The document summarizes that while falling crime rates are positive, they may come at the cost of police becoming indifferent to reported crimes like petty theft. Specifically, it notes that a stolen stereo was reported but the police did not seem to care to investigate or resolve the crime. This could be a negative consequence of focus on major crimes and reduced resources for minor crimes due to falling crime rates.
Text Mining with R for Social Science ResearchRyan Wesslen
This document provides examples of various natural language processing (NLP) tasks and techniques, including part-of-speech tagging, named entity recognition, parsing, machine translation, and sentiment analysis. It shows the output of performing these NLP tasks on short text snippets. It also discusses the relative difficulty of different NLP problems, and provides some examples of NLP applications and tools.
Journal of-Criminal Justice, Vol. 7, pp. 217-241 (1979). Per.docxpriestmanmable
Journal of-Criminal Justice, Vol. 7, pp. 217-241 (1979).
Pergamon Press. Printed in U.S.A.
Copyright @ 1979 Pergamon Press Ltd
Department of Political Science and Center for Urban Affairs
Northwestern University
Evanston. Illinois 60201
Department of Political Science
University of Houston
Houston, Texas 77004
Workshop in Political Theory and Policy Analysis
Indiana University
Bloomington, Indiana 47401
The capacity of police departments to solve crimes and
apprehend offenders is low for many types of crime, particu-
larly crimes of profit. This article reviews a variety of studies
of police apprehension and hypothesizes that an important
determinant of the ability of the police to apprehend crimi-
nals is information. The complete absence of information for
many types of crime places fairly clear upper bounds on the
ability of the police to effect solutions.
To discover whether these boundaries are high or low we
analyzed data from the 1973 National Crime Panel about the
types and amount of information potentially available to po-
lice through victim reports and patrol activities. The evidence
suggests that if the police rely on information made readily
available to them, they will never do much better than they
are doing now. On the other hand, there appears to be more
information available to bystanders and passing patrols than
currently is being used, which suggests that surveillance
strategies and improved police methods for eliciting, record-
ing, and analyzing information supplied by victims and wit-
nesses might increase the probability of solving crimes and
making arrests. In light of this we review a few possibly help-
ful innovations suggested in the literature on police produc-
tivity and procedure.
Some characteristics of the crime itself, or of events surrounding the crime, that are
beyond the control of investigators, determine whether it will be cleared in most in-
stances. (Greenwood et al., 1975: 65)
There is no feasible way to solve most crimes except by securing the cooperation of
citizens to link a person to the crime. (Reiss, 1971: 105)
A recent spate of studies of crime and the deterrent effectiveness of the criminal
justice system has raised anew a question as old as Bentham: Does raising the cost of
criminal activity signiticantly reduce the level of crime in a community? In these studies,
the cost of criminal activity has been conceptualized in two ways: as the loss of time and
opportunity attendant to apprehension (measured by the certainty of arrest or punish-
ment), and as the stigma, discomfort, and loss of opportunity that come with conviction
by the courts (measured by the severity of punishment). Indicators of the di ...
This document explores how modern technologies like cell phones, cameras, GPS, DNA testing, fingerprinting, and surveillance systems have improved crime fighting efforts. According to three research articles summarized, these technologies allow law enforcement to more quickly and accurately identify suspects, solve crimes, and exonerate the wrongly accused compared to methods used in past decades. While technology has enhanced crime fighting, the document notes there is still room for improvement in law enforcement's use of emerging technologies.
Analyzing the Spatial Distribution of Crime in Annapolis CountyCOGS Presentations
This project analyzed the spatial distribution of property crime in Annapolis County, Nova Scotia in 2013. Property crime data from the RCMP was geocoded and mapped by community, season, time of day, and socioeconomic variables. Statistical analysis found correlations between crime and factors like lone parent households and population density. Hot spot analysis identified clusters of crime. The results can help the RCMP understand crime patterns and allocate resources more efficiently to reduce property crime. Limitations included geocoding accuracy and maintaining data confidentiality.
