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Project Based Learning
as a means to reduce academic cheating
Action Research Problem
         Cheating has not only taken on all new forms, it
         has a whole new de鍖nition.
         Through my Action Research I hope to do two
            Better de鍖ne cheating as our students
            perceive it
            Find new ways to help teachers overcome
            many of the boundaries that force our
            students to cheat.

Students today are using the internet to gain
what some may say is an unfair advantage
Dr. Guido!

Who Is Dr. Guido?
Action Research Problem
       Two types of Cheating
       Planned and Panic
        (Grijalva, Nowell, Kerkvliet 2006)

       Project Based Learning

Research into cheating
Action Research Problem
             Do you believe in God? Why or Why not?
             2 parts
                   3 Assignments and Project

Cycle 1
Action Research Problem
         WebQuest (110 students)
            3 Assignments
               0.91% Reported Cheating
               20% Teacher Found Cheating
               0.91% Reported Cheating
               10% Teacher Found Cheating

Cycle 1 Results
Action Research Problem
          Student Interviews
          De鍖ning Cheating
          Interviewed 10 students
             1. How would you de鍖ne academic cheating?
             2. How would you de鍖ne plagiarism?
             3. Have you ever cheated before?
             4. Do you feel if you copy someones work, you are
             still learning?
             5. What where the consequences of your cheating?

Cycle 2
Action Research Problem

       Interviewed 10 students
          1. How would you de鍖ne academic cheating?
          2. How would you de鍖ne plagiarism?
          3. Have you ever cheated before?
          4. Do you feel if you copy someones work, you are still learning?
          5. What where the consequences of your cheating?

Cycle 2 Results
Action Research Problem
         Cheating is very often a collaboration to being with.
         Project based learning can reduce cheating because it
         does two things
              Students work together
              Students must come up with something creative.
                 Web 2.0 technologies

Project Based Learning
as a means to reduce academic cheating

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Ficara michael ar_presenation

  • 1. Project Based Learning as a means to reduce academic cheating
  • 2. Action Research Problem Cheating has not only taken on all new forms, it has a whole new de鍖nition. Through my Action Research I hope to do two things Better de鍖ne cheating as our students perceive it Find new ways to help teachers overcome many of the boundaries that force our students to cheat. Students today are using the internet to gain what some may say is an unfair advantage
  • 3. Dr. Guido! Who Is Dr. Guido?
  • 4. Action Research Problem Two types of Cheating Planned and Panic (Grijalva, Nowell, Kerkvliet 2006) Project Based Learning Research into cheating
  • 5. Action Research Problem WebQuest Do you believe in God? Why or Why not? 2 parts 3 Assignments and Project Survey Cheating Cycle 1
  • 6. Action Research Problem WebQuest (110 students) 3 Assignments 0.91% Reported Cheating 20% Teacher Found Cheating Project 0.91% Reported Cheating 10% Teacher Found Cheating Conclusion Cycle 1 Results
  • 7. Action Research Problem Student Interviews De鍖ning Cheating Interviewed 10 students 1. How would you de鍖ne academic cheating? 2. How would you de鍖ne plagiarism? 3. Have you ever cheated before? 4. Do you feel if you copy someones work, you are still learning? 5. What where the consequences of your cheating? Goal Cycle 2
  • 8. Action Research Problem Interviewed 10 students 1. How would you de鍖ne academic cheating? 2. How would you de鍖ne plagiarism? 3. Have you ever cheated before? 4. Do you feel if you copy someones work, you are still learning? 5. What where the consequences of your cheating? Conclusion Cycle 2 Results
  • 9. Action Research Problem Cheating is very often a collaboration to being with. Project based learning can reduce cheating because it does two things Students work together Students must come up with something creative. Web 2.0 technologies Conclusions
  • 10. Project Based Learning as a means to reduce academic cheating Questions????