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Feedback, a term form cybernetics, the study of messages. It refers to an
inquiry, response or experiment. Feedback can be positive (when the
required result is achieved) or negative; instantaneous(when the
response is immediate) or delayed. Feedback is used to gauge the
effectivenss of a particular message put forth or situation that has taken

In all communication, there is a sender, a message/communication and a
receiver. The meaning of a message is greatly dependent on the culture
in which it is transmitted. The sender encodes a message, the receiver
decodes it. Between the sender, the message and receiver, noise gets in
the way and complicates the process. A noiseless communication does
not exist. There always is some kind of noise entering the
communication. Noise can be physical noise for example static or
psychological i.e. when culture, taboos or values come into play to
disrupt the normal transmission process of communication.
Misunderstanding of a particular message i.e. distortion of meaning is a
form of noise, example, the game of Chinese Whisper"a person starts off
with a particular message and the original message may be distorted by
the time it comes to the final player.

Uses and Effects of mass media
Chapter 2 focused on the various theories of communication and the
effects that the tools of media have on the audiences.
This chapter will focus on the several types of communication classified
on the basis of the social group in which it takes place and upon the
technical tools used for its facilitation. The various types are:


the person receiving the message and decodes it is referred to as the

Intrapersonal Communication
Intrapersonal communication is one-way communication. Individual
contemplation, internal reflection, prayers, etc. are types of intrapersonal
communication. This type can also be termed as a form of internal
persuasion. There are two types of messages, nonverbal and verbal.
Examples of nonverbal
惘惆惆 悋惺:
    惘惆惆 悋惺  惺 悋惠忰 悋 愆 惶愀忰 惆惘悋愕悸 悋惘愕悋悧. 悒
   愆惘 悒 悋愕惠悴悋惡悸 悖 惠忰 悋惠悴惘惡悸.  悖 惠 惘惆惆 悋惺 悋悴悋惡悸
    )惺惆悋 惠 惠忰 悋惠悴悸 悋愀惡悸( 悖 愕惡悸 忰惴悸 )惺惆悋 悋惠 悋愕惠悴悋惡悸
 惘愕悋悸 惺悸               悋惘悸( 悖 惠悖悽惘. 愕惠悽惆 悋愕 惘惆惆 悋惺
                                              悖 愀惘忰 悋惷惺 悋悵 惆 忰惆惓惠.
   悴惺 悋惠惶悋惠 悋 惘愕 惘愕悋悸 / 悋惠惶悋惠 悴悋慍 悋愕惠惡悋. 惺
   惘愕悋悸 惠惺惠惆 悒 忰惆 惡惘 惺 悋惓悋悸 悋惠 惠惡惓 惺悋. 悋惘愕 愆惘 惘愕悋悸
   悋惠 惠惘悴 悵. 惡 悋惘愕 悋惘愕悋悸 悋惠 悋惷惷悋悄 惠忰惶 
悋愀惘 惺惆 惺悸. 惡愃 惡 惷悴悸  悴惆 . 悋 惆悋悧悋 惺悋  悋惷惷悋悄
     悋惠 惠惆悽  悋惡愃.  悖  悋惷悴悴 惷悴悴 悋悴愕惆悸 惺 愕惡
      悋惓悋 悖 惓悋惡惠 悖 悋愕 惺惆悋 悋惓悋悸 悋忰惘悋惠 悖 悋 忰慍 悋惺惡
 惺惘悸 惺悸 悋惠悋 愀惡惺 惠惶悋. 愕悄 悋 惠愆 惘愕悋悸 悽悋惶悸  悖
     惺  愆  悖愆悋 愕惡 悋惓悋 悋惷惷悋悄 惺惡悸 悋愕 悋惶
   " 悋愆悽惶 悋悵 惡惆悖 忰悋 惺 惘愕悋悸 惺悸 惘惡悋 惠 愆悸 悋惘愕悋悸
                              悋惶悸  悋惠 悋悵 悖惠 悋 惺惡 悋悋悧.
                                        悋愕惠悽惆悋悋惠 惠悖惓惘悋惠 愕悋悧 悋惺
   悋惶 戡 惘慍 惺 悋惴惘悋惠 悋悽惠悸 惠惶悋 悋惓悋惘 悖 悖惆悋惠 悋惺 惺
 悵悋 悋惶 惘慍 惺 惺惆悸 悖悋惺  悋惠惶悋惠 惠惶 惺 悖愕悋愕 悋悴惺悸
  悋悴惠悋惺悸 悋惠 惺惠 惡悋悄 惺 悋惆悋惠 悋惠悸 悋愕惠悽惆悸 惠愕 悖惺悋.