Cybercrimes in cybersecurity Investigations.pptxadnis1
This document provides an overview of criminal investigation processes and techniques. It discusses the goals of criminal investigations, which include determining if a crime has been committed, identifying suspects, recovering stolen property, and building a case for prosecution. The document also outlines the roles of various stakeholders in cybercrime investigations, including law enforcement agencies, prosecutors, private sector organizations, and international cooperation between agencies. Several challenges of cybercrime investigations are described, such as anonymity of suspects, attribution of crimes, lack of harmonized laws, and technical challenges around digital evidence collection.
The document discusses the CSI effect, which refers to the phenomenon where jurors have unrealistic expectations of forensic evidence and investigation techniques due to watching CSI television shows. It notes that millions watch these shows, with NCIS being the most popular television program in America in 2012-2013. The document goes on to say that it will clarify more about the CSI effect and discuss how previous crime show viewing habits can influence jurors' perceptions of evidence and justice. It notes that the lack of forensic evidence in trials can lead to more not guilty verdicts, which some argue is unethical if jurors base their decisions on fictional crime show standards.
C7 Access to Justice for Victims of Hate Crimes: the Views of ProfessionalsVSE 2016
(Matylda Pogorzelska, European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA))
FRA has researched practical aspects of access to justice for victims of hate crimes. In total, 263 interviews with police officers, public prosecutors and judges and practitioners working for victim support services were carried out in all 28 EU Member States. Racism and xenophobia, sexual orientation or gender identity and islamophobia seem to be the most prevalent grounds for attacks or threats of violence. Additionally, the findings show that over half of the respondents indicate that public incitement to racist or xenophobic, islamophobic, homophobic and transphobic hostilities constitutes a problem in respective member States. States indifference needs to acknowledged as it was pointed out that politicians and other important persons very often are those who start openly express discriminatory attitudes and then, without a serious reaction from the State, it only develops further. Another important aspect is a phenomenon of cyber hate which seems to be totally out of control. Several actions could prevent hateful speech in the public sphere, such as: no tolerance of discriminatory speech in political discourses; efforts to monitor hate speech on the Internet; criminalising Holocaust denial and ensuring a common language and understanding of hate crime among all practitioners.
This document provides an overview of the Bronx District Attorney's Office's work in 2014, with a focus on child abuse/sex crimes and victim services. Key points:
1) The Child Abuse Response Unit (CARU) investigates alleged child abuse cases and participates in 200-300 joint interviews per year, with expectations to double with a new co-located Children's Advocacy Center.
2) The Crime Victims Assistance Unit (CVAU) provides comprehensive services and support to over 8,000 crime victims annually, including at least 200 child abuse and sex crime victims.
3) CVAU is specially equipped to handle the needs of child abuse and sex crime victims, offering information,
Cost of corruption in Italy.
The estimate of 50/60 billion euro as the cost of corruption, 1000 euro per capita, including the newborn is incorrect. The author who submitted this estimate has only considered a part of the Kauffman Report 2004 of the World Bank, from which it can be deduced that the cost of corruption in the world amounts to about 3% of the world GDP: hence, according to the author, the 50/60 billion euro amounting to 3% of the Italian GDP.
However, the author has neglected carrying on reading to the passage where the World Bank itself states that: First, as shown clearly by the data, the scale of corruption varies significantly from country to country": this would have been sufficient to avoid a serious mistake, which then became a very serious mistake due to a paradoxical ECO EFFECT, which revived this estimate without any assessment and, in some instances, even assuming higher costs.
Furthermore, from the very text of the World Bank indicating 3% as overall cost of corruption in the world GDP - emerges that the $1 trillion figure, calculated using 2001-02 economic data compares with an estimated size of the world economy at that time of just over US$30 trillion, Kaufmann says, ...: Italy, therefore, still according to the author of this calculation having no scientific background, would eventually answer for 10% (50/60 billion euro) of the worldwide cost of corruption (1,000 billion US dollar worldwide, amounting to about 700 billion euro).
There is no need to comment on this data.
Cost of corruption in Italy.
The estimate of 50/60 billion euro as the cost of corruption, 1000 euro per capita, including the newborn is incorrect. The author who submitted this estimate has only considered a part of the Kauffman Report 2004 of the World Bank, from which it can be deduced that the cost of corruption in the world amounts to about 3% of the world GDP: hence, according to the author, the 50/60 billion euro amounting to 3% of the Italian GDP.
