The document discusses a new shoe system that tracks the user's steps using Bluetooth connectivity to their phone. It counts the user's steps and shares their real-time location to social networks when they take two steps and turn their foot. At the end of the day, the app provides feedback on the user's progress toward their 10,000 daily step goal. All activity and progress data is securely saved online for the user to access.
2. According to some researches, human beings need to walk at
least 10,000 steps a day to keep their body in a good health.
3. In order to help you improve your health conditions and keep
you aware about how many steps you have taken, we show the
new one system integrated in some shoes with different brands.
4. Using Bluetooth as connection between the shoes and the
phone we give all control to you manage your data and include
all your gadgets in one, as well connect to your social networks.
5. You can use our app to access all data that you can save it in a
system completely online that keep your information in a safety
place and where you can see your improvements day by day.
6. The hardware is linked in the bottom of your shoes and it just
work when you are standing because it knows your weight.
7. If you step twice and turn your foot from left to right the system
will share your real location to Foursquare, Facebook, Twitter
and others social networks that you have linked to.
8. At the end of the day, our app will notice you about your
progress and if you needed to walk more than you were
supposed to. With this feedback you can see how good you are.
9. All activities as you already know is saved and sent to servers in
which your data can be accessed in order to see your progress.