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Where a promise made is a promise delivered.
Our digital pre-press is
linked with our pressroom for
  closed-loop quality control.
DIGITAL PRE-PRESS EQUIPMENT                   SHEET-FED PRESSES                         A promise made is a promise delivered. It's the philosophy upon
                Our digital pre-press division is always      (3) Man Roland 700 28 x 40
                up-to-date with the latest equipment. Our         6 color plus aqueous coating tower    which our company was founded in 1973, and it remains the
                capabilities include Macintosh and IBM            and computer controlled color
                workstations, high-end scanners, digital
                color proofs, computer-to-plate technology,
                                                              HEAT-SET WEB PRESSES                      cornerstone of our success today. It sounds so simple. But in todays
                ISDN lines and image archives.                (3) Didde Comperfector 20 x 23
FCL Equipment                                                     6 units with remoist glue and perf    fast-changing and complex world, it is this simple premise that
                Workflow                                      (1) Heidelberg M-1000BE Full-web
                Scitex Brisque                                    22.75 x 38                          makes us stand out from the competition more than ever before.
                                                                  6 units with remoist glue and perf,
                Prinergy Evo
                                                                  pre-folder with combination folder
                FCL Online Soft Proofing System                   and closed loop color management
                                                                                                        We keep our promises by offering quick, dependable turnaround,
                Proofing                                      (1) Heidelberg Harris M-1000 Full-web
                                                                  22.75 x 38
                (1) Kodak Approval XP4
                                                                  5 units with closed loop color
                                                                                                        closed loop quality control and dedicated customer service teams.
                    20 x 26 format digital proofer
                (1) Epson Stylus PRO 9600
                (2) Iris Digital Dylux
                                                              FINISHING/BINDERY EQUIPMENT               We keep our promises by remaining completely focused on giving
                    42 wide, backed up format                (6) 45 Wohlenberg
                                                                  computerized paper cutters            you the results you expect  and better.
                                                              (5) MBO folder 23 x 36
                (1) Scitex RiproServer 720 gb                     with Pafra gluing unit and
                                                                  double gatefold attachment            We keep our promises by maintaining a powerful lineup of state-of-
                                                              (5) MBO folder 26 x 40
                CD-ROM and DVD-ROM                                with Pafra gluing unit and            the-art sheet-fed, half-web and full-web equipment on premises, so we
                FTP                                               double gatefold attachment
                Email dnetwork@fclgraphics.com                (1) 5-hole automatic drill                can continually meet your deadlines and deliver outstanding quality.
                Computer-to-Plate                             (1) Autofeed shrink-wrap machines
                (1) Scitex Lotem                              (1) #530 Buskro portable wafer sealer
                                                                  with 3 heads
                    Integrated registration punch
                    In-line film processor                    (1) HHS America gluing system with
                                                                                                        But most of all, we keep our promises to you because
                    Thermal plate recorder                        4 heads (fugitive/regular glue)
                (1) Scitex Lotem Quantum                      (2) Unique Roto Crease                    we know that your success is the best measure of ours.
As one of Chicago's premier web and sheet-fed printers, and one                                  As a preferred vendor and strategic partner for many organizations, we know how to
                                                                                                 operate within vendor-managed inventory and supply chain management systems.
of the nation's top direct mail providers, FCL Graphics has the                                  Electronic Workflow System Send files and review soft proofs online for faster
                                                                                                 turnaround, and check tracking information for shipping.
depth of experience and breadth of equipment to service all your
                                                                                                 Warehousing and Fulfillment For long-term or ongoing projects, FCL can store
printing and fulfillment needs.                                    FCL Services                  materials pre-packed to your specifications, or custom pick-and-pack them based on a
                                                                                                 grid furnished by you. We provide a custom-built web page where you can see exactly
                                                                                                 what materials you have in inventory in real time, by quantity, cartons, and more.
                                                                   Reduce your printing          Simply click on any item, indicate the quantity desired and give shipping information.
                                                                   costs by buying smarter       Within a predetermined amount of time, the materials will be pulled from inventory,
                                                                   through consolidation         prepared for shipment and shipped.

