A regular diet high in fiber-rich food is better for losing weight and keeping it off than complex diets or calorie counting. Not only it helps in losing weight, but it also makes you healthier, energetic and reduces the risk of several diseases such as diabetes, heart disease, cholesterol etc
2. Also known as roughage or bulk
Present only in plant foods
No fiber in animal products.
Most of the fruits, vegetables, beans & whole grains are rich in fiber
Mostly concentrated in the skin, seeds, and membranes.
3. Passes through our intestine undigested.
Longer time to chew .
Increases volume of food without increasing calories.
High fiber food takes long time to digest than refined foods.
Helps in regulating blood sugar levels.
5. 3 serving of a variety of vegetables specially
green leafy vegetables per day.
5-6 ounce of whole-grain per day and at
least one serving in every meal.
1遜-2 serving of colorful fruits with
skin or seeds.
Women 25 gm/d, Men -30.8 gm/d
6. Fruits: With edible skin & seeds.
Whole grains: Include those with bran & germ.
Beans and legumes: Include variety
Nuts & Seeds: Only handful of them are enough.
Vegetables: Especially green leafy vegetables
7. Breakfast:
Oatmeal topped with slices of berries or nuts .
Add oatmeal, raisins, berries to homemade cookies & muffins.
Frozen berries, a handful of greens and half a banana in a smoothie
Add black beans, spinach, tomatos to your eggs
Use whole wheat flour for baking.
Sprinkle flex or chia seeds on top of your salad, soup, yoghurt.
Add beans, lentils and corn to your salad, soup, casserole.
Start dinner with a small side salad
Whole wheat or quinoa pasta instead of white pasta
Whole fruit as a dessert
8. Increase fiber gradually
Too much too soon causes bloating ,gas , constipation
Increase water intake at least 8 glasses/day.
Best to get fiber from food rather than from supplements
9. Good natural way to reduce body weight.
Decreases the intake of calories.
Increase intake of fruits, vegetables, beans,
whole and high fiber cereal.
Replace refined food with high fiber food.
Prevents many health risks.