The Fit for the Future Network aims to make organizations more sustainable by sharing best practices. In 2015, the network worked with 988 environmental practitioners from 106 organizations, collectively saving over 14,000 tonnes of CO2. Members generated 5.5% of their energy from renewables and implemented 358 renewable projects. Looking ahead, the network will focus on making events more accessible, addressing challenges from subsidy removal, improving members' energy monitoring, and taking a more holistic approach to sustainability issues beyond just energy.
Green Acton is a group of volunteers in Acton, Massachusetts working on sustainability initiatives. They have hosted candidates nights on green issues, donated reusable water bottles at town meetings, and staffed for the Solarize Acton campaign. Green Acton works best by supporting small activist groups and through partnerships with other organizations. They have also learned that meetings do not engage everyone, breaking out of their core group of 200 members is challenging, and town officials are overworked but receptive to offers of help. Upcoming plans include steps toward zero waste and internal strategic planning. Cross-community collaboration ideas involve monthly support groups for environmental leaders and shared software for volunteer tracking.
This document outlines solutions to barriers to increasing urban green spaces by 2020 that were identified through a consultation tour. Over 500 green space experts across Australia identified over 3,000 potential solutions, which were grouped and refined into 28 draft solutions. The draft solutions were then reviewed by the network to incorporate feedback. The solutions address funding, policy, knowledge, climate/environment, and culture barriers. Some solutions cut across multiple barriers. The document also discusses universal solutions and challenges in the consultation process.
Forum of the National Rural Utilities Cooperative Finance CorporationAlliance To Save Energy
The Alliance to Save Energy is a nonprofit organization with a mission to promote energy efficiency worldwide through over 60 professionals and a $12 million annual budget. The speaker discusses how the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act allocated up to $65 billion of its $787 billion budget towards energy efficiency projects. Additionally, investments in energy efficiency are growing globally as countries recognize its economic and environmental benefits. While the U.S. is making progress in energy efficiency, it still has a long way to go compared to other countries in total primary energy consumption per capita.
The document proposes a project in Sebring, Florida that would create green jobs and housing for veterans. It would develop 188 homes and a clubhouse through Stone Ridge LLC and also open a 100+ person LED lighting manufacturing facility through Nexphase Lighting Inc. The project aims to train and employ both able-bodied and disabled veterans through partnerships with various organizations. It would establish training programs for green jobs like solar installation, electric vehicle conversion, energy auditing, and green construction that could save taxpayers money compared to other training options.
The Future of Oil & Gas: Exploring New Innovation in Old-Fashioned EnergySocial Media Today
1. The document discusses a webinar about exploring new innovations in the oil and gas industry presented by The Energy Collective.
2. It introduces the panelists who are experts in energy and climate policy, clean energy innovation, oil and gas solutions, and energy and environmental strategy.
3. Charts are presented on the lifecycle emissions of petroleum and diesel fuel from different crude oil sources according to the National Energy Technology Laboratory.
How can you and your "Community" Aid In Helping the Disadvantaged?CarsonSimon1
The document discusses how supporting programs that equip the homeless with life skills, such as job training and social support, can help prevent returns to homelessness. It notes that while donations and temporary housing help meet basic needs, teaching skills for independent living can provide "a quality of life" and stability. Quotes from Matt Keating emphasize that funding should prioritize such programs over just providing short-term shelter.
Doug Woodring, Executive Director of Project Kaisei, explains his organization's mission and that although the media's focus is on the North Pacific Gyre, the real issue is a wake up call to the way we use materials in our daily lives, and how those impact our environment. Listen to Doug as he shares stories and pictures from their ocean voyages out to the gyre, equipment used, plastic samples collected, wildlife impacts, and how they're creating a global collaborative effort with science, technology, innovation, policy and education to help bring solutions to both products and how we use them. More at
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bitSIM will be delivered as a Travel SIM in the first case for CCN Members with Bitcoin ready Smartphone Client App that will work with LGT asset.
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Founded in 1996, the California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE) provides expertise and education as well as rebate programs, energy advising, engineering consulting and a wide array of other services and information critical to achieving energy independence and a cleaner, healthier planet.
Marco Lotz is Nedbank's sustainability carbon specialist whose role includes monitoring, managing, and reducing the bank's carbon footprint. He contributes to group policies on environmental issues and shares his expertise with clients. Some of his achievements include co-authoring a carbon footprinting guide and receiving awards for his work. Marco views the biggest highlight of his job as opportunities to transfer knowledge over coffee. He is passionate about sustainability and has used his engineering PhD to carve out a career helping others manage their carbon footprints.
