The three step document outlines the onboarding process for a new employee. Step 1 involves completing a personal information form with bank details to set up payroll. Step 2 covers reviewing mandatory company policies and procedures. Step 3 provides additional optional information to help the new employee acclimate, including meeting executive staff, understanding acronyms, office maps, and benefits.
2. Ok, warm up and shake that booty,
are you ready?, lets get going
3. Step 1 Personal Information Form
Look, if you dont do
anything else today just
do this. We need this
info for your record on
our HR database but
more importantly we
need your bank details
otherwise you wont get
4. Step 2
the serious stuff
H mmm,
t h a t s
v e r y
i n t e r e s t
i n g !
Here we have a
lovely list of some
of our policies and
procedures. These
are the ones wed
really like you to
read and absorb
before you start,
thats why we
make them
mandatory reads
for all our team
5. Step 3 and the nice stuff
To make you feel even better
about working with us have a
read of all the nice things we
offer - what you can do,
where you can get a nice
lunch, our dress code and
some stuff to help you
acclimatise to Futures Housing
Group such as - meet the
exec team (just in case you
bump into them), an acronym
buster, a glossary, office floor
plans so you know where the
loos are..