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McKay 1
Overpopulation is Impacting Our Planet
Would everyone in the world rather live with a controlled population or continue a life
filled with sickness and starvation? Some places around the world have exceptionally dense
populations in areas where there should not be as many people. Human overpopulation is the
basis of all environmental problems, according to several ecologists (Gibbons). Humans have
become obsessed with how much is available to take out of the ecosystems without considering
how it is effecting the environment for future generations. Almost everything people use is taken
from the environment and eventually there will no longer be resources left to use. Not only has
overpopulation been the foundation of the majority of environmental issues, it has also caused air
pollution, traffic congestion, and poverty throughout many countries. If the population is not
stabilized quickly, population numbers will continue to rise and there could be even more natural
tragedies in the future. Overpopulation is causing serious problems to the worlds environment,
natural resources and living standards.
Human population growth has caused a negative impact on the Earths environment. The
important services that ecosystems offer are not easily replaced and in no way will be equivalent
to the past. Urban population growth is a key driver of environmental degradation (Kahn)
because in order for cities to develop, trees have to be cut down. Countless areas of land were
becoming vacant in England during the 1990s because tropical forests were being cleared to
build cities or grow food. Every year, an amount of forests comparable to half the size of
England are diminished (The Earths Life-Support). There is a prediction that the demand
for wood could nearly double by 2050. For example, the climate is constantly changing without
control and nature is out of rotation from human interference. Also problems such as water and
air pollution grow worse when more people move to cities. The irony in the situation of
McKay 2
overpopulation is that usually people decide to live in cities for the hope of a better quality of
life (Kahn). Furthermore, the escalating temperatures cause sea levels to rise and the levels of
carbon dioxide to increase as a result of the burning of fossil fuels. Sea levels rose about six
inches in the twentieth century and some believe they could continue to rise between four and
thirty five inches during the twenty-first century (Gaia). As the ice sheets in Greenland melt
more each year, people living on the coast will have to migrate inland, making some areas even
more crowded. Not only would rising sea levels make more populated areas or displace a
number of the population, but it would also eliminate croplands. There is a high demand for
livestock increases to feed the growing numbers of people and without a certain amount of land
it will not be possible to fulfill the requirement.
Natural resources will become even more limited over the years if the population
continues to grow to eight billion as expected. Today, generally the people with lower incomes
are recognizing the demand for energy and the increase of food prices because they are
struggling more to survive (Connolly). In addition, there is the increase in oil and gas prices and
double the unavailability of fresh water. The people with higher incomes hear about these issues
and do not distinguish the significance, but sooner or later they are going to experience the effect
as well. In some nations where the main percentage of population lives in a few large cities, it is
possible for waterborne diseases or epidemics to occur if people cannot obtain fresh, healthy
water (Kahn). It is a governments goal to make sure cities have fresh high-quality water to
protect their people from disease, but this costly goal is hard to achieve if the nation cannot
afford it. A possible reason there will not be as much fresh water in the future is because in
developing nations, sewage systems are not as sophisticated as in developed countries. Wastes
are continuously discarded into the sewage systems in developing nations and they are not
McKay 3
advanced enough to clear the waters of wastes. Additionally, four hundred million people could
possibly be in danger of starvation due to drought and crop failure (Gaia). As Wooldridge states,
it is likely for about 2,500 animals and plants in the United States to become extinct within the
next decade because of habitat destruction from humans. Ecosystems will be permanently
damaged seeing that animals will be taken out of their environment, lack of resources, and
reduction of the oxygen plants produce (Widespread Decline). These concerns could
possibly occur and will be impossible to restore. It would also lessen the amount of crop growth,
which could result in starvation if people cannot get enough food.
Overpopulation significantly harms large cities and reduces the quality of life. The
environment is permanently impacted when more people are added to areas because it is
necessary for there to be enough places for [people] to live, more food to eat and water to drink,
more fuel to keep warm (Gibbons). When cities are overpopulated, roads become too crowded
resulting in higher death rates from motor vehicle accidents. For example, in England the
railway network becomes excessively crowded and creates rush hour almost every hour of the
day (Liddle). Health risks also grow while cities are developing because as a city grows, the
medical system cannot keep up with helping the common people. In many states crime rates are
raising, new types of diseases are being found and there is a rise in home prices which all lessen
the quality of life (Wooldridge). If people are not able to live in cities, they end up moving to
valleys or unstable hills which later get destroyed in natural disasters, such as floods. Another
issue occurs in growing cities since they usually cannot deal with the high production of solid
waste quickly enough and it continues to build over years. As solid wastes accumulate in cities
they will become more polluted and could spread new diseases as well as a higher rate of
rodents. Even though the population of the world is relatively high, the real issue is the number
McKay 4
of people in an area relative to its resources and the amount of human activity an environment is
able to maintain (Liddle).