However, the author has neglected carrying on reading to the passage where the World Bank itself states that: First, as shown clearly by the data, the scale of corruption varies significantly from country to country": this would have been sufficient to avoid a serious mistake, which then became a very serious mistake due to a paradoxical ECO EFFECT, which revived this estimate without any assessment and, in some instances, even assuming higher costs.
Furthermore, from the very text of the World Bank indicating 3% as overall cost of corruption in the world GDP - emerges that the $1 trillion figure, calculated using 2001-02 economic data compares with an estimated size of the world economy at that time of just over US$30 trillion, Kaufmann says, ...: Italy, therefore, still according to the author of this calculation having no scientific background, would eventually answer for 10% (50/60 billion euro) of the worldwide cost of corruption (1,000 billion US dollar worldwide, amounting to about 700 billion euro).
There is no need to comment on this data.
This chapter discusses the main techniques used to measure crime levels and trends, including official statistics collected by law enforcement and victimization surveys. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and how they can be compared. The chapter also looks at recent crime trends shown by different data sources and why this remains a controversial area given limitations in the various sources. It assesses how criminologists deal with competing claims from different measurement approaches.
This document contains secondary evidence from various sources about crime rates and statistics in the London Borough of Redbridge and surrounding areas. Some of the key points made:
- Crime statistics from the Metropolitan Police show over 36,000 crimes in Redbridge in 2016-2017, with theft and violence being most prevalent.
- Crime rates have increased significantly over the past 36 years according to Office for National Statistics data.
- Redbridge crime statistics show the highest crimes are anti-social behavior, violent crime, and vehicle crime.
- Crime generally peaks between April-May and dips between December-January, though burglary peaks in winter.
- Newspapers like the Ilford Recorder and The Guardian contain
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 task 4 secondary evidencelrosenfeld1
The documents provide secondary evidence about crime rates and statistics in the London Borough of Redbridge and surrounding areas. Some key details include:
- Crime rates in Redbridge for 2016-2017 were 36,993 total, with theft and violence against the person being the most prevalent crimes.
- Crime rates have increased significantly over the past 36 years according to ONS statistics.
- The highest crimes in Redbridge based on a breakdown are anti-social behavior, violent crime, and vehicle crime.
- Crime tends to peak between mid-April to mid-May and dip between mid-December to mid-January except for burglary.
- Newspapers and tabloids provide many stories of crime incidents
The documents provide secondary evidence about crime rates and statistics in the London Borough of Redbridge and surrounding areas. Some key details include:
- Crime rates in Redbridge for 2016-2017 were 36,993 total, with theft and violence against the person being the most prevalent crimes.
- Crime rates have increased significantly over the past 36 years according to ONS statistics.
- The highest crimes in Redbridge based on a breakdown are anti-social behavior, violent crime, and vehicle crime.
- Crime tends to peak between mid-April to mid-May and dip between mid-December to mid-January except for burglary.
- Newspapers and tabloids provide many stories of crime incidents
Crime Data Analysis and Prediction for city of Los AngelesHeta Parekh
This document analyzes crime data from Los Angeles from 2010-2020 to identify trends, predict future crime rates, and make recommendations to law enforcement. Key findings include:
- Crime rates have generally declined over the past decade but dropped significantly in 2020 due to the pandemic.
- Robbery, burglary, and vandalism are the most common crimes.
- Areas with lower median household incomes tend to have higher crime rates.
- Females are consistently the most impacted victims of crime over the past 10 years.
- Southwest LA and other areas have been identified as "hot spots" for criminal activity.
Predictive analysis indicates crime rates will continue increasing post-lockdown in
Digital Citizenship and Surveillance Society: UK State-Media-Citizen Relation...Karin Wahl-Jorgensen
This document summarizes a research project on digital citizenship and surveillance in the UK after the Snowden leaks. The project has several workstreams analyzing the impact on news media, civil society, policy, and technology. Interviews with civil society groups found that the Snowden leaks confirmed existing suspicions of surveillance and contributed to a sense of "surveillance realism." However, their online behavior and activism was not significantly changed by the leaks. The leaks were seen as contributing to an existing "chilling effect" and spectrum of radicalism within political activism.
