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10 man Heroic
Stats Overview
? Feng: 209M HP (~ 45% more than normal

? Soul Fragment: 3M HP

? Enrage Timer: 10’
Raid Composition Overview
? 2Tanks

? 5DPS (High AoE classes and Specs

? 3Healers
Heroic Mode Diferrences
? 4 Phases: Lightning, Fire, Arcane, Shadow

? The group gets to pick in which order the phases
 will be done

? Phases duration: 100-75%, 75-50%, 50-25%, 25-

? Every time Feng changes phase he gains 5%
 extra damage
? Tanks
   ? Taunt on 2 stacks of each respective debuff
   ? Make use of the provided helpful abilities in the predetermined
   ? Face and place the boss appropriately to each phase
? Healers
  ? Constant or burst raid damage, depending on phase
  ? Normal tank damage
  ? Maximise DPS output and lookout for each phase’s special debuff
  ? Save CDs for the required AoE in the shadow phase
Special Mechanics
? Nullification Barrier
  ? 6’’ channelled duration (cannot cast or move while channelling)
  ? 55’’ CD
  ? Prevents all incoming damage and dispels all debuffs from players
    standing within the barrier

? Shroud of Reversal
  ? 10’’ channelled duration (can cast while channelling, not move)
  ? 3’’ or 30’’ CD depending on use
  ? Copies a harmful ability and allows the player to use it against boss

? Both abilities highly useful and necessary to defeat the
Special Phases
? Shadow Phase
 ? The new phase added to the boss by the HC

 ? Requires high AoE

 ? Snares, knockbacks, roots are extremely helpful

 ? If executed wrong renders the boss undoable

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  • 1. FENG THE ACCURSED 10 man Heroic
  • 2. Stats Overview ? Feng: 209M HP (~ 45% more than normal mode) ? Soul Fragment: 3M HP ? Enrage Timer: 10’
  • 3. Raid Composition Overview ? 2Tanks ? 5DPS (High AoE classes and Specs preferred) ? 3Healers
  • 4. Heroic Mode Diferrences ? 4 Phases: Lightning, Fire, Arcane, Shadow ? The group gets to pick in which order the phases will be done ? Phases duration: 100-75%, 75-50%, 50-25%, 25- 0% ? Every time Feng changes phase he gains 5% extra damage
  • 5. Strategy ? Tanks ? Taunt on 2 stacks of each respective debuff ? Make use of the provided helpful abilities in the predetermined order ? Face and place the boss appropriately to each phase ? Healers ? Constant or burst raid damage, depending on phase ? Normal tank damage ? DPS ? Maximise DPS output and lookout for each phase’s special debuff ? Save CDs for the required AoE in the shadow phase
  • 6. Special Mechanics ? Nullification Barrier ? 6’’ channelled duration (cannot cast or move while channelling) ? 55’’ CD ? Prevents all incoming damage and dispels all debuffs from players standing within the barrier ? Shroud of Reversal ? 10’’ channelled duration (can cast while channelling, not move) ? 3’’ or 30’’ CD depending on use ? Copies a harmful ability and allows the player to use it against boss ? Both abilities highly useful and necessary to defeat the encounter
  • 7. Special Phases ? Shadow Phase ? The new phase added to the boss by the HC component ? Requires high AoE ? Snares, knockbacks, roots are extremely helpful ? If executed wrong renders the boss undoable