Trying to conceive and start your family?
From the founder and editor in chief of the award-winning top pregnancy, celebrity "bump watch" & parenting advice, review and giveaway blog,, comes a summary of 100 common tips, suggestions, old wives' tales advice for couples trying to conceive we found in research of conception and fertility.
disclaimer: Not to be taken as medical advice or a substitute for medical or alternative medicine treatment or counseling.
3. On the journey to conceive a child, many women and their
partners learn about and hear of several theories, tips, advice and
suggestions on increasing their fertility and chances for conception.
The staff of has assembled a listing of 100 tips,
suggestions, wives-tales and myths we too have come across in our
research and 7-year blogging existence, Also, as parents, we have
read sufficient theories in parenting and pregnancy advice books.
As not all are scientifically proven, we share these 100 purely for
edification purposes only. None of it should be taken as medical
advice. Trying to conceive couples should seek a professional or
seek out alternative medicines or solutions.
Here they are 100 tips, suggestions, theories, dos and donts:
19. 15
Color your plate with at least 2 1/2 cups of vegetables and
2 cups of fruit: leafy greens, purple and yellow vegetables,
apples, oranges, kiwi, blueberries and melon.
20. 16
Make sure at least half of all grains eaten are whole grains.
24. 20
Increase your healthy fat.
Drizzle extra-virgin olive oil on roasted vegetables and salads
or add avocado to your sandwich.
25. 21
Eat plenty of foods rich in vitamin C and other antioxidants.
These nutrients help prevent sperm defects and boost motility
(movement). An 8-ounce glass of orange juice has about 124
milligrams (mg) of vitamin C. Aim to get at least 90 mg a
day more if you smoke (at least 125 mg).
26. 22
Get enough zinc in your diet.
A lack of zinc can make sperm clump together and contribute
to infertility. Great sources to help you get the 11 mg you need
daily include oysters (16 mg in six medium oysters), extra-lean
beef tenderloin (4.8 mg per 3-ounce serving), baked beans
(3.5 mg per 1-cup serving), and dark chicken meat (2.38 mg
per 3-ounce serving
29. 25
Eating raspberries could help increase the chances of
becoming a father, it has been claimed. They contain high
levels of Vitamin C, a key nutrient in male fertility, and
magnesium, which is involved in the production of testosterone.
They are also thought to protect sperm from oxidative stress.
30. 26
Dont drink too much alcohol
Over-consuming alcohol is linked with poor production of
normal, healthy sperm.
31. 27
f you drink alcohol, follow these guidelines for men: no more
than two drinks a day (one drink equals 12 ounces of beer, 5
ounces of wine or 1遜 ounces of spirits).
39. 35
Keep a Healthy Weight
Research has shown that overweight and obesity can lead to
fertility problems by creating hormonal disturbances. Eat right
and balance calorie intake with exercise. By eating fewer
processed foods and more whole foods, like fresh fruits,
vegetables, whole grains, healthy fats and lean proteins, there
s less room for mindless eating and empty calorie
41. 37
Dont Exercise Too Much.
Aim to exercise five days a week for 30 minutes. Too much
exercise has been shown to decrease testosterone, which can
indirectly lower sperm counts.
43. 39
Excessive heat on the testicles can decrease the quality of
your sperm. Wearing briefs instead of boxers isnt likely to
cause a problem, but electric blankets or long hot sauna visits
44. 40
Avoid Illicit drug use as they can severely impact fertility,
depending on what youre using
45. 41
Be mindful of prescription drugs.
Prescription drugs, of course, may be harder to avoid. Talk
to your doctor about your medications, and let her know
youre trying to conceive. There may be alternative versions
of those medications that dont impact fertility.
47. 43
Take care with chemicals.
Some chemicals can cause male infertility, too. Men who work
in the chemical industry and those that work in roadway
cleaning or maintenance are especially susceptible.
50. 46
Dont be old.
Of course, aging is hard to avoid, but knowing you are
starting at a more advanced level, older you are, the tougher
it is to conceive. If you are older, be prepared to explore
science to help the process, including in vitro fertilization,
surrogacy etc.
59. 54
Sexual position matters. It doesnt get the sperm to the ovaries
faster though laying down with hips propped up afterwards
may assist gravity. It cant hurt.
60. 55
Lay with pillow under bottom after sex will help lead sperm
up to fallopian tube is a myth although many people swear
by it.
61. 56
Lubricant can help transport sperm to egg. False. Lube can
alter ph balance of vagina.
62. 57
As soon as you give up on fertility treatment you will get
pregnant. False. Actually 20% of those diagnosed with
infertility go on to conceive on their own.
63. 58
You need an orgasm to conceive. This myth hasnt been
scientifically proven but it doesnt hurt just in case.
64. 59
Must have sex everyday. Its not necessary. Rather, its best
when your basal temperature calendar shows you are most
73. 68
Try acupuncture. It can ease stress and prepare the body to
relax and be more attune to conception.
74. 69
Try yoga to ease out of depression or feeling too sad and
upset about it taking so long to conceive. Becoming more
relaxed may help.
75. 70
Eat Pineapple core 1-5 days after ovulating helps with
implantation because the core contains an enzyme called
bromelain that is supposed to help with implantation.
76. 71
If you are male, eat maca root, a natural root said to boost
male sperm count, increase semen production and sperm
motility. It comes in pill form can can be found at health
food stores.
77. 72
If you are a woman, consider inserting Instead SoftCups inside
the vagina after intercourse. The product, initially marketed as
an alternative to tampons, is said to help keep semen in place
and close to the cervix with the the concept being the longer
semen stays close the cervix, the more sperm will reach the
80. 75
Get plenty of B vitamins in whole foods such as lentils, rice,
bran,and blackstrap molasses or in supplements. B6, in
particular, enhances the breakdown of estrogen and its
removal from the body.
81. 76
Take regular baths with epsom salts, essential oils such as
frankincense and lavender.
82. 77
Apply a castor oil pack to your lower abdomen twice a
day during your period to invigorate the blood and help
the lymphatic system move more debris.
87. 82
Steer clear of fluoride which displaces iodine in the thyroid
gland and interferes with proper thyroid function by
preventing the formation of thyroxine.
88. 83
Eat more Broccoli, cabbage, collard greens, kale, brussel
sprouts, bok choy, cauliflower, turnips and rutabagas.
103. 98
Stop taking weight loss pills if you do because the stimulants
in them are not good for conception.
104. 99
Limit time near electrical machinery including time spent in
front of a computer, toxic fumes such as those emitted by
paints, construction materials and dry cleaners.
105. 100
Surround yourself by positive people but avoid
overstimulation from loud environments, scary movies, big
parties, rock concerts and the like.
106. Good luck and Godspeed!
Now, youve heard and read it all, please do know you have to take all of the
aforementioned with a grain of salt. nothing is guaranteed. But if you are
struggling to conceive, awareness of a few more tips and suggestions cant hurt
to test out. Good Luck!
JJ Ghatt, editor-in-chief, founder