Arusha | Jun-14 | Our goal: To eradicate the kerosene lamp from Africa by 2020 Smart Villages
The workshop in Arusha explored油the East African/Tanzanian environment for village energy, local case studies, challenges and opportunities, with a view to formulating policy recommendations for policymakers, funders, NGOs and other stakeholders the region.油An important part of the workshop, and indeed the whole Smart Villages initiative work programme, was to油gather油evidence from existing projects that have provided or facilitated sustainable off-grid energy solutions in the developing world.The workshop gathered more than 50 experts, including policymakers, NGOs, off-grid energy entrepreneurs and others to look for solutions to providing energy to villages off the grid.
The document discusses how organizations can prepare to work with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to access European Union and other funding streams. It provides an overview of the LEP's role and priorities, including social inclusion and innovation. It outlines the LEP's economic strategy and funding opportunities available through the EU and other programs. Finally, it suggests organizations start thinking about needs in their areas, what they currently do, how they could help deliver LEP objectives, and whether they are ready to take on contracts.
How to Beat the Top Channel Shift Challenges with Channel Shift TVChannel Shift TV
Here's the slides from the first episode of Channel Shift TV. You can use these slides in your presentations and you can catch the first episode here:
Weve now passed the year anniversary of both The CLEEN Project and the Biden administration! In the attached letter, we reflect upon CLEENs impact and the progress made over the year, and more importantly, say thank you.
The one-year report of The CLEEN Project summarizes that in its first year it: helped source over 300 climate policy ideas from experts; established an advisory board of over 80 leaders; saw over 50 ideas implemented by the Biden administration through CLEEN champions now in government; and had its database of ideas visited over 10,000 times. The CLEEN Project was founded as a temporary initiative to help the new administration access climate policy ideas, and its database will remain available through 2024 while completed its initial mission.
WCVA supports communities throughout Wales with advice, training, grants, loans and contracts to help improve lives in deprived areas. For example, they have supported Valleys Kids, a community hub in South Wales, which has helped change the lives of thousands through services like educational support and raising aspirations. WCVA also leads on climate change initiatives in the sector, having already reduced their carbon footprint by 26% through changes like using public transport, installing solar panels, and reducing energy usage in offices. Additionally, WCVA helps people into jobs through programs that provide skills and qualifications, with over 5,000 people helped into employment through their efforts. They advocate for new models of public service delivery, such as through social investment bonds,
George Goodman discusses the past, present, and future of green IT. The Climate Savers Computing Initiative has made good progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 41-45 million tons per year through improved design and power management practices, but legacy systems and adoption challenges remain. Going forward, green IT must continue improving efficiency and help the majority of organizations and individuals apply its practices to achieve broader sustainability goals through green by IT initiatives that address both IT efficiency and energy sources.
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes October 15, 2009Kim Mitchell
The document summarizes the minutes of an Energy Efficiency & Conservation Strategy meeting. It lists the steering committee members and other attendees. It discusses presenting the draft framework document to the mayor and council. The committee agreed to attend the next city council meeting to update them. Potential projects were explored for reducing waste and pollution, clean and renewable energy, building energy efficiency, and transportation and land use. Another meeting was scheduled to further discuss project ideas.
El documento resume varias noticias relacionadas con servicios p炭blicos en Ecuador. Se detalla que la Fiscal鱈a vincul坦 a 5 personas m叩s por el homicidio culposo de un reci辿n nacido que muri坦 durante su traslado en una termocuna defectuosa. Tambi辿n se informa sobre el caso de un tuitero sentenciado a 15 d鱈as de prisi坦n por expresiones cr鱈ticas hacia un ministro y sobre la admisi坦n de una nueva denuncia contra el diario El Universo por una caricatura considerada discriminatoria.
The document outlines plans for a new music magazine called "Wave" focused on indie and alternative music genres. Key details include:
- The magazine will focus on indie/alternative genres which were popular in a survey but receive less coverage than other genres like rock.
- It will be published monthly to allow sufficient time to gather content about these less mainstream genres.
- The cover price will be 贈3 to be affordable but ensure quality content.
- The target readership is ages 15-30 who enjoy relaxing to or being energized by this style of music.
The social media strategy document outlines March of Dimes' goals to increase engagement and build donor relationships across different age groups through various social media platforms. It includes an audit of current follower counts and engagement rates on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Objectives are to increase engagement by 40% in the next six months through hashtag usage and share counts. The strategy details competitive analysis, brand persona, content strategies, key dates, roles and a critical response plan to measure and report on results.
