This document summarizes the printing and fulfillment services of FCL Graphics. It highlights their digital pre-press and sheet-fed, half-web, and full-web printing presses. It also discusses their finishing, binding, and computer-to-plate equipment. The document emphasizes that FCL Graphics keeps promises by offering quick turnaround, closed-loop quality control, and dedicated customer service teams. It positions FCL Graphics as a preferred vendor that can handle various printing and fulfillment needs through consolidation, faster time to market, streamlined processes, and utilizing expertise beyond just printing.
The document discusses IBM's ProtecTIER deduplication product. It was initially lacking native replication capabilities but IBM has since added this feature. Native replication increases ProtecTIER's value for both enterprise and mid-market customers. The document then details some of ProtecTIER's primary features, including its highly efficient deduplication engine that scales to 1PB, high performance replication, reliability through its non-hashing design, and use of premium storage components.
1) The CIO faces challenges around scalable infrastructure, connectivity, costs, and outsourcing partners. CtrlS offers solutions like the largest Tier IV datacenter in India with scalability for 10 years and carrier neutral connectivity.
2) CtrlS ensures better connectivity through a carrier neutral datacenter directly connected to NIXI nodes and teleco networks, with redundancy.
3) CtrlS can decrease costs through their location in Navi Mumbai which reduces taxes, rental costs and power tariffs, as well as power efficient systems that can save over 30% in TCO.
Manage rising disk prices with storage virtualization webinarHitachi Vantara
Learn how storage virtualization can reclaim existing storage on the floor. Extend thin provisioning to existing storage to increase disk utilization and defer capital purchases. Take advantage of zero reclaim and write same to reclaim storage reclamation.
Color digital production press
An all-in-one solution designed to transform your digital print operation or business.
Check out the full specifications in this brochure.
The OMG has recently standardized a UML Profile for DDS. This brief tutorial, which was presented at the OMG RTWS 2009, provides you with an introduction to the standard.
This document discusses implementing a private storage cloud to help reduce data storage costs. A private storage cloud allows sharing of storage resources across an organization on a dedicated private network. It provides flexibility, scalability and efficient management of rapidly growing data storage needs. The document outlines how a private storage cloud can help in situations like running out of storage space, upgrading old storage, and facilitating disaster recovery in the event of site failures. It also provides an overview of private storage cloud architecture.
XenDesktop 4 introduces several new HDX features that improve the user experience when working with virtual desktops and applications. Key features include enhanced Flash redirection, plug-and-play multi-monitor support, improved smartcard support, enhanced USB support including for webcams, and integration with Citrix Branch Repeater for acceleration. XenDesktop 4 also provides support for 64-bit guest operating systems and multi-forest Active Directory deployments. New products like HDX 3D Professional Graphics extend XenDesktop to support 3D graphics-intensive workflows.
Print by Premier Equipment Brochure LinkedinEdward Sanders
Print by Premier + More provides commercial printing, digital printing, direct mail, kitting, and promotional materials services across 3 facilities. They have 3 IGEN 3 printers and 1 IGEN 4 printer that can print on sheets up to 26" x 14" in size. Print by Premier combines these services with an e-commerce solution tailored to each client's needs and branding.
The Kodak Approval NX Digital Color Imaging System can accurately proof process, spot, and metallic colors for various printing processes using digital donors and advanced color management. It produces accurate spot dots rather than simulated spots. The system can image colors on different substrates up to 26.6" x 20.9" at resolutions up to 2540 dpi. It connects to various workflow systems to maintain file integrity.
