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DATE: 22/11/2013
To invent tools to reward the corporates intangibly or tangibly who are proactively engaged in CSR
 Independent Bench Marking Group committee
 Aligning with Stock Markets
 CSR Exchange
 Other alternative tools
Giving corporates a reason to be CSR compliant and implement CSR activities beyond the legislation
 Increasing the corporate level of participation
 Building leaders and bringing talent to the CSR field.
7/26/2014 2Harsha Mukherjee
1) Flash back
a. CSR Bench marking tools discussed  LBG and Dutch Transparency model
b. Outcome
2) Present
a. The Stock markets having Sustainability index.
b. Methodology
c. Factors to imbibe in the Indian Stock Markets
3) Future
a. CSR Exchange
7/26/2014 3Harsha Mukherjee
7/26/2014 4Harsha Mukherjee
LBG working methodology:
Services of LBG  Membership formats, Team building, Data collection, Knowledge Exchange, One on One consultation,
Differentiates between Corporate Community Investment (CCI).
Revenue model  Membership Based.
7/26/2014 5Harsha Mukherjee
Started by Ministry of Economic Affairs, Panel of Experts  20 they are advising on the parameters and handling
objections when scores are assigned, also assessing the 20 highest scoring companies.
There are 100 set of questions for every company. They can also do self-assessment and then assure with TB team.
Following are the set of areas:
Quantitative Criteria:
 Content Oriented criteria (100 maximum points)
 Profile (15 points)
 Strategy and Policy (20 points)
 Governance structure and Management Approach (25 points)
 Results (30 points)
 CSR Reporting Policy (10 points)
Qualitative Criteria: Review criteria (+/- 15)
Relevance (20 points)
Clarity (20 points)
Reliability (20 points)
Involvement of Stakeholder (20 points)
Contextual Consistency (20 points)
Voluntary Questions 7/26/2014 6Harsha Mukherjee
Outcomes of Discussion Session 1 held on 22nd August 2013 at 11:30am at ESSAR House
We covered the below mentioned points:
1) Discussed the most prominent International Benchmarking tools - LBG and DTB.
- To analyze Tata Sustainability Index, TERI, FV on IFSC website (fvtool.com), Social Cost Analysis,
FISC (Dow Jones), ISO 26000, IIRC, Hong Kong Sustainability Index (HKSI), Green index - BSE, BM by
FTSE and other CSR index present on stock exchanges.
2) Basic framework for the tool to be made more concrete
3) To build a questionnaire on the value proposition to be given to the corporates for understanding
their requirements.
4) To learn if Bench marking have had any impact on the Businesses.
7/26/2014 7Harsha Mukherjee
7/26/2014 8Harsha Mukherjee
 There are 30 stock markets globally using sustainability or CSR index to reward companies who are CSR
 We divide the stocks markets in 3 types
1) ESG  Stock markets bench marking taking only ESG as a methodology
2) ESG + XYZ  Stock markets bench marking taking ESG and other local issues as a methodology
3) Others  Stock markets considering methodologies beyond ESG and using innovative modes
7/26/2014 9Harsha Mukherjee
1. Australian Stock exchange 13. Johanesburg Stock Exchange 25. Singapore Exchange
2. BM&FBOVespa 14. Korea Stock Exchange 26. SIX SWISS Exchange
3. BME Spanish Exchange 15. London Stock Exchange 27. Taiwan Exchange
4. Bolsa de comercio de Santiago 16. Moscow Interbank Currency 28. The Stock Exchange of Thailand
5. Bolsa Mexicana de Valores 17. NASDAQ OMX 29. Tokyo Stock Exchange
6. BSE 18. NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange 30. Toronto Stock Exchange
7. Borsa Italiana 19. NSE
8. Bursa Malaysia 20. NYSE Euronext
9. Deutsche Borse AG 21. Philippines Stock Exchange
10. HK Exchanges and Clearing 22. Saudi Stock Market
11. Indonesia Stock Exchange 23. Shanghai Stock Exchange
12. Istanbul Stock Exchange 24. Shenzhen Stock Exchange
7/26/2014 10Harsha Mukherjee
1. Egypt  EGX
2. Sarasin Sustainability Index  Germany and Swiss
3. National Stock Exchange (NSE  India)
4. Singapore Stock Exchange  SGX (Yet to introduce but policy is designed based on ESG and GRI
Sustainability Reporting Guidelines)
5. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) follows DJSI  World and DJSI  Emerging Markets
6. Istanbul Stock Exchange
7/26/2014 11Harsha Mukherjee
Egypt - EGX
 Quantitative scores to each company based on 3 factors of transparency and disclosure - ESG.