This document discusses designing online community-based democratic deliberation. It addresses key issues like having a critical mass of information and the potential of deliberation. It examines how to develop the theoretical basis and technical tools to build effective online deliberation that can work in information-rich environments. The document proposes utilizing "Web 2" tools and techniques to democratically structure online deliberation and plots how the process could work. It emphasizes defining the goals of the deliberation and using quantifiable "deliberative tools" to achieve effective deliberation.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre Internet. Explica que Internet es una red descentralizada de redes interconectadas que usan protocolos TCP/IP para funcionar como una sola red global. Tuvo sus or鱈genes en 1969 con la conexi坦n entre tres universidades en California. Internet permite que cualquier persona cree contenido, ofrezca servicios o venda productos sin permiso central. Tambi辿n describe las redes LAN y WAN, los riesgos en Internet como el ciberacoso y la desinformaci坦n, y formas de protegerse como usar contrase単as seguras y privacidad de
Este documento lista 11 das melhores frases motivacionais encontradas em filmes. As frases destacam temas como nunca desistir dos sonhos, seguir em frente apesar das dificuldades, e ser o melhor que se pode ser.
Este documento describe c坦mo usar herramientas en la nube como Google Drive y 際際滷Share para gestionar y compartir informaci坦n, as鱈 como dise単ar e implementar un blog usando Blogger. Explica c坦mo crear y editar documentos en Google Drive, subir presentaciones a 際際滷Share y publicar un blog en Blogger con entradas, im叩genes, videos y gadgets.
Presentaci坦n familias l坦gicas ( electr坦nica digital )Carlos Gasc坦n
Las familias l坦gicas son grupos de compuertas l坦gicas construidas con dise単os similares y caracter鱈sticas compatibles. El documento describe varias familias l坦gicas hist坦ricas como RTL, DTL, HTL, ECL y CMOS, detallando sus caracter鱈sticas funcionales clave como esquemas de puertas, tensiones de operaci坦n, velocidad y consumo.
The candidate is applying for the role of Procurement Officer or Assistant Administrator with over 8 years of experience in procurement and administration. They have a strong background in procurement, administration, and software like ERP. Their experience includes roles managing procurement, administration, and logistics for construction and infrastructure companies in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. They aim to contribute their skills and experience to help organizations grow.
Founded in 1996, the California Center for Sustainable Energy (CCSE) provides expertise and education as well as rebate programs, energy advising, engineering consulting and a wide array of other services and information critical to achieving energy independence and a cleaner, healthier planet.
Marco Lotz is Nedbank's sustainability carbon specialist whose role includes monitoring, managing, and reducing the bank's carbon footprint. He contributes to group policies on environmental issues and shares his expertise with clients. Some of his achievements include co-authoring a carbon footprinting guide and receiving awards for his work. Marco views the biggest highlight of his job as opportunities to transfer knowledge over coffee. He is passionate about sustainability and has used his engineering PhD to carve out a career helping others manage their carbon footprints.
Arusha | Jun-14 | Our goal: To eradicate the kerosene lamp from Africa by 2020 Smart Villages
The workshop in Arusha explored油the East African/Tanzanian environment for village energy, local case studies, challenges and opportunities, with a view to formulating policy recommendations for policymakers, funders, NGOs and other stakeholders the region.油An important part of the workshop, and indeed the whole Smart Villages initiative work programme, was to油gather油evidence from existing projects that have provided or facilitated sustainable off-grid energy solutions in the developing world.The workshop gathered more than 50 experts, including policymakers, NGOs, off-grid energy entrepreneurs and others to look for solutions to providing energy to villages off the grid.
The document discusses how organizations can prepare to work with Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEPs) to access European Union and other funding streams. It provides an overview of the LEP's role and priorities, including social inclusion and innovation. It outlines the LEP's economic strategy and funding opportunities available through the EU and other programs. Finally, it suggests organizations start thinking about needs in their areas, what they currently do, how they could help deliver LEP objectives, and whether they are ready to take on contracts.
How to Beat the Top Channel Shift Challenges with Channel Shift TVChannel Shift TV
Here's the slides from the first episode of Channel Shift TV. You can use these slides in your presentations and you can catch the first episode here:
Weve now passed the year anniversary of both The CLEEN Project and the Biden administration! In the attached letter, we reflect upon CLEENs impact and the progress made over the year, and more importantly, say thank you.
The one-year report of The CLEEN Project summarizes that in its first year it: helped source over 300 climate policy ideas from experts; established an advisory board of over 80 leaders; saw over 50 ideas implemented by the Biden administration through CLEEN champions now in government; and had its database of ideas visited over 10,000 times. The CLEEN Project was founded as a temporary initiative to help the new administration access climate policy ideas, and its database will remain available through 2024 while completed its initial mission.