On July, 20th, 2010 IBM announced the IBM TS7610 ProtecTIER速 Deduplication Appliance Express, a complete deduplicated storage subsystem for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and remote offices. The new subsystem is the newest and smallest member of the ProtecTIER seriesa leading enterprise-suitable deduplication technology, which IBM acquired from Diligent Technologies in 2008 and continues to develop and enhance at a remarkable pace. The TS7610 uses the same ProtecTIER software found in their larger TS7650 solutions, has the same ProtecTIER functionality, is pre-configured (ready to use) and offers very competitive CapEx and OpEx pricing. Learn More:
BancTec provides multi-vendor maintenance services for transaction and document processing equipment from companies like IBM, Unisys, FUJI, and more. They have over 1,700 employees globally serving over 2,000 clients. BancTec aims to be a total customer-first partner with national coverage, well-stocked parts inventory, and proven support for mission critical systems. Customer testimonials praise BancTec's reliability, responsiveness, and ability to simplify service through their multi-vendor model.
This document describes a business storage solution called ROBUSTnodeTM that provides scalable and reliable storage for businesses. It has innovative features like expanding storage capacity, supporting large petabyte storage needs, seamless auto-backup, and drive redundancy. The solution is affordable and supports major operating systems. It also provides monitoring, management and multiple functions in one device. The company offers additional services like storage design, implementation, and managed services.
Evolution from EDA to Data Mesh: Data in Motionconfluent
Thoughtworks Zhamak Dehghani observations on these traditional approachess failure modes, inspired her to develop an alternative big data management architecture that she aptly named the Data Mesh. This represents a paradigm shift that draws from modern distributed architecture and is founded on the principles of domain-driven design, self-serve platform, and product thinking with Data. In the last decade Apache Kafka has established a new category of data management infrastructure for data in motion that has been leveraged in modern distributed data architectures.
INTUITION provides affordable enterprise-level data storage solutions to small, medium, and large businesses through partnerships with leading technology manufacturers. It has operations in the Middle East and India and is committed to bringing its technology expertise to the healthcare industry through solutions like PACSmate and the Lifeline hospital management system. INTUITION focuses on understanding customer needs and ensuring solutions are affordable and easy to implement.
The broadcast industry is changing in radical new ways. Enter the door of the future, redefine the way your users work and how your technologies are implemented.
The document discusses digital workflows for cinema production and distribution. It outlines DVS's goal of providing an integrated workflow that supports content creation and access across stages from capture to distribution. It then summarizes DVS's history of innovations in digital video technology. Finally, it presents DVS solutions like Spycer and CLIPSTER that enable an open, performing, and coherent digital cinema workflow in accordance with DCI specifications.
The document discusses Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) which are used to store and convey digital cinema audio, image, and data streams. It describes the components and file structure of a DCP including image and audio files stored in MXF format, an asset map file, composition playlist file, packing list file, and volume index file if stored across multiple mediums. It also discusses 3D DCPs, the encryption process, delivery methods, tools for DCP and KDM creation, and tips for independent filmmakers to create their own DCPs.
American Litho offers a wide range of print services including web, sheetfed, digital and wide format printing. It has large facilities covering 250,000 square feet with modern printing presses, platemaking, proofing and pre-press equipment. American Litho prides itself on customer service and aims to deliver high quality print jobs efficiently. It handles both small and large jobs with short turnaround times.
INTERCEPTUS is a barcode print application that:
- Enables barcode printing to GS1 standards by intercepting print commands from patient administration systems and converting data to required wristband designs.
- Extends to pharmacy labels, sample labels, case notes, and equipment track and trace solutions with its Pro edition.
- Integrates with any system that can output text to a report or text file and supports multiple printers and barcodes standards including Datamatrix and GS1 128.
Project X Inc. has been contracted by C&M Medical to design and implement a new computer network for their medical offices. The current network uses outdated equipment like Windows 98 workstations and dial-up internet. The proposed new network will centralize servers, storage, and software across all offices. It will also upgrade workstations, implement wireless access, install fiber optic cabling, and introduce virtualization and disaster recovery solutions. The total budget for the project is $425,000.
