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Grant Proposal – Software Budget

In seeking funding for software purchases for the elementary music classroom, consideration was given to
serving the educational needs of a diverse student population. Students in grades K-5 have varying levels
of experience and ability and are best served by instruction that is differentiated to meet individual needs.
Software listed provides educational opportunities not possible with whole class directed instruction or
curriculum-supporting materials currently on hand. The software directly supports state and district
standards and objectives and 89% of the software is directly correlated to the district’s curriculum
materials for general music: Spotlight on Music, published by MacMillan/McGraw-Hill. The majority of
funds (55%) are for application software that will allow students to create and collaborate using current
technologies. Drill and practice and tutorial software will provide for remediation and extension to meet
individual student needs and allows for tracking of individual student progress. Instructional games build
conceptual understanding and develop
listening skills in a format that is fun for
students and is directly tied to the
curriculum.                                                   Allocation

Software can be used with the whole class,                   6%



small groups, and individual students and
while most are intended for students in                                                      Drill



grades 2 – 5, younger students who are in
need of greater challenge can use them as                                                    Database/Hybrid

well. With the exception of the tutorial                    17%

software (5 computers), software licensing is                                                Instructional

for 10 computers, which will enable students
to work together in pairs or to have half the                                                Tutorial

class using the software at one time.
Unit Cost   Qty    Total    Relative Advantage of Software Use
Application: MusicTime Deluxe (5-Computer Site                                        Just as students use computers to ease
                                                          $401.97      2    $803.94
             License) CD-ROM and instruction manual                                   the writing process for text, computers
Description: Create, edit and print music. Easy note                                  will ease the writing process for music,
             entry using computer keyboard, mouse, or                                 allowing students to focus more on
             optional MIDI keyboard. Is correlated to                                 creative aspects and less on notation
             Spotlight on Music, Grades 3-8.                                          skills. Note entry is flexible so no
                                                                                      additional equipment is needed.
Grade Level: 3rd - 5th   LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
                         product page

                                                          Unit Cost   Qty    Total    Relative Advantage of Software Use
Application: Master Tracks Pro (5-Computer Site                                       Sequencing software enables teachers
                                                          $379.08      2    $758.16
             license) - CD-ROM                                                        and students to create and edit audio
Description: Sequencing software for use with Spotlight                               files using tools that parallel practicing
             on MIDI. Ability to record, edit and play                                musician's and composers. This software
             back MIDI tracks.                                                        also enables the use of Macmillan's
Grade Level: 2nd - 5th   LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill                                Spotlight on MIDI software/files.
                         product page

                                                          Unit Cost   Qty    Total    Relative Advantage of Software Use
Application: Spotlight on MIDI with CD-ROM (5-                                        MIDI files and program information is
                                                          $443.55      2    $887.10
             Computer license), 2nd grade                                             included which allows for the
             Spotlight on MIDI with CD-ROM (5-                                        manipulation of songs that are part of
                                                          $443.55      2    $887.10
             Computer license) ,3rd grade                                             everyday instruction. This allows for
             Spotlight on MIDI with CD-ROM (5-                                        greater exploration and understanding of
                                                          $443.55      2    $887.10   foundational concepts in music. Materials
             Computer license), 4th grade
             Spotlight on MIDI with CD-ROM (5-                                        can be used by individuals or small
                                                          $443.55      2    $887.10   groups as extension or review.
             Computer license), 5th grade
Description: Easy-to-use program includes MIDI files of
             song material from Spotlight on Music and
             allows students to alter tempo, pitch,
             instrumentation and arrangement.
Grade Level: 2nd - 5th   LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill
                         product page
Unit Cost   Qty    Total    Relative Advantage of Software Use
   Drill and                                                                          Like reading text, music literacy skills
             Music Ace (5-Computer Site Licence)          $396.75      2    $793.50
   Practice:                                                                          vary greatly among elementary school
                                                                                      students. Music Ace and Music Ace II
             Music Ace II (5-Computer Site Licence)       $396.75      2    $793.50
                                                                                      allow for immediate feedback, unlike
Description: Reinforce learning of musical concepts and                               similar activities that could be completed
             skills. Correlated to specific lessons in                                as a worksheet. Difficulty level of
             Spotlight on Music and networkable to                                    questions will adjust based on
             track individual student progress.                                       correct/incorrect answers. Teacher
Grade Level: 3rd - 5th   LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill                                tracking of student progress is enabled
                         product page                                                 in Network version.