                                                         悽惠 悖悋惺 :
愆悋惘 悒 悖 悋愆悽惶 悋悵 惠 悋惘愕悋悸 惠惘悴 悵 悒 忰惆悸  悋惠惘慍
                                          惆悋悽 悋愆悽惶 愕 悋惠惶悋
悋惠惶悋惠 惆悋悽 悋愆悽惶 愕  悋忰惆  悋惠悴悋 悋惠惶悋惠. 悋惠悖 悋惘惆
     悋惠悖 悋惆悋悽 悋惶悸 悋  悖悋惺 悋惠惶悋惠 惆悋悽 悋愆悽惶 愕.
   悖惷悋 悖 悵悋 悋惺 悖 惠惶 惡悖悋 愆  悖愆悋 悋悋惺 悋惆悋悽悸.
        悋 惺悋  悋惘愕悋悧 愃惘 悋惴 悋. 悖惓悸 惺 愆
悖慍悸 悋惶忰悋悸
      惺悋  悖慍悸 悋惶忰悋悸  惶忰忰 悋 悋惶忰悋悸 慍悋惠 惠悽悸 惺
  愕惘悸 悋惶忰 悋惆惘悋愀 悋悵 惺愆悸 悋悋 惡忰悋悴悸 悋  悋 悋惶忰 悋惶忰悋悸
      惡 悋 悋惶 愕惘惠悋 忰 悋惶忰 悋愕悋愕 悋惶忰 悋惠惶悋惆 
 悋惶忰悋悸 悋 惷悸  惷悸 悋惶忰悋悸 惠愆 惺惡悸  愕惡 惡悋悄 悋悴惠惺
     悋惆惘悋愀 悋悵 愆惆悸 悋 悵 悋惷悸 悋 愕悋惠 惺悸 惓惘悸 惡惆 
                                                               悋惠惺惘 悋 .

   惆 愆惠 悋愀悸 悋惶忰悋悸 惺 悋愆惡悸 悋惺惡惠悸 惴悋惘悸 悒惺悸 悴惆惆悸
 惘惠惡愀悸 惡惓惘悸 惠悴悋 悋惺悋惠 悋惠惶悋惠 悖惶惡忰 悋愆惆 悋惺 悖惘惡
  悋 悴惺  惠悋 悋悴惺 惡惺惆 悖 悋 忰惶惘悋  悧悸 惺悸
    悋愆惺惡 惶悋惘 悖惓惘 悋惠愆悋惘悋 愕惘惺悸  悋惶 悒 悖惡惘 惺惆惆  悋惘悋悄
     惡悵 惠 悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸 惆 惠忰惠 悛悋悋 惺惆惆悸  悖惶惡忰惠 悖愕
  悖惘惡 悋愀  悋 悋愀惠 惺悸 惷悽悸 惡惓 惶悋惆惘 悋悽惡悋惘悸 悋惠惘悸
    惠惠悋 愆惠 悋悋惷惺 惠愃惶  惺惆惆  悋惷惺悋惠 悋惠惺悸 悖惓惘 悵
悋惠悋惺悋 惡悋惠悋 悋惠忰惠 愃悋惡悸 悋惶忰 悋悧悋惠 悋悵悋惺悸 悋惠慍悸 悋惘悸
 惡悵 悋悴 惶惡忰 悋惺 悋惠惘  惴惘 悴慍 愆惆惆 悋悽愀惘悸 惺
 悋惠悖惓惘 愕悋悄 惺 惶悋惺 悋惘悋惘 悋  悋忰悸 惠愆 悋惘悖 悋惺悋  惺惆 悋惘惡
      忰悋 悋 悋 惡悋愕 惡 惘惡  悋悽悋惠 悋惺 悋惶忰 悋惘愕悋悸
                                                       悋惺悸 悋惷惺悸 .
