There are 5 Great Lakes - Huron, Ontario, Michigan, Erie, and Superior. Each lake varies in size, depth, shoreline length, and notable facts. The document also discusses the types of fish found in the lakes, such as salmon, carp, and lake trout, as well as vessels like freighters, tugboats, and sailboats. Additionally, it covers common pollutants like mercury, lead, petroleum, sewage, and fertilizer that have impacted the Great Lakes. Several islands in the Great Lakes region are also named.
2. There are 5 Great LakesHuronOntarioMichiganErieSuperiorHint: To remember all of the lakes just spell out H.O.M.E.S
3. Lake HuronSize: Second Largest Great LakeAverage Depth: 195ftShoreline(including islands):3,287miFact: 1st Great Lake discovered by explorersLake Huron
4. Lake OntarioSize: Smallest Great LakeAverage Depth: 283ftShoreline(includingislands): 712 miFact: Lowest elevation of the Great LakesLake Ontario
5. Lake MichiganSize: 3rd largest Great LakeAverage Depth: 279ftShoreline(including islands): 1,638miFact: Only Great Lake completelyin the U.SLake Michigan
6. Lake ErieSize:4th largest Great LakeAverage Depth: 62ftShoreline(including islands): 871 miFact: Warmest of the Great LakesLake Erie
7. Lake SuperiorSize: Largest Great LakeAverage Depth: 483 ftShoreline(including islands):2,726miFact:Superior could hold all of the other Great Lakes plus 3 more lakesthe size of ErieLake Superior
8. Fish of the Great LakesSalmon:-Weight: 4lbs-Length: 26inCarp:-Weight: 1-7lbs-Length: 15-22inLake Trout:-Weight: 3-9lbs-Length: 17-27in
9. Vessels on the Great LakesFreighters: Carry cargo,biggest ships on the GreatLakes, and can be as longas 100oftTugboats: Push barges, usedfor working, and can pushmost shipsSailboats: For recreation, andleisure.
10. Pollutants in the Great LakesMercury- Used to make metalsLead- Found in metals and used in fossil fuelsPetroleum- Comes from oil and other fuelsSewage- Comes from sewage treatment plantsFertilizer- From Farms and yards
11. Great Lakes IslandsRaise your hand if you’ve been there!Mackinac IslandBeaver IslandIsle RoyaleDrummond islandBois Blanc
12. What have we learned?There are 5 Great LakesThe differences between all of the lakesTypes of fish in the lakesWhat kind of boats there are on the lakesWhat pollutes the lakesSome of the many islands through out all of the lakes
13. Sources:Images(all from Lakes-posted by NASA @ commons.wikimedia.orgFish-Salmon: posted by U.S Fish & Wildlife @ posted by U.S Federal Government @ -Lake Trout: posted by the NOAA @ Boats-Freighter: posted by Chris Light posted by Sherseydc @ posted by Blue images @