The Ask Me Anything is a popular format for discussions at events among an expert sports psychologist, Dr. John Heil, and those at the event venue.
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Fencing Ask Me Anything - discussion format from John Heil
1. CAPITOL CLASH 2020 Sport Psychology
Ask Me Anything about Fencing & Sport Psychology
with 25 Years of USA Fencing Highlights &
Lessons from Outside the Strip
How America Learned to Win at Fencing
Modern Zen on the Strip
Rebound from Misery
The Team Game Chess Match
Chess Master Marx
Paul Plays Moneyball
How NCAA Title IX led to USAs 1st Fencing Olympic Gold in a century
2. The AMA Choice List
What would the Buddha Do? Mental Training
Shock & Awe on the Olympic StageMental Prep & the Venue Visit
Chess, Fencing and Genius TheorySport intelligence
Jason Crunches the numbers Game Theory & Tactics
The Parent & the ABCs of Sport? Sport as Education
How Jim Thorpe became the Worlds Greatest Athlete-Role of Science
金The Extreme Stupor - Choking
Iris One Touch at A Time Concentration
金Akhi, the Bobsled Pilot & the Tiger- Fear
金Chess Master Marx Tactical Decision Making
金How Title IX Lead to Womens Saber Gold Opportunity & Talent
What Snowboarding & Womens Saber Have in Common?-Talent Development
金Mindfulness Zinn or Zen Mindfulness in Sport
金Paul Plays Moneyball Team Competition
When a Bronze medal is a Let Down - Psychological Let-Down
3. The Whole is More than Sum of Parts-Team Fencing
Mens Epee in Athens & Womens Saber in Beijing
金Dont Say Dont- Stripside Coaching
金Jan Socks it to Them Control
金Psychologist and the Kayak - Imagery
Why is Bill Belichick a Fan of Sun Tzu? - Strategy
Fencing & the Unconscious - Flow
Yuri Goes to Work - Skill Transfer
A Psychologist, Coach, Trainer and Armorer go into a Bar-Professional Role
Hit Them Before They Hit You-Tactics
15 Ways to Win the 14-14 bout-Critical Touch
No Pain, No Gain No Brain?-Injury
First Gold in a Century Luck & Opportunity
What About the Deer in the Headlights-Vision Training
金How could Seth know what he didnt know?-Role of sport science
Iris on the Ropes-Injury
After Its Over, Its Not Over-Psychological Recovery
The Art of Losing-Psychological Recovery
4. Ziemeks Theory of Fencing-Sport Intelligence
Seeing Skiing is Believing-Imagery
Pain on the Run-Pain management
Nick Saban & the Zen Master-Vision training
Fencings Magic 10-Psychological Skills
The Infallibility Fallacy-1000 to 1ref decision
The Tiger of Golf-Child development
Reach for the sky-Goal setting
Jason on Zen & Chess-Psychological Skills
But Your Lips are Blue-Fun
Seeing Skiing is Believing-Imagery
Pain on the Run-Pain management
Nick Saban & the Zen Master-Vision training
Fencings Magic 10-Psychological Skills
The Infallibility Fallacy-1000 to 1ref decision
The Tiger of Golf-Child development
Reach for the sky-Goal setting
But Your Lips are Blue-Fun
6. Dr. John Heil, DA, FAASP, FAPA
Licensed Clinical Psychologist
Certified Mental Performance Consultant-Emeritus,
Psychological Health * Roanoke
2840 Electric Rd., Suite 200, Roanoke, VA 24018
Phone-Office: 540-772-5140; Direct: 540-772-5147;Fax:
Dr. John Heil is the former chair of USA
Fencing Sports Medicine and Science,
the Sport Psychologist for the 1996,
2000, and 2004 U.S. Olympic Teams,
and the editor of the Sport Science
column in American Fencing Magazine,
and served as President of the
American Psychological Association
Society for Sport, Exercise &
Performance Psychology.
Editor's Notes
Notes- Start choice between joke and zen riddle then questions then history of fencing through stories the questions then interactive exercise on 14-14 bout