                                                                   Generate additional           Vendor Managed Inventory System Our VMI system proactively checks inventory
                                                                   revenue by getting your       against your manufacturing schedule and replenishes collateral automatically. As new
                Get to know us.
                                                                   products and marketing        materials are printed and added to storage they are logged into the database where
                And get used to                                                                  you can track them.We also provide detailed reporting including order history, activity,
                                                                   materials to market faster,
              feeling a whole lot                                                                product inventory and transactions.
                                                                   reducing your sales cycle
              more relaxed about
                                                                                                 Custom Kitting We offer labor-intensive services and detailed management for
               going to press.                                   Cut costs by streamlining
                                                                                                 simple to complex programs, including planning materials, distribution management,
                                                                   processes and utilizing our
                                                                                                 monitoring schedules and ensuring accuracy.
                                                                   expertise beyond printing
                                                                                                 Distribution Whether its B2B or B2C, well make sure your materials get where
                                                                                                 theyre going. We utilize UPS Worldship, Federal Express Caf辿 System and data
                                                                                                 processing. We also provide data management, distribution list formatting, electronic
                                                                                                 tracking, same-day distribution, freight scheduling and international shipping.

                                                                                                 Our goal is to make your job easier, and we will do whatever it takes to make
                                                                                                 your business more successful. Contact us at 800 274 3380 to discover how
                                                                                                 FCL Graphics will make your next print job a complete  and pain-free  success.
Relationships matter. Customers need more than just a low price; they need their

                     projects done right and on time. They also need to trust the people and the

                     company with whom they work. We know our customers by name, and we treat

                     every customer, big or small, with respect.

FC L Philos o p hy   Our relationship-building includes our employees. Our team-oriented atmosphere

                     creates an environment where everyone is willing to go the extra mile. And that's

                     crucial in an industry where you may get a job on Friday from a customer who

                     needs it done by Monday. Focusing on relationships has worked out well for us;

                     our employees average eighteen years with the company, and many of our customers
                                                                                                         Our team-oriented atmosphere
                     have been with us for twenty or thirty years.
                                                                                                         creates an environment where
                     The efficiency of our experienced workforce enables us to run a lean operation       everyone is willing to go the
                     despite our continuing investments in the latest technology and equipment.           extra mile for our customers.

                     By taking a traditional relationship-building approach, we've built a successful

                     business that's ready for whatever the future brings.

                     We're in this business to build long-term relationships.
                     That's why we keep our promises every day.

                     Ken Menconi
FCL Q ual ity        First and foremost, we do beautiful work. Work that

                                                                             transforms your vision to reality. Work you can be proud

                                                                             of, time and time again.

                                                        FCL R el iabil ity   With sheet-fed, half-web and full-web equipment all

                                                                             under one roof, we can shift and reschedule our presses

                                                                             to accommodate more projects and move them through

                                                                             faster than anyone else in the business. We understand

                                                                             that time is money.

Our value-added services go well beyond ink on paper.

                                                        FCL Val ue           For print runs of one thousand to well into the millions,

                                                                             our unique, comprehensive range of equipment means we

                                                                             run jobs efficiently and affordably. Our strategic location

                                                                             just minutes from Chicago's O'Hare Airport allows for

                                                                             faster fulfillment and more efficient postal distribution.




       Up to 6 colors


       color control




Web and Sheet Fed Printing Services
4600 North Olcott Avenue
Harwood Heights, Illinois 60706
800 274 3380

