Students will work in groups to select the appropriate measuring tools such as rulers, yardsticks, and measuring tapes to measure different objects. They will then analyze which measuring tool is best for each object and write an independent explanation. This activity addresses Georgia performance standards and helps students learn to choose the right tool for different measurement tasks.
2. Measure the length of an object by selecting and using
appropriate tools such as rulers, yardsticks, meter sticks,
and measuring tapes.
3. The objective is for students to be able to select the
appropriate measuring tool for measuring different
objects. The student will also need to be able to explain
why they chose each measuring tool.
4. Analysis: Determine
Students will be in the analysis level of Blooms taxonomy because they
will need to determine which measuring tool is appropriate for
measuring different objects.
Knowledge: Identify & State
Students will be in the knowledge level of Blooms taxonomy because
they will need to provide an explanation for how they selected which
measuring tool to use.
5. Students in groups of three will choose appropriate
measurement instruments with the interactive white
board activity.
Once each student has completed the activity they will
independently write an explanation for why each
object was measured with different tools.