Konferencija Javantura Zagreb 2014 by HUJAK
All your base are belong to us C pristup bazama podataka na Groovy na?in by Dinko Srko?
Slu?beni Oracleov JDBC tutorijal po?inje rije?ima: ^JDBC API je osmi?ljen kako bi dr?ao jednostavne stvari jednostavnim. To zna?i da JDBC ?ini svakodnevni rad s bazama podataka laganim ̄. Je li mogu?e taj lagani rad jo? malo olak?ati? Na predavanju ?emo vidjeti kakvu podr?ku radu s bazama podataka pru?a Groovy (groovy.codehaus.org), popularni programski jezik za JVM.
Javascript per applicazioni complesse - Lo Stretto digitaleGiuseppe Pizzimenti
Mentre ogni giorno di pi┫ crescono e si fanno sempre pi┫ complessi gli ambiti nei quali Javascript si propone (e spesso impone) come strumento di sviluppo, viene da chiedersi se (e quando) si avverer┐ la legge di Atwood per la quale "ogni applicazione che pu┛ essere scritta in Javascript, sar┐ necessariamente scritta in Javascript".
Nell'attesa di scoprirlo meglio prepararsi con vecchi e nuovi patterns e best practices che ci consentono di realizzare software di qualit┐ con uno dei linguaggi pi┫ duttili e trasversali di sempre.
Presentazione realizzata nell'ambito del progetto "Lo Stretto Digitale"
Максим cdump Андреев, программист команды Облака Mail.Ru, участник различных bug-bounty программ, рассказал о протоколе автоматической настройки прокси WPAD и о том, чем он может быть интересен с точки зрения атакующего, а также поделился новыми способами перехвата пользовательского трафика с помощью WPAD.
The document appears to be notes for a book on web application security. It includes an index listing chapter topics such as HTTP, sessions, and the same origin policy. Chapter sections discuss the basics of HTTP requests and responses, status codes, headers, methods, and REST vs SOAP. Other topics covered include how sessions are implemented using cookies to maintain state, same origin policy restrictions, and an appendix about TLS/SSL.
The document discusses designing teams and processes to adapt to changing needs. It recommends structuring teams so members can work within their competencies and across projects fluidly with clear roles and expectations. The design process should support the team and their work, and be flexible enough to change with team, organization, and project needs. An effective team culture builds an environment where members feel free to be themselves, voice opinions, and feel supported.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit https://generalassemb.ly/instructors/seth-familian/4813
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at http://familian1.com
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here: http://blog.drift.com/sales-team-tips
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.
Javascript per applicazioni complesse - Lo Stretto digitaleGiuseppe Pizzimenti
Mentre ogni giorno di pi┫ crescono e si fanno sempre pi┫ complessi gli ambiti nei quali Javascript si propone (e spesso impone) come strumento di sviluppo, viene da chiedersi se (e quando) si avverer┐ la legge di Atwood per la quale "ogni applicazione che pu┛ essere scritta in Javascript, sar┐ necessariamente scritta in Javascript".
Nell'attesa di scoprirlo meglio prepararsi con vecchi e nuovi patterns e best practices che ci consentono di realizzare software di qualit┐ con uno dei linguaggi pi┫ duttili e trasversali di sempre.
Presentazione realizzata nell'ambito del progetto "Lo Stretto Digitale"
Максим cdump Андреев, программист команды Облака Mail.Ru, участник различных bug-bounty программ, рассказал о протоколе автоматической настройки прокси WPAD и о том, чем он может быть интересен с точки зрения атакующего, а также поделился новыми способами перехвата пользовательского трафика с помощью WPAD.
The document appears to be notes for a book on web application security. It includes an index listing chapter topics such as HTTP, sessions, and the same origin policy. Chapter sections discuss the basics of HTTP requests and responses, status codes, headers, methods, and REST vs SOAP. Other topics covered include how sessions are implemented using cookies to maintain state, same origin policy restrictions, and an appendix about TLS/SSL.
The document discusses designing teams and processes to adapt to changing needs. It recommends structuring teams so members can work within their competencies and across projects fluidly with clear roles and expectations. The design process should support the team and their work, and be flexible enough to change with team, organization, and project needs. An effective team culture builds an environment where members feel free to be themselves, voice opinions, and feel supported.
An immersive workshop at General Assembly, SF. I typically teach this workshop at General Assembly, San Francisco. To see a list of my upcoming classes, visit https://generalassemb.ly/instructors/seth-familian/4813
I also teach this workshop as a private lunch-and-learn or half-day immersive session for corporate clients. To learn more about pricing and availability, please contact me at http://familian1.com
3 Things Every Sales Team Needs to Be Thinking About in 2017Drift
Thinking about your sales team's goals for 2017? Drift's VP of Sales shares 3 things you can do to improve conversion rates and drive more revenue.
Read the full story on the Drift blog here: http://blog.drift.com/sales-team-tips
How to Become a Thought Leader in Your NicheLeslie Samuel
Are bloggers thought leaders? Here are some tips on how you can become one. Provide great value, put awesome content out there on a regular basis, and help others.