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 task 4 secondary evidence (3)bentheman21
The documents provide secondary evidence about crime rates and statistics in the London Borough of Redbridge and greater London area. Some key details:
- Crime rates in Redbridge for 2016-2017 were 36,993 total, with theft and violence against the person being the most prevalent crimes.
- Crime rates have increased significantly over the past 36 years in the UK based on police statistics.
- The highest crime categories in Redbridge from September 2016 to August 2017 were anti-social behavior, violent crime, and vehicle crime.
- Crime tends to peak between mid-April to mid-May and dip between mid-December to mid-January in the UK generally.
- Knife crime is an increasing
This document discusses pioneers in the study of crime and place, including Guerry, Balbi, and Quetelet, who applied statistical analysis to understand how crime rates varied between areas and demographics. It also covers concepts of space, place, and temporal analysis in crime science. Official crime statistics, such as the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, are discussed alongside their limitations, as well as unofficial methods of counting crime through surveys and qualitative techniques.
The document summarizes the findings of an investigation by The Sentry into corruption and wealth accumulation among top South Sudanese officials responsible for mass atrocities during the country's civil war. The investigation found that these officials have amassed significant personal wealth through involvement in lucrative business sectors and deals involving state assets, despite modest official salaries. They have used international banks and facilitators to move money out of the country and acquire foreign properties and assets, fueling their violent kleptocratic system and civil war for personal financial gain.
The document discusses four main sources of crime data: Uniform Crime Reports collected by police, Offender-Based Transaction Statistics collected by courts, the National Criminal Victimization Survey which asks victims, and Drug Use Forecasting which asks offenders. Each source has advantages and disadvantages in the data it provides on crime incidents and their outcomes. The Uniform Crime Reports are the most commonly used but have limitations like not capturing all crimes and being voluntarily reported.
This document discusses using bloodstain pattern evidence from crime scenes to predict the positions of victims, perpetrators, and bystanders through Bayesian networks. It begins by providing context on violent crime statistics and definitions. It then outlines the typical process of investigating and reconstructing a crime scene. This involves defining, processing, and collecting information from the scene. Specifically, it discusses using bloodstain patterns to sequence events, determine directions of movement, and infer positions. The research aims to add objectivity to crime scene reconstruction by documenting how stain patterns vary with impact angles, heights, and apertures using physics and fluid mechanics principles. The goal is probabilistic positional prediction through Bayesian reasoning.
Positional Prediction of Individuals Present In a Crime Sceneiosrjce
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) is a double blind peer reviewed International Journal that provides rapid publication (within a month) of articles in all areas of computer engineering and its applications. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in computer technology. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes are invited for publications.
Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing the NSA was conducting mass surveillance programs like PRISM to collect data on American and foreign citizens. This raised debates on privacy violations versus national security. The document argues mass surveillance is justified for precautionary reasons in dealing with cyber threats from non-state actors and hostile states that exploit ambiguity. It also claims targeted surveillance would be ineffective given how cyber attacks can emerge from anywhere without links to sponsors. While revealing secret programs, mass surveillance has been publicly known and legally permitted for decades through laws like the Patriot Act.
Take a look at the latest crime facts and statistics from the FBI and other agencies, so you can be prepared and stay projected.
Edward Snowden revealed classified details of extensive US government surveillance programs to the media in 2013. He is currently living in temporary asylum in Russia after being charged with theft and unauthorized communication of national defense information by the US. Snowden believes he acted correctly to inform the public about surveillance that collected data on innocent people without their knowledge. However, others argue he sabotaged legal government programs and endangered national security. Public opinion polls at the time showed Americans were divided on whether Snowden was a hero or traitor for his actions.
Crime Pattern Detection using K-Means ClusteringReuben George
Crime pattern detection uses data mining techniques like clustering to analyze crime data and identify patterns. This involves plotting past crimes geographically, clustering similar crimes to detect sprees, and analyzing the results to draw conclusions. It helps improve crime solving by learning from history and preempting future crimes. The method augments detectives' work but has limitations like relying on data quality. Overall, crime pattern detection aids operational efficiency and enhancing resolution rates by optimizing resource deployment based on observed crime trends.
Cost of corruption in Italy.