悒 愕惘惺悸 悋惠愆悋惘 惶 悋惺悋惠 悋 悋惡惘 愆惘忰悸  悋悴惠惺 愕悋悄 悋忰
   悋 悋惆 惡悋 悋惠悋 惺惡 惆惘悋  惠惺慍慍 悋惆惘悋愀悸  悵 悋悴惠惺
       悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸  惠惠惶惘 惺 愆惘忰悸 惺悸 惡愃惷 悋惴惘 惺 悋
        悋悴愕 悋悴愕悸 悋忰慍惡 悋愕悋愕 悋惆 悋惘 悋愃 悋愕悗
    悋悋愀 愕悋悄 惡悋惘悋悄悸 悋 悋愆悋惘悸 悋 悋惡惆悋悄 悋惘悖  悋惶忰 惡惆惘
  惘悋惡悸 忰悸 惡愀惘忰 愆悋 悴惠惺 愕惡 忰悋 悛惘悋悄 悋悋愀 悋惠惘悋忰悋惠悋
悋惠悋惆悋惠 惺 悋忰悸 悋惘悧悋愕悸 悖 悖 愀悋惺 悽悋惶 惡 悋惶忰悋悸
       悋惠惘悸  愀惡 惺悋 悋 悋愆惘 悋愀惡惺悋惠  悋惺悋悄 悋惡惘
悴惠惺 惺慍慍 惆惘  悋愆悋惘悸  惶惺 悋惘悋惘 惺慍慍  悋惆惘悋愀悸
 悋 悋 愕惘惺悸 悋愕惠悴悋惡悸 悋悋惘 悋 悋惠 惺悸 惠惺惘惡 惺 惆 悋愀悧悋悸
  惆 惘悋忰惠悸 愕惺悸 惺悋悄 悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸 惺惘惡 惺 惘悖悸 惠惡 惠惺悸
  惠愆惘 惡愕惘惺悸 惡惘悸 惡悋惠悋 惡 惺悋惠 悸 惡 悋惘悋惆 悋悴惠惺 愕悋悄 惡
  悋惶忰悋悸 悋悋愀 悖 惡 悋悋愀 悋悽惘 悋 悋悋愀 悋惶忰 惡悒惺悋惆悸
惠惺 悋 惆 惺 悋惠惺 悋 悒悋悸 悋惠惶悋 悋悋愀 惺 悋悗愕愕悸 悋惶忰悸
悋惠 惠惺  悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸 愕悗悋 惺 悖 惷悸 愆惘悸 愕悖 惠
     愆惘 惠惺悸 惡惺惆 悋惠忰 悋  愕惠愀惺 悋悋惘悧  悋悋愀 悋 惺 惺
悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惡悸 悋 悋惘悧悸 悋 愕惠愀惺 悋惠惺 惡 惡 悵悋惠悸 悖惡 惡 悋惘悋惆
         惺悋悧惠悸  悋惺   惠  惺惴 悋忰悋   惠惺悸
                                                  悋愆悋惘悸  惶惺 悋惘悋惘 .

 忰惘悸 悋惶悋惘 悋忰惘悸 惠悗悴 忰悸 惠忰惘惘 悋愕惘 悋惓惘悸 愕惡惠 惡惆  悋悽愕 .
悋惺惠 忰惘悸 悋惶悋惘 悋忰惘悸 惺惡惘 惶忰惠悋 悋惘愕悸 惺 惺 悋惠悋惶 悋悴惠悋惺
  Face book惠悖悴 悋悗惠惘 悋惶忰 悋悽悋惶 惡忰悸 惠忰惘惘 悋愕惘 悋惓惘悸 悋悵
  悋  悋惠惘惷 惺惆悸 愃惆悋 悋悽愕 惡悋惡悸 悋忰悋 悋悸 愕惠 悋惺悋惆悸 
                                                              悋愕惡惠 悋惡 .
 悋 悋愆悋惘惠 悋忰惘悸 悋 悖 愕惡惡 惠悖悴 悋悗惠惘 悋惠惺惘惷 惡惺惷 悋惺惡悋惠 
    悋悽愕 悋惆悋 惺 悋 悋惺惆 悋悵 忰惆惆  悋悽愕 悋悄 惺 惶忰悸
悋惠悋惶 悋悴惠悋惺 愃惘 惺悋 悋   悋惠惺惆 惴惘悋 慍惆悋惆 惺惆惆 悋忰惷惘
                                                       惺 悋忰惆 悋愕忰 惡.
Crisis of the press
Do we suffer from the crisis of journalism is it true that the press is
still lagging behind the march of democratic reform in which we
live, and we first need to reform the press before we continue our
march towards political reform and reform and economic Does the
press today, the issue of whether the issue of the press is an
obstacle in order to build a democratic society that we desire and
that this the case with certain characteristics and many of them
must be identified.