Open Source Enterprise Integrated Document Capture 13.Oct.2011Alfresco Software
The document is a presentation about integrating Ephesoft and Alfresco for enterprise integrated document capture (EIDC). It discusses what Ephesoft and Alfresco are, how they can be integrated for EIDC, and the benefits such as being browser-based, cloud ready, and offering document capture capabilities at a fraction of the cost of other solutions. It also includes a demonstration of Ephesoft and Alfresco and offers a free assessment workshop from the sponsor, CIGNEX Datamatics, to evaluate needs and provide recommendations.
BCLOUD: Smart Scale your Storage - festival ICT 2015festival ICT 2016
I dati non strutturati come Big Data Analytics, le applicazioni mobile, il sync and share e i servizi cloud-like, solo per citarne alcuni, generano una quantit di dati che rischia di compromettere lagilit e la competitivit delle aziende. I moderni sistemi di Object Storage possono essere considerati come una piattaforma globale in grado di fornire soluzioni di storage sicure, disponibili, affidabili, geograficamente distribuite e con costi competitivi per moltissimi servizi quali larchiviazione, il backup ed il sync&share, in grado di migliorare lesperienza e la produttivit dellutente finale.
Cloudian Hyperstore速 竪 una piattaforma di Object Storage compatibile con Amazon S3 che consente di realizzare sistemi di storage distribuiti estremamente flessibili, scalabili ed affidabili, potendo al contempo trarre vantaggio dal vasto numero di applicazioni disponibili nellecosistema Amazon. La piattaforma 竪 progettata specificatamente per soddisfare le esigenze di cloud storage multi-tenant di elevati volumi di dati con uninterfaccia di gestione robusta e flessibile.
A Control Room is the center of your organizations operations. With an ef- ficient structure, a control room enables you to plan, manage, analyze, and even recover day-to-day activities.
Finally, a Complete Document Capture Solution Designed Exclusively with the Needs of the Line of Business Owner in Mind. INTRODUCING CAPSYS AXIOM≒a fully functional, single or multi-user, web-based document and data capture solution available in the convenience of a network appliance. All you have to do is take the appliance out of the box, plug it in to your network and start scanning. Its that easy and its that convenient.
Further, CAPSYS AXIOM Network Appliances are engineered with all the necessary integration components to make it plug and play seemlessly with ECM systems such as: Hyland OnBase, LaserFiche, Filebound, KnowledgeTree, SEQUEST TIER Behaviorial Healthcare Workflow, Correctional Healthcare Workflow, Substance Abuse Healthcare Workflow, Social Services Workflow systems and other line of business and/or ECM systems.
The PACS Nano is a path breaking design which exploits cloud computing and the availability off-the-shelf computer hardware to build an affordable, easy-to-use PACS that delivers robust performance with comprehensive functionality.
A solutions specifically designed for smaller hospitals and diagnostic centres targeting up to 10,000 patient exams per year is adequate for most radiology departments.
The simplicity of design also minimizes the cost and efforts for IT Administration, training and support, as even complex workflows involving multiple sites and teleradiology can be easily managed using Freedom Cloud sync.
The software allows users to access both images & reports from any computer in the facility.
The Innowave Freedom Nano supports audit trails image tracking for easy system management and ability to monitor and control the movement of patient studies
All usage statistics and key dashboards are available to display key operation deliverable like turnaround time etc.
The DICOM Image Viewer support basic DICOM print and archiving in CD, DVD media.
Innowave Healthcare has created enhanced reporting workflow solution provided for the Radiologist and Typist by seamlessly integrating Microsoft word with Freedom PACS.
The document describes the Vidar NDT PRO film digitizer, which can scan radiographic films up to 51" long at high resolution. It offers increased productivity over laser scanners through its CCD technology and ability to scan multiple narrow film strips simultaneously using an optional multi-strip film feeder. AcuScreenNDT Gateway software integrates with the scanner and feeder, and provides tools for analyzing scans and generating reports.
