Feng the Accursed is a 10 player Heroic raid boss with increased health and damage over the normal mode. The fight has 4 phases that can be done in any order, with Feng gaining 5% more damage each time he changes phase. Tanks swap on debuff stacks and position Feng appropriately. Healers deal with raidwide damage that varies by phase. DPS maximize output and watch for phase-specific debuffs, saving cooldowns for high AoE in the shadow phase. The shadow phase was added in heroic difficulty and requires strong crowd control and AoE to defeat Feng.
4. Heroic Mode Diferrences
? 4 Phases: Lightning, Fire, Arcane, Shadow
? The group gets to pick in which order the phases
will be done
? Phases duration: 100-75%, 75-50%, 50-25%, 25-
? Every time Feng changes phase he gains 5%
extra damage
5. Strategy
? Tanks
? Taunt on 2 stacks of each respective debuff
? Make use of the provided helpful abilities in the predetermined
? Face and place the boss appropriately to each phase
? Healers
? Constant or burst raid damage, depending on phase
? Normal tank damage
? Maximise DPS output and lookout for each phase’s special debuff
? Save CDs for the required AoE in the shadow phase
6. Special Mechanics
? Nullification Barrier
? 6’’ channelled duration (cannot cast or move while channelling)
? 55’’ CD
? Prevents all incoming damage and dispels all debuffs from players
standing within the barrier
? Shroud of Reversal
? 10’’ channelled duration (can cast while channelling, not move)
? 3’’ or 30’’ CD depending on use
? Copies a harmful ability and allows the player to use it against boss
? Both abilities highly useful and necessary to defeat the
7. Special Phases
? Shadow Phase
? The new phase added to the boss by the HC
? Requires high AoE
? Snares, knockbacks, roots are extremely helpful
? If executed wrong renders the boss undoable