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Fcl Graphics Brochure

  • 1. Where a promise made is a promise delivered.
  • 2. Our digital pre-press is linked with our pressroom for closed-loop quality control.
  • 3. DIGITAL PRE-PRESS EQUIPMENT SHEET-FED PRESSES A promise made is a promise delivered. It's the philosophy upon Our digital pre-press division is always (3) Man Roland 700 28 x 40 up-to-date with the latest equipment. Our 6 color plus aqueous coating tower which our company was founded in 1973, and it remains the capabilities include Macintosh and IBM and computer controlled color workstations, high-end scanners, digital color proofs, computer-to-plate technology, HEAT-SET WEB PRESSES cornerstone of our success today. It sounds so simple. But in todays ISDN lines and image archives. (3) Didde Comperfector 20 x 23 FCL Equipment 6 units with remoist glue and perf fast-changing and complex world, it is this simple premise that Workflow (1) Heidelberg M-1000BE Full-web Scitex Brisque 22.75 x 38 makes us stand out from the competition more than ever before. 6 units with remoist glue and perf, Prinergy Evo pre-folder with combination folder FCL Online Soft Proofing System and closed loop color management We keep our promises by offering quick, dependable turnaround, Proofing (1) Heidelberg Harris M-1000 Full-web 22.75 x 38 (1) Kodak Approval XP4 5 units with closed loop color closed loop quality control and dedicated customer service teams. 20 x 26 format digital proofer management (1) Epson Stylus PRO 9600 (2) Iris Digital Dylux FINISHING/BINDERY EQUIPMENT We keep our promises by remaining completely focused on giving 42 wide, backed up format (6) 45 Wohlenberg computerized paper cutters you the results you expect and better. Servers (5) MBO folder 23 x 36 (1) Scitex RiproServer 720 gb with Pafra gluing unit and Media double gatefold attachment We keep our promises by maintaining a powerful lineup of state-of- (5) MBO folder 26 x 40 CD-ROM and DVD-ROM with Pafra gluing unit and the-art sheet-fed, half-web and full-web equipment on premises, so we FTP double gatefold attachment Email dnetwork@fclgraphics.com (1) 5-hole automatic drill can continually meet your deadlines and deliver outstanding quality. Computer-to-Plate (1) Autofeed shrink-wrap machines (1) Scitex Lotem (1) #530 Buskro portable wafer sealer with 3 heads Integrated registration punch In-line film processor (1) HHS America gluing system with But most of all, we keep our promises to you because Thermal plate recorder 4 heads (fugitive/regular glue) (1) Scitex Lotem Quantum (2) Unique Roto Crease we know that your success is the best measure of ours.
  • 4. As one of Chicago's premier web and sheet-fed printers, and one As a preferred vendor and strategic partner for many organizations, we know how to operate within vendor-managed inventory and supply chain management systems. of the nation's top direct mail providers, FCL Graphics has the Electronic Workflow System Send files and review soft proofs online for faster turnaround, and check tracking information for shipping. depth of experience and breadth of equipment to service all your Warehousing and Fulfillment For long-term or ongoing projects, FCL can store printing and fulfillment needs. FCL Services materials pre-packed to your specifications, or custom pick-and-pack them based on a grid furnished by you. We provide a custom-built web page where you can see exactly what materials you have in inventory in real time, by quantity, cartons, and more. Reduce your printing Simply click on any item, indicate the quantity desired and give shipping information. costs by buying smarter Within a predetermined amount of time, the materials will be pulled from inventory, through consolidation prepared for shipment and shipped. Generate additional Vendor Managed Inventory System Our VMI system proactively checks inventory revenue by getting your against your manufacturing schedule and replenishes collateral automatically. As new Get to know us. products and marketing materials are printed and added to storage they are logged into the database where And get used to you can track them.We also provide detailed reporting including order history, activity, materials to market faster, feeling a whole lot product inventory and transactions. reducing your sales cycle more relaxed about Custom Kitting We offer labor-intensive services and detailed management for going to press. Cut costs by streamlining simple to complex programs, including planning materials, distribution management, processes and utilizing our monitoring schedules and ensuring accuracy. expertise beyond printing Distribution Whether its B2B or B2C, well make sure your materials get where theyre going. We utilize UPS Worldship, Federal Express Caf辿 System and data processing. We also provide data management, distribution list formatting, electronic tracking, same-day distribution, freight scheduling and international shipping. Our goal is to make your job easier, and we will do whatever it takes to make your business more successful. Contact us at 800 274 3380 to discover how FCL Graphics will make your next print job a complete and pain-free success.
  • 5. Relationships matter. Customers need more than just a low price; they need their projects done right and on time. They also need to trust the people and the company with whom they work. We know our customers by name, and we treat every customer, big or small, with respect. FC L Philos o p hy Our relationship-building includes our employees. Our team-oriented atmosphere creates an environment where everyone is willing to go the extra mile. And that's crucial in an industry where you may get a job on Friday from a customer who needs it done by Monday. Focusing on relationships has worked out well for us; our employees average eighteen years with the company, and many of our customers Our team-oriented atmosphere have been with us for twenty or thirty years. creates an environment where The efficiency of our experienced workforce enables us to run a lean operation everyone is willing to go the despite our continuing investments in the latest technology and equipment. extra mile for our customers. By taking a traditional relationship-building approach, we've built a successful business that's ready for whatever the future brings. We're in this business to build long-term relationships. That's why we keep our promises every day. Ken Menconi President
  • 6. FCL Q ual ity First and foremost, we do beautiful work. Work that transforms your vision to reality. Work you can be proud of, time and time again. FCL R el iabil ity With sheet-fed, half-web and full-web equipment all under one roof, we can shift and reschedule our presses to accommodate more projects and move them through faster than anyone else in the business. We understand that time is money. Our value-added services go well beyond ink on paper. FCL Val ue For print runs of one thousand to well into the millions, our unique, comprehensive range of equipment means we run jobs efficiently and affordably. Our strategic location just minutes from Chicago's O'Hare Airport allows for faster fulfillment and more efficient postal distribution.
  • 7. Sheet-fed Half-web Full-web Heat-set Up to 6 colors Coating Closed-loop color control Finishing Bindery Fulfillment Web and Sheet Fed Printing Services 4600 North Olcott Avenue Harwood Heights, Illinois 60706 800 274 3380 www.fclgraphics.com