The MC50 is a mobile computer from Symbol Technologies designed for enterprise applications. It combines a PDA-style form factor with performance for enterprise apps. Key features include data capture, voice communication, wireless networking, and support for email, scheduling, and CRM apps. The durable design ensures reliability for frequent, extended use by mobile workers in industries like retail.
Print by Premier Equipment Brochure LinkedinEdward Sanders
Print by Premier + More provides commercial printing, digital printing, direct mail, kitting, and promotional materials services across 3 facilities. They have 3 IGEN 3 printers and 1 IGEN 4 printer that can print on sheets up to 26" x 14" in size. Print by Premier combines these services with an e-commerce solution tailored to each client's needs and branding.
The Kodak Approval NX Digital Color Imaging System can accurately proof process, spot, and metallic colors for various printing processes using digital donors and advanced color management. It produces accurate spot dots rather than simulated spots. The system can image colors on different substrates up to 26.6" x 20.9" at resolutions up to 2540 dpi. It connects to various workflow systems to maintain file integrity.
On July, 20th, 2010 IBM announced the IBM TS7610 ProtecTIER速 Deduplication Appliance Express, a complete deduplicated storage subsystem for Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) and remote offices. The new subsystem is the newest and smallest member of the ProtecTIER seriesa leading enterprise-suitable deduplication technology, which IBM acquired from Diligent Technologies in 2008 and continues to develop and enhance at a remarkable pace. The TS7610 uses the same ProtecTIER software found in their larger TS7650 solutions, has the same ProtecTIER functionality, is pre-configured (ready to use) and offers very competitive CapEx and OpEx pricing. Learn More:
BancTec provides multi-vendor maintenance services for transaction and document processing equipment from companies like IBM, Unisys, FUJI, and more. They have over 1,700 employees globally serving over 2,000 clients. BancTec aims to be a total customer-first partner with national coverage, well-stocked parts inventory, and proven support for mission critical systems. Customer testimonials praise BancTec's reliability, responsiveness, and ability to simplify service through their multi-vendor model.
This document describes a business storage solution called ROBUSTnodeTM that provides scalable and reliable storage for businesses. It has innovative features like expanding storage capacity, supporting large petabyte storage needs, seamless auto-backup, and drive redundancy. The solution is affordable and supports major operating systems. It also provides monitoring, management and multiple functions in one device. The company offers additional services like storage design, implementation, and managed services.
Evolution from EDA to Data Mesh: Data in Motionconfluent
Thoughtworks Zhamak Dehghani observations on these traditional approachess failure modes, inspired her to develop an alternative big data management architecture that she aptly named the Data Mesh. This represents a paradigm shift that draws from modern distributed architecture and is founded on the principles of domain-driven design, self-serve platform, and product thinking with Data. In the last decade Apache Kafka has established a new category of data management infrastructure for data in motion that has been leveraged in modern distributed data architectures.
INTUITION provides affordable enterprise-level data storage solutions to small, medium, and large businesses through partnerships with leading technology manufacturers. It has operations in the Middle East and India and is committed to bringing its technology expertise to the healthcare industry through solutions like PACSmate and the Lifeline hospital management system. INTUITION focuses on understanding customer needs and ensuring solutions are affordable and easy to implement.
The broadcast industry is changing in radical new ways. Enter the door of the future, redefine the way your users work and how your technologies are implemented.
The document discusses digital workflows for cinema production and distribution. It outlines DVS's goal of providing an integrated workflow that supports content creation and access across stages from capture to distribution. It then summarizes DVS's history of innovations in digital video technology. Finally, it presents DVS solutions like Spycer and CLIPSTER that enable an open, performing, and coherent digital cinema workflow in accordance with DCI specifications.
The document discusses Digital Cinema Packages (DCPs) which are used to store and convey digital cinema audio, image, and data streams. It describes the components and file structure of a DCP including image and audio files stored in MXF format, an asset map file, composition playlist file, packing list file, and volume index file if stored across multiple mediums. It also discusses 3D DCPs, the encryption process, delivery methods, tools for DCP and KDM creation, and tips for independent filmmakers to create their own DCPs.