WCVA supports communities throughout Wales with advice, training, grants, loans and contracts to help improve lives in deprived areas. For example, they have supported Valleys Kids, a community hub in South Wales, which has helped change the lives of thousands through services like educational support and raising aspirations. WCVA also leads on climate change initiatives in the sector, having already reduced their carbon footprint by 26% through changes like using public transport, installing solar panels, and reducing energy usage in offices. Additionally, WCVA helps people into jobs through programs that provide skills and qualifications, with over 5,000 people helped into employment through their efforts. They advocate for new models of public service delivery, such as through social investment bonds,
George Goodman discusses the past, present, and future of green IT. The Climate Savers Computing Initiative has made good progress in reducing greenhouse gas emissions from 41-45 million tons per year through improved design and power management practices, but legacy systems and adoption challenges remain. Going forward, green IT must continue improving efficiency and help the majority of organizations and individuals apply its practices to achieve broader sustainability goals through green by IT initiatives that address both IT efficiency and energy sources.
Steering Committee Meeting Minutes October 15, 2009Kim Mitchell
The document summarizes the minutes of an Energy Efficiency & Conservation Strategy meeting. It lists the steering committee members and other attendees. It discusses presenting the draft framework document to the mayor and council. The committee agreed to attend the next city council meeting to update them. Potential projects were explored for reducing waste and pollution, clean and renewable energy, building energy efficiency, and transportation and land use. Another meeting was scheduled to further discuss project ideas.
El documento resume varias noticias relacionadas con servicios p炭blicos en Ecuador. Se detalla que la Fiscal鱈a vincul坦 a 5 personas m叩s por el homicidio culposo de un reci辿n nacido que muri坦 durante su traslado en una termocuna defectuosa. Tambi辿n se informa sobre el caso de un tuitero sentenciado a 15 d鱈as de prisi坦n por expresiones cr鱈ticas hacia un ministro y sobre la admisi坦n de una nueva denuncia contra el diario El Universo por una caricatura considerada discriminatoria.
The document outlines plans for a new music magazine called "Wave" focused on indie and alternative music genres. Key details include:
- The magazine will focus on indie/alternative genres which were popular in a survey but receive less coverage than other genres like rock.
- It will be published monthly to allow sufficient time to gather content about these less mainstream genres.
- The cover price will be 贈3 to be affordable but ensure quality content.
- The target readership is ages 15-30 who enjoy relaxing to or being energized by this style of music.
The social media strategy document outlines March of Dimes' goals to increase engagement and build donor relationships across different age groups through various social media platforms. It includes an audit of current follower counts and engagement rates on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. Objectives are to increase engagement by 40% in the next six months through hashtag usage and share counts. The strategy details competitive analysis, brand persona, content strategies, key dates, roles and a critical response plan to measure and report on results.
This document discusses designing online community-based democratic deliberation. It addresses key issues like having a critical mass of information and the potential of deliberation. It examines how to develop the theoretical basis and technical tools to build effective online deliberation that can work in information-rich environments. The document proposes utilizing "Web 2" tools and techniques to democratically structure online deliberation and plots how the process could work. It emphasizes defining the goals of the deliberation and using quantifiable "deliberative tools" to achieve effective deliberation.
El documento proporciona informaci坦n sobre Internet. Explica que Internet es una red descentralizada de redes interconectadas que usan protocolos TCP/IP para funcionar como una sola red global. Tuvo sus or鱈genes en 1969 con la conexi坦n entre tres universidades en California. Internet permite que cualquier persona cree contenido, ofrezca servicios o venda productos sin permiso central. Tambi辿n describe las redes LAN y WAN, los riesgos en Internet como el ciberacoso y la desinformaci坦n, y formas de protegerse como usar contrase単as seguras y privacidad de
Este documento lista 11 das melhores frases motivacionais encontradas em filmes. As frases destacam temas como nunca desistir dos sonhos, seguir em frente apesar das dificuldades, e ser o melhor que se pode ser.
Este documento describe c坦mo usar herramientas en la nube como Google Drive y 際際滷Share para gestionar y compartir informaci坦n, as鱈 como dise単ar e implementar un blog usando Blogger. Explica c坦mo crear y editar documentos en Google Drive, subir presentaciones a 際際滷Share y publicar un blog en Blogger con entradas, im叩genes, videos y gadgets.
Presentaci坦n familias l坦gicas ( electr坦nica digital )Carlos Gasc坦n
Las familias l坦gicas son grupos de compuertas l坦gicas construidas con dise単os similares y caracter鱈sticas compatibles. El documento describe varias familias l坦gicas hist坦ricas como RTL, DTL, HTL, ECL y CMOS, detallando sus caracter鱈sticas funcionales clave como esquemas de puertas, tensiones de operaci坦n, velocidad y consumo.