We have formed the start of the press on the web phenomenon of
new media, linked to a revolution of information technology and
communications, bringing the media landscape closer to be the
property of all, and accessible to everyone, after he was confined
to a certain class of people, and became more widespread and
faster access to the largest number of readers, and thus the
electronic media has opened up many, and have become easier
and closer to the citizen, and here began the process of large
broadcast news sources electronic address different topics and
dive in the number of subjects varied and its impact and
conviction of its importance I joined the majority of newspapers
and broadcasters and television prestigious this router to become
the media e-mail in an envelope and a brief very serious and
profound impact both on decision-makers on the one hand, or the
formation of public opinion is no longer a government censor as it
was yesterday, without monitoring the ethics of journalism and
media message of substance.
The rapid spread of the arrival of information to a larger segment
of society, whether domestic or international lowest cost plays a
role in promoting democracy in that community journalism is
electronic not limited to a certain segment regardless of color,
sex, nationality, political party, religious and the poor and the rich
and the Contact Person and the citizen, whether reading or
participating, or show opinion shall press and the role of
government control by subtracting the problems of society and
ways to solve them and the views of citizens and their
suggestions and criticisms on the government and the presidency
any or private sector Vbikun electronic press does not apply the
law of the publishing and publications shall be the pot large
community strengthens its role in participating in decision-making
and promotes the concept of democracy and that the response
speed of the continental or the recipient of the information
expresses the confidence in and the comfort and tank volume
electronic press Faarb his mind and writes Pendants and publish
very quickly then your built strong relationships between members
of the community, both among the press and citizens or between
citizens and the other, or citizens and journalists to re-comment or
criticism to the comment or the possibility of contact citizen Press
Foundation, which works in the electronic press to ask about any
issue published and ask when Venture Pendants after revision
while not able reader and citizen to comment on the written press
or visual or unable to comment with the same Opinh and between
the members of his family and in the work but can not in most
cases of Pendants transfer and participation in decision-making.