American Litho offers a wide range of print services including web, sheetfed, digital and wide format printing. It has large facilities covering 250,000 square feet with modern printing presses, platemaking, proofing and pre-press equipment. American Litho prides itself on customer service and aims to deliver high quality print jobs efficiently. It handles both small and large jobs with short turnaround times.
INTERCEPTUS is a barcode print application that:
- Enables barcode printing to GS1 standards by intercepting print commands from patient administration systems and converting data to required wristband designs.
- Extends to pharmacy labels, sample labels, case notes, and equipment track and trace solutions with its Pro edition.
- Integrates with any system that can output text to a report or text file and supports multiple printers and barcodes standards including Datamatrix and GS1 128.
Project X Inc. has been contracted by C&M Medical to design and implement a new computer network for their medical offices. The current network uses outdated equipment like Windows 98 workstations and dial-up internet. The proposed new network will centralize servers, storage, and software across all offices. It will also upgrade workstations, implement wireless access, install fiber optic cabling, and introduce virtualization and disaster recovery solutions. The total budget for the project is $425,000.
Open Source Enterprise Integrated Document Capture 13.Oct.2011Alfresco Software
The document is a presentation about integrating Ephesoft and Alfresco for enterprise integrated document capture (EIDC). It discusses what Ephesoft and Alfresco are, how they can be integrated for EIDC, and the benefits such as being browser-based, cloud ready, and offering document capture capabilities at a fraction of the cost of other solutions. It also includes a demonstration of Ephesoft and Alfresco and offers a free assessment workshop from the sponsor, CIGNEX Datamatics, to evaluate needs and provide recommendations.
BCLOUD: Smart Scale your Storage - festival ICT 2015festival ICT 2016
I dati non strutturati come Big Data Analytics, le applicazioni mobile, il sync and share e i servizi cloud-like, solo per citarne alcuni, generano una quantit di dati che rischia di compromettere lagilit e la competitivit delle aziende. I moderni sistemi di Object Storage possono essere considerati come una piattaforma globale in grado di fornire soluzioni di storage sicure, disponibili, affidabili, geograficamente distribuite e con costi competitivi per moltissimi servizi quali larchiviazione, il backup ed il sync&share, in grado di migliorare lesperienza e la produttivit dellutente finale.
Cloudian Hyperstore速 竪 una piattaforma di Object Storage compatibile con Amazon S3 che consente di realizzare sistemi di storage distribuiti estremamente flessibili, scalabili ed affidabili, potendo al contempo trarre vantaggio dal vasto numero di applicazioni disponibili nellecosistema Amazon. La piattaforma 竪 progettata specificatamente per soddisfare le esigenze di cloud storage multi-tenant di elevati volumi di dati con uninterfaccia di gestione robusta e flessibile.
A Control Room is the center of your organizations operations. With an ef- ficient structure, a control room enables you to plan, manage, analyze, and even recover day-to-day activities.
Finally, a Complete Document Capture Solution Designed Exclusively with the Needs of the Line of Business Owner in Mind. INTRODUCING CAPSYS AXIOM≒a fully functional, single or multi-user, web-based document and data capture solution available in the convenience of a network appliance. All you have to do is take the appliance out of the box, plug it in to your network and start scanning. Its that easy and its that convenient.
Further, CAPSYS AXIOM Network Appliances are engineered with all the necessary integration components to make it plug and play seemlessly with ECM systems such as: Hyland OnBase, LaserFiche, Filebound, KnowledgeTree, SEQUEST TIER Behaviorial Healthcare Workflow, Correctional Healthcare Workflow, Substance Abuse Healthcare Workflow, Social Services Workflow systems and other line of business and/or ECM systems.
The PACS Nano is a path breaking design which exploits cloud computing and the availability off-the-shelf computer hardware to build an affordable, easy-to-use PACS that delivers robust performance with comprehensive functionality.
