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SAP TRAINING FI GL                                    SAP TRAINING FI GL

FI – MM (Material Management) integration:-

Today we will learn how the integration within FI MM , and SD takes place .

How are Accounting entries posted automatically and how do we configure

There are certain simple things you need to understand to know how this
integration happens.

First all Materials in SAP have a material master.

This material master has various views right from Basic views to Purchasing
views, production, sales and distribution and accounting and controlling views.
We will not get into the detail of Material master at this stage but it would
suffice for us to understand that Material Master is the heart of all integration.

In the accounting view of Material master amongst other values we have a
Valuation Class field. This Valuation class is the vital link which ensures that
Accounting documents are posted automatically. Every material will have a
valuation class field.

You can go to transaction code mm03 put any material no and click on
Accounting 1 view on which you will find the Valuation Class field.

Examples of Valuation Class could be Finished Goods,Semi Finished goods,
Raw Material etc

The combination of this Valuation Class+ the Movement Type(which I
have defined below) helps in determining the Gl accounts. Read this
statement twice to understand how gl accounts are automatically updated

What is a Movement Type?

All Material movements in MM happen with respect to a Movement Type.

For eg Goods receipt is defined with movement type 101
       Goods issue to production order is defined with movement type 261
       Scrapping of goods is defined with movement type 551
       Goods delivered to the customer with movement type 601
       Initial upload of stock is defined with movement type 561

SAP helps us to have different gl accounts for the various movements for the
same material by linking this movement type to a transaction key. So where
do we do we go and fit in all the different Gl accounts which we require?

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Before we get into that let us take an example of a movement type and see
how Gl accounts are automatically updated. If you are with me till now lets
move ahead. If not I suggest you read the above page once again. All right
lets get going dear friends.

Quick recap.

Material Master->Valuation Class- Movement Type-Transaction key.
Stick in all the gl accounts at this place. How we do this will see very shortly.

Let us now understand a few MM transactions and its accounting integration:-

1) Goods Receipt of Raw Material against a purchase order:-

Movement type for goods receipt against purchase order is 101.

The accounting entry posted is as follows:-

Inventory of Raw Material Debit

GR/IR (Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt) Credit

The GR/IR is a provision account in SAP.

The configuration to be done for this entry is as follows:-

IMG     Materials Management       Valuation and Account Assignment
Account Determination        Account Determination Without Wizard
Configure Automatic Postings (OMWB)


Type in transaction code OBYC

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As you see above the second column contains all the Transaction keys where
you need to stick the Gl accounts. So lets see for the goods receipt
transaction what do we do.

You need to update the BSX transaction key with the GL code Inventory of
Raw material account.

Double click BSX and select Valuation modif. and valuation class.

Valuation modif. - Should be selected if the valuation grouping code is active
in the Materials Management module and if separate GL codes are desired
plantwise. Even if it is not required currently, still it is a better option to select.

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For the GR/IR account you need to update the WRX transaction key with the
GL code GR/IR account.

A very important point from now on. Every accounting entry with respect to a
material will have a impact on the inventory. So one side of the posting (either
a debit or a credit) will always be taken from the BSX field you have defined
above. The second side of the posting will be determined based on your
movement type which in the above case was a GR/IR.

If you understood example 1 you will understand all the other examples. As
the methodology of finding Gl accounts is the same. So dear friends if you
want to learn SAP quickly you should learn how the things are integrated and
not go through reams of material and keep on studying. Understand those
vital areas and you will learn quickly. Alright lets move on

We will go through more examples below:

2) When Raw material is issued to the production order.

Movement type used for posting the above transaction is 261 – Goods issue
to order

The accounting entry generated in the system is:-

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Raw material consumption Debit

Inventory of Raw Material Credit

The transaction Key GBB needs to be updated. GBB key is used for various
offsetting posting entries. Within GBB transaction there are various account
grouping (general modification). In this case you need to update general
modification VBR with the Raw Material consumption account.