If something is not changed immediately, the future will only continue to worsen.
Overpopulation is a great challenge today and is dangerously harming the environment and
resources which could cause natural shortages or disasters (Connolly). Humans are taking
advantage of the Earths resources and we need to change certain aspects in our everyday lives.
For example, as it says in the article The Earths Life-Support System is in Peril- a Global
Crisis, our planets ecosystems are changing and it is a necessity to create new inventions to
deal with the possible consequences. Every year the population grows and ecosystems are
constantly harmed. The only alternative is to let disease take control of the world and cause
environmental changes, resource restraints, and a decline in the quality of life (Gaia). Natures
solution to cure this issue is by killing people in overpopulated areas through disease. It is the
job of humans to find another cure to stop the impacts of overpopulation, possibly by changing
life styles or carefully using resources.
McKay 5
Works Cited
Connolly, Scott, Katie Elmore, and William Ryerson. U.S. Attitudes on Population. World
Watch (Sept.-Oct. 2008). Advanced Placement Source. EBSCO. International School
Bangkok Main Library. 30 Nov. 2008 <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost>.
Gaia, Karen. Why Population Matters. World Overpopulation Awareness. 20 Oct. 2008
Gibbons, Whit. Environmental Solution for the New Millennium. University of Georgia.
Kahn, Matthew E. Green Cities Urban Growth and the Environment. Washington D.C.:
Brookings Institution Press, 2006. Academic Complete. ebrary. 26 Nov. 2008
Liddle, Rod. "Our Overpopulation is a Social and Environmental Catastrophe." Spectator 12
Aug. 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. International School Bangkok
Main Library. 14 Jan. 2009 <http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/infomark.do>.
The Earths Life-Support System is in Peril- a Global Crisis. The Herald (UK) (20 Jan. 2004).
World Overpopulation Awareness. <http://www.overpopulation.org/>.
Widespread Decline in the Worlds Ecosystems. BBC/ World Resources Institute (15 Sep.
2000). World Overpopulation Awareness. <http://www.overpopulation.org/>.
Wooldridge, Frosty. Overpopulation is a Serious Problem. Opposing Viewpoints: Population.
Ed. Karen F Balkin. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource
Center. Gale. International School Bangkok Main Library. 26 Nov. 2008
McKay 5
Works Cited
Connolly, Scott, Katie Elmore, and William Ryerson. U.S. Attitudes on Population. World
Watch (Sept.-Oct. 2008). Advanced Placement Source. EBSCO. International School
Bangkok Main Library. 30 Nov. 2008 <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost>.
Gaia, Karen. Why Population Matters. World Overpopulation Awareness. 20 Oct. 2008
Gibbons, Whit. Environmental Solution for the New Millennium. University of Georgia.
Kahn, Matthew E. Green Cities Urban Growth and the Environment. Washington D.C.:
Brookings Institution Press, 2006. Academic Complete. ebrary. 26 Nov. 2008
Liddle, Rod. "Our Overpopulation is a Social and Environmental Catastrophe." Spectator 12
Aug. 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. International School Bangkok
Main Library. 14 Jan. 2009 <http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/infomark.do>.
The Earths Life-Support System is in Peril- a Global Crisis. The Herald (UK) (20 Jan. 2004).
World Overpopulation Awareness. <http://www.overpopulation.org/>.
Widespread Decline in the Worlds Ecosystems. BBC/ World Resources Institute (15 Sep.
2000). World Overpopulation Awareness. <http://www.overpopulation.org/>.
Wooldridge, Frosty. Overpopulation is a Serious Problem. Opposing Viewpoints: Population.
