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Federated Access Management
Mark Cairney
Information Services IT Infrastructure
UNIX Section
University of Edinburgh
What is Federated Access
 Trust framework between institutions and
 User Authentication devolved to each
institution via a local Identity Provider (IdP)
 Authorisation handled by the Service Provider
(SP) based on attributes sent to it by the IdP
What is FAM?
 Trust relationship handled by both sides
containing metadata describing each other
 Federation is responsible for managing and
publishing metadata for all members (IdPs and
 Also responsible for establishing policies
regarding data exchange between members
and ensuring they are being adhered to.
What is FAM?
 Federations established at a geographical area
(country/continental) level e.g. InCommon
(US), UKAMF (UK), eduGAIN (Europe)
 Now starting to see inter-federation
agreements e.g. UK Federation <-> eduGAIN
 Establishing standards/good practice becomes
an even bigger issue with inter-federation!
FAM Systems
 Number of competing FAM solutions (both
FOSS and commercial)
 Microsoft AD FS
 Well be looking at Shibboleth as its what I
know best!
 Free, Open Source
 Popular in education sector
 Gaining traction outwith education
 3 main components:
 Identity Provider (IdP)
 Service Provider (SP)
 Discovery Service (DS aka Where Are You From?)
Identity Providers (IdP)
 Locally-installed server integrated with
organisations local infrastructure (SSO,
identity management)
 User logs in with their local SSO credentials
 IdP authenticates user and looks them up in
local Identity source (LDAP, AD, database)
Identity Providers (IdP)
 User information parsed, processed and only
permitted attributes are sent back to the
Service Provider (SP)
 By default all members of the UK Federation
are sent a minimal set of attributes
 Additional attributes have to be explicitly
released by the IdP administrator
Can have multiple metadata sources and rules
for attribute disclosure
Service Providers (SP)
 Module performing login to service
 Receives attributes from IdP and uses these to
perform authentication and authorisation of
 N.B. Service Provider performs authorisation
decision based on attribute data received- its
NOT the IdPs job to perform authorisation!!
Discovery Service
 Formerly Known as WAYF (Where Are You
 Essentially a list of available IdPs
 UK Federation run one for general use OR
 Roll your own to present a subset of these
 Optional- you can hardwire your SP to speak
to a specific IdP (but this isnt really
 AKA Security Assertion Markup Language
 Standard dialect for IdPs and SPs to talk to
each other
 Standards (SAML1 / SAML2)
 Possible (though not always straightforward!)
for IdPs and SPs of different flavours e.g.
Shibboleth and OpenAthens to talk to each
The Federation
 Maintains and publishes the metadata
consumed by member entities (i.e. IdPs and
 Metadata used to form trust relationships
 Responsibility for the metadata feed and for
ensuring members adhere to good practice
(security, privacy etc)
Inter-federation Trust
 More of a political challenge than a technical
 Participating federations have to negotiate
common standards re: metadata structure,
key lengths/types, attributes required.
 Best practice wins!
 End result is an aggregated metadata file is
published by participating federations
Other Federated Identity Systems
 OpenAthens- very similar to Shibboleth
 Commercial entity, ran by EduServ
 Can either run your own IdP or have
OpenAthens run it for you for a fee.
 Technology very similar to Shibboleth(SAML-
based, monolithic Federations)
Other Federated Identity Systems
 Eduroam- used in Higher Education to provide
federated roaming wireless access
 Built on FreeRADIUS
 Managed and maintained in the UK by JANET
 External users credentials are relayed back to
their home institution for authentication
Future of Federation
 Current models work well for web-based
authentication (Shibboleth) and/or specific
protocols (eduroam)
 However there is an increasing requirement
for support of multiple protocols and for some
level of devolved federation management
Shibboleth IdPv3
 Still SAML2-based but with a number of
improvements based on experience gained
with v2
 Improvements include:
 User consent for releasing attributes
 Session state largely stored client-side in
encrypted cookie store.
 Based on FreeRADIUS 3 with additional
functionality provided by Shib libraries
 Provides some level of devolved management.
 Multi-protocol support (SSH, Web, Exchange)
Moonshot - Disadvantages
 Requires bleeding-edge versions of
FreeRADIUS and Moonshot dependencies
 Work-in-progress- steep learning curve and
documentation not comprehensive
 Requires software to be installed on both
clients and services to support it- some of
these (e.g. OpenSSH) depend on locally
patched versions.
