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Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2
Sheena Percival
March 30, 2015
Professor William Greer
Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2
Quantitative Data
Quantitative data is that which measures the meaning of data collected (Cooper &
Schindler, 2014, p. 129). This is opposite of qualitative data which identifies the definition of
something and characterizes it (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 129). Quantitative data and
sampling are closely related as they both rely on the measurement of a presented hypothesis
which is the foundation for the types of research that would be requiring quantitative data
Quantitative data collection covers a broader span of informational sources as well as is
less likely to involve a bias in the conclusions. The sample sizes are larger and go on to test the
stated hypothesis by combining formulated calculations and precise measurements based on the
information harvested (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 147). The outline used to conduct the
quantitative research is designed and planned before the research commences. In addition, the
quantitative method generally holds more weight in terms of validity and reliability, which
allows for less cross data analysis to be required, thus, saving time and potentially other
economic resources as well.
Sampling Methods
There are several different sampling methods that can be used for the purpose of
conducting research. A minimum of three will be compared and contrasted for further
understand of each sampling concept. Three that will be discussed are: cluster sampling,
systematic sampling and simple random sampling.
The cluster sampling method involves pulling from the population, usually in targeted
groups to gain information with minimal cost required to obtain the requested information
(Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 357). Cluster also prevents bias in research. On the other hand,
clustering can be inaccurate due to the lack of statistical information available. This would be
good for seeing if a new store would do well in a certain area before being built.
Systematic sampling allows for easy sampling as well by having a random start and
maintaining a consistent change or skip every so many subjects. This is cost effective and
relatively easy to set up. On the other hand can be bias based on the point of origin (Cooper &
Schindler, 2014, p. 357). This method could be good for monitoring local crime rates.
Lastly, simple random sampling is much like systematic sampling just the method for obtaining
the information varies. Random sampling consists of randomly selecting participants. This
method is very easy to generate but adversely can be lengthy in generating lists, requires larger
populations to sample and can be inaccurate (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 357). Random
sampling may work well for getting a local opinion regarding a new program implementation in
the local community.
Summarized below are two different circumstances that demonstrate the variations
between differential statistics and descriptive statistics in order to provide insight into how two
different situations may require a different research method.
Study 1- Descriptive Statistics
In the case study of Statistical Methodologies Utilized by Police Agencies, Stephens
researched what relationships existed by police agencies for the purpose of crime prevention,
analysis, research and police planning (Stephens, 1990). Stephens found that there was a lack of
consensus among the police force as whole in terms of sharing information and techniques
ultimately determining what statistical methods the police forces were using to gather their data
and statistics.
For the purpose of gathering information to compile the completed project, Stephens used
medians, percentages and rate and ratio (Stephens, 1990). Stephens also used the following
descriptive methods; mean, standard deviation, multiple and partial correlation, and linear
regression to list a few.
In order to be dully impartial and thorough with the findings of the research, Stephens
had to organize the research in a way that allowed for multiple outlets of information to be
collected and analyzed. Without using multiple methods to cross exam any findings, the
research may have proved to be inconclusive and useless in respect to identifying issues amongst
the police department that demonstrated a lack of data analysis and communication negatively
affecting the efficiency of various police departments.
Study 2- Inferential Statistics
This study analyzed acid and oxidant deposits throughout various locations in Japan
using the inferential method of research. The researchers Matsuda, Fukuzaki and Maeda
conducted weekly samplings to measure the various chemicals that could be located in the air,
water and forestry and their concentration levels in various listed parts of Japan.
In order to conduct the research appropriately and in a manner that would be relevant to
the study, the researchers determined when and what areas of the region were most affected by
sulfur and aerosols. The concentration levels were higher in some areas than others and the
researchers also found the rain and snow to affect the dispersion of the chemicals as well
(Matsuda, 2001).
By using the inferential method, the researchers are able to ascertain what areas of the
land have a higher concentrations of chemical affecting the environment and at what times.