Ed. Karen F Balkin. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource
Center. Gale. International School Bangkok Main Library. 26 Nov. 2008

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  • 1. McKay 1 Overpopulation is Impacting Our Planet Would everyone in the world rather live with a controlled population or continue a life filled with sickness and starvation? Some places around the world have exceptionally dense populations in areas where there should not be as many people. Human overpopulation is the basis of all environmental problems, according to several ecologists (Gibbons). Humans have become obsessed with how much is available to take out of the ecosystems without considering how it is effecting the environment for future generations. Almost everything people use is taken from the environment and eventually there will no longer be resources left to use. Not only has overpopulation been the foundation of the majority of environmental issues, it has also caused air pollution, traffic congestion, and poverty throughout many countries. If the population is not stabilized quickly, population numbers will continue to rise and there could be even more natural tragedies in the future. Overpopulation is causing serious problems to the worlds environment, natural resources and living standards. Human population growth has caused a negative impact on the Earths environment. The important services that ecosystems offer are not easily replaced and in no way will be equivalent to the past. Urban population growth is a key driver of environmental degradation (Kahn) because in order for cities to develop, trees have to be cut down. Countless areas of land were becoming vacant in England during the 1990s because tropical forests were being cleared to build cities or grow food. Every year, an amount of forests comparable to half the size of England are diminished (The Earths Life-Support). There is a prediction that the demand for wood could nearly double by 2050. For example, the climate is constantly changing without control and nature is out of rotation from human interference. Also problems such as water and air pollution grow worse when more people move to cities. The irony in the situation of
  • 2. McKay 2 overpopulation is that usually people decide to live in cities for the hope of a better quality of life (Kahn). Furthermore, the escalating temperatures cause sea levels to rise and the levels of carbon dioxide to increase as a result of the burning of fossil fuels. Sea levels rose about six inches in the twentieth century and some believe they could continue to rise between four and thirty five inches during the twenty-first century (Gaia). As the ice sheets in Greenland melt more each year, people living on the coast will have to migrate inland, making some areas even more crowded. Not only would rising sea levels make more populated areas or displace a number of the population, but it would also eliminate croplands. There is a high demand for livestock increases to feed the growing numbers of people and without a certain amount of land it will not be possible to fulfill the requirement. Natural resources will become even more limited over the years if the population continues to grow to eight billion as expected. Today, generally the people with lower incomes are recognizing the demand for energy and the increase of food prices because they are struggling more to survive (Connolly). In addition, there is the increase in oil and gas prices and double the unavailability of fresh water. The people with higher incomes hear about these issues and do not distinguish the significance, but sooner or later they are going to experience the effect as well. In some nations where the main percentage of population lives in a few large cities, it is possible for waterborne diseases or epidemics to occur if people cannot obtain fresh, healthy water (Kahn). It is a governments goal to make sure cities have fresh high-quality water to protect their people from disease, but this costly goal is hard to achieve if the nation cannot afford it. A possible reason there will not be as much fresh water in the future is because in developing nations, sewage systems are not as sophisticated as in developed countries. Wastes are continuously discarded into the sewage systems in developing nations and they are not
  • 3. McKay 3 advanced enough to clear the waters of wastes. Additionally, four hundred million people could possibly be in danger of starvation due to drought and crop failure (Gaia). As Wooldridge states, it is likely for about 2,500 animals and plants in the United States to become extinct within the next decade because of habitat destruction from humans. Ecosystems will be permanently damaged seeing that animals will be taken out of their environment, lack of resources, and reduction of the oxygen plants produce (Widespread Decline). These concerns could possibly occur and will be impossible to restore. It would also lessen the amount of crop growth, which could result in starvation if people cannot get enough food. Overpopulation significantly harms large cities and reduces the quality of life. The environment is permanently impacted when more people are added to areas because it is necessary for there to be enough places for [people] to live, more food to eat and water to drink, more fuel to keep warm (Gibbons). When cities are overpopulated, roads become too crowded resulting in higher death rates from motor vehicle accidents. For example, in England the railway network becomes excessively crowded and creates rush hour almost every hour of the day (Liddle). Health risks also grow while cities are developing because as a city grows, the medical system cannot keep up with helping the common people. In many states crime rates are raising, new types of diseases are being found and there is a rise in home prices which all lessen the quality of life (Wooldridge). If people are not able to live in cities, they end up moving to valleys or unstable hills which later get destroyed in natural disasters, such as floods. Another issue occurs in growing cities since they usually cannot deal with the high production of solid waste quickly enough and it continues to build over years. As solid wastes accumulate in cities they will become more polluted and could spread new diseases as well as a higher rate of rodents. Even though the population of the world is relatively high, the real issue is the number
  • 4. McKay 4 of people in an area relative to its resources and the amount of human activity an environment is able to maintain (Liddle). If something is not changed immediately, the future will only continue to worsen. Overpopulation is a great challenge today and is dangerously harming the environment and resources which could cause natural shortages or disasters (Connolly). Humans are taking advantage of the Earths resources and we need to change certain aspects in our everyday lives. For example, as it says in the article The Earths Life-Support System is in Peril- a Global Crisis, our planets ecosystems are changing and it is a necessity to create new inventions to deal with the possible consequences. Every year the population grows and ecosystems are constantly harmed. The only alternative is to let disease take control of the world and cause environmental changes, resource restraints, and a decline in the quality of life (Gaia). Natures solution to cure this issue is by killing people in overpopulated areas through disease. It is the job of humans to find another cure to stop the impacts of overpopulation, possibly by changing life styles or carefully using resources.
