1) The document discusses a digitization project at the EYE Film Institute Netherlands to make their film collection available online and in their archives.
2) It describes their process for clearing copyrights, including determining public domain works, orphan works, and obtaining licenses. Over 3033 films have been cleared so far.
3) A VoD platform called Filmotech is discussed, which uses a voluntary extended collective licensing model to make films available for streaming. It has agreements with various collecting societies.
4) Challenges are noted with negotiating individually and with collecting societies not representing all rightsholders. Mandatory exceptions for certain uses are recommended.
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Filmotech Netherlands: a voluntary ECL model in the AV sector
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2. Introduction
G辿raldine Vooren Legal Counsel
(Images for the Future)
Leontien Bout General Legal Counsel
EYE Film Institute Netherlands
Association des Cin辿math竪ques Europ辿ennes
3. Introduction
Digitization project Images for the Future
Clearing practice at EYE Film Institute Netherlands
VoD Platform Filmotech: voluntary ECL model
Negotiating with collecting societies
Recommendations for legislation
4. Digitization project Images for the Future
Dutch archives received 119 million EURO from the Dutch Government
Goal: maximum availability of the audiovisual material to the general public
Conservation, Digitization, Contextualization and Access of 22.510 hours of
film, 2.9 million photographs
5. Digitization project Images for the Future
Clearing Team (since February 2008):
Legal Counsel
6. Digitization project Images for the Future
Clearing Results (since February 2008)
Total of films cleared: 3033 titles
- Public Domain 546 titles
- Orphan Works 1459 titles
- Contracting Party EYE 418 titles
- License Agreements 610 titles
7. Film Clearing at EYE
Research & data storage:
Legal Assessment
Diligent Search Guidelines for Orphan Works
Development of a Data Management System
Getting Permission:
Negotiations with Rights Management Societies
(Film / Film-related material / Photographs)
The Battle for Signatures
8. VoD Platform Filmotech
Public-private partnership:
- Film & TV Archives
- Producers Association
- Unions, Guilds
- Film Fund
- Film Festival
- Ministry of Culture
- Collecting Societies
Streaming Video-on-demand platform
Entire Dutch Film Collection
Launch: April 7th, 2011
9. VoD Platform Filmotech
10 % of each paid view to collecting societies
Contract with producer (contains indemnification)
remaining 90%:
- 65 % to licensor
- 35 % running costs platform Filmotech
Contract with heirs (contains no indemnification)
remaining 90%
- 50 % licensor
- 15 % reservation for third-party claims
- 35 % running costs platform
10. VoD platform Filmotech
Voluntary ECL Model:
Search for rights holders by EYE
Individual license agreements with producers
Collective license agreement regarding other
rightsholders with Rights Management Societies
EYE provides contact information regarding
rightsholders to Rights Management Societies
for repartition
12. VoD Platform Filmotech
ECL Filmotech / Rights Management Societies
Contract information:
Permission for those represented by RMS
Indemnification for those not represented by RMS
Indemnification also applies to orphan works
Opt-out possibility for non- represented rightsholders
Duration: three years plus automatic renewal
13. Negotiating with Rights Management
Societies (Filmotech)
Voluntary ECL Model, pitfalls:
No one-stop shop for all rightsholders
Negotiations time-consuming (three years)
Not all filmmakers are represented by Rights
Management Societies
Applicable only to royalty-based license agreement
14. Negotiating with Rights Management
Organizations (Photographs)
Pictoright representing visual artists
Our goal: one lump sum for entire collection unlimited
in time
Their offer: - clearing only non-studio material
- two year limitation
- costs: 15.000 Euro per year
15. Recommendations:
Implementation of European legislation allowing for:
Mandatory exceptions for publicly funded institutions:
- Digitization and online use of Orphan works
(educational / research purposes)
- Digitization for preservation purposes and online
access on the premises for copyrighted material
ECL model for all use by cultural institutions not
covered by these mandatory exceptions
- Non-commercial use: no fee
- Commercial use: limited fee