 E: Mark.Cairney@ed.ac.uk
 T: @mcairney

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Federated access management

  • 1. Federated Access Management Mark Cairney Information Services IT Infrastructure UNIX Section University of Edinburgh
  • 2. What is Federated Access Management? Trust framework between institutions and services User Authentication devolved to each institution via a local Identity Provider (IdP) Authorisation handled by the Service Provider (SP) based on attributes sent to it by the IdP
  • 3. What is FAM? Trust relationship handled by both sides containing metadata describing each other Federation is responsible for managing and publishing metadata for all members (IdPs and SPs) Also responsible for establishing policies regarding data exchange between members and ensuring they are being adhered to.
  • 4. What is FAM? Federations established at a geographical area (country/continental) level e.g. InCommon (US), UKAMF (UK), eduGAIN (Europe) Now starting to see inter-federation agreements e.g. UK Federation <-> eduGAIN Establishing standards/good practice becomes an even bigger issue with inter-federation!
  • 5. FAM Systems Number of competing FAM solutions (both FOSS and commercial) OpenAthens Shibboleth OpenAM Microsoft AD FS Well be looking at Shibboleth as its what I know best!
  • 6. Shibboleth Free, Open Source Popular in education sector Gaining traction outwith education 3 main components: Identity Provider (IdP) Service Provider (SP) Discovery Service (DS aka Where Are You From?)
  • 7. Identity Providers (IdP) Locally-installed server integrated with organisations local infrastructure (SSO, identity management) User logs in with their local SSO credentials IdP authenticates user and looks them up in local Identity source (LDAP, AD, database)
  • 8. Identity Providers (IdP) User information parsed, processed and only permitted attributes are sent back to the Service Provider (SP) By default all members of the UK Federation are sent a minimal set of attributes Additional attributes have to be explicitly released by the IdP administrator Can have multiple metadata sources and rules for attribute disclosure
  • 9. Service Providers (SP) Module performing login to service Receives attributes from IdP and uses these to perform authentication and authorisation of user. N.B. Service Provider performs authorisation decision based on attribute data received- its NOT the IdPs job to perform authorisation!!
  • 10. Discovery Service Formerly Known as WAYF (Where Are You From) Essentially a list of available IdPs UK Federation run one for general use OR Roll your own to present a subset of these Optional- you can hardwire your SP to speak to a specific IdP (but this isnt really federation)
  • 11. SAML AKA Security Assertion Markup Language Standard dialect for IdPs and SPs to talk to each other Standards (SAML1 / SAML2) Possible (though not always straightforward!) for IdPs and SPs of different flavours e.g. Shibboleth and OpenAthens to talk to each other.
  • 13. The Federation Maintains and publishes the metadata consumed by member entities (i.e. IdPs and SPs) Metadata used to form trust relationships Responsibility for the metadata feed and for ensuring members adhere to good practice (security, privacy etc) Monolithic
  • 14. Inter-federation Trust More of a political challenge than a technical one Participating federations have to negotiate common standards re: metadata structure, key lengths/types, attributes required. Best practice wins! End result is an aggregated metadata file is published by participating federations
  • 15. Other Federated Identity Systems OpenAthens- very similar to Shibboleth Commercial entity, ran by EduServ Can either run your own IdP or have OpenAthens run it for you for a fee. Technology very similar to Shibboleth(SAML- based, monolithic Federations)
  • 16. Other Federated Identity Systems Eduroam- used in Higher Education to provide federated roaming wireless access Built on FreeRADIUS Managed and maintained in the UK by JANET External users credentials are relayed back to their home institution for authentication
  • 17. Future of Federation Current models work well for web-based authentication (Shibboleth) and/or specific protocols (eduroam) However there is an increasing requirement for support of multiple protocols and for some level of devolved federation management
  • 18. Shibboleth IdPv3 Still SAML2-based but with a number of improvements based on experience gained with v2 Improvements include: User consent for releasing attributes Session state largely stored client-side in encrypted cookie store.
  • 19. Moonshot Based on FreeRADIUS 3 with additional functionality provided by Shib libraries Provides some level of devolved management. Multi-protocol support (SSH, Web, Exchange)
  • 20. Moonshot - Disadvantages Requires bleeding-edge versions of FreeRADIUS and Moonshot dependencies Work-in-progress- steep learning curve and documentation not comprehensive Requires software to be installed on both clients and services to support it- some of these (e.g. OpenSSH) depend on locally patched versions.
  • 21. Questions? E: Mark.Cairney@ed.ac.uk T: @mcairney http://www.ukfederation.org.uk http://shibboleth.net/ http://www.jisc.ac.uk/assent