The candidate is applying for the role of Procurement Officer or Assistant Administrator with over 8 years of experience in procurement and administration. They have a strong background in procurement, administration, and software like ERP. Their experience includes roles managing procurement, administration, and logistics for construction and infrastructure companies in Saudi Arabia and the UAE. They aim to contribute their skills and experience to help organizations grow.
Digital Humanities Workshop 22 March 2011Craig Bellamy
This document provides information about a public event and workshop on digital humanities to be held on March 22, 2011 at the Australian National University. The keynote public event will feature presentations by Professor Ray Siemens on enacting a vision for the future of digital humanities and Dr. Patrik Svensson on digital humanities as a trading zone. The workshop will bring together researchers in digital humanities to plan for establishing an Australasian professional association, including identifying priorities, principles, and a framework for the association.
The document discusses the role of Clinical Engineering Technologists at the Medical Equipment Service Unit (MESU) at Queen's Medical Centre NHS Trust in Nottingham. MESU employs 27 qualified Clinical Engineering Technologists who are responsible for managing over 20,000 medical devices valued at 贈25.5 million. The Technologists provide core services like medical device management, equipment library services, user training, and maintenance to ensure medical devices are functioning properly, used safely and effectively to support patient care. Some of the key work of Technologists includes evaluating new devices, managing devices throughout their lifecycle including safety testing, maintenance and repairs, incident investigations when devices malfunction, and calibration checks to ensure medical devices deliver accurate outputs and measurements.
The document provides an overview of the Indian digital advertising industry in 2015-2016. It discusses key trends such as the growth of digital advertising spending in India, the increasing importance of mobile and video ads, and the blurring of boundaries between traditional and digital media. Major players in the industry comment on areas like the rise of social media marketing, the focus on more data-driven and automated digital strategies, and expectations for continued strong growth in digital in 2016.
Asian Trails Ltd. acts as intermediary between the concerned airlines, hotels, all transport operators and local tourist offices providing the services. Asian Trails Ltd. is therefore not responsible for any loss, injury or damage sustained by the tourists, including those occurring outside the touring programs.
1. The document discusses a project called Reducing Bills by Going Green that aims to help 13 museums in the region reduce energy, waste and water bills and minimize their environmental impact. It provides tips and case studies from an initial knowledge caf辿 meeting on improving sustainability efforts.
2. The first knowledge caf辿 highlighted common issues across museums like heat losses and identified priorities like motivating staff and improving heating controls. Top tips included using facts and domestic energy savings to encourage staff involvement and emphasizing monetary savings.
3. Support for sustainability efforts is available from organizations like Smarter Working West Midlands which offers free assistance on working practices and premises, and an energy buying group providing competitive energy rate quotes. Upcoming events and funding
From global networks and large-scale projects to local, collective actions in communities, what creates a better world? As human development progresses, we must assess our practices and technologies our holistic impact on the world around us. Examine global profiles of low-carbon, green, just economies, and integrate these lessons into your own communities.
Three students from the University of Edinburgh started SCENE, a social enterprise focused on community energy. The organization provided SCENE with advice, office space, and funding to help them get started. SCENE now produces reports on community energy and has created a comprehensive database of community renewable energy projects.
This document discusses several initiatives that aim to engage catchment stakeholders and build effective partnerships to manage catchments in a collaborative way. It describes programs led by organizations like the Blueprint for Water, Catchment-Based Approach Support Team, and Westcountry Rivers Trust that provide tools, guidance and case studies to support catchment partnerships. It also summarizes several partnership projects across the UK that work to involve local communities in catchment management through activities like citizen science, education, and coordinated conservation efforts.
Best practice showcase for the Catchment-Based ApproachCaBASupport
In recent years it has been increasingly recognised that enhancing the delivery of ecosystem services through better catchment management should not only be the responsibility of the public sector, but also the private and third sectors.
Alongside this movement towards shared responsibility, there is also now a growing body of evidence that far greater environmental improvements can be achieved if all of the groups actively involved in regulation, land management, scientific research or wildlife conservation in
a catchment area are drawn together with landowners and other interest groups to form a catchment management partnership.
In response to this increased understanding of the potential benefits of participatory catchment planning, undertaken with local stakeholders and knowledge providers, in 2011,
Defra announced that the UK Government was committed to adopting a more catchment-based approach to sharing information, working together and coordinating efforts to protect Englands water environment.
Now in 2014, there are 109 newly formed Catchment-Based Approach partnerships covering catchments across the whole of England and the cross-border areas of Wales and Scotland.
The document discusses three initiatives to scale up clean energy through community energy projects, smarter energy policy, and building climate action capacity in China. It describes how SCENE, a social enterprise focused on community energy, was supported with advice, office space, and funding. It also discusses a report produced in collaboration with ClimateXChange on social factors influencing community energy project success to inform energy policy. Finally, it outlines a two-week low carbon learning program in China that brought together experts to strengthen UK-China relations and foster ongoing low carbon dialogue.