A solutions specifically designed for smaller hospitals and diagnostic centres targeting up to 10,000 patient exams per year is adequate for most radiology departments.
The simplicity of design also minimizes the cost and efforts for IT Administration, training and support, as even complex workflows involving multiple sites and teleradiology can be easily managed using Freedom Cloud sync.
The software allows users to access both images & reports from any computer in the facility.
The Innowave Freedom Nano supports audit trails image tracking for easy system management and ability to monitor and control the movement of patient studies
All usage statistics and key dashboards are available to display key operation deliverable like turnaround time etc.
The DICOM Image Viewer support basic DICOM print and archiving in CD, DVD media.
Innowave Healthcare has created enhanced reporting workflow solution provided for the Radiologist and Typist by seamlessly integrating Microsoft word with Freedom PACS.
The document describes the Vidar NDT PRO film digitizer, which can scan radiographic films up to 51" long at high resolution. It offers increased productivity over laser scanners through its CCD technology and ability to scan multiple narrow film strips simultaneously using an optional multi-strip film feeder. AcuScreenNDT Gateway software integrates with the scanner and feeder, and provides tools for analyzing scans and generating reports.
The MC50 is a mobile computer from Symbol Technologies designed for enterprise applications. It combines a PDA-style form factor with performance for enterprise apps. Key features include data capture, voice communication, wireless networking, and support for email, scheduling, and CRM apps. The durable design ensures reliability for frequent, extended use by mobile workers in industries like retail.
3. DIGITAL PRE-PRESS EQUIPMENT SHEET-FED PRESSES A promise made is a promise delivered. It's the philosophy upon
Our digital pre-press division is always (3) Man Roland 700 28 x 40
up-to-date with the latest equipment. Our 6 color plus aqueous coating tower which our company was founded in 1973, and it remains the
capabilities include Macintosh and IBM and computer controlled color
workstations, high-end scanners, digital
color proofs, computer-to-plate technology,
HEAT-SET WEB PRESSES cornerstone of our success today. It sounds so simple. But in todays
ISDN lines and image archives. (3) Didde Comperfector 20 x 23
FCL Equipment 6 units with remoist glue and perf fast-changing and complex world, it is this simple premise that
Workflow (1) Heidelberg M-1000BE Full-web
Scitex Brisque 22.75 x 38 makes us stand out from the competition more than ever before.
6 units with remoist glue and perf,
Prinergy Evo
pre-folder with combination folder
FCL Online Soft Proofing System and closed loop color management
We keep our promises by offering quick, dependable turnaround,
Proofing (1) Heidelberg Harris M-1000 Full-web
22.75 x 38
(1) Kodak Approval XP4
5 units with closed loop color
closed loop quality control and dedicated customer service teams.
20 x 26 format digital proofer
(1) Epson Stylus PRO 9600
(2) Iris Digital Dylux
FINISHING/BINDERY EQUIPMENT We keep our promises by remaining completely focused on giving
42 wide, backed up format (6) 45 Wohlenberg
computerized paper cutters you the results you expect and better.
(5) MBO folder 23 x 36
(1) Scitex RiproServer 720 gb with Pafra gluing unit and
double gatefold attachment We keep our promises by maintaining a powerful lineup of state-of-
(5) MBO folder 26 x 40
CD-ROM and DVD-ROM with Pafra gluing unit and the-art sheet-fed, half-web and full-web equipment on premises, so we
FTP double gatefold attachment
Email (1) 5-hole automatic drill can continually meet your deadlines and deliver outstanding quality.
Computer-to-Plate (1) Autofeed shrink-wrap machines
(1) Scitex Lotem (1) #530 Buskro portable wafer sealer
with 3 heads
Integrated registration punch
In-line film processor (1) HHS America gluing system with
But most of all, we keep our promises to you because
Thermal plate recorder 4 heads (fugitive/regular glue)
(1) Scitex Lotem Quantum (2) Unique Roto Crease we know that your success is the best measure of ours.