Times being the season and time of the year as well as whether factors such as snow and rain
affecting the chemicals and where they have higher concentrations. This allows for chemical
dispersion forecasting and can be highly valuable to the area as it relies on the stated rice fields
as a source of income and food. The members of the community can now work on changing their
industrial habits to reduce the chemicals in the region or conduct a new study of the long term
effects of the rates of the researched chemicals on the inhabitants of that region. In this case, the
inferential method has opened new opportunities for further research.
Personal Application
In regards to my own personal experiences and business matters at this time, it would be
hard for me to incorporate the use of various data collection methods at this time. For a more
everyday breakdown, I would choose quantitative research could be used in forming my budget
and analysis every pay period. Based on previous experience and success or failures in
executing my personal budget, I am able to fine tune upcoming budgets to meet my own
financial needs.
In the working environment, I can use this data to try and determine how many new
accounts I am able to obtain on my own monthly versus those that may be given to me. I can
calculate how much harder I may need to work independently as well as plan an average of how
much I may get the next month.
Overall, this paper has demonstrated several different ways that data can be collected as
well as used in order to understand the past or plan for the future. Data can be used for personal
and business needs and may be used without even one realizing they are using existing data to
make decisions. This can range from grocery shopping to the next big deal on the stock
exchange. Regardless of what method is used, make sure the best method is used and fully
understood so that the data maintains the integrity level to validate the information presented.
Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business Research Methods (12th ed.). Retrieved from
The University of Phoenix eBook Collection.
Matsuda, K., Fukuzaki, N., & Maeda, M. (2001). A case study on estimation of dry deposition of
sulfur and nitrogen compounds by inferential method. Water, Air and Soil Pollution,
130(1-4), 553-558. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1013842914707
Stephens, C. K. (1990). A descriptive analysis of statistical methodologies utilized by police
agencies (Order No. 9118938). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full
Text. (303902330). Retrieved from

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  • 1. Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2 Sheena Percival March 30, 2015 Res/351 Professor William Greer
  • 2. Understanding Business Research Terms and Concepts: Part 2 Quantitative Data Quantitative data is that which measures the meaning of data collected (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 129). This is opposite of qualitative data which identifies the definition of something and characterizes it (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 129). Quantitative data and sampling are closely related as they both rely on the measurement of a presented hypothesis which is the foundation for the types of research that would be requiring quantitative data collection. Quantitative data collection covers a broader span of informational sources as well as is less likely to involve a bias in the conclusions. The sample sizes are larger and go on to test the stated hypothesis by combining formulated calculations and precise measurements based on the information harvested (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 147). The outline used to conduct the quantitative research is designed and planned before the research commences. In addition, the quantitative method generally holds more weight in terms of validity and reliability, which allows for less cross data analysis to be required, thus, saving time and potentially other economic resources as well. Sampling Methods There are several different sampling methods that can be used for the purpose of conducting research. A minimum of three will be compared and contrasted for further understand of each sampling concept. Three that will be discussed are: cluster sampling, systematic sampling and simple random sampling.
