Platfora is a big data analytics platform that transforms raw data in Hadoop into interactive business intelligence without requiring a separate data warehouse or ETL process. The document discusses Platfora's solution to challenges users face with existing approaches, such as non-intuitive interfaces for non-database administrators. It also summarizes user research findings that access to data is difficult and preparation requires many tools. The document proposes designing an interface that visualizes the full data model to address these issues.
2. What is Big Data Analytics?
Key Facts:
Not de鍖ned by size
Hadoop is the leading framework
Hadoop is open-source
Common issues
Requires time and money to access data
Many sources of data
Quantity of data volume
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
3. Platfora
Platfora transforms raw data in Hadoop into interactive, in-memory
business intelligence without the friction of IT or complexity of
existing approaches. A complete solution, it seamlessly connects data
to end-users. No separate data warehouse or ETL required.
The Challenge
Customers are getting stuck in the current stepped wizard approach.
The interface is not intuitive for non-database administrators.
The Solution
Design a graphical interface that permits creating multiple
connections in the same experience. The new work鍖ow requires less
time to complete this task, and encourages more interactive
exploration and visualization of data.
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
8. Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
9. Mike Lee + George Komoto
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10. Mike Lee + George Komoto
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11. Mike Lee + George Komoto
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12. Design Process
User Research
Gain more insights from typical end users (i.e. Tableau users)
Inquire about preferred tools and methodologies
Understand pain points in current work鍖ows
Design Iteration
Present UI sketches to Platfora team for feedback
Test wireframes with target end users
General Assembly back-end engineers
Business/data analysts within network
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
13. Task Analysis: Deconstruct & Revise
Mike Lee ++ George Komoto
Mike Lee George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
14. Task Analysis: Deconstruct & Revise
Data Sources
(Linear Steps)
Mike Lee ++ George Komoto
Mike Lee George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
15. Task Analysis: Deconstruct & Revise
Data Sources
(Linear Steps)
Data Sources
(Design Canvas)
Mike Lee ++ George Komoto
Mike Lee George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
16. Task Analysis: Deconstruct & Revise
Data Sources
(Linear Steps)
Edit Data
Data Sources
(Design Canvas)
Mike Lee ++ George Komoto
Mike Lee George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
17. Platfora Task Analysis
Created By: Mike Lee
Date Created: 17-OCT-2013
Last Revised: 28-OCT-2013
1. Select Data
2. Parse Data
3. Manage Fields
4. Create Reference
5. Key
6. Finish & Save
Data Catalog
Data Catalog
Click Add Dataset
Select target
dataset to view
Data Catalog
Select Data:
Choose source
data for dataset
Click Add Dataset
Click Continue
View reference
details in 鍖eld
Manage Fields:
Add computed
鍖elds and verify
鍖eld info
Select Data:
Choose source
data for dataset
Parse Data:
How to extract
rows and columns
My Datasets >
The complete task 鍖ow for
importing datasets, adding
references, and preparing for
Raw 鍖le
Click Continue
Parse Data:
How to extract
rows and columns
Select column for
dataset join
Wrangled / Raw
Raw 鍖le
Click Create
Select checkbox
Click Continue
Select checkbox
Manage Fields:
Add computed
鍖elds and verify
鍖eld info
Click Continue
Select column for
dataset join
Manage Fields:
Add computed
鍖elds and verify
鍖eld info
Click Create
Click De鍖ne Key
Set up joins to
dimension dataset
De鍖ne Key:
Indicate column(s)
that make up the
unique key
Select target
dataset from
Select foreign key
from dropdown
Select 鍖eld(s) to
include in key
Click Save & Exit
The task 鍖ow we are focused
on for this project.
Select target
dataset from
Select foreign key
from dropdown
Set up joins to
dimension dataset
Enter reference
Click Add
Species appears
in References tab
Success message
Click Save & Exit
Success message
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
18. User Research
We conducted 7 interviews with people similar to our personas who
are currently using data analytics tools.
Access to data is a problem. Requests to make data warehouse
changes can take weeks. Preparation involves many schema and data
processing tools. The most common tool between stakeholders was
the data model diagram.
Opportunities Identi鍖ed
Design a way to visualize and interact with the full data model.
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
25. User Flow: Marybeth (Business Analyst)
1. Creates multiple links to a speci鍖c 鍖eld from a different dataset that references additional data for
that row
2. Manages/edits references
3. Previews the content and see example data for each Fields
4. Identi鍖es speci鍖c 鍖elds that can be used by another dataset to link rows back into that other dataset
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
26. User Flow: Marybeth (Business Analyst)
1. Creates multiple links to a speci鍖c 鍖eld from a different dataset that
references additional data for that row
Marybeth starts with the fact dataset. The key is already
selected. She uses the 鍖y out menu to view her options.
She knows she needs to connect the other datasets in
the company catalog.
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
Platfora automatically lists the datasets in the catalog. It
also knows to match data types with the existing key.
Here Marybeth can link one or both target datasets.
27. User Flow: Marybeth (Business Analyst)
2. Manages/edits references
Marybeth needs to make some changes to the reference
name. The 鍖yout menu she used to create the references
also has a link to make the changes she needs.
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
Marybeth edits the names of both of the target datasets.
Unchecking the boxes will remove the relationship.
28. User Flow: Marybeth (Business Analyst)
3. Previews the content and see example data for each Fields
To quickly verify the datasets, the i button in the upperright provides a quick preview. To make changes,
Marybeth would have to explore the import/parse data
to make larger changes.
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
29. User Flow: Marybeth (Business Analyst)
4. Identi鍖es speci鍖c 鍖elds that can be used by another dataset to link rows
back into that other dataset
Similar to the original dataset she con鍖gured, when she
has more datasets, she can create references from target
datasets to other datasets.
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
30. Wireframe Feedback
Key Findings
Resolves the issue jumping back and forth within the import
data wizard, but still does not give a clear view of
Would require more development resources to create
because the components shown do not currently exist
Showing the relationships between the datasets should help
users avoid many of the issues they currently experience
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
31. Design for Humans: Interactive Web UI
Managing relationships betweendatasetsshould be asintuitive
and visualas working withPlatfora Vizboards.
Design Language
How do we communicate the relationships between fact and dimension
Visual Interface
How do we translate action steps into intuitive interactions?
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
32. Design Language: Entity-Relationship
Graphical user interfaces in
database administration is not
new. Several schematics exist to
represent relationships and the
鍖ow of data.
Mike Lee ++ George Komoto
Mike Lee George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
34. Visual Idea: Mozilla Collusion
(Star Schema)
Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13
35. Mike Lee + George Komoto
Thursday, October 31, 13