牋 牋牋 30 牋伍牋牋÷牋伍宛 牋迦牋牋 牋牋牋逗渥牘 牋牘牋材芦 牋牘 牋牘牋材旭牋 牋牘牋
牋牋牋 牋牋 牋牋牋逗扱牋死姶牋 18 牋伍牋牋÷牋伍宛 牋迦牋牋 牋牋鉦牘牋牋む牘牋牋牋 . 牋 牋牘牋材芦 牋牘 牋牘牋材旭牋 牋牘牘 牋÷圧牘 牋牋牋む ?
A. 240 meters B. 360 meters C. 420 meters D. 600 meters
46. Three years back, a father was 24 years older than his son. At present the father is 5 times as old
as the son. How old will the son be three years from now?
牋牘牋÷ 牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘牋 牋牘牋萎阿牘牋牘 牋む牋牋÷牋牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾牋 , 牋牘牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾牋 牋牋牋鉦姶 24 牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘 牋迦 牋牋牘牋牋 . 牋牋鉦宛牋準阿 牋む牋牘
, 牋む牋牋÷牋牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾牋 牋牘牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾牋 牋牋牋鉦姶 5 牋牘牋牘牋牋 牋牋牘牋牋 . 牋牘牋÷ 牋伍牋朽阿牘牋伍旭牋牘 牋 牋む牋萎牋朽牋材阿牘 , 牋牘牋牋鉦旭牘牋牋 牋朽渥牋伍綾牋
牋牋牋む ?
A. 12 years B. 6 years C. 3 years D. 9 years
47. What is the volume of a cone (in cubic meters) which is with radius of 7m and height of 15m?
11. 牋牋 牋謹牋牘牋 牋牋牋材旭牋牘牋迦 牋牋牋 牋牋牘牋牋÷握牘 牋牋む牘牋 15 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋牋逗渥牘 牋牋鉦姶牋 牋朽牋材渥牋伍虻牋萎哀牋牘 7 牋牘牋牘牋萎牋 牋牋 , 牋牋鉦姶牋 牋牋
牋牋牋逗握牋鉦娃牋牘 (牋牋牋牘 牋牘牋牘牋萎芦牋迦 ) 牋牋牋む ?
A. 770 B. 870 C. 970 D.1070
48. A car travelled 281 miles in 4 hours 41 minutes. What was the average speed of the car in
miles per hour?
牋牋 牋牋材旭牘 281 牋牘牋橿牘 牋牋鉦旭牋牘牋牋 4 牋牋牋牘牋 41 牋牋逗握牘牋劇握牘牋迦芦牘 牋朽牘牋橿牋橿牋 , 牋 牋牋材旭牘 牋牋牋牘牋牘 牋朽牘牋橿牋橿牋 牋伍渥牋材宛牋牋
牋牋鉦旭牋牘 牋牋牋む ?
A. 40 miles B. 50 miles C. 60 miles D. 70 miles
49. Pump A can fill a tank of water in 3 hours. Pump B can fill the same tank in 6 hours. How long
does it take the two pumps working together to fill the tank?
牋牘牋牋牘牋 牋牋牋牘 牋牋 牋む牋牘牋逗 牋牋 3 牋牋牋牘牋 牋迦牋牋 牋牋牋逗渥牘 牋牘牋牋÷圧 牋牋牋牘 6 牋牋牋牘牋 牋迦牋牋 牋牋逗牋 牋牋迦圧牘. 牋牘牋牋÷ 牋牋牋牘 牋迦
牋牋迦牋伍飴 牋 牋む牋牘牋逗 牋牋 牋牋牋む 牋伍握牋牋牘牋迦 牋牋逗牋 牋牋迦圧牘 ?
A. 90 minutes B. 120 minutes C. 150 minutes D. 180 minutes
50. Which of these is anot a rightangle triangles?
牋 牋牘牋萎牋牋 牋朽牋材姶牋 牋迦 牋 牋む牋む鮎牋牘牋牋牘 牋迦牋 牋牘牋 牋む牋む鮎牋牘牋牋牘牋牋材愛牋 ?
A. A B. B C. C D. None