The estimate of 50/60 billion euro as the cost of corruption, 1000 euro per capita, including the newborn is incorrect. The author who submitted this estimate has only considered a part of the Kauffman Report 2004 of the World Bank, from which it can be deduced that the cost of corruption in the world amounts to about 3% of the world GDP: hence, according to the author, the 50/60 billion euro amounting to 3% of the Italian GDP.
However, the author has neglected carrying on reading to the passage where the World Bank itself states that: First, as shown clearly by the data, the scale of corruption varies significantly from country to country": this would have been sufficient to avoid a serious mistake, which then became a very serious mistake due to a paradoxical ECO EFFECT, which revived this estimate without any assessment and, in some instances, even assuming higher costs.
Furthermore, from the very text of the World Bank indicating 3% as overall cost of corruption in the world GDP - emerges that the $1 trillion figure, calculated using 2001-02 economic data compares with an estimated size of the world economy at that time of just over US$30 trillion, Kaufmann says, ...: Italy, therefore, still according to the author of this calculation having no scientific background, would eventually answer for 10% (50/60 billion euro) of the worldwide cost of corruption (1,000 billion US dollar worldwide, amounting to about 700 billion euro).
There is no need to comment on this data.
Cost of corruption in Italy.
The estimate of 50/60 billion euro as the cost of corruption, 1000 euro per capita, including the newborn is incorrect. The author who submitted this estimate has only considered a part of the Kauffman Report 2004 of the World Bank, from which it can be deduced that the cost of corruption in the world amounts to about 3% of the world GDP: hence, according to the author, the 50/60 billion euro amounting to 3% of the Italian GDP.
However, the author has neglected carrying on reading to the passage where the World Bank itself states that: First, as shown clearly by the data, the scale of corruption varies significantly from country to country": this would have been sufficient to avoid a serious mistake, which then became a very serious mistake due to a paradoxical ECO EFFECT, which revived this estimate without any assessment and, in some instances, even assuming higher costs.
Furthermore, from the very text of the World Bank indicating 3% as overall cost of corruption in the world GDP - emerges that the $1 trillion figure, calculated using 2001-02 economic data compares with an estimated size of the world economy at that time of just over US$30 trillion, Kaufmann says, ...: Italy, therefore, still according to the author of this calculation having no scientific background, would eventually answer for 10% (50/60 billion euro) of the worldwide cost of corruption (1,000 billion US dollar worldwide, amounting to about 700 billion euro).
There is no need to comment on this data.
This chapter discusses the main techniques used to measure crime levels and trends, including official statistics collected by law enforcement and victimization surveys. It examines the strengths and weaknesses of each approach and how they can be compared. The chapter also looks at recent crime trends shown by different data sources and why this remains a controversial area given limitations in the various sources. It assesses how criminologists deal with competing claims from different measurement approaches.
This document contains secondary evidence from various sources about crime rates and statistics in the London Borough of Redbridge and surrounding areas. Some of the key points made:
- Crime statistics from the Metropolitan Police show over 36,000 crimes in Redbridge in 2016-2017, with theft and violence being most prevalent.
- Crime rates have increased significantly over the past 36 years according to Office for National Statistics data.
- Redbridge crime statistics show the highest crimes are anti-social behavior, violent crime, and vehicle crime.
- Crime generally peaks between April-May and dips between December-January, though burglary peaks in winter.
- Newspapers like the Ilford Recorder and The Guardian contain
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 task 4 secondary evidencelrosenfeld1
The documents provide secondary evidence about crime rates and statistics in the London Borough of Redbridge and surrounding areas. Some key details include:
- Crime rates in Redbridge for 2016-2017 were 36,993 total, with theft and violence against the person being the most prevalent crimes.
- Crime rates have increased significantly over the past 36 years according to ONS statistics.
- The highest crimes in Redbridge based on a breakdown are anti-social behavior, violent crime, and vehicle crime.
- Crime tends to peak between mid-April to mid-May and dip between mid-December to mid-January except for burglary.
- Newspapers and tabloids provide many stories of crime incidents
The documents provide secondary evidence about crime rates and statistics in the London Borough of Redbridge and surrounding areas. Some key details include:
- Crime rates in Redbridge for 2016-2017 were 36,993 total, with theft and violence against the person being the most prevalent crimes.