Supporters of the freedom movement postpone the campaign to
liberate prisoners of the revolution for the Sabbath instead of
Supporters of the Movement for freedom across the front page of
the official social networking site Face book to postpone the press
conference, your campaign liberation of prisoners of the
revolution and who was supposed to be held on Thursday, the
Bar Association will be held on Saturday.
It also indicated that the cause of the movement to postpone the
conference and exposure to some of the obstacles on Thursday
and confirmed that the deadline set on Thursday to meet on a
social networking page is now active and can not be edited due to
the increase in the number of attendees for the limit.

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悋惆悋惠 惆惘悋 忰惘悸 悋惠惺惡惘 惺 悋惘悖.Docx
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悖惓惘 愆惡悋惠 惠悋惶 悋悋悴惠悋惺 惺 悋惘悖 悋惺悋.docx
悖惓惘 愆惡悋惠 惠悋惶 悋悋悴惠悋惺 惺 悋惘悖 悋惺悋.docx悖惓惘 愆惡悋惠 惠悋惶 悋悋悴惠悋惺 惺 悋惘悖 悋惺悋.docx
悖惓惘 愆惡悋惠 惠悋惶 悋悋悴惠悋惺 惺 悋惘悖 悋惺悋.docx
惶忰悋悸 悋悋愀
惶忰悋悸 悋悋愀惶忰悋悸 悋悋愀
惶忰悋悸 悋悋愀
悋悋惠惶悋 悋惺 悋惠惺悸
悋悋惠惶悋 悋惺 悋惠惺悸悋悋惠惶悋 悋惺 悋惠惺悸
悋悋惠惶悋 悋惺 悋惠惺悸
愕 悋惡忰惘
惠 惴惘悋惠 悋悋惠惶悋
惠 惴惘悋惠 悋悋惠惶悋惠 惴惘悋惠 悋悋惠惶悋
惠 惴惘悋惠 悋悋惠惶悋
悋悋惺悋 悋惆 悋悋惺悋 悋悴惆惆
悋悋惺悋 悋惆 悋悋惺悋 悋悴惆惆悋悋惺悋 悋惆 悋悋惺悋 悋悴惆惆
悋悋惺悋 悋惆 悋悋惺悋 悋悴惆惆
Mero Cool
悋悋惠惶悋 悋惺 悋惠惺悸
悋悋惠惶悋 悋惺 悋惠惺悸悋悋惠惶悋 悋惺 悋惠惺悸
悋悋惠惶悋 悋惺 悋惠惺悸
愕 悋惡忰惘
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Abdulaziz Al-Maosherji
Chapter 1.pdf
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惺悋惶惘 悋悋惠惶悋 悋 惘惠惡愀悸 惡
惺悋惶惘 悋悋惠惶悋 悋 惘惠惡愀悸 惡惺悋惶惘 悋悋惠惶悋 悋 惘惠惡愀悸 惡
惺悋惶惘 悋悋惠惶悋 悋 惘惠惡愀悸 惡
愕悋 惆悋惆
愃悸 悋悴愕惆 悋悋惠惶悋
 愃悸 悋悴愕惆 悋悋惠惶悋 愃悸 悋悴愕惆 悋悋惠惶悋
愃悸 悋悴愕惆 悋悋惠惶悋
悋悒惺悋 悋惡惺惆 悋惘悋惡惺 悋惆悸 悽惶惶悸 惆惘悋愕 悋悋惴惘悋惠
悋悒惺悋  悋惡惺惆 悋惘悋惡惺 悋惆悸 悽惶惶悸 惆惘悋愕 悋悋惴惘悋惠悋悒惺悋  悋惡惺惆 悋惘悋惡惺 悋惆悸 悽惶惶悸 惆惘悋愕 悋悋惴惘悋惠
悋悒惺悋 悋惡惺惆 悋惘悋惡惺 悋惆悸 悽惶惶悸 惆惘悋愕 悋悋惴惘悋惠
愀惡悸 悸 悋惠惘惷 悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋惶 悋悋惠惶悋 .pptx
愀惡悸 悸 悋惠惘惷 悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋惶 悋悋惠惶悋 .pptx愀惡悸 悸 悋惠惘惷 悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋惶 悋悋惠惶悋 .pptx
愀惡悸 悸 悋惠惘惷 悋惘悋惠 悋惠悋惶 悋悋惠惶悋 .pptx
悋惆悋惠 惆惘悋 忰惘悸 悋惠惺惡惘 惺 悋惘悖.Docx
悋惆悋惠  惆惘悋  忰惘悸 悋惠惺惡惘 惺 悋惘悖.Docx悋惆悋惠  惆惘悋  忰惘悸 悋惠惺惡惘 惺 悋惘悖.Docx
悋惆悋惠 惆惘悋 忰惘悸 悋惠惺惡惘 惺 悋惘悖.Docx


  • 1. Feedback: Feedback, a term form cybernetics, the study of messages. It refers to an inquiry, response or experiment. Feedback can be positive (when the required result is achieved) or negative; instantaneous(when the response is immediate) or delayed. Feedback is used to gauge the effectivenss of a particular message put forth or situation that has taken place. Noise: In all communication, there is a sender, a message/communication and a receiver. The meaning of a message is greatly dependent on the culture in which it is transmitted. The sender encodes a message, the receiver decodes it. Between the sender, the message and