This document outlines Gatorade's marketing strategy called "Tweet 2 TV" which aims to associate Gatorade with athletes and sports through a Twitter competition where fans vote on athlete matchups to be featured in a televised event. The strategy would use Twitter promotion, Google AdWords, and a one-hour television special at an estimated total budget of $1,640,000.
7. Big Ultimate Goal
Have Athletes, sports fan, and active individuals associate
Gatorade with their favorite athlete /sport.
Use Twitter to get people directly involved with the
campaign and put a positive mindset behind the Gatorade
8. Performance Indicators
What is Twitter talking about?
Gatorade sales amongst target audience
Google AdWords Clicks and traffic
Marketing Agency: $20,000
Maintenance of marketing: $60,000
Google AdWords: $360,000
Twitter Promotion Tool: $120,000
6 Athletes for 1 Hour: $40,000 x 6 = $240,000
Television 1 hour spot: $500,000
Venue for event: $700,000
Total: $1,640,000