This document discusses Nintendo products and provides ideas for a marketing video. It mentions that Nintendo's main console is the Wii and lists the target audiences as kids, teenagers, adults and older adults. It then provides ideas for a video targeting gamers. The proposed video would show a gamer getting angry after losing a competitive game and being called to the Wii, which shows him all the fun games available in a montage. It analyzes the feasibility of the video and lists the low budget, skills and equipment required.
18. Primary
In my primary research I
have found out that even
though overall sales are
higher for the Nintendo Wii,
people of the ages 16-18
prefer xBox or PS3 to the
24. Gamer wakes up in his mums
house and calls for breakfast! Him
getting ready for a hardcore game
with epic music, eats his breakfast
in a fast and angry manor. He puts
on gloves in the typical close up of
them being pulled on.
25. Gamer starts playing in a
competitive game and is doing
really well, getting close up
shots of him smiling and licking
his lips. Then he dies and goes
crazy, throwing stuff in the air!
26. Wii calls out to the gamer
with godlike music and the
TV talks to him through text
being typed in on the
screen, then a Montage of
all the fun games you can
play on Wii.
27. Is it Feasible?
Skills - Yes - mainly just Camera
work and editing the hardest part
will be getting the text typed on the
screen in editing. Then Post
production editing.
Time - Good - I don't think this will
take to much time at all.
Budget - Low - this just requires
just 1 actor, and all equipment
needed is available for free.
Equipment Not to much - A camera
a tripod maybe some lighting and
Location - A bedroom.