receiver, noise gets in the way and complicates the process. A noiseless communication does not exist. There always is some kind of noise entering the communication. Noise can be physical noise for example static or psychological i.e. when culture, taboos or values come into play to disrupt the normal transmission process of communication. Misunderstanding of a particular message i.e. distortion of meaning is a form of noise, example, the game of Chinese Whisper"a person starts off with a particular message and the original message may be distorted by the time it comes to the final player. Uses and Effects of mass media Chapter 2 focused on the various theories of communication and the effects that the tools of media have on the audiences. This chapter will focus on the several types of communication classified on the basis of the social group in which it takes place and upon the technical tools used for its facilitation. The various types are: Decoder the person receiving the message and decodes it is referred to as the decoder Intrapersonal Communication Intrapersonal communication is one-way communication. Individual
  • 2. contemplation, internal reflection, prayers, etc. are types of intrapersonal communication. This type can also be termed as a form of internal persuasion. There are two types of messages, nonverbal and verbal. Examples of nonverbal
  • 3. 惘惆惆 悋惺: 惘惆惆 悋惺 惺 悋惠忰 悋 愆 惶愀忰 惆惘悋愕悸 悋惘愕悋悧. 悒 愆惘 悒 悋愕惠悴悋惡悸 悖 惠忰 悋惠悴惘惡悸. 悖 惠 惘惆惆 悋惺 悋悴悋惡悸 )惺惆悋 惠 惠忰 悋惠悴悸 悋愀惡悸( 悖 愕惡悸 忰惴悸 )惺惆悋 悋惠 悋愕惠悴悋惡悸 effectivenss 惘愕悋悸 惺悸 悋惘悸( 悖 惠悖悽惘. 愕惠悽惆 悋愕 惘惆惆 悋惺 悖 愀惘忰 悋惷惺 悋悵 惆 忰惆惓惠. 悋惷惷悋悄: 悴惺 悋惠惶悋惠 悋 惘愕 惘愕悋悸 / 悋惠惶悋惠 悴悋慍 悋愕惠惡悋. 惺 惘愕悋悸 惠惺惠惆 悒 忰惆 惡惘 惺 悋惓悋悸 悋惠 惠惡惓 惺悋. 悋惘愕 愆惘 惘愕悋悸 悋惠 惠惘悴 悵. 惡 悋惘愕 悋惘愕悋悸 悋惠 悋惷惷悋悄 惠忰惶 悋愀惘 惺惆 惺悸. 惡愃 惡 惷悴悸 悴惆 . 悋 惆悋悧悋 惺悋 悋惷惷悋悄 悋惠 惠惆悽 悋惡愃. 悖 悋惷悴悴 惷悴悴 悋悴愕惆悸 惺 愕惡 悋惓悋 悖 惓悋惡惠 悖 悋愕 惺惆悋 悋惓悋悸 悋忰惘悋惠 悖 悋 忰慍 悋惺惡 惺惘悸 惺悸 悋惠悋 愀惡惺 惠惶悋. 愕悄 悋 惠愆 惘愕悋悸 悽悋惶悸 悖 惺 愆 悖愆悋 愕惡 悋惓悋 悋惷惷悋悄 惺惡悸 悋愕 悋惶 " 悋愆悽惶 悋悵 惡惆悖 忰悋 惺 惘愕悋悸 惺悸 惘惡悋 惠 愆悸 悋惘愕悋悸 悋惶悸 悋惠 悋悵 悖惠 悋 惺惡 悋悋悧. 悋愕惠悽惆悋悋惠 惠悖惓惘悋惠 愕悋悧 悋惺 悋惶 戡 惘慍 惺 悋惴惘悋惠 悋悽惠悸 惠惶悋 悋惓悋惘 悖 悖惆悋惠 悋惺 惺 悋悴悋惘. 悵悋 悋惶 惘慍 惺 惺惆悸 悖悋惺 悋惠惶悋惠 惠惶 惺 悖愕悋愕 悋悴惺悸 悋悴惠悋惺悸 悋惠 惺惠 惡悋悄 惺 悋惆悋惠 悋惠悸 悋愕惠悽惆悸 惠愕 悖惺悋. 悽惠 悖悋惺 : 悋愆惘悋惠
  • 4. 愆悋惘 悒 悖 悋愆悽惶 悋悵 惠 悋惘愕悋悸 惠惘悴 悵 悒 忰惆悸 悋惠惘慍 惆悋悽 悋愆悽惶 愕 悋惠惶悋 悋惠惶悋惠 惆悋悽 悋愆悽惶 愕 悋忰惆 悋惠悴悋 悋惠惶悋惠. 悋惠悖 悋惘惆 悋惠悖 悋惆悋悽 悋惶悸 悋 悖悋惺 悋惠惶悋惠 惆悋悽 悋愆悽惶 愕. 悖惷悋 悖 悵悋 悋惺 悖 惠惶 惡悖悋 愆 悖愆悋 悋悋惺 悋惆悋悽悸. 悋 惺悋 悋惘愕悋悧 愃惘 悋惴 悋. 悖惓悸 惺 愆
  • 5. 悖慍悸 悋惶忰悋悸 惺悋 悖慍悸 悋惶忰悋悸 惶忰忰 悋 悋惶忰悋悸 慍悋惠 惠悽悸 惺 愕惘悸 悋惶忰 悋惆惘悋愀 悋悵 惺愆悸 悋悋 惡忰悋悴悸 悋 悋 悋惶忰 悋惶忰悋悸 惡 悋 悋惶 愕惘惠悋 忰 悋惶忰 悋愕悋愕 悋惶忰 悋惠惶悋惆 悋惶忰悋悸 悋 惷悸 惷悸 悋惶忰悋悸 惠愆 惺惡悸 愕惡 惡悋悄 悋悴惠惺 悋惆惘悋愀 悋悵 愆惆悸 悋 悵 悋惷悸 悋 愕悋惠 惺悸 惓惘悸 惡惆 悋惠惺惘 悋 . 惆 愆惠 悋愀悸 悋惶忰悋悸 惺 悋愆惡悸 悋惺惡惠悸 惴悋惘悸 悒惺悸 悴惆惆悸 惘惠惡愀悸 惡惓惘悸 惠悴悋 悋惺悋惠 悋惠惶悋惠 悖惶惡忰 悋愆惆 悋惺 悖惘惡 悋 悴惺 惠悋 悋悴惺 惡惺惆 悖 悋 忰惶惘悋 悧悸 惺悸 悋愆惺惡 惶悋惘 悖惓惘 悋惠愆悋惘悋 愕惘惺悸 悋惶 悒 悖惡惘 惺惆惆 悋惘悋悄 惡悵 惠 悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸 惆 惠忰惠 悛悋悋 惺惆惆悸 悖惶惡忰惠 悖愕 悖惘惡 悋愀 悋 悋愀惠 惺悸 惷悽悸 惡惓 惶悋惆惘 悋悽惡悋惘悸 悋惠惘悸 惠惠悋 愆惠 悋悋惷惺 惠愃惶 惺惆惆 悋惷惺悋惠 悋惠惺悸 悖惓惘 悵 悋惠悋惺悋 惡悋惠悋 悋惠忰惠 愃悋惡悸 悋惶忰 悋悧悋惠 悋悵悋惺悸 悋惠慍悸 悋惘悸 惡悵 悋悴 惶惡忰 悋惺 悋惠惘 惴惘 悴慍 愆惆惆 悋悽愀惘悸 惺 悋惠悖惓惘 愕悋悄 惺 惶悋惺 悋惘悋惘 悋 悋忰悸 惠愆 悋惘悖 悋惺悋 惺惆 悋惘惡 忰悋 悋 悋 惡悋愕 惡 惘惡 悋悽悋惠 悋惺 悋惶忰 悋惘愕悋悸 悋惺悸 悋惷惺悸 . 悒 愕惘惺悸 悋惠愆悋惘 惶 悋惺悋惠 悋 悋惡惘 愆惘忰悸 悋悴惠惺 愕悋悄 悋忰 悋 悋惆 惡悋 悋惠悋 惺惡 惆惘悋 惠惺慍慍 悋惆惘悋愀悸 悵 悋悴惠惺 悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸 惠惠惶惘 惺 愆惘忰悸 惺悸 惡愃惷 悋惴惘 惺 悋 悋悴愕 悋悴愕悸 悋忰慍惡 悋愕悋愕 悋惆 悋惘 悋愃 悋愕悗 悋悋愀 愕悋悄 惡悋惘悋悄悸 悋 悋愆悋惘悸 悋 悋惡惆悋悄 悋惘悖 悋惶忰 惡惆惘 惘悋惡悸 忰悸 惡愀惘忰 愆悋 悴惠惺 愕惡 忰悋 悛惘悋悄 悋悋愀 悋惠惘悋忰悋惠悋
  • 6. 悋惠悋惆悋惠 惺 悋忰悸 悋惘悧悋愕悸 悖 悖 愀悋惺 悽悋惶 惡 悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸 愀惡 惺悋 悋 悋愆惘 悋愀惡惺悋惠 悋惺悋悄 悋惡惘 悴惠惺 惺慍慍 惆惘 悋愆悋惘悸 惶惺 悋惘悋惘 惺慍慍 悋惆惘悋愀悸 悋 悋 愕惘惺悸 悋愕惠悴悋惡悸 悋悋惘 悋 悋惠 惺悸 惠惺惘惡 惺 惆 悋愀悧悋悸 惆 惘悋忰惠悸 愕惺悸 惺悋悄 悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸 惺惘惡 惺 惘悖悸 惠惡 惠惺悸 惠愆惘 惡愕惘惺悸 惡惘悸 惡悋惠悋 惡 惺悋惠 悸 惡 悋惘悋惆 悋悴惠惺 愕悋悄 惡 悋惶忰悋悸 悋悋愀 悖 惡 悋悋愀 悋悽惘 悋 悋悋愀 悋惶忰 惡悒惺悋惆悸 惠惺 悋 惆 惺 悋惠惺 悋 悒悋悸 悋惠惶悋 悋悋愀 惺 悋悗愕愕悸 悋惶忰悸 悋惠 惠惺 悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惘悸 愕悗悋 惺 悖 惷悸 愆惘悸 愕悖 惠 愆惘 惠惺悸 惡惺惆 悋惠忰 悋 愕惠愀惺 悋悋惘悧 悋悋愀 悋 惺 惺 悋惶忰悋悸 悋惠惡悸 悋 悋惘悧悸 悋 愕惠愀惺 悋惠惺 惡 惡 悵悋惠悸 悖惡 惡 悋惘悋惆 惺悋悧惠悸 悋惺 惠 惺惴 悋忰悋 惠惺悸 悋愆悋惘悸 惶惺 悋惘悋惘 . 忰惘悸 悋惶悋惘 悋忰惘悸 惠悗悴 忰悸 惠忰惘惘 悋愕惘 悋惓惘悸 愕惡惠 惡惆 悋悽愕 . 悋惺惠 忰惘悸 悋惶悋惘 悋忰惘悸 惺惡惘 惶忰惠悋 悋惘愕悸 惺 惺 悋惠悋惶 悋悴惠悋惺 Face book惠悖悴 悋悗惠惘 悋惶忰 悋悽悋惶 惡忰悸 惠忰惘惘 悋愕惘 悋惓惘悸 悋悵 悋 悋惠惘惷 惺惆悸 愃惆悋 悋悽愕 惡悋惡悸 悋忰悋 悋悸 愕惠 悋惺悋惆悸 悋愕惡惠 悋惡 . 悋 悋愆悋惘惠 悋忰惘悸 悋 悖 愕惡惡 惠悖悴 悋悗惠惘 悋惠惺惘惷 惡惺惷 悋惺惡悋惠 悋悽愕 悋惆悋 惺 悋 悋惺惆 悋悵 忰惆惆 悋悽愕 悋悄 惺 惶忰悸 悋惠悋惶 悋悴惠悋惺 愃惘 惺悋 悋 悋惠惺惆 惴惘悋 慍惆悋惆 惺惆惆 悋忰惷惘 惺 悋忰惆 悋愕忰 惡.
  • 7. Crisis of the press Do we suffer from the crisis of journalism is it true that the press is still lagging behind the march of democratic reform in which we live, and we first need to reform the press before we continue our march towards political reform and reform and economic Does the press today, the issue of whether the issue of the press is an obstacle in order to build a democratic society that we desire and that this the case with certain characteristics and many of them must be identified. We have formed the start of the press on the web phenomenon of new media, linked to a revolution of information technology and communications, bringing the media landscape closer to be the property of all, and accessible to everyone, after he was confined to a certain class of people, and became more widespread and faster access to the largest number of readers, and thus the electronic media has opened up many, and have become easier and closer to the citizen, and here began the process of large broadcast news sources electronic address different topics and dive in the number of subjects varied and its impact and conviction of its importance I joined the majority of newspapers and broadcasters and television prestigious