This document outlines the agenda for an FFT Roadshow event. The agenda includes:
- An update on national education assessment data trends over the past decade
- Exploring 2019 KS4 attainment and progress data at both the national and school level using FFT Aspire
- Analyzing curriculum, attendance, and data literacy trends in schools
- A launch of new FFT reports on curriculum, attendance, and effective data use in schools
2. FFT Roadshow: agenda
Education assessment data update
2019 KS4 data: national and regional trends
FFT Aspire and Ofsted update (including IDSR
and inspection outcomes)
Activity: exploring school and national 2019 data
Curriculum: evaluating and benchmarking
your KS4 curriculum
National trends in curriculum entry patterns
Relative difficulty of KS4 subjects
Activity: FFTs new curriculum report for schools
3. FFT Roadshow: agenda
Analysing your pupils attendance
FFTs analysis of national trends in pupil attendance
Activity: FFTs new attendance report for schools
Data literacy: how is data used in schools
Launch of FFTs new report exploring how schools make
effective use of data
Explore some of the key issues for those leading on
assessment data in secondary schools
5. Accountability:
CVA and EBacc
Wolf qualifications and
first entry
End of NC levels
New national curriculum
2010 2014
Attainment and Progress 8
New KS2 tests: scaled scores
Start of new 9-1
GCSE rollout
9-1 GCSEs fully rolled
out in all subjects
First Year 11 cohort with
KS2 scaled scores
Ten year journey: assessment and accountability changes
6. National performance: headline attainment
% Grade 4+ En/Ma
% Grade 5+ En/Ma
Ofqual has done a good job
maintaining comparable
outcomes with the new GCSEs
Source: DFE SFR, state-
funded schools
7. School variation: 2018 vs 2019 (% Grade 4+ En/Ma)
Whilst national performance is flat,
there is considerable variation in
attainment for some schools,
particularly for threshold indicators
514 schools with
10%+ increase
374 schools with
10%+ decrease
Source: DFE compare
school performance,
state-funded schools
8. English Baccalaureate: attainment
% pupil entered for EBacc
% achieving Ebacc (Grade 4+)
DFE target: 75% students to
be studying Ebacc by 2022
Source: DFE SFR ,
state-funded schools
9. Attainment 8: no change over three years
Attainment 8 (overall
score) has been static
over three years
Consistent 遜
grade gap
between boys
and girls
Source: DFE SFR ,
state-funded schools
10. Where are the biggest progress gaps?
Boys are 遜 grade below girls (overall) and
他 grade below in English and Open slots
FSM6 gap is 1/2 grade in
all areas
Disadvantaged pupils (FSM6) Gender
11. DFE: Compare School Performance
Summary performance
indicators weighted more
towards attainment and
threshold measures
'Good Ofsted rating Average Progress 8
Bar charts provide no
interpretation for parents
12. Schools: 2019 Progress 8 and Attainment 8
from DFE Compare School Performance
449 schools (15%)
Well above average
1141 schools (38%)
596 schools (20%)
Below average
509 schools (17%)
Above average
363 schools (12%)
Well below average
13. What about the 2,300 good and outstanding
secondary schools?
431 schools
Well above average
923 schools
353 schools
Below average
482 schools
Above average
120 schools
Well below average
16. Regional performance: attainment / progress 8
48.3 47.9
46.9 46.6 45.7 45.5 45.4 45.2 44.6
Outer London Inner London South East East of England South West East Midlands West Midlands North West Yorks & Hum North East
Attainment 8 Score
-0.01 -0.02
-0.06 -0.06 -0.06
Outer London Inner London East of
South East Yorks & Hum East Midlands West Midlands South West North West North East
Progress 8 Score
24. Ofsted IDSR changes in 2019: fewer charts
New IDSR is a smaller, slimmed-down report
Data removed (for all subjects):
Progress 8 & its components groups &
Science, Humanities, Languages Value Added
Ebacc entry and attainment
Ebacc 3 year entry trend
Pupil groups: prior attainment / disadvantaged
Avoids duplication of other
published data
Reduces scope for inspectors to
focus too much on national
datasets and draw different
25. Many charts replaced by areas of interest
P8 & A8
Pupil movement
Pupil groups
Sentences generated dynamically and master list at available:
33. IDSR and FFT Aspire to evaluate performance
School leaders and subjects leaders can use Aspire
alongside Ofsted IDSR for a robust evaluation and
analysis of impact and pupil outcomes
Understand strengths and areas for improvement for
the school and each area of the curriculum
端 Aspire uses same national datasets
as IDSR and ASP
端 In Aspire you get the numbers,
significance, trends, percentile ranks,
scatterplots & pupil-level data!
端 Subject value-added progress:
essential for the evaluation and
analysis of subject and curriculum
端 Analysis of performance by pupil
groups (one year and three year)
端 A full dashboard for each subject:
attainment, progress, pupil groups,
scatterplots and pupil data
35. KS4 Early Results Service
1,800 schools participated in 2019 providing pupil
data by end of August and receiving a report in early
Report analysing school performance, FFT national
average and progress 8
FFT attainment 8 estimates (for progress 8) matched
closely to DFEs final estimates
FFTs Early Results Service will run again in 2020:
early GCSE results in August and DFE file in
36. FFT Aspire: 2019 data release schedule
Data release Data received from DFE Data published in FFT Aspire
2019 census: Spring and
July 2019 Mid-October
2019 KS2 results Mid-September
End September: primary schools
Mid-October: Year 7 estimates and
Student Explorer
2019 KS4 results Expected: early November Mid-November
2019 KS5 results End October End November
37. KS5: full analysis of A-level results
端Value-added pupil progress
端Pupil groups
端Subject value-added for each A-
level subject
端Scatterplots and pupil data
端1 year and 3 year analysis (useful
for small subjects and sixth forms)
43. Data exchange is part of FFT Aspire no additional cost
Easy setup: link on Aspire homepage to get started
Using FFT Aspire Data Exchange in school:
端 No more spreadsheets to import pupils!
端 Press a button to sync your MIS pupil data with Aspire
端 Current pupils: available in target setting and student explorer
端 Managing your data for GDPR: you are in control of how your
MIS is connected to external systems (full audit trail)
端 Import staff details to setup Aspire users
Major new developments in 2020 using data exchange:
端 Import your teaching groups and classes
端 Sync your school attendance data to get a monthly
attendance report in FFT Aspire
端 New FFT Aspire Pupil Tracking tool for secondary schools
(primary already release)
46. Select role and Aspire permissions
Claire Jones
George Alexander
Claire Jones
George Alexander
47. Finishing user setup: create users
Claire Jones
George Alexander
Confirm user setup and create users
New users will receive an email from
FFT Aspire with link to register
You will need to provide the new users
with their access code to login to
Aspire for first time and complete
account registration
With the latest 2019 data about to be released., it is a good time to make sure
that you have users setup and able to make the best use of Aspire in your school:
Senior leaders
Subject leaders and year leaders
48. New reports analysing
historical and current
attendance for all pupils
Pupils, subjects,
teachers and
teaching groups all
link through from
MIS to Aspire
Current MIS
pupil data
Schools submit DFE
KS4 data file to FFT
in September and
reports available mid-
Full early 2020
KS4 data
Track progress of your
pupils using current
assessment data (tests
and teacher assessment)
Pupil tracking:
monitor progress
2020 roadmap:
secondary schools
Pupil tracking: monitor progress
Full early 2020 KS4 data
Current MIS pupil data
Attendance tracking