 Qualitative scores  The companies having highest quantitative scores in T&D are selected for qualitative process.
To evaluate the actual performance of the company scores are given from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest. A final
qualitative score is determined for each company.
 Composite Score  It is calculated by summing the qualitative and quantitative score. Based on these scores 30
best stocks would be filtered from a pool of 100 stocks.
 Each companies weight in the index is determined as a function of its ESG score
Sarasin Sustainability Index  Sector wise rating
Branch rating: Comparative assessment of the branches on the basis of well-chosen environmental criteria and social
criteria. With the branch rating every branch is judged with regard to the chances linked with her and risks for the
environment and the social. Besides, for the assessment decisively is her respective environmental relevance (e.g., Airlines
are big energy consumers, finance service providers rather small) and social relevance (e.g., the health damages of
Enterprise rating: Comparative environmental assessment and social assessment of the enterprises within a branch. The
assessment occurs with the help of a grid uniform for all branches of environmental criteria and social criteria. The
weighting and the choice of detailed criteria are specific for branches. For the enterprise rating it is examined how every
single enterprise handles with the respective branch chances and branch risks.
7/26/2014 12Harsha Mukherjee
National Stock Exchange:
 NSE: Indian Index Services and Products Ltd (IISL). The NSE Sustainability Index is sponsored by IFC and is developed
in collaboration with CRISIL, KLD, DJI and S&P.
2 pronged strategy  a) To determine ESG score for each company. b) Weighting of index by score.
Out of 500 listed companies ESG is scored and top 150 companies are considered for qualitative measurement. Followed
with composite scoring (Quant + Qualitative). The invest ability of the companies is checked which has minimum
requirement of transaction Rs. 20BN in 12 months.
 NSE Process and Methodology is similar to EGX  ESG of Egypt.
Istanbul Stock Exchange
The ISESI Project Team is currently reviewing the criteria, and testing the draft criteria with key stakeholders.
DJSI methodology and SAM research partners
Request Sinco for the draft rules
7/26/2014 13Harsha Mukherjee
1. Hang seng sustainability index  China and Hong Kong
2. BM&FBOVespa  Brazil (Latin America)
3. Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) - Mexico
4. Borsa Italiana
7/26/2014 14Harsha Mukherjee
Hang seng sustainability index  (Reputex Methodology)
 Environmental and social impact, corporate governance and Workplace ethics (ESG + Workplace practices =
Workplace Quality, Environmental Protection, Operating Practices and Community Involvement).
 The parameters are evaluated based on exposure and performance assessment by group of Advisors.
 The company is rated as AAA, AA, A, BBB.D following that
BM&FBOVespa  Brazil (Latin America): 100 points to each vertical. It has a mixture of quat+qual Qs.
7/26/2014 15Harsha Mukherjee
Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV)  Mexico  Sector wise Rating
Parameters rated upon  ESG+ Climate Change+ Human Rights + Policies and systems to counter bribery.
Eligible companies  Top 50% of the performers of respective industry sector.
Announced in Jan 2012  EIRIS is forming the framework. EIRIS  Based in USA has formed the framework
for DJSI and FTSE4Good too.
FEEMA  Bolsa Italiana
The index starts from the identification of the areas that normally are considered in the literature to assess the
sustainability , ie social, environmental and economic , and then find the sub-areas : economic structure, research and
development, poverty in the population, social welfare, energy, air quality and natural resources.
FTSE Methodology is used for index
7/26/2014 16Harsha Mukherjee
1. MCeX  Montreal Climate Exchange
2. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
3. Indoensia  SRI Kehati
4. Japan  DJSI 40
5. Johannesburg Stock Exchange
6. Bursa Malaysia Stock Exchange
7. NASDAQ OMX  Key Financial parameters, Environment and Social.
7/26/2014 17Harsha Mukherjee
Montreal Climate Exchange (MCeX)
MCeX works on the Baseline and credit system works like this: at the end of each compliance year, the
emissions of the large regulated industrial emitters will be verified. Each emitter must then offset its GHG
emissions against its intensity-based GHG emissions reduction target established by the government. The
discrepancy between the imposed target and the actual emissions may be offset by, among other things, the
purchase of units on the domestic market. The initial compliance year is 2010.
Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE)
 They measure, scale from 0-100 and assign points to Carbon Intensity (C) from g-trade, Average Free Float Market
capitalization (M) and Average Turnover (T) bi-annually in September and March. After individual points are assigned
to each composite points are calculated.
 Rankings are given to the companies based on the composite points
 Mandatory exclusion  existing constituent (assuming C) beyond 28 and mandatory inclusion  existing constituent
within 12
Carbon Intensity = Total number GHG emission/ Total revenue
BSE utilizes Gtrade to get the GHG number
7/26/2014 18Harsha Mukherjee
SRI Kehati
SRI along with Kehati an NGO working on Biodiversity Foundation had launched sustainability index in 2009. It performs
exercise in 2 phases: Selection phase and Performance review. 25 companies are evaluated bi annually.
Phase 1: Selection Phase  Companies with $1trillion assets, Positive P/E Ratio, Free float of 10% in the market.
Phase 2: Performance review  Companies are judged on 6 criteria's which have several indicators under each. Criteria's:
Community Involvement, Good Corporate Governance, Respect for HR, Business Behaviour, Labour Practices.
Japan DJSI  40  Sector wise bench marking
Codes of Conduct/Compliance/Anti-corruption policy: 6.0%,
Industry specific criteria.
- Environmental (33%): Environmental reporting: 3.0%,
- Social (33%): Human Capital Development: 5.5%, Talent Attraction & Retention: 5.5%, Labor Practice
Indicators: 5.0%,
- Corporate Citizenship/Philanthropy: 3.0%, Social Reporting: 3.0%, Industry Specific Criteria.
 Industry-specific criteria have at least 50% weight in the overall score.
 The total score for the question is the combination of these weights.
 Rankings based on score within sectors.
7/26/2014 19Harsha Mukherjee
Johannesburg Stock Exchange  Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
 JSE SRI Index and JSE SRI Swix Index
 The Criteria are determined by the JSE in consultation with the Advisory Committee, an independent
panel of experts from across the spectrum, which includes investment managers, listed companies,
sustainability experts, academics and civil society. FTSE and Kings Code is used to execute the
 Integrated Reporting and GRI for sustainability reporting guidelines is followed.
Bursa Malaysia  CSR Framework  Sector Wise Bench marking
It focuses on 4 areas  Environment, Workplace, Community and Marketplace.
The choice of CSR focus areas depends on the following:
 Nature of business
 Company inclinations
 Stakeholders expectations
Reporting  GRI
Frameworks  LBG, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14000, GHG
7/26/2014 20Harsha Mukherjee
 Defining our own indices to measure on and be a part of Type  2 or Type -3
 Defining Sectors for sector wise bench marking
 Deciding parameters for each industry sector
 Methodology and framework (LBG/DTB/Self- made) to be decided.
 Reporting format to be accepted
 Alternate market reward methods for CSR Compliant Companies.
7/26/2014 21Harsha Mukherjee
7/26/2014 22Harsha Mukherjee
 Alternate market reward methods for CSR Compliant Companies.
 CSR Exchange for India
7/26/2014 23Harsha Mukherjee
7/26/2014 24Harsha Mukherjee

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F.csr on stock markets

  • 2. GOAL & OUTCOMES Goal: To invent tools to reward the corporates intangibly or tangibly who are proactively engaged in CSR activities. Independent Bench Marking Group committee Aligning with Stock Markets CSR Exchange Other alternative tools Outcomes: Giving corporates a reason to be CSR compliant and implement CSR activities beyond the legislation requirements. Increasing the corporate level of participation Building leaders and bringing talent to the CSR field. 7/26/2014 2Harsha Mukherjee
  • 3. OVERVIEW 1) Flash back a. CSR Bench marking tools discussed LBG and Dutch Transparency model b. Outcome 2) Present a. The Stock markets having Sustainability index. b. Methodology c. Factors to imbibe in the Indian Stock Markets 3) Future a. CSR Exchange 7/26/2014 3Harsha Mukherjee
  • 5. LONDON BENCH MARKING GROUP LBG working methodology: Services of LBG Membership formats, Team building, Data collection, Knowledge Exchange, One on One consultation, Differentiates between Corporate Community Investment (CCI). Revenue model Membership Based. 7/26/2014 5Harsha Mukherjee
  • 6. DUTCH TRANSPARENCY Started by Ministry of Economic Affairs, Panel of Experts 20 they are advising on the parameters and handling objections when scores are assigned, also assessing the 20 highest scoring companies. Methodology: There are 100 set of questions for every company. They can also do self-assessment and then assure with TB team. Following are the set of areas: Quantitative Criteria: Content Oriented criteria (100 maximum points) Profile (15 points) Strategy and Policy (20 points) Governance structure and Management Approach (25 points) Results (30 points) CSR Reporting Policy (10 points) Qualitative Criteria: Review criteria (+/- 15) Relevance (20 points) Clarity (20 points) Reliability (20 points) Involvement of Stakeholder (20 points) Contextual Consistency (20 points) Voluntary Questions 7/26/2014 6Harsha Mukherjee
  • 7. OUTCOMES Outcomes of Discussion Session 1 held on 22nd August 2013 at 11:30am at ESSAR House We covered the below mentioned points: 1) Discussed the most prominent International Benchmarking tools - LBG and DTB. - To analyze Tata Sustainability Index, TERI, FV on IFSC website (fvtool.com), Social Cost Analysis, FISC (Dow Jones), ISO 26000, IIRC, Hong Kong Sustainability Index (HKSI), Green index - BSE, BM by FTSE and other CSR index present on stock exchanges. 2) Basic framework for the tool to be made more concrete 3) To build a questionnaire on the value proposition to be given to the corporates for understanding their requirements. 4) To learn if Bench marking have had any impact on the Businesses. 7/26/2014 7Harsha Mukherjee
  • 9. PRESENT LANDSCAPE OF CSR ON STOCK MARKETS AND OUR APPROACH There are 30 stock markets globally using sustainability or CSR index to reward companies who are CSR compliant We divide the stocks markets in 3 types 1) ESG Stock markets bench marking taking only ESG as a methodology 2) ESG + XYZ Stock markets bench marking taking ESG and other local issues as a methodology 3) Others Stock markets considering methodologies beyond ESG and using innovative modes 7/26/2014 9Harsha Mukherjee
  • 10. 30 STOCK EXCHANGES WITH SUSTAINABILITY INDEX 1. Australian Stock exchange 13. Johanesburg Stock Exchange 25. Singapore Exchange 2. BM&FBOVespa 14. Korea Stock Exchange 26. SIX SWISS Exchange 3. BME Spanish Exchange 15. London Stock Exchange 27. Taiwan Exchange 4. Bolsa de comercio de Santiago 16. Moscow Interbank Currency 28. The Stock Exchange of Thailand 5. Bolsa Mexicana de Valores 17. NASDAQ OMX 29. Tokyo Stock Exchange 6. BSE 18. NASDAQ OMX Nordic Exchange 30. Toronto Stock Exchange 7. Borsa Italiana 19. NSE 8. Bursa Malaysia 20. NYSE Euronext 9. Deutsche Borse AG 21. Philippines Stock Exchange 10. HK Exchanges and Clearing 22. Saudi Stock Market 11. Indonesia Stock Exchange 23. Shanghai Stock Exchange 12. Istanbul Stock Exchange 24. Shenzhen Stock Exchange 7/26/2014 10Harsha Mukherjee
  • 11. TYPE 1 - ESG 1. Egypt EGX 2. Sarasin Sustainability Index Germany and Swiss 3. National Stock Exchange (NSE India) 4. Singapore Stock Exchange SGX (Yet to introduce but policy is designed based on ESG and GRI Sustainability Reporting Guidelines) 5. The Stock Exchange of Thailand (SET) follows DJSI World and DJSI Emerging Markets 6. Istanbul Stock Exchange 7/26/2014 11Harsha Mukherjee
  • 12. TYPE 1 - METHODOLOGY Egypt - EGX Quantitative scores to each company based on 3 factors of transparency and disclosure - ESG. Qualitative scores The companies having highest quantitative scores in T&D are selected for qualitative process. To evaluate the actual performance of the company scores are given from 1 to 5, 5 being the highest. A final qualitative score is determined for each company. Composite Score It is calculated by summing the qualitative and quantitative score. Based on these scores 30 best stocks would be filtered from a pool of 100 stocks. Each companies weight in the index is determined as a function of its ESG score Sarasin Sustainability Index Sector wise rating Branch rating: Comparative assessment of the branches on the basis of well-chosen environmental criteria and social criteria. With the branch rating every branch is judged with regard to the chances linked with her and risks for the environment and the social. Besides, for the assessment decisively is her respective environmental relevance (e.g., Airlines are big energy consumers, finance service providers rather small) and social relevance (e.g., the health damages of tobacco). Enterprise rating: Comparative environmental assessment and social assessment of the enterprises within a branch. The assessment occurs with the help of a grid uniform for all branches of environmental criteria and social criteria. The weighting and the choice of detailed criteria are specific for branches. For the enterprise rating it is examined how every single enterprise handles with the respective branch chances and branch risks. 7/26/2014 12Harsha Mukherjee
  • 13. TYPE 1 - METHODOLOGY National Stock Exchange: NSE: Indian Index Services and Products Ltd (IISL). The NSE Sustainability Index is sponsored by IFC and is developed in collaboration with CRISIL, KLD, DJI and S&P. 2 pronged strategy a) To determine ESG score for each company. b) Weighting of index by score. Out of 500 listed companies ESG is scored and top 150 companies are considered for qualitative measurement. Followed with composite scoring (Quant + Qualitative). The invest ability of the companies is checked which has minimum requirement of transaction Rs. 20BN in 12 months. NSE Process and Methodology is similar to EGX ESG of Egypt. Istanbul Stock Exchange The ISESI Project Team is currently reviewing the criteria, and testing the draft criteria with key stakeholders. DJSI methodology and SAM research partners Request Sinco for the draft rules 7/26/2014 13Harsha Mukherjee
  • 14. TYPE 2 ESG + XYZ 1. Hang seng sustainability index China and Hong Kong 2. BM&FBOVespa Brazil (Latin America) 3. Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) - Mexico 4. Borsa Italiana 7/26/2014 14Harsha Mukherjee
  • 15. TYPE 2 - METHODOLOGIES Hang seng sustainability index (Reputex Methodology) Environmental and social impact, corporate governance and Workplace ethics (ESG + Workplace practices = Workplace Quality, Environmental Protection, Operating Practices and Community Involvement). The parameters are evaluated based on exposure and performance assessment by group of Advisors. The company is rated as AAA, AA, A, BBB.D following that BM&FBOVespa Brazil (Latin America): 100 points to each vertical. It has a mixture of quat+qual Qs. 7/26/2014 15Harsha Mukherjee
  • 16. TYPE 2 - METHODOLOGIES Bolsa Mexicana de Valores (BMV) Mexico Sector wise Rating Parameters rated upon ESG+ Climate Change+ Human Rights + Policies and systems to counter bribery. Eligible companies Top 50% of the performers of respective industry sector. Announced in Jan 2012 EIRIS is forming the framework. EIRIS Based in USA has formed the framework for DJSI and FTSE4Good too. FEEMA Bolsa Italiana The index starts from the identification of the areas that normally are considered in the literature to assess the sustainability , ie social, environmental and economic , and then find the sub-areas : economic structure, research and development, poverty in the population, social welfare, energy, air quality and natural resources. FTSE Methodology is used for index 7/26/2014 16Harsha Mukherjee
  • 17. TYPE 3 - OTHERS 1. MCeX Montreal Climate Exchange 2. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) 3. Indoensia SRI Kehati 4. Japan DJSI 40 5. Johannesburg Stock Exchange 6. Bursa Malaysia Stock Exchange 7. NASDAQ OMX Key Financial parameters, Environment and Social. 7/26/2014 17Harsha Mukherjee
  • 18. TYPE 3 - METHODOLOGY Montreal Climate Exchange (MCeX) MCeX works on the Baseline and credit system works like this: at the end of each compliance year, the emissions of the large regulated industrial emitters will be verified. Each emitter must then offset its GHG emissions against its intensity-based GHG emissions reduction target established by the government. The discrepancy between the imposed target and the actual emissions may be offset by, among other things, the purchase of units on the domestic market. The initial compliance year is 2010. Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) They measure, scale from 0-100 and assign points to Carbon Intensity (C) from g-trade, Average Free Float Market capitalization (M) and Average Turnover (T) bi-annually in September and March. After individual points are assigned to each composite points are calculated. Rankings are given to the companies based on the composite points Mandatory exclusion existing constituent (assuming C) beyond 28 and mandatory inclusion existing constituent within 12 Carbon Intensity = Total number GHG emission/ Total revenue BSE utilizes Gtrade to get the GHG number 7/26/2014 18Harsha Mukherjee
  • 19. TYPE 3 - METHODOLOGY SRI Kehati SRI along with Kehati an NGO working on Biodiversity Foundation had launched sustainability index in 2009. It performs exercise in 2 phases: Selection phase and Performance review. 25 companies are evaluated bi annually. Phase 1: Selection Phase Companies with $1trillion assets, Positive P/E Ratio, Free float of 10% in the market. Phase 2: Performance review Companies are judged on 6 criteria's which have several indicators under each. Criteria's: Community Involvement, Good Corporate Governance, Respect for HR, Business Behaviour, Labour Practices. Japan DJSI 40 Sector wise bench marking Codes of Conduct/Compliance/Anti-corruption policy: 6.0%, Industry specific criteria. - Environmental (33%): Environmental reporting: 3.0%, - Social (33%): Human Capital Development: 5.5%, Talent Attraction & Retention: 5.5%, Labor Practice Indicators: 5.0%, - Corporate Citizenship/Philanthropy: 3.0%, Social Reporting: 3.0%, Industry Specific Criteria. Industry-specific criteria have at least 50% weight in the overall score. The total score for the question is the combination of these weights. Rankings based on score within sectors. 7/26/2014 19Harsha Mukherjee
  • 20. TYPE 3 METHODOLOGY Johannesburg Stock Exchange Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) JSE SRI Index and JSE SRI Swix Index The Criteria are determined by the JSE in consultation with the Advisory Committee, an independent panel of experts from across the spectrum, which includes investment managers, listed companies, sustainability experts, academics and civil society. FTSE and Kings Code is used to execute the implementation. Integrated Reporting and GRI for sustainability reporting guidelines is followed. Bursa Malaysia CSR Framework Sector Wise Bench marking It focuses on 4 areas Environment, Workplace, Community and Marketplace. The choice of CSR focus areas depends on the following: Nature of business Resources Company inclinations Stakeholders expectations Reporting GRI Frameworks LBG, OHSAS 18001, ISO 14000, GHG 7/26/2014 20Harsha Mukherjee
  • 21. APPROACH THAT INDIA SHOULD DISCUSS Defining our own indices to measure on and be a part of Type 2 or Type -3 Defining Sectors for sector wise bench marking Deciding parameters for each industry sector Methodology and framework (LBG/DTB/Self- made) to be decided. Reporting format to be accepted Alternate market reward methods for CSR Compliant Companies. 7/26/2014 21Harsha Mukherjee
  • 23. FUTURE SCOPE OF WORK Alternate market reward methods for CSR Compliant Companies. CSR Exchange for India 7/26/2014 23Harsha Mukherjee

Editor's Notes

  • #20: In Japan: The score for each component is normalized based on the best score that a company in the same industry has achieved. For example, if the component is assigned to the chemicals industry and has a score of 60 and the best company in the chemicals industry has achieved a score of 80, then the normalized score is 60/80-75%. The weighting of each component at the annual review date reflects the normalized score of the company divided by the total sum of the normalized scores of all components.