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                                                                                February 17,2010

  REHEARSAL SCHEDULE         TODAY IS ASH WEDNESDAY.                remember Kevin, who is recovering
1. I’m Putting On the Love   Here’s a bit of background, cour-      from a third degree burn on his toe
   of the Lord               tesy of Wikipedia: Ash Wednesday,      and will have to have a skin graft.
2. High & Lifted Up, I’m     in the Western Christian calendar,     Pray for a full recovery and no in-
   Amazed, p126              is the first day of Lent and occurs    fection.
                             forty-six days (forty days not
3. Come, Christians Join
   to Sing, HFPW, p64        counting Sundays) before
                             Easter. …Ash Wednesday de-             CHOIR NOTES ON LINE:
4. He Is the Amen
                             rives its name from the practice of    Remember that you can always
5. Hallelujah to My King     placing ashes on the foreheads of      find our weekly Choir Notes on line.
6. He Is Yahweh              adherents as a sign of repentance.     Just go to www.ocec.net and find
7. Father, Spirit, Jesus
                             The ashes used are typically gath-     the Ministries link. Select “Music”,
                             ered after the Palm Crosses from       and you’ll find there a PDF of the
8. Hosanna (pink)            the previous year's Palm Sunday        most recent Choir Notes.
9. Prepare Ye the Way        are burned. In the liturgical prac-
10. Happy Day                tice of some churches, the ashes
                             are mixed with the Oil of the Cate-    CHOIR CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS:
11. Paid In Full Through
    Jesus, Amen              chumens[1] (one of the sacred oils      Sun., March 28 – Palm Sunday
                             used to anoint those about to be
12. The First Day of For-    baptized), though some churches         Sun., Apr. 4 – Resurrection Sun-
   ever, Heaven, p86
                             use ordinary oil. This paste is used       day
** Devotions & Prayer**      by the minister who presides at the     Sun., May 16, 6:00pm – Adult
13. Cleanse Me               service to make the sign of the            Choir’s Gospel Sing Concert
14. Thou, O Lord, I’m        cross, first upon his or her own
                                                                     Wed., June 9, 7:00pm – Music &
    Amazed, p4               forehead and then on those of
                                                                        Worship Volunteer Apprecia-
                             congregants. The minister adminis-
15. He Is the Amen                                                      tion Dessert
                             tering ashes recites the words:
                             "Remember (O man) that you are
                             dust, and to dust you shall return",   HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO:
                             "Repent, and believe the Gospel," or
                             "Turn away from sin, and be faithful           2/16—Mary Swaim
    ANTHEM SCHEDULE          to the Gospel."                              2/24—Becky Podvent
February                                                                   2/27—Leah Bellamy
21—He Is the Amen            REMEMBER THE HOFFMANS.
28—He Is Yahweh                    Thanks for giving and
March                              praying for our young mis-
                                   sionary friends, Kevin &
7—Hosanna (pink)
                                   Lisa Hoffman. Especially
14—Father, Spirit, Jesus

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Feb 17 Choir Notes

  • 1. CHOIR NOTES February 17,2010 REHEARSAL SCHEDULE TODAY IS ASH WEDNESDAY. remember Kevin, who is recovering 1. I’m Putting On the Love Here’s a bit of background, cour- from a third degree burn on his toe of the Lord tesy of Wikipedia: Ash Wednesday, and will have to have a skin graft. 2. High & Lifted Up, I’m in the Western Christian calendar, Pray for a full recovery and no in- Amazed, p126 is the first day of Lent and occurs fection. forty-six days (forty days not 3. Come, Christians Join to Sing, HFPW, p64 counting Sundays) before Easter. …Ash Wednesday de- CHOIR NOTES ON LINE: 4. He Is the Amen rives its name from the practice of Remember that you can always 5. Hallelujah to My King placing ashes on the foreheads of find our weekly Choir Notes on line. 6. He Is Yahweh adherents as a sign of repentance. Just go to www.ocec.net and find 7. Father, Spirit, Jesus The ashes used are typically gath- the Ministries link. Select “Music”, ered after the Palm Crosses from and you’ll find there a PDF of the 8. Hosanna (pink) the previous year's Palm Sunday most recent Choir Notes. 9. Prepare Ye the Way are burned. In the liturgical prac- 10. Happy Day tice of some churches, the ashes are mixed with the Oil of the Cate- CHOIR CALENDAR HIGHLIGHTS: 11. Paid In Full Through Jesus, Amen chumens[1] (one of the sacred oils Sun., March 28 – Palm Sunday used to anoint those about to be 12. The First Day of For- baptized), though some churches Sun., Apr. 4 – Resurrection Sun- ever, Heaven, p86 use ordinary oil. This paste is used day ** Devotions & Prayer** by the minister who presides at the Sun., May 16, 6:00pm – Adult 13. Cleanse Me service to make the sign of the Choir’s Gospel Sing Concert 14. Thou, O Lord, I’m cross, first upon his or her own Wed., June 9, 7:00pm – Music & Amazed, p4 forehead and then on those of Worship Volunteer Apprecia- congregants. The minister adminis- 15. He Is the Amen tion Dessert tering ashes recites the words: "Remember (O man) that you are dust, and to dust you shall return", HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO: "Repent, and believe the Gospel," or "Turn away from sin, and be faithful 2/16—Mary Swaim ANTHEM SCHEDULE to the Gospel." 2/24—Becky Podvent February 2/27—Leah Bellamy 21—He Is the Amen REMEMBER THE HOFFMANS. 28—He Is Yahweh Thanks for giving and March praying for our young mis- sionary friends, Kevin & 7—Hosanna (pink) Lisa Hoffman. Especially 14—Father, Spirit, Jesus