- Crime rates have increased significantly over the past 36 years according to ONS statistics.
- The highest crimes in Redbridge based on a breakdown are anti-social behavior, violent crime, and vehicle crime.
- Crime tends to peak between mid-April to mid-May and dip between mid-December to mid-January except for burglary.
- Newspapers and tabloids provide many stories of crime incidents
Crime Data Analysis and Prediction for city of Los AngelesHeta Parekh
This document analyzes crime data from Los Angeles from 2010-2020 to identify trends, predict future crime rates, and make recommendations to law enforcement. Key findings include:
- Crime rates have generally declined over the past decade but dropped significantly in 2020 due to the pandemic.
- Robbery, burglary, and vandalism are the most common crimes.
- Areas with lower median household incomes tend to have higher crime rates.
- Females are consistently the most impacted victims of crime over the past 10 years.
- Southwest LA and other areas have been identified as "hot spots" for criminal activity.
Predictive analysis indicates crime rates will continue increasing post-lockdown in
Digital Citizenship and Surveillance Society: UK State-Media-Citizen Relation...Karin Wahl-Jorgensen
This document summarizes a research project on digital citizenship and surveillance in the UK after the Snowden leaks. The project has several workstreams analyzing the impact on news media, civil society, policy, and technology. Interviews with civil society groups found that the Snowden leaks confirmed existing suspicions of surveillance and contributed to a sense of "surveillance realism." However, their online behavior and activism was not significantly changed by the leaks. The leaks were seen as contributing to an existing "chilling effect" and spectrum of radicalism within political activism.
Units 4, 5, 24, 31 task 4 secondary evidence (3)bentheman21
The documents provide secondary evidence about crime rates and statistics in the London Borough of Redbridge and greater London area. Some key details:
- Crime rates in Redbridge for 2016-2017 were 36,993 total, with theft and violence against the person being the most prevalent crimes.
- Crime rates have increased significantly over the past 36 years in the UK based on police statistics.
- The highest crime categories in Redbridge from September 2016 to August 2017 were anti-social behavior, violent crime, and vehicle crime.
- Crime tends to peak between mid-April to mid-May and dip between mid-December to mid-January in the UK generally.
- Knife crime is an increasing
This document discusses pioneers in the study of crime and place, including Guerry, Balbi, and Quetelet, who applied statistical analysis to understand how crime rates varied between areas and demographics. It also covers concepts of space, place, and temporal analysis in crime science. Official crime statistics, such as the FBI's Uniform Crime Reports, are discussed alongside their limitations, as well as unofficial methods of counting crime through surveys and qualitative techniques.
The document summarizes the findings of an investigation by The Sentry into corruption and wealth accumulation among top South Sudanese officials responsible for mass atrocities during the country's civil war. The investigation found that these officials have amassed significant personal wealth through involvement in lucrative business sectors and deals involving state assets, despite modest official salaries. They have used international banks and facilitators to move money out of the country and acquire foreign properties and assets, fueling their violent kleptocratic system and civil war for personal financial gain.
The document discusses four main sources of crime data: Uniform Crime Reports collected by police, Offender-Based Transaction Statistics collected by courts, the National Criminal Victimization Survey which asks victims, and Drug Use Forecasting which asks offenders. Each source has advantages and disadvantages in the data it provides on crime incidents and their outcomes. The Uniform Crime Reports are the most commonly used but have limitations like not capturing all crimes and being voluntarily reported.
This document discusses using bloodstain pattern evidence from crime scenes to predict the positions of victims, perpetrators, and bystanders through Bayesian networks. It begins by providing context on violent crime statistics and definitions. It then outlines the typical process of investigating and reconstructing a crime scene. This involves defining, processing, and collecting information from the scene. Specifically, it discusses using bloodstain patterns to sequence events, determine directions of movement, and infer positions. The research aims to add objectivity to crime scene reconstruction by documenting how stain patterns vary with impact angles, heights, and apertures using physics and fluid mechanics principles. The goal is probabilistic positional prediction through Bayesian reasoning.
