Transformational online and hybrid teaching3prennertariev
This 7-module faculty development program focuses on developing expertise in online and hybrid teaching. The program covers topics such as asynchronous and synchronous instructional strategies, creating presentations and podcasts, enhancing participation through online resources, and fostering social presence and building community. Faculty work through readings, videos, reflections, and portfolio assignments to gain skills and experience in designing coherent and technology-enhanced online courses that foster student interaction and engagement. The goal is for faculty to complete the entire program to earn an online teaching certificate or to complete individual modules focused on specific skills.
Transformational online and hybrid teaching3prennertariev
This 7-module faculty development program focuses on developing expertise in online and hybrid teaching. The program covers topics such as asynchronous and synchronous instructional strategies, creating presentations and podcasts, enhancing participation through online resources, and fostering social presence and building community. Faculty work through readings, videos, reflections, and portfolio assignments to gain skills and experience in designing coherent and technology-enhanced online courses that foster student interaction and engagement. The goal is for faculty to complete the entire program to earn an online teaching certificate or to complete individual modules focused on specific skills.
Historic Flooding in CO. Big Thompson Canyon - September 2013DigitalGlobe
Historic flooding occurred in September 2013 along the Big Thompson River Canyon in northern Colorado, washing out sections of US Highway 34. Satellite imagery from September 14th shows damage to bridges, roads, and other infrastructure from Loveland to Drake along the highway, with entire stretches of roadbed washed away in some areas and debris piled on bridges in others.
The majority of unauthorized immigrants in the United States have lived in the country for over 10 years. Mexican immigrants, who make up the largest group of unauthorized residents, tend to be in their child-bearing years which has led to growing families with U.S.-born children. There are now approximately 5 million unauthorized adult immigrants living in families with minor children and 1 million unauthorized immigrant children, while 4.5 million children born in the U.S. have at least one unauthorized parent.
Music videos employ various camera techniques, lighting, editing, costumes, and set design to effectively convey the message and tone of the song. Camera shots like long shots, close-ups, and mid shots from different angles showcase the artist and emphasize lyrics. Lighting sets the mood, with brighter colors suggesting pop and darker tones implying rock. Strategic arrangement of people and objects on screen, or mise-en-scene, reinforces the video's point. Editing uses techniques like jump cuts to maintain a quick pace that matches the narrative. Costumes and colors identify the genre and can influence viewers to emulate the artist.
This document outlines the coursework requirements for the G321: Foundation Portfolio in Media course, which counts for 50% of the AS grade. Students must complete a preliminary exercise creating the front page of a school/college magazine using DTP and image editing software. For the main task, students must produce the front page, contents page, and a double page magazine spread, following a consistent style. Research and planning is worth 20 marks and must include audience research and production planning presented digitally. Construction of the magazine is worth 60 marks and will be assessed based on layout, design, language use, and integration of images and text. Evaluation is worth 20 marks and requires students to reflect on their process and production using digital tools
Dallas SYS Partner Meeting 10-09-12 with Notesbscisteam
Thank you for the update and information provided. It was helpful to get details on the new initiatives and processes being implemented across the UNT System. Please let me know if any other questions come up.
Brainstation-23 is a 90+ person software development company in Bangladesh that provides enterprise and customized web and mobile applications to both local and international clients. They have experience working with clients from the US, Canada, UK, and Europe. The CEO of one client, Splash360, praised Brainstation-23 for their solutions, team spirit, and for being an outstanding partner on the project.
The story is about a square and several circles who are friends. The square gets separated from the circles because it cannot fit through a circular door like the circles can. Eventually the circles find a way to modify the door so that the square can rejoin them, and they celebrate being reunited.
The document describes a day spent in a canyon on Saturday, August 18, 2012 where the author observed a giant swallowtail butterfly that posed for them.
The student created two websites - one for their high school and one for mental health information. For the mental health site, they included information resources, links to other sites, and options to donate or get help. They used a blog to track progress on both sites for ease of electronic updates. Through research on style models, the student learned to design websites for specific audiences and purposes. Their mental health site targets teenagers and young adults, using an attractive female actress in the intro video. The student gained skills in website design and planning through these projects.
The document outlines the tasks that a group was briefed on, which included making an opening for a documentary on bullying, a 30-45 second radio trailer, and a double page spread. It then discusses how the group analyzed various professional documentaries to understand conventions. The rest of the document provides examples of techniques used in documentaries like interviews, reconstructions, establishing shots, and special effects that the group implemented in their own documentary and other pieces.
The document discusses the effectiveness of combining a main documentary product with two ancillary texts: a double page spread and radio trailer. It states they were asked to make the ancillary products look professional and link to the documentary's theme of bullying. Images used in the double page spread and documentary help represent the isolation of victims and ignorance of bullies. Research led them to publish the double page spread in The Times due to its factual style. A female narrator and melancholy background sounds were used in the documentary. Radio 1 was chosen to air the radio trailer to appeal to a wide audience aged 16-21 and advertise the documentary.
The student used several media technologies at different stages of their coursework. [1] They used Microsoft Word for initial planning, distributing roles, and creating a questionnaire. [2] They had an online meeting using YouTube to discuss tasks and deadlines. [3] Prezi was used to organize ideas for choosing an institution to feature. [4] Final Cut Express was the primary editing software to create the documentary, and Garageband was used for the radio trailer. [5] All research was uploaded to a group Blogger site.
Tyrrell Kelly is assessing risks for a student film project at the college. Filming in the busy canteen poses risks of tripping over bags or debris left by other students. Fire exits must remain clear in case of emergency. Bags left blocking pathways in classrooms could cause tripping hazards. Filming on disability ramps could block access. Using the stairs for filming risks blocking traffic and could cause people to fall if the area is busy. Further control measures like scouting locations, designating bag storage areas, and analyzing stair traffic are needed to safely complete the filming.
This document proposes a new magazine focused on pop and R&B music, targeting an audience of 16-24 year olds of both genders. The proposed name for the magazine immediately conveys its genre and style. Initial ideas for the magazine include featuring Michael Jackson on the cover in homage, including contents and double page spreads, and incorporating relevant photographs throughout.
This document proposes a new magazine focused on pop and R&B music, targeting an audience of 16-24 year olds of both genders. The proposed name for the magazine immediately conveys its genre and style. Initial ideas for the magazine include featuring Michael Jackson on the cover in homage, including contents and double page spreads, and incorporating relevant photographs throughout.
The document describes the construction of a double page magazine spread. It details adding a red rectangle as the house style color to attract attention. The main heading text was placed on the rectangle. The main article was inserted across the two pages in three columns. A pull quote with bold text and stroke was placed above the article along with a caption to give readers insight. The text was wrapped around an inserted keyboard image. Finally, background-removed images and layered artist names were placed to complete the spread.
This document appears to contain the results of a survey about preferences for magazine design and content. It includes questions about the respondent's gender and age, how frequently they would consider buying the magazine, how much they would be willing to pay, what incentives would encourage purchase, how they obtain music, and what graphic design elements they prefer regarding the magazine's cover, contents page, and double page spread. The data is presented primarily in bar charts showing the number of responses for each answer option.
This document summarizes how the media product uses and develops conventions of real magazines. It discusses elements like the masthead, date/barcode, cover lines, background, footer, main coverline, main image, flasher, rule of thirds, layout, sub headings, brief information, and subscription section. It also notes one challenge to convention with a rotated larger main heading. Overall, the media product draws from conventions of magazines like Billboard, NME, and Pop to structure its layout and design elements.
This document summarizes how the media product uses and develops conventions of real magazines. It discusses elements like the masthead, date/barcode, cover lines, background, footer, main coverline, main image, flasher, rule of thirds, layout, sub headings, brief information, and subscription section. It also notes one challenge to convention with a rotated larger main heading. Overall, the media product draws from conventions of magazines like Billboard, NME, and Pop to structure its layout and design elements.
The magazine will be titled "Pop and R'n'B Magazine" and target the 16-24 age range of both genders. It will feature those genres of music to appeal widely. The first issue will pay tribute to Michael Jackson on the cover through props resembling his iconic performances to leverage his continued influence.
The document summarizes the target audience for a Pop/R&B magazine based on feedback from a focus group. It describes the audience as generally being ages 16-24, from working class backgrounds, and of Afro-Caribbean or Caucasian ethnicity. They listen to Pop/R&B music everyday and want magazine content focusing on current artists, interviews, news, concert information, and fashion trends. The document then discusses design elements for the magazine, including using bright colors on the cover, informal language, multiple images on pages, and a balanced mix of images and concise text in articles.
This document contains the results of a questionnaire about pop/R&B music magazines. It shows that the instruments and lyrics of songs attract most respondents to this genre. Most would pay ?1-2 for a music magazine. Around half of respondents regularly read pop/R&B magazines, with Billboard, Q and Kerrang being the most popular. Respondents like that these magazines keep them updated on new music and provide information about artists. The top reasons for not buying magazines are that respondents don't feel they know enough about them or aren't interested in the target audience. Free gifts, competitions and cheap prices would most encourage respondents to buy a magazine.
The magazine will be titled "Pop and R'n'B Magazine" and will feature those music genres to appeal to readers aged 16-24 of both genders. The front cover may pay tribute to Michael Jackson as an influential artist recognizable to many. Initial content ideas include a contents page, double page spread, and photographs.
This document analyzes the front cover, contents, and a double page spread of the November 2011 issue of Billboard magazine. The front cover features a close-up shot of Beyonc¨¦ to promote her as the main story and attract readers ages 16-28. Inside, the contents page lists music charts but with dull colors, while a double page spread profiles Michael Buble with close-up images and descriptions of his live performance to engage readers in the article. Overall design elements like mastheads, images, and headlines are used across pages to consistently brand the magazine and draw readers in with celebrity coverage.
Q magazine aims to appeal to music fans over 18 with its coverage of new releases and interviews. The September 2006 front cover uses a collage of musical artists and a bold masthead in a consistent house style. The contents section lists brief article summaries in columns following standard magazine layout conventions. A double-page spread features a full-page image of Muse frontman Matt Bellamy and his question and answer interview in three columns of copy below.