This document contains a formative test for 3rd grade students with multiple sections. Section I asks students to prepare a true/false quiz on a reading passage. Section II provides vocabulary words for students to translate to Spanish. Section III has students complete sentences by conjugating verbs to the past tense. Section IV and V involve completing sentences with adjectives. Section VI is a matching exercise between behaviors and adjectives. Section VII finishes with students using "and" or "but" to join clauses describing character traits. The test evaluates students' reading comprehension, vocabulary, verb conjugation, adjective knowledge, and use of coordinating conjunctions.
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Final formative test 2016 tercero
1. Final Formative test - 3rd
Name: _______________________________________.
I.Preparar texto “snowleopards” de la página 92 del
Practice book. (10 verdaderos y falsos)
II. Translate the vocabulary. (Traduce el
1.BRAVE: ______________________.
2.HARDWORKING: ____________________.
3.CLEVER: ______________________.
4.KIND: __________________________.
5.STUBBORN: ________________________.
6.LUCKY: _________________________.
7.LOYAL: ____________________.
8. VAIN: ______________________.
III. Complete the chart with the verbs in past.
(Completa el cuadro con los verbos en pasado.)
1. be
2. travel
3. trade
4. take
5. start
6. not go
7. not be
IV. Complete the sentences. (Completa las
1. When I was a child, I _______ speak
English (-). Now I _____ play the guitar(+)
2. When I was a child, I _______ play many
games (+). Now, I _______ visit my cousins (-).
V. Complete the sentences. (Completa las
1. You’re obsessed with your appearance.
You’re __________________.
2. You have a lot of friends. You’re
3. You have a big imagination. You’re
4. You don’t tell the truth. You’re
VI. Match the columns. (Une las columnas)
1. You never do your homework or chores..
2. You always do your homework.
3. You help people.
____ You´re hard working.
____You´re kind.
____ You´re lazy
VII. Read and complete with and or but.
(Lee y completa con and o but)
1. You are loyal, _______ I´m stubborn.
2. I am Kind _____ brave.
3. She is hardworking _____ clever.
vain – creative – popular – dishonest
can - can´t - could - couldn´t
and - but