Click on

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Click on

3) When Initial stock is uploaded for Raw Material

Movement type used for posting – 561 (Initial stock upload)

The accounting entry generated is as follows:-

Inventory of Raw Material Debit

Stock data takeover account Credit

The transaction key GBB needs to be updated. General modification Key
BSA needs to be updated with the GL code Stock data takeover account

4) When goods receipt is made for finished goods against a production

Movement type used for posting – 101(GR agst prod order)

The accounting entry generated is as follows:-

Finished goods Debit

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Change in Finished goods Credit

In transaction key BSX for the valuation class finished goods we attach the
Finished goods GL code.

For change in Finished goods we update transaction key GBB and general
modification key AUF.

5) When goods issues are posted for sales:-

Movement type used for posting – 601

Accounting entry posted:-

Cost of goods sold Debit

Inventory of Finished goods Credit

For cost of goods sold transaction key GBB is updated with general
modification key VAX

6) When goods are scrapped:-

Movement type use for posting – 551

Accounting entry posted:-

Raw material scrapped Debit

Inventory of Raw Material Credit

The Raw Material scrapped account is attached to transaction key GBB and
general modification key VNG

7) When goods issued to sampling for Quality

Movement type used is 331

Raw Material consumption Debit

Inventory raw material Credit

Raw Material consumption account is attached to GBB and general
modification key VQP is used.

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If you noticed lot of account modifiers in transaction key GBB are used in
various movement type. It is difficult to remember the standard account
modifiers. In that case we can also use the Simulation mode. This helps us
in identifying what are the general modification (account modifiers) used in

Use the following path:-

IMG     Materials Management       Valuation and Account Assignment
Account Determination        Account Determination Without Wizard
Configure Automatic Postings or

Transaction code: OMWB

You can select the application area as follows:-

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Thus you can do a simulation for Inventory management movements or also a
simulation for invoice verification transactions.

Let us do a simulation for Inventory management movements.

Now we select the input mode

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Here we can select the input of material number or input of valuation class.

We will select the input of valuation class, as it easier to enter valuation class
rather than material number. But if you want to be more specific you can
select the input of material number.


Further we will also select Account check

Here we select, whether we want check of referenced G/L accounts in the
company code. Currently we will not select this.


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Update the following:-

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SAP TRAINING FI GL                             SAP TRAINING FI GL

Double click         so that it becomes blue

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Now here it shows the offsetting entry posting and the required account
modifier. In this case the general modification required is VBR.

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Thus simulation helps us in finding the general modification required for
transaction key GBB and the general modification for transaction key PRD
(price difference).

Let us now check the general modification key required for movement type
601 for finished goods.

Update the following:-

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Double click

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Here we notice that general modification key required for 601 is VAX

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SAP TRAINING FI GL                                     SAP TRAINING FI GL

FI – SD account determination:-

All Billing transactions happening in the Sales and distribution module will
result in FI postings.

All accounting entries with respect to the billing will have one side of the
account as a Customer or receivable and the other side to be a revenue


Customer –Dr
To Revenue Account- Cr

You have to bear in mind that the customer account gets picked up from the
customer master data . All we need to do is to configure the revenue account
or the discounts and surcharges

Where and how do we do this?

You make the allocation for each of these through access sequences.

Access sequence is nothing but SAP’s terminology of determining the Gl
accounts. SAP provides the following six ways of determining the Gl accounts
in SD.

     •   Application (key for the Sales and Distribution application)

     •   Account determination type

     •   Chart of accounts (from the FI System

     •   Customer account assignment group

     •   Materials account assignment group

     •   Account key

The allocated accounts are used to post revenues, surcharges and discounts

IMG      Financial Accounting         General Ledger Accounting    Business
Transactions     Integration        Sales and Distribution Prepare Revenue
Account Determination or

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SAP TRAINING FI GL                                SAP TRAINING FI GL

IMG       Sales and Distribution   Basic Functions                  Account
Assignment/Costing  Revenue Account Determination               Assign G/L
Accounts or

The transaction can also be accessed by typing in transaction code VKOA
from SAP Easy Access screen.

The account determination in SD happens through an access sequence which
can be seen in the below table.

The system goes about checking for the gl account(which we will stick in here
you will see more of that later) from more specific criteria to less specific

Thus you can maintain different GL codes for each combination of the
above table entry.

This is how SAP will determine the revenue account:

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It will go through first table entry CustGrp/Material grp/ account key. If any Gl
account is maintained here the system will then go to the transaction data of
the particular billing document and see whether such a combination of
Customer group and material group exists if it does it will pick that relevant
Revenue account and post the accounting document . Iif it does not it moves
to the next combination in the table which is Customer group/account key and
so on and so forth

Customer grp is maintained in the Sales view of the customer master.

Material grp is maintained in the Sales view of the material master.

Account key is maintained in the pricing procedure for that condition type.

The last option it checks is account key entry

We will now maintain the Gl account for the combination of Material
Grp/account key

Double Click

AAG is the material grp. We maintain this since we want it to post to a
different GL code as Sales 3rd parties.

Click on

Click on

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That’s it . The system will look into this table see this combination and if the
relevant combination exists in the transaction it will debit the customer
account and credit this account 800000.

As simple as it is. So basically the FI-Sd integration is for picking up the
revenue accounts or the discounts and surcharges.

The account key determines whether it is a revenue or a surcharge or
discount. Examples of some are given down below:

Various account keys are available

Let us now maintain for the table entry account key. And post to a different GL

Click on

And update the following information

App : V (Sales/distribution)
Cond type: KOFI (Account determination)
Chrt/accounts: YCCA
SOrg: Sales organization
ActKey : ERL
GL account no: 810203

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Click on Save

So you are done.

It is also useful to know a bit of the configuration of the Sales and

The account keys are attached to the condition type in the sales pricing

Let us see the sales pricing procedure.

IMG     Sales and Distribution   Basic Functions              Pricing   Pricing
Control   Define And Assign Pricing Procedures

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Double click


Double click

Here we see that account key ERL and ERS is attached to various condition

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SAP TRAINING FI GL                                   SAP TRAINING FI GL

So that’s it then my dear friends. I hope you enjoyed reading it and it is my
sincere advice that you absorb the technique with which SAP performs the
transaction and the method rather then going through it in a hurry.

Good luck and take care. If you liked you can circulate this document to your
friends and let them know about our full FICO package.


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Fi mm-s dintegration

  • 1. SAP FI-MM-SD INTEGRATION A SPECIAL REPORT Published by Team of SAP Consultants at SAPTOPJOBS Visit us at www.sap-topjobs.com Copyright 2005@SAPTOPJOBS All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form, or by any means electronic or mechanical including photocopying, recording or any information storage and retrieval system without permission in writing from SAPTOPJOBS
  • 2. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL FI – MM (Material Management) integration:- Today we will learn how the integration within FI MM , and SD takes place . How are Accounting entries posted automatically and how do we configure them? There are certain simple things you need to understand to know how this integration happens. First all Materials in SAP have a material master. This material master has various views right from Basic views to Purchasing views, production, sales and distribution and accounting and controlling views. We will not get into the detail of Material master at this stage but it would suffice for us to understand that Material Master is the heart of all integration. In the accounting view of Material master amongst other values we have a Valuation Class field. This Valuation class is the vital link which ensures that Accounting documents are posted automatically. Every material will have a valuation class field. You can go to transaction code mm03 put any material no and click on Accounting 1 view on which you will find the Valuation Class field. Examples of Valuation Class could be Finished Goods,Semi Finished goods, Raw Material etc The combination of this Valuation Class+ the Movement Type(which I have defined below) helps in determining the Gl accounts. Read this statement twice to understand how gl accounts are automatically updated What is a Movement Type? All Material movements in MM happen with respect to a Movement Type. For eg Goods receipt is defined with movement type 101 Goods issue to production order is defined with movement type 261 Scrapping of goods is defined with movement type 551 Goods delivered to the customer with movement type 601 Initial upload of stock is defined with movement type 561 SAP helps us to have different gl accounts for the various movements for the same material by linking this movement type to a transaction key. So where do we do we go and fit in all the different Gl accounts which we require? SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 2 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 3. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Before we get into that let us take an example of a movement type and see how Gl accounts are automatically updated. If you are with me till now lets move ahead. If not I suggest you read the above page once again. All right lets get going dear friends. Quick recap. Material Master->Valuation Class- Movement Type-Transaction key. Stick in all the gl accounts at this place. How we do this will see very shortly. Let us now understand a few MM transactions and its accounting integration:- 1) Goods Receipt of Raw Material against a purchase order:- Movement type for goods receipt against purchase order is 101. The accounting entry posted is as follows:- Inventory of Raw Material Debit GR/IR (Goods Receipt/Invoice Receipt) Credit The GR/IR is a provision account in SAP. The configuration to be done for this entry is as follows:- IMG Materials Management Valuation and Account Assignment Account Determination Account Determination Without Wizard Configure Automatic Postings (OMWB) Or Type in transaction code OBYC SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 3 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 4. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL As you see above the second column contains all the Transaction keys where you need to stick the Gl accounts. So lets see for the goods receipt transaction what do we do. You need to update the BSX transaction key with the GL code Inventory of Raw material account. Double click BSX and select Valuation modif. and valuation class. Valuation modif. - Should be selected if the valuation grouping code is active in the Materials Management module and if separate GL codes are desired plantwise. Even if it is not required currently, still it is a better option to select. SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 4 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 5. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL For the GR/IR account you need to update the WRX transaction key with the GL code GR/IR account. A very important point from now on. Every accounting entry with respect to a material will have a impact on the inventory. So one side of the posting (either a debit or a credit) will always be taken from the BSX field you have defined above. The second side of the posting will be determined based on your movement type which in the above case was a GR/IR. If you understood example 1 you will understand all the other examples. As the methodology of finding Gl accounts is the same. So dear friends if you want to learn SAP quickly you should learn how the things are integrated and not go through reams of material and keep on studying. Understand those vital areas and you will learn quickly. Alright lets move on We will go through more examples below: 2) When Raw material is issued to the production order. Movement type used for posting the above transaction is 261 – Goods issue to order The accounting entry generated in the system is:- SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 5 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 6. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Raw material consumption Debit Inventory of Raw Material Credit The transaction Key GBB needs to be updated. GBB key is used for various offsetting posting entries. Within GBB transaction there are various account grouping (general modification). In this case you need to update general modification VBR with the Raw Material consumption account. Click on SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 6 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 7. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Click on 3) When Initial stock is uploaded for Raw Material Movement type used for posting – 561 (Initial stock upload) The accounting entry generated is as follows:- Inventory of Raw Material Debit Stock data takeover account Credit The transaction key GBB needs to be updated. General modification Key BSA needs to be updated with the GL code Stock data takeover account . 4) When goods receipt is made for finished goods against a production order Movement type used for posting – 101(GR agst prod order) The accounting entry generated is as follows:- Finished goods Debit SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 7 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 8. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Change in Finished goods Credit In transaction key BSX for the valuation class finished goods we attach the Finished goods GL code. For change in Finished goods we update transaction key GBB and general modification key AUF. 5) When goods issues are posted for sales:- Movement type used for posting – 601 Accounting entry posted:- Cost of goods sold Debit Inventory of Finished goods Credit For cost of goods sold transaction key GBB is updated with general modification key VAX 6) When goods are scrapped:- Movement type use for posting – 551 Accounting entry posted:- Raw material scrapped Debit Inventory of Raw Material Credit The Raw Material scrapped account is attached to transaction key GBB and general modification key VNG 7) When goods issued to sampling for Quality Movement type used is 331 Raw Material consumption Debit Inventory raw material Credit Raw Material consumption account is attached to GBB and general modification key VQP is used. SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 8 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 9. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL If you noticed lot of account modifiers in transaction key GBB are used in various movement type. It is difficult to remember the standard account modifiers. In that case we can also use the Simulation mode. This helps us in identifying what are the general modification (account modifiers) used in GBB:- Use the following path:- IMG Materials Management Valuation and Account Assignment Account Determination Account Determination Without Wizard Configure Automatic Postings or Transaction code: OMWB You can select the application area as follows:- SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 9 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 10. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Thus you can do a simulation for Inventory management movements or also a simulation for invoice verification transactions. Let us do a simulation for Inventory management movements. Now we select the input mode SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 10 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 11. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Here we can select the input of material number or input of valuation class. We will select the input of valuation class, as it easier to enter valuation class rather than material number. But if you want to be more specific you can select the input of material number. Click Further we will also select Account check Here we select, whether we want check of referenced G/L accounts in the company code. Currently we will not select this. Click SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 11 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 12. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Click Update the following:- SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 12 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 13. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Double click so that it becomes blue SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 13 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 14. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Click Now here it shows the offsetting entry posting and the required account modifier. In this case the general modification required is VBR. SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 14 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 15. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Thus simulation helps us in finding the general modification required for transaction key GBB and the general modification for transaction key PRD (price difference). Let us now check the general modification key required for movement type 601 for finished goods. Update the following:- SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 15 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 17. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Click Here we notice that general modification key required for 601 is VAX SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 17 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 19. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL FI – SD account determination:- All Billing transactions happening in the Sales and distribution module will result in FI postings. All accounting entries with respect to the billing will have one side of the account as a Customer or receivable and the other side to be a revenue account Eg Customer –Dr To Revenue Account- Cr You have to bear in mind that the customer account gets picked up from the customer master data . All we need to do is to configure the revenue account or the discounts and surcharges Where and how do we do this? You make the allocation for each of these through access sequences. Access sequence is nothing but SAP’s terminology of determining the Gl accounts. SAP provides the following six ways of determining the Gl accounts in SD. • Application (key for the Sales and Distribution application) • Account determination type • Chart of accounts (from the FI System • Customer account assignment group • Materials account assignment group • Account key The allocated accounts are used to post revenues, surcharges and discounts automatically. IMG Financial Accounting General Ledger Accounting Business Transactions Integration Sales and Distribution Prepare Revenue Account Determination or SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 19 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 20. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Account Assignment/Costing Revenue Account Determination Assign G/L Accounts or The transaction can also be accessed by typing in transaction code VKOA from SAP Easy Access screen. The account determination in SD happens through an access sequence which can be seen in the below table. The system goes about checking for the gl account(which we will stick in here you will see more of that later) from more specific criteria to less specific criteria. Thus you can maintain different GL codes for each combination of the above table entry. This is how SAP will determine the revenue account: SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 20 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 21. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL It will go through first table entry CustGrp/Material grp/ account key. If any Gl account is maintained here the system will then go to the transaction data of the particular billing document and see whether such a combination of Customer group and material group exists if it does it will pick that relevant Revenue account and post the accounting document . Iif it does not it moves to the next combination in the table which is Customer group/account key and so on and so forth Customer grp is maintained in the Sales view of the customer master. Material grp is maintained in the Sales view of the material master. Account key is maintained in the pricing procedure for that condition type. The last option it checks is account key entry We will now maintain the Gl account for the combination of Material Grp/account key Double Click AAG is the material grp. We maintain this since we want it to post to a different GL code as Sales 3rd parties. Click on Click on SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 21 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 22. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL That’s it . The system will look into this table see this combination and if the relevant combination exists in the transaction it will debit the customer account and credit this account 800000. As simple as it is. So basically the FI-Sd integration is for picking up the revenue accounts or the discounts and surcharges. The account key determines whether it is a revenue or a surcharge or discount. Examples of some are given down below: Various account keys are available Let us now maintain for the table entry account key. And post to a different GL code. Click on And update the following information App : V (Sales/distribution) Cond type: KOFI (Account determination) Chrt/accounts: YCCA SOrg: Sales organization ActKey : ERL GL account no: 810203 SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 22 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 23. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Click on Save So you are done. It is also useful to know a bit of the configuration of the Sales and Distribution. The account keys are attached to the condition type in the sales pricing procedure. Let us see the sales pricing procedure. IMG Sales and Distribution Basic Functions Pricing Pricing Control Define And Assign Pricing Procedures SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 23 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 24. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL Double click Select Double click Here we see that account key ERL and ERS is attached to various condition types. SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 24 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL
  • 25. SAP TRAINING FI GL SAP TRAINING FI GL So that’s it then my dear friends. I hope you enjoyed reading it and it is my sincere advice that you absorb the technique with which SAP performs the transaction and the method rather then going through it in a hurry. Good luck and take care. If you liked you can circulate this document to your friends and let them know about our full FICO package. http://www.sap-topjobs.com/SpecialPP/8431654231.html SAP TRAINING FI GL Page 25 of 25 SAP TRAINING FI GL