A road map we produced with Edinburgh Council on improving the future for children and families in the Craigroyston area. This is a draft for feedback.
The Carbon Trust is an independent expert organization that advises businesses, governments and public organizations on opportunities in the low-carbon economy. It provides advice on sustainability strategies, measures environmental footprints, implements energy efficiency programs, and helps develop low-carbon technologies. The Carbon Trust has offices around the world and works with clients in both the public and private sectors.
Jacobs Challenging today reinventing tomorrowMartin Jack
This document summarizes Jacobs' mission and work. Jacobs is an engineering firm that works to make the world smarter, more connected, and more sustainable by tackling challenges in areas like urbanization, clean growth, climate change, and digital technology. It discusses several of Jacobs' projects in the UK and Scotland, such as helping to build more resilient infrastructure in Glasgow and advising on major transport projects. The document emphasizes Jacobs' focus on social impact and inclusive growth through partnerships, community initiatives, and supporting STEM education.
The document reports on sustainability initiatives and achievements in 2013 by Colorado city, including reducing carbon emissions and electricity use, receiving several sustainability awards, and making progress on 11 sustainability goals such as decreasing fuel consumption and increasing recycling. It also discusses partnerships with China and the United States to reduce carbon emissions and upcoming partnership opportunities in the city.
A flagship Maori-community owned Renewable Energy Project in New ZealandKaramea Insley
A Maori community innovative partnership and the start of a journey of both local and national significance that brings together some of the best knowledge in New Zealand the world to design and build a new community owned renewable energy enterprise.
The Hikurangi Foundation and the Kaitiakitanga Project Team have sought to partner with you for the very real purpose of designing a pilot community-owned energy project that can be made a reality within an immediate timeframe.
Community energy is a catchall phrase given to renewable energy generation projects where the means of generation are owned and managed locally.
Community energy delivers multiple benefits including: energy literacy, active local governance, household-linked activities leading to efficiency and health improvements, new jobs, and long-term income streams that can drive local economic development. Community energy is moving to scale in many countries around the world, creating diverse organizational structures and using different technologies along the way.
As an example, the German town of Wildpolsreid (with a population of 2,700) produces 321% of their own energy needs and sells the excess to yield an income of US$5.7 million a year.
The villages initiative first started in 1997 when the village council decided that it should build new industries, keep initiatives local, bring in new revenue, and not create debt.
Over the past 14 years, the community has equipped nine new community buildings with solar panels, built five bio-gas digesters and installed seven windmills with two more on the way.
In the village itself, 190 private households have solar panels while the district also benefits from three small hydro power plants, ecological flood control, and a natural waste water system.
This project is a flagship project for not only Maori communities but indeed for New Zealand.
This document summarizes a presentation on the economic and social return on investment (ROI) of horticulture on health and wellbeing. It includes the following:
1) Dr Kieron Doick presented on using the i-Tree software to quantify the economic value of urban trees in various UK cities and found benefits ranging from 贈0.88 to 贈2.07 returned for every 贈1 invested in trees.
2) Craig Lister discussed The Conservation Volunteers' green gym program which found a social ROI of 贈4.02 returned for every 贈1 spent on the program based on social, environmental, and economic outcomes. The program improved participants' wellbeing, physical activity, and healthy eating.
CAfS is a non-profit organization working in Cumbria, UK to promote sustainability. Over the past year, CAfS has grown in staff and strategic direction. Its 2015-2020 business plan outlines priorities to extend its work in domestic energy efficiency, community energy projects, and climate change education. Key activities in 2014-2015 included a green building festival, home energy assessments, advice sessions, and supporting various community energy projects. CAfS works in partnership with other organizations on a range of sustainability initiatives.
Integrys Energy Group is dedicated to community and the environment through its employees' efforts. Employees volunteer over $1 million annually to local organizations and causes through foundations. They volunteer with schools on safety demonstrations and partnerships. Employees also help weatherize homes, build playgrounds, and support local events. For the environment, Integrys focuses on clean energy production and delivery. Employees undertake conservation efforts and support renewable energy and green technology programs.
NHS Sustainability Day 2014 Official Launch4 All of Us
NHS Trusts and healthcare organisations from across England descended on the capital to witness the official launch of NHS Sustainability Day 2014. It was a day of passionate presentations and even more enthusiastic speakers.
