This document appears to be evaluating an individual for signs of abnormal functioning or disorder. It includes sections for describing noticeable behaviors, linking them to a potential disorder, and evaluating limitations of the assessment approach. Three examples are given of limitations in defining abnormality, along with real-life examples and explanations of why each limitation poses a problem. The assessment focuses on identifying behaviors that fail to meet typical standards of adequate functioning.
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Ffa note sheet
1. Name: _________________________
Failure to Function Adequately
Description (A_ _) (Here have information about what makes an individual abnormal)
Link to a disorder: _______________________________________________
Link: (give examples of behaviour) _______________________________________________
Evaluation (A_ _) (Here have 3 limitations of the FFA definition including real-life examples)
This is a limitation because:____________________________________________________
This is a limitation because:___________________________________________________
This is a limitation because:____________________________________________________