this router to become the media e-mail in an envelope and a brief very serious and profound impact both on decision-makers on the one hand, or the formation of public opinion is no longer a government censor as it was yesterday, without monitoring the ethics of journalism and media message of substance. The rapid spread of the arrival of information to a larger segment of society, whether domestic or international lowest cost plays a role in promoting democracy in that community journalism is electronic not limited to a certain segment regardless of color, sex, nationality, political party, religious and the poor and the rich and the Contact Person and the citizen, whether reading or participating, or show opinion shall press and the role of government control by subtracting the problems of society and ways to solve them and the views of citizens and their suggestions and criticisms on the government and the presidency any or private sector Vbikun electronic press does not apply the
  • 8. law of the publishing and publications shall be the pot large community strengthens its role in participating in decision-making and promotes the concept of democracy and that the response speed of the continental or the recipient of the information expresses the confidence in and the comfort and tank volume electronic press Faarb his mind and writes Pendants and publish very quickly then your built strong relationships between members of the community, both among the press and citizens or between citizens and the other, or citizens and journalists to re-comment or criticism to the comment or the possibility of contact citizen Press Foundation, which works in the electronic press to ask about any issue published and ask when Venture Pendants after revision while not able reader and citizen to comment on the written press or visual or unable to comment with the same Opinh and between the members of his family and in the work but can not in most cases of Pendants transfer and participation in decision-making. Supporters of the freedom movement postpone the campaign to liberate prisoners of the revolution for the Sabbath instead of Thursday. Supporters of the Movement for freedom across the front page of the official social networking site Face book to postpone the press conference, your campaign liberation of prisoners of the revolution and who was supposed to be held on Thursday, the Bar Association will be held on Saturday. It also indicated that the cause of the movement to postpone the conference and exposure to some of the obstacles on Thursday and confirmed that the deadline set on Thursday to meet on a social networking page is now active and can not be edited due to the increase in the number of attendees for the limit.