4. As one of Chicago's premier web and sheet-fed printers, and one As a preferred vendor and strategic partner for many organizations, we know how to
operate within vendor-managed inventory and supply chain management systems.
of the nation's top direct mail providers, FCL Graphics has the Electronic Workflow System Send files and review soft proofs online for faster
turnaround, and check tracking information for shipping.
depth of experience and breadth of equipment to service all your
Warehousing and Fulfillment For long-term or ongoing projects, FCL can store
printing and fulfillment needs. FCL Services materials pre-packed to your specifications, or custom pick-and-pack them based on a
grid furnished by you. We provide a custom-built web page where you can see exactly
what materials you have in inventory in real time, by quantity, cartons, and more.
Reduce your printing Simply click on any item, indicate the quantity desired and give shipping information.
costs by buying smarter Within a predetermined amount of time, the materials will be pulled from inventory,
through consolidation prepared for shipment and shipped.
Generate additional Vendor Managed Inventory System Our VMI system proactively checks inventory
revenue by getting your against your manufacturing schedule and replenishes collateral automatically. As new
Get to know us.
products and marketing materials are printed and added to storage they are logged into the database where
And get used to you can track them.We also provide detailed reporting including order history, activity,
materials to market faster,
feeling a whole lot product inventory and transactions.
reducing your sales cycle
more relaxed about
Custom Kitting We offer labor-intensive services and detailed management for
going to press. Cut costs by streamlining
simple to complex programs, including planning materials, distribution management,
processes and utilizing our
monitoring schedules and ensuring accuracy.
expertise beyond printing
Distribution Whether its B2B or B2C, well make sure your materials get where
theyre going. We utilize UPS Worldship, Federal Express Caf辿 System and data
processing. We also provide data management, distribution list formatting, electronic
tracking, same-day distribution, freight scheduling and international shipping.
Our goal is to make your job easier, and we will do whatever it takes to make
your business more successful. Contact us at 800 274 3380 to discover how
FCL Graphics will make your next print job a complete and pain-free success.
5. Relationships matter. Customers need more than just a low price; they need their
projects done right and on time. They also need to trust the people and the
company with whom they work. We know our customers by name, and we treat
every customer, big or small, with respect.
FC L Philos o p hy Our relationship-building includes our employees. Our team-oriented atmosphere
creates an environment where everyone is willing to go the extra mile. And that's
crucial in an industry where you may get a job on Friday from a customer who
needs it done by Monday. Focusing on relationships has worked out well for us;
our employees average eighteen years with the company, and many of our customers
Our team-oriented atmosphere
have been with us for twenty or thirty years.
creates an environment where
The efficiency of our experienced workforce enables us to run a lean operation everyone is willing to go the
despite our continuing investments in the latest technology and equipment. extra mile for our customers.
By taking a traditional relationship-building approach, we've built a successful
business that's ready for whatever the future brings.
We're in this business to build long-term relationships.
That's why we keep our promises every day.
Ken Menconi
6. FCL Q ual ity First and foremost, we do beautiful work. Work that
transforms your vision to reality. Work you can be proud
of, time and time again.
FCL R el iabil ity With sheet-fed, half-web and full-web equipment all
under one roof, we can shift and reschedule our presses
to accommodate more projects and move them through
faster than anyone else in the business. We understand
that time is money.
Our value-added services go well beyond ink on paper.
FCL Val ue For print runs of one thousand to well into the millions,
our unique, comprehensive range of equipment means we
run jobs efficiently and affordably. Our strategic location
just minutes from Chicago's O'Hare Airport allows for
faster fulfillment and more efficient postal distribution.
7. Sheet-fed
Up to 6 colors
color control
Web and Sheet Fed Printing Services
4600 North Olcott Avenue
Harwood Heights, Illinois 60706
800 274 3380