                                                          Unit Cost   Qty    Total    Relative Advantage of Software Use
 Database/ Orchestral Instruments CD-ROM (5-                                          Identification and recognition of musical
                                                          $396.75      2    $793.50
    Hybrid: Computer Site Licence)                                                    instruments provides a foundation for
Description: Interactively explore database of musical                                understanding music around us. Quality
             instruments including video clips. Also                                  audio, video and images combine to
             includes 44 interactive lessons and an                                   provide information not possible with
             instrument identification game.                                          print or online resources. Working
                                                                                      individually or in pairs students are able
                         LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill                                to work through content at their own
Grade Level: 1st - 5th
                         product page                                                 pace.

                                                          Unit Cost   Qty    Total    Relative Advantage of Software Use
  Database/ World Instruments CD-ROM (5-Computer                                      A knowledge and understanding of world
                                                          $396.75      2    $793.50
     Hybrid: Site Licence)                                                            cultures provides an expanded world
Description: Interactively explore database of musical                                view for our students. This software
             instruments from around the world.                                       allows students to see and hear
             Includes video clips and 80 interactive                                  instruments and music from around the
             lessons and an instrument identification                                 world and includes accurate and
Grade Level: 3rd - 5th    LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill                               complete information and authentic
                          product page                                                performances.
Unit Cost   Qty    Total    Relative Advantage of Software Use
Instructional                                                                            Repeated practice can become tiresome
              Morton Subotnik Home Bundle - 6 Titles          $47.70     11    $524.70
      Game:                                                                              for students but is necessary for
 Description: Interactive music games facilitate                                         automaticity of recall for often-used
              experimenting with the fundamentals of                                     information. Games in this series are
              music: rhythm, pitch, instrument sounds,                                   long-time favorites at our school. They
              styles. Instructional videos and audio                                     are fun to play and a good introduction
              instructions guide students through                                        to creativity and aural discrimination
              activities and games that build listening                                  tasks. Software adjusts questions based
              skills, musical understanding, and develop                                 on correct/incorrect answers.
Grade Level: 1st-4th       LINK to West Music product

                                                             Unit Cost   Qty    Total    Relative Advantage of Software Use

    Tutorial: Practica Musica 5 Personal Music Tutor                                     Tutorial provides instruction in advanced
              Software                                        $99.99      5    $499.95   concepts and skills which will allow
                                                                                         students with greater experience and
Description: Complete tutor for music theory and ear
                                                                                         skill levels to interact with content that is
             training. Features include onscreen
                                                                                         sufficiently challenging. Curriculum
             textbook, interactive learning activities and
                                                                                         materials to meet needs of gifted
             progress tracking.
                                                                                         students iscurrently lacking at our
Grade Level: 4th and      LINK to West Music product
             5th          page

                                                               Sub-Total: $9,309.15
                                                                S&H 8% $744.73
                                                                 TOTAL: $10,053.88

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Ferdon - 541 Software Budget