The day kick-started with an introduction and welcome from Trevor Payne, Director of Estates and Facilities at Barts Health and the brainchild of the NHS Sustainability for the last three years. Following on from Trevor delegates were treated to presentations from Rick Walker, CSR Senior Manager, NHS England, who spoke about the corporate social responsibility NHS England has to support sustainable healthcare. Following Rick, the audience were then invited to listen to the 2013 award winners which included Lambeth Food Co-Op. Lambeth were on hand to give an inspiring presentation on how they have developed a programme which has built great momentum and involved volunteers from across the Borough. They joined Ed Rosen to discuss what the food Co-Op meant to them and how it had influenced their lives.
Presentations followed from 2013 NHS Sustainability award winners Lancashire Care Trust who delivered a compelling case study on how their community sustainability programme had supported patients and those with mental health issues and University Hospital Southampton NHS Foundation Trust on a commonly missed issue Anaesthesia related electrical energy use and anaesthetic gas scavenging.
Following another exciting case study from Hyder Mohammed of Barking, Havering and Redbridge NHS Trust the audience were delighted to welcome Andy Jones, National Chairman of the HCA. Andy discussed the urgent need to re-address the way we source our food and how it is packaged in Hospitals. Making some bold pledges, Andy, spoke at great lengths on why we must change our behavioural culture in order to improve our sustainable performance.
Next up saw Carillion present on their work with Barts Health. Gemma Lynch and Tracey Williams spoke on how Carillion have supported Barts Health in both environmental performance and community programmes. Tracey informed delegates on the offender programme which has been so successful in getting ex-offenders back into employment and showcased how sustainability is not just about the environment.
The day concluded with Deputy Chief Medical Officer, Professor David Walker. David was on hand to discuss how the Department of Health are focusing on sustainability in healthcare and the examples they are seeing from across Europe of good practice.
It was left to Trevor to close the event with the presentation of the 2013 awards. Trevor presented Trusts and healthcare organisations from across England with their well-deserved awards for continuous development of sustainable practices.
The Sustainability Advantage program in NSW works with over 800 member organizations to help them achieve sustainability goals and address complex sustainability problems. It has been operating for 14 years, providing expertise, funding, and networking opportunities to help members in sectors like construction, education, manufacturing, and government. The program focuses on developing sustainability leaders, accelerating action to meet climate targets, and incubating innovative projects aligned with the UN Sustainable Development Goals. It recognizes high achieving members and facilitates collaboration between organizations to support catalytic sustainability projects.
2016 Cleantech Open Northeast Impact ReportGina Bellato
Learn more about Cleantech Open Northeast's accelerator by reading about the startups, mentors, partners, and sponsors involved in the program. This report contains specific details about the 2016 program.
2. Our Mission
The Fit for the Future Networks
mission is to ensure all organisations
become more sustainable by sharing
best practice and collaborating.
This year we have worked with:
Collectively saving
tonnes of
A word from
the founders
We are stunned by the growth of the Fit For the Future
Network. Two years on from an idea that was hatched
over coffee, more than a hundred organisations from
land owners and charities to museums and community
groups are collaborating to become more sustainable.
In an uncertain world, the role this network plays is
more important than ever. It gives all involved the
confidence and support needed to get things done.
The Network is now driven and developed by hundreds
of dedicated people who are ably assisted by a core
team. Without the selfless contribution of our expert
members, the Network would be nothing. We are really
proud of the achievements so far, and to be able to
share them with you in this report. Looking to the future,
we are confident that the Network is needed more
than ever as challenges continue to grow.
Paul Southall, Keith Jones and Simon Brammer
Network steering group
Sarah Alsbury (RSPB), Andrew Dunning (The Crown Estate)
Anna Frizzell (RNLI), James Lloyd (National Trust)
in 2015
3. Collective
Our membership look after
CO2and are
40,000more than
of their
with 358
in action
The CO2 saved by members from
generating energy using renewables
equates to 1,766 trips around the
world in an average petrol car
4. Heres how saving and
generating energy can help
our members meet their
charitable objectives
Thanks to the Network, in just over a year
Chatsworth have installed 15 biomass systems
into our properties a figure that would have
been reduced by a third had we not been
members. These boilers have produced over
1 million KWH and have saved 271 tCO2e.
The money saved will go back into conserving
Chatsworth estate.
Input from fellow members led directly to a
commitment to invest a significant amount of
money within next years business plan for hydro
power. Had we not been part of the Network,
wed have gone down a much longer route which
could have left me a year further behind and
without that financial commitment.
electricity savings
this year could
pay for 17
days with
a wildlife
RNLIs predicted
income and
savings from its
renewables portfolio
could pay for
rescue boats
per year10
National Trusts
electricity savings
this year could
pay for
of footpath
Luke Sherlock
Sustainability Manager
Chatsworth House
Gavin Beat
Green Plan Developer
Canal River Trust
5. What Weve
Done This Year
The Network has
hosted more than 30
events, site visits and
meetings enabling
988 practitioners
to collaborate and
share knowledge
Some of our new members
RSPB bioenergy
demo day
We have been working
with members to help them
monitor energy consumption
Retrofit conference
From Harvest to Heat
Sustainable gardens meeting
6. What Our
Members Think
About Us
Would you
us to peers?
