The document discusses a panel presentation given to the Bloomington Chamber of Commerce on using social media for business purposes. The panel included experts on LinkedIn, Twitter, blogs, and integrated social media marketing. They discussed how social media is changing communication and its potential benefits for businesses, including generating word-of-mouth, building trust and credibility, and learning from customers. The panel also addressed common myths about social media and emphasized that it needs to be part of a well-defined overall marketing strategy to be effective.
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Final Driving Business Results Using Social Media Bloomington Chamberpresentation (2)1
1. Driving Business Results Using Social Media Focusing on B2B tools LinkedIn, Twitter, & Blogs Bloomington Chamber of Commerce November 5, 2009
2. Panel Introductions Judy Zimmer, pioneer of LinkedIn; SALO LLC Carly Bovak, pioneer of Twitter & Facebook; Nemer Fieger Creative,PR, and Advertising Services Grace Post, pioneer of Blogs; independent consultant Sue Ginsburg, pioneer of integrated marketing to grow business; GrowthLynx LLC
3. Social Media Defined Social Media is a fundamental shift in how people learn, read, and share news, information and content One to one communication changes to A dialogue between many People, businesses, and customers you know People, businesses and customers you dont know Social Media is Emerging Media, and this is meant as a snapshot of this point in time, NOW
4. Social Media is a Way of Interaction Enhances your online presence Builds relations Creates two way conversations Qualifies who you connect with Builds on the premise of giving before receiving
5. Social Media is Part of Your Communications Strategy Social Media is part of your Communications Strategy that facilitates interaction. Some requirements are Needs to fit with business strategy Some tools work better with certain strategies than others Ongoing commitment to use effectively Aligning your products/services with your target segment Metrics can be put in place to measure effectiveness of use Financial performance correlates to engagement Nontraditional metrics evolving with social media
6. Reasons to Use Social Media Targets your communications Generates word of mouth Builds trust & credibility Provides opportunity to meet, listen to, and learn from like minded people Allows you to hear what customers are saying about your business Speed to Intelligence 8 out of 10 consumers trust peer recommendations vs. 14% that trust ads
7. Social Media Usage LinkedIn has 50 million users worldwide Growing by 500,000 users a month Twitter will have 18 million users by end of 2009 80% listen and do not tweet, or may not even listen! Usage skews older, from 25-34 segment, to 65+ 45-54 segment are heaviest user Blogs are being created by more than 20 million Americans 150,000 US bloggers are being paid to blog Facebook has 50 million USA users 18-34 year olds still heaviest users Women 55+ segment showing largest growth
8. Of Interest Email no longer favored form of communication Top 10 Reasons to Use Social Media Twitters Tweet Smell of Success Why is B2B Spending More on Social Media?
9. Myths and Misinformation Social Media is for Kids Why would I want to know what people have for breakfast? LinkedIn is for job seekers Blogs need to be polished I cant use social media unless I have all day to spend on it Social Media is a fad Social Media is free
10. Conclusions The way we communicate is changing and will continue to change Web 2.0 tools do NOT take the place of face to face interactions Social Media is a means to an end, not an end Social Media is just one tactic supporting a defined strategy, and strongest as part of an integrated plan Social Media requires a commitment by the organization to use properly, appropriately, and strategically Metrics can be put in place to measure effectiveness of use May not be the traditional metrics used
11. Program Panelists Sue Ginsburg Panel Facilitator Sue helps businesses increase their 3 R's: Revenues, Retention, and Relationships, by creating a strategy and integrated marketing plan using tacticssocial media and others-- that drive results. Sue also facilitates business growth by creating actionable business development plans to meet your business goals. Primary niches for GrowthLynxTM LLC are professional service providers-legal, financial, banks, etc.- and technology companies. Recently Sue has gotten involved in helping save water, energy, and cost for entities who are heavy water users such as property managers, restaurants, schools, hospitals, and more. Sue has been an active member of the Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce for 4 years. Email: [email_address] Twitter: @sueggg LinkedIn:
12. Program Panelists Judy Zimmer Representing "LinkedIn" on the Panel Judy Zimmer is a credentialed business coach and professional speaker. Judy works for SALO,the premiere consulting and direct hire firm for finance, accounting and human resources professionalsandowns her own coaching practice. She providescoaching to professionals on job search strategies, branding and marketing for individuals, and LinkedIn strategies that drive revenue. Judy is passionate about sharing LinkedIn tips and techniques to individuals and companies. Since 2008,she has given over 40 presentations on LinkedIn and its benefits. Email: [email_address] Twitter: @judyzimmer LinkedIn:
13. Program Panelists Carly Borak Representing Twitter on the Panel Carly Borak leads Nemer Fiegers efforts to provide the most effective and productive social media tools to our clients. She is well-versed in creating and updating Facebook and Twitter accounts in order to garner attention for client happenings and events. She is also experienced in blogging, capitalizing on Google Ad words, and providing insight for clients into the world of social media. Big brands, well-known organizations and up-and-coming companies all call upon Nemer Fieger to create short-term and long-range strategic and tactical initiatives that drive traffic and sales. They put the power and agility of Nemer Fieger behind successful marketing and advertising efforts. Email: [email_address] Twitter: @CarlyB29 LinkedIn: http://
14. Minneapolis Chamber of Commerce Program Panelists Grace Post Representing "Blogging" on the Panel Grace is a marketing strategy consultantwho provides insights into attitudes about products and companies that revolutionize marketing strategy. Her expertise is to extract, analyze and synthesize these insights directly from customers using traditional media, social media, any quantitative and qualitative marketing research methodologies as well as internal and external sources. Her passion is to show clients how to deploy emerging media for marketing purposes, to engage one-on-one dialog with their customers, and to listen to the voice of customers. She delivers epiphanies to corporate executives on a regular basis. Email: [email_address]