Positional Prediction of Individuals Present In a Crime Sceneiosrjce
IOSR Journal of Computer Engineering (IOSR-JCE) is a double blind peer reviewed International Journal that provides rapid publication (within a month) of articles in all areas of computer engineering and its applications. The journal welcomes publications of high quality papers on theoretical developments and practical applications in computer technology. Original research papers, state-of-the-art reviews, and high quality technical notes are invited for publications.
Edward Snowden leaked documents revealing the NSA was conducting mass surveillance programs like PRISM to collect data on American and foreign citizens. This raised debates on privacy violations versus national security. The document argues mass surveillance is justified for precautionary reasons in dealing with cyber threats from non-state actors and hostile states that exploit ambiguity. It also claims targeted surveillance would be ineffective given how cyber attacks can emerge from anywhere without links to sponsors. While revealing secret programs, mass surveillance has been publicly known and legally permitted for decades through laws like the Patriot Act.
Take a look at the latest crime facts and statistics from the FBI and other agencies, so you can be prepared and stay projected.
Edward Snowden revealed classified details of extensive US government surveillance programs to the media in 2013. He is currently living in temporary asylum in Russia after being charged with theft and unauthorized communication of national defense information by the US. Snowden believes he acted correctly to inform the public about surveillance that collected data on innocent people without their knowledge. However, others argue he sabotaged legal government programs and endangered national security. Public opinion polls at the time showed Americans were divided on whether Snowden was a hero or traitor for his actions.
Crime Pattern Detection using K-Means ClusteringReuben George
Crime pattern detection uses data mining techniques like clustering to analyze crime data and identify patterns. This involves plotting past crimes geographically, clustering similar crimes to detect sprees, and analyzing the results to draw conclusions. It helps improve crime solving by learning from history and preempting future crimes. The method augments detectives' work but has limitations like relying on data quality. Overall, crime pattern detection aids operational efficiency and enhancing resolution rates by optimizing resource deployment based on observed crime trends.
Crime Pattern Detection using K-Means ClusteringReuben George
Final presentation
3. In short, the falling crime rate we've
enjoyed may come at a cost: police
indifference when you report your
stereo was stolen.
From March 30th 2015
4. Hypothesis Potential Attributes
Type of crime Crime Type (NIBRS raw class,
NIBRS category/against)
Location of crime Lat / Long, Distance to high risk
locations (homeless shelter, etc.)
Victim Profile Age, race, ethnicity, gender
Crime waves Normalized rolling count of
crimes in the last 7 or 30 days.
Information Provided
Witness Present Flag, Witness
Demographics (age, gender)
Time of Crime Hour of the day
Day/Week of Crime Day of the week, Week of the
Extreme Weather Days with Snow (e.g. Feb 2014
Snowstorm), Days with Severe
Amount of Damage
(Property Crimes only)
Property Damage Amount,
Property Type
Hypothesis Potential Attributes
Not included in the dataset.
Police Response Not included in the dataset.
Police Bias Not included in the dataset
Officer / Department
Not included in the dataset
Demographics of Officer Not included in the dataset
Association of Crimes
(Hidden Network)
Not included in the dataset
Institutional Factors (DA
Office, etc.)
Not included in the dataset
Other External Factors (e.g.