Has membership to the
Network been useful to you?
Have our events improved your
understanding in the area covered?
Fit for the Future is one of the most useful networks I have been a
part of. Its accessible, targeted, relevant, and everyone is very open
about sharing their learnings. Its unique selling point is that it gives
you access to a network of peers who have similar challenges and
work within very similar constraints.Being a member has saved me
hours of research on numerous topics as well as money to attend
meetings and events. It has allowed me to update my knowledge
and get professional development that I wouldnt have been able
to get anywhere else. I would highly recommend the Network and
have done so to my counterparts in different organisations.
Johanna Gosling
Environmental Manager
Oxfam GBHowever much you read
information on a website, its really
useful to talk to people whove
actually done it. Connections have
helped speed processes along,
provided knowledge and given us
the confidence to have a go. The
value of the Network is in finding out
that other people are doing things
successfully, which gives you and
your employers the confidence to
know that its something worth
pursuing. Its also been immensely
helpful to get reciprocal advice
from other compatible organisations
and collaborate with them.
Julian Hosking
Senior Specialist
Natural England
7. Oxfam GB Field Studies Council The Crown Estate
makes up nearly two
thirds of the energy used by
Oxfam GB, and 80% of this is
being used in their shops. So, they
honed in on this, and the steps
they could take to decrease
energy use. Early data from their
pilot work suggests an average
electricity consumption saving
of 18% per charity shop with
some reducing their
consumption by
up to 35%.
18% 80% 55%
Through being a member of Fit for the Future Ive made
contact with numerous practitioners, from Environmental
Advisors and general managers to people from smaller trusts
and community energy groups. Talking to fellow members
and getting advice helped focus my mind and understand the
art of the possible for renewable energy projects and energy
efficiency in particular. I learnt that yes, we can do things,
particularly in historic environments where the majority of our
estate has statutory protection. This can-do attitude and the
infectious enthusiasm shown by other members has been
invaluable on a personal level, and a huge help with getting
our recently published Environment Strategy off the ground.
Olivia Lassiere
Heritage and
Environmental Manager
Scottish Canals
average electricity
consumption saving
per charity shop
FSC Blencathra
in the Lake District was
their worst offender in terms
of both emissions and cost to
heat. After receiving funding, they
installed a 300kW biomass heating
system and began work on a 35kW
hydro scheme. The project is
now completed, and they have
achieved an 80% overall
reduction in emissions
between 2011
and 2013.
overall reduction in
emissions between
On the Windsor
estate, an LED lighting
upgrade programme is expected
to reduce energy consumption
by 55% annually. Air source heat
pumps have been installed to
replace 55 oil fired boiler systems
as well as PV to assist with
running costs. A biomass
boiler with a district heating
network now serves
74 premises.
expected annual
energy consumption
Energy and carbon
savings being made
by our members
8. Lessons learnt
this year and
looking forward
We need to make our events more
accessible and sometimes repeat them
in various locations across the UK. Next
year, expect events closer to transport
hubs and the odd road show if the
appetite is there
The challenges faced due to the removal
of government subsidies has highlighted
the need for collaboration and sharing
of knowledge more than ever
1 in 3 of our members dont monitor
their energy consumption. Were
working with some of the more
experienced energy managers
in the Network to change that
Energy is really important, but weve
learnt that the best projects are those
that take a more holistic approach.
With that in mind, were widening our
remit to include waste, water, food and
other issues that must be considered
in order for organisations to become
more sustainable
The Fit for the Future Network has grown into
a really powerful movement for effective action
on climate change thanks to the hard work of all
the practitioners involved. The National Trust and
Ashden set up the Network because we believe
that collaboration is one of the best tools we
have to mitigate its threat.
What is so important about this network is that
it brings these organisations together to learn
from each other and accelerate their energy
reduction plans but not just that: the money
saved on energy can be ploughed back into an
organisations core services whether that is buying
lifeboats, fighting cancer or preserving the UKs
heritage. It has been a busy year and we hope that
with more funding and more organisations joining
we can achieve even bigger savings and really
make our UK buildings fit for the future.
Helen Ghosh
Director General
National Trust
Sarah Butler-Sloss
Founder Director
9. For more information about
joining or supporting Fit for
the Future Network, contact
the Network team:
07483 117 653
Or visit