  • 3. The cluster sampling method involves pulling from the population, usually in targeted groups to gain information with minimal cost required to obtain the requested information (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 357). Cluster also prevents bias in research. On the other hand, clustering can be inaccurate due to the lack of statistical information available. This would be good for seeing if a new store would do well in a certain area before being built. Systematic sampling allows for easy sampling as well by having a random start and maintaining a consistent change or skip every so many subjects. This is cost effective and relatively easy to set up. On the other hand can be bias based on the point of origin (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 357). This method could be good for monitoring local crime rates. Lastly, simple random sampling is much like systematic sampling just the method for obtaining the information varies. Random sampling consists of randomly selecting participants. This method is very easy to generate but adversely can be lengthy in generating lists, requires larger populations to sample and can be inaccurate (Cooper & Schindler, 2014, p. 357). Random sampling may work well for getting a local opinion regarding a new program implementation in the local community. Summarized below are two different circumstances that demonstrate the variations between differential statistics and descriptive statistics in order to provide insight into how two different situations may require a different research method. Study 1- Descriptive Statistics
  • 4. In the case study of Statistical Methodologies Utilized by Police Agencies, Stephens researched what relationships existed by police agencies for the purpose of crime prevention, analysis, research and police planning (Stephens, 1990). Stephens found that there was a lack of consensus among the police force as whole in terms of sharing information and techniques ultimately determining what statistical methods the police forces were using to gather their data and statistics. For the purpose of gathering information to compile the completed project, Stephens used medians, percentages and rate and ratio (Stephens, 1990). Stephens also used the following descriptive methods; mean, standard deviation, multiple and partial correlation, and linear regression to list a few. In order to be dully impartial and thorough with the findings of the research, Stephens had to organize the research in a way that allowed for multiple outlets of information to be collected and analyzed. Without using multiple methods to cross exam any findings, the research may have proved to be inconclusive and useless in respect to identifying issues amongst the police department that demonstrated a lack of data analysis and communication negatively affecting the efficiency of various police departments. Study 2- Inferential Statistics This study analyzed acid and oxidant deposits throughout various locations in Japan using the inferential method of research. The researchers Matsuda, Fukuzaki and Maeda conducted weekly samplings to measure the various chemicals that could be located in the air, water and forestry and their concentration levels in various listed parts of Japan.
  • 5. In order to conduct the research appropriately and in a manner that would be relevant to the study, the researchers determined when and what areas of the region were most affected by sulfur and aerosols. The concentration levels were higher in some areas than others and the researchers also found the rain and snow to affect the dispersion of the chemicals as well (Matsuda, 2001). By using the inferential method, the researchers are able to ascertain what areas of the land have a higher concentrations of chemical affecting the environment and at what times. Times being the season and time of the year as well as whether factors such as snow and rain affecting the chemicals and where they have higher concentrations. This allows for chemical dispersion forecasting and can be highly valuable to the area as it relies on the stated rice fields as a source of income and food. The members of the community can now work on changing their industrial habits to reduce the chemicals in the region or conduct a new study of the long term effects of the rates of the researched chemicals on the inhabitants of that region. In this case, the inferential method has opened new opportunities for further research. Personal Application In regards to my own personal experiences and business matters at this time, it would be hard for me to incorporate the use of various data collection methods at this time. For a more everyday breakdown, I would choose quantitative research could be used in forming my budget and analysis every pay period. Based on previous experience and success or failures in executing my personal budget, I am able to fine tune upcoming budgets to meet my own financial needs.
  • 6. In the working environment, I can use this data to try and determine how many new accounts I am able to obtain on my own monthly versus those that may be given to me. I can calculate how much harder I may need to work independently as well as plan an average of how much I may get the next month. Conclusion Overall, this paper has demonstrated several different ways that data can be collected as well as used in order to understand the past or plan for the future. Data can be used for personal and business needs and may be used without even one realizing they are using existing data to make decisions. This can range from grocery shopping to the next big deal on the stock exchange. Regardless of what method is used, make sure the best method is used and fully understood so that the data maintains the integrity level to validate the information presented.
  • 7. References: Cooper, D. R., & Schindler, P. S. (2014). Business Research Methods (12th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection. Matsuda, K., Fukuzaki, N., & Maeda, M. (2001). A case study on estimation of dry deposition of sulfur and nitrogen compounds by inferential method. Water, Air and Soil Pollution, 130(1-4), 553-558. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1023/A:1013842914707 Stephens, C. K. (1990). A descriptive analysis of statistical methodologies utilized by police agencies (Order No. 9118938). Available from ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Full Text. (303902330). Retrieved from http://search.proquest.com/docview/303902330?accountid=35812