media coverage of a crime)
Difficult to measure and out
of scope. Would need to
append data (e.g. # of
media articles per crime)
Testable Hypotheses Non-Testable Hypotheses
6. Step in Preparing Model Dataset Change Records
Starting Population: Original Dataset 261,254
Remove Non-Crimes -25,992 235,262
Remove Unfound and Misc. Clear Status -30,593 204,669
Remove Non-CLT Crimes (e.g. Matthews) -1,367 203,302
Final Model Dataset 203,302
Variable Category # Fields
Crime Type 3
Location 9
Date / Time 4
Crime Wave 2
Neighborhood Demographics (QofL) 10
Police Response 1
Property 1
Severe Weather Flag 2
Victim 6
Business Victim 6
Victim/Reporting Flag 3
Victim-Suspect Relationship 3
Grand Total 50
Variables by Category
7. Rank Variable Chi Square
1 Crime Type I (NIBRS Hi Class) 0.6247
2 Crime Type II (Category) 0.5550
3 Crime Wave: Rolling 7 Day Avg 0.4914
4 Crime against Public 0.4682
5 Crime Type III (Against) 0.4637
6 Crime against NC State 0.4443
7 Victim Age (Binned) 0.3577
8 Property Value (Decile) 0.3041
9 Place2 (e.g. 30+ location types) 0.2687
10 Witness Flag: Provided Address Info 0.2679
11 Latitude of Crime 0.1955
12 Longitude of Crime 0.1904
13 Place1(e.g. 6 location types) 0.1889
14 Victim is White 0.1687
15 Crime against Wal-Mart 0.1622
16 Victim Knew Suspect Outside of Family 0.1544
17 Crime Wave: Rolling 30 Day Avg 0.1408
18 Hour of Day of Crime 0.1370
19 Victim Knew Suspect Inside of Family 0.1345
20 Crime Reported by Officer Flag 0.1247
Clearance Rates after exclusions (non-Crime, etc) applied
8. *Used H2O (via R Studio interface) for the model
H20s website:
Metrics used for Model Evaluation:
1) Accuracy
2) Area-under-the-Curve (AUC)
10. Accuracy Train Valid Test AUC Train Valid Test
"Simple" CART 0.8033 0.8021 0.7988 "Simple" CART 0.8283 0.8290 0.8257
CART 0.8327 0.8300 0.8276 CART 0.8524 0.8516 0.8480
Na誰ve Bayes 0.7495 0.7507 0.7455 Na誰ve Bayes 0.7951 0.7949 0.7915
GLM (Regularized) 0.8257 0.8149 0.7832 GLM (Regularized) 0.9157 0.9069 0.8781
GBM 0.8808 0.8463 0.8479 GBM 0.9528 0.9243 0.9241
Deep Learning 0.8573 0.8404 0.8390 Deep Learning 0.9346 0.9202 0.9171
Random Forests 0.8541 0.8402 0.8389 Random Forests 0.9263 0.9154 0.9128
Accuracy Train Valid Test AU
"Simple" CART 0.8033 0.8021 0.7988 "S
CART 0.8327 0.8300 0.8276 CA
Na誰ve Bayes 0.7495 0.7507 0.7455 Na
GLM (Regularized) 0.8257 0.8149 0.7832 GL
GBM 0.8808 0.8463 0.8479 GB
Deep Learning 0.8573 0.8404 0.8390 De
Random Forests 0.8541 0.8402 0.8389 Ra
Appendix includes ModelTuning Parameters
12. R Code is available on GitHub:
13. 1. Crime
2. Crime
3. Police
4. Police
5. Solve
or not
Weatherburn, Donald James., and Bronwyn Lind. Delinquent-prone
Communities. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge UP, 2001. Print.
Each increase in the prevalence of involvement in crime expands
the scope for further contact between delinquents and susceptibles,
thereby fueling further increases in the level of participation in crime
15. Clearance Status 2012 2013 2014
Exceptionally Cleared - By Death of Offender 16 23 19
Exceptionally Cleared - Cleared by Other Means 962 1,383 1,311
Exceptionally Cleared - Extradition Declined 2 2 1
Exceptionally Cleared - Located (Missing Persons and Runaways only) 14 13 15
Exceptionally Cleared - Prosecution Declined by DA 173 209 174
Exceptionally Cleared - Victim Chose not to Prosecute 6,322 5,781 5,594
Normal Clearance - Cleared by Arrest 21,334 19,089 20,506
Normal Clearance - Cleared by Arrest by Another Agency 228 386 330
Open 46,798 45,937 47,349
Open - Cleared, Pending Arrest Validation 65 557 389
Unfounded 3,816 3,316 3,148
Total 79,730 76,696 78,836
Total Excluding Rare Clearances (Blue) 69,094 66,409 69,166
Clearance Rate (Normal Clearance / Total Excluding Rare) 32.3% 30.8% 31.5%
Reported Year
Blue = Excluded from model
Yellow = Event in the Dependent
Variable Flag (i.e. equal to 1)
Green = Non-event in the
DependentVariable Flag (i.e.
equal to 0)
16. Model Tuning Parameters
CART (Simple and Normal) Complexity =0.001, Minimum Split = 1000, Minimum Bucket Size
=1000, Maximum Depth = 5
Na誰ve Bayes Laplace Smoother = 3
GLM with Regularization Alpha = 1 (Lