The document discusses why feature scaling is required for machine learning algorithms like k-nearest neighbors, k-means clustering, and principal component analysis. It explains that different features can have very different value ranges, which can cause issues for distance-based algorithms. Feature scaling methods like standardization and normalization are presented to rescale features to a common range like -1 to 1 or 0 to 1, to avoid any one feature from dominating the distance calculations due to its original scale. Examples are shown applying standardization and normalization to 'Age' and 'Salary' features from sample data.
#3: Missing data in the training data set can reduce the power / fit of a model or can lead toa biased model because we have not analysedthe behaviour and relationship with other variables correctly. It can lead to wrong prediction or classification.
#4: 1.K-Meansuses the Euclidean distance measure here feature scaling matters.2.K-Nearest-Neighboursalso require feature scaling.3.Principal Component Analysis (PCA): Tries to get the feature with maximum variance, here too feature scaling is required.