  • 5. McKay 5 Works Cited Connolly, Scott, Katie Elmore, and William Ryerson. U.S. Attitudes on Population. World Watch (Sept.-Oct. 2008). Advanced Placement Source. EBSCO. International School Bangkok Main Library. 30 Nov. 2008 <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost>. Gaia, Karen. Why Population Matters. World Overpopulation Awareness. 20 Oct. 2008 <http://www.overpopulation.org/>. Gibbons, Whit. Environmental Solution for the New Millennium. University of Georgia. <http://www.uga.edu/srelherp/ecoview/Eco38.htm>. Kahn, Matthew E. Green Cities Urban Growth and the Environment. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2006. Academic Complete. ebrary. 26 Nov. 2008 <http://isbml.isb.ac.th///.do?site=100&siteTypeID=-1&bibID=58513>. Liddle, Rod. "Our Overpopulation is a Social and Environmental Catastrophe." Spectator 12 Aug. 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. International School Bangkok Main Library. 14 Jan. 2009 <http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/infomark.do>. The Earths Life-Support System is in Peril- a Global Crisis. The Herald (UK) (20 Jan. 2004). World Overpopulation Awareness. <http://www.overpopulation.org/>. Widespread Decline in the Worlds Ecosystems. BBC/ World Resources Institute (15 Sep. 2000). World Overpopulation Awareness. <http://www.overpopulation.org/>. Wooldridge, Frosty. Overpopulation is a Serious Problem. Opposing Viewpoints: Population. Ed. Karen F Balkin. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. International School Bangkok Main Library. 26 Nov. 2008 <http://find.galegroup.com//.do>.
  • 6. McKay 5 Works Cited Connolly, Scott, Katie Elmore, and William Ryerson. U.S. Attitudes on Population. World Watch (Sept.-Oct. 2008). Advanced Placement Source. EBSCO. International School Bangkok Main Library. 30 Nov. 2008 <http://web.ebscohost.com/ehost>. Gaia, Karen. Why Population Matters. World Overpopulation Awareness. 20 Oct. 2008 <http://www.overpopulation.org/>. Gibbons, Whit. Environmental Solution for the New Millennium. University of Georgia. <http://www.uga.edu/srelherp/ecoview/Eco38.htm>. Kahn, Matthew E. Green Cities Urban Growth and the Environment. Washington D.C.: Brookings Institution Press, 2006. Academic Complete. ebrary. 26 Nov. 2008 <http://isbml.isb.ac.th///.do?site=100&siteTypeID=-1&bibID=58513>. Liddle, Rod. "Our Overpopulation is a Social and Environmental Catastrophe." Spectator 12 Aug. 2006. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. International School Bangkok Main Library. 14 Jan. 2009 <http://find.galegroup.com/ovrc/infomark.do>. The Earths Life-Support System is in Peril- a Global Crisis. The Herald (UK) (20 Jan. 2004). World Overpopulation Awareness. <http://www.overpopulation.org/>. Widespread Decline in the Worlds Ecosystems. BBC/ World Resources Institute (15 Sep. 2000). World Overpopulation Awareness. <http://www.overpopulation.org/>. Wooldridge, Frosty. Overpopulation is a Serious Problem. Opposing Viewpoints: Population. Ed. Karen F Balkin. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 2005. Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center. Gale. International School Bangkok Main Library. 26 Nov. 2008 <http://find.galegroup.com//.do>.