  • 1. EDTECH

 Grant Proposal – Software Budget In seeking funding for software purchases for the elementary music classroom, consideration was given to serving the educational needs of a diverse student population. Students in grades K-5 have varying levels of experience and ability and are best served by instruction that is differentiated to meet individual needs. Software listed provides educational opportunities not possible with whole class directed instruction or curriculum-supporting materials currently on hand. The software directly supports state and district standards and objectives and 89% of the software is directly correlated to the district’s curriculum materials for general music: Spotlight on Music, published by MacMillan/McGraw-Hill. The majority of funds (55%) are for application software that will allow students to create and collaborate using current technologies. Drill and practice and tutorial software will provide for remediation and extension to meet individual student needs and allows for tracking of individual student progress. Instructional games build conceptual understanding and develop listening skills in a format that is fun for students and is directly tied to the curriculum. Allocation
 Software can be used with the whole class, 6%
 small groups, and individual students and while most are intended for students in Drill
 grades 2 – 5, younger students who are in need of greater challenge can use them as Database/Hybrid
 well. With the exception of the tutorial 17%
 software (5 computers), software licensing is Instructional
 for 10 computers, which will enable students to work together in pairs or to have half the Tutorial
 class using the software at one time.
  • 2. Unit Cost Qty Total Relative Advantage of Software Use Application: MusicTime Deluxe (5-Computer Site Just as students use computers to ease $401.97 2 $803.94 License) CD-ROM and instruction manual the writing process for text, computers Description: Create, edit and print music. Easy note will ease the writing process for music, entry using computer keyboard, mouse, or allowing students to focus more on optional MIDI keyboard. Is correlated to creative aspects and less on notation Spotlight on Music, Grades 3-8. skills. Note entry is flexible so no additional equipment is needed. Grade Level: 3rd - 5th LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill product page Unit Cost Qty Total Relative Advantage of Software Use Application: Master Tracks Pro (5-Computer Site Sequencing software enables teachers $379.08 2 $758.16 license) - CD-ROM and students to create and edit audio Description: Sequencing software for use with Spotlight files using tools that parallel practicing on MIDI. Ability to record, edit and play musician's and composers. This software back MIDI tracks. also enables the use of Macmillan's Grade Level: 2nd - 5th LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill Spotlight on MIDI software/files. product page Unit Cost Qty Total Relative Advantage of Software Use Application: Spotlight on MIDI with CD-ROM (5- MIDI files and program information is $443.55 2 $887.10 Computer license), 2nd grade included which allows for the Spotlight on MIDI with CD-ROM (5- manipulation of songs that are part of $443.55 2 $887.10 Computer license) ,3rd grade everyday instruction. This allows for Spotlight on MIDI with CD-ROM (5- greater exploration and understanding of $443.55 2 $887.10 foundational concepts in music. Materials Computer license), 4th grade Spotlight on MIDI with CD-ROM (5- can be used by individuals or small $443.55 2 $887.10 groups as extension or review. Computer license), 5th grade Description: Easy-to-use program includes MIDI files of song material from Spotlight on Music and allows students to alter tempo, pitch, instrumentation and arrangement. Grade Level: 2nd - 5th LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill product page
  • 3. Unit Cost Qty Total Relative Advantage of Software Use Drill and Like reading text, music literacy skills Music Ace (5-Computer Site Licence) $396.75 2 $793.50 Practice: vary greatly among elementary school students. Music Ace and Music Ace II Music Ace II (5-Computer Site Licence) $396.75 2 $793.50 allow for immediate feedback, unlike Description: Reinforce learning of musical concepts and similar activities that could be completed skills. Correlated to specific lessons in as a worksheet. Difficulty level of Spotlight on Music and networkable to questions will adjust based on track individual student progress. correct/incorrect answers. Teacher Grade Level: 3rd - 5th LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill tracking of student progress is enabled product page in Network version. Unit Cost Qty Total Relative Advantage of Software Use Database/ Orchestral Instruments CD-ROM (5- Identification and recognition of musical $396.75 2 $793.50 Hybrid: Computer Site Licence) instruments provides a foundation for Description: Interactively explore database of musical understanding music around us. Quality instruments including video clips. Also audio, video and images combine to includes 44 interactive lessons and an provide information not possible with instrument identification game. print or online resources. Working individually or in pairs students are able LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill to work through content at their own Grade Level: 1st - 5th product page pace. Unit Cost Qty Total Relative Advantage of Software Use Database/ World Instruments CD-ROM (5-Computer A knowledge and understanding of world $396.75 2 $793.50 Hybrid: Site Licence) cultures provides an expanded world Description: Interactively explore database of musical view for our students. This software instruments from around the world. allows students to see and hear Includes video clips and 80 interactive instruments and music from around the lessons and an instrument identification world and includes accurate and game. Grade Level: 3rd - 5th LINK to Macmillan/McGraw-Hill complete information and authentic product page performances.
  • 4. Unit Cost Qty Total Relative Advantage of Software Use Instructional Repeated practice can become tiresome Morton Subotnik Home Bundle - 6 Titles $47.70 11 $524.70 Game: for students but is necessary for Description: Interactive music games facilitate automaticity of recall for often-used experimenting with the fundamentals of information. Games in this series are music: rhythm, pitch, instrument sounds, long-time favorites at our school. They styles. Instructional videos and audio are fun to play and a good introduction instructions guide students through to creativity and aural discrimination activities and games that build listening tasks. Software adjusts questions based skills, musical understanding, and develop on correct/incorrect answers. creativity. Grade Level: 1st-4th LINK to West Music product page Unit Cost Qty Total Relative Advantage of Software Use Tutorial: Practica Musica 5 Personal Music Tutor Tutorial provides instruction in advanced Software $99.99 5 $499.95 concepts and skills which will allow students with greater experience and Description: Complete tutor for music theory and ear skill levels to interact with content that is training. Features include onscreen sufficiently challenging. Curriculum textbook, interactive learning activities and materials to meet needs of gifted progress tracking. students iscurrently lacking at our Grade Level: 4th and LINK to West Music product school. 5th page Sub-Total: $9,309.15 S&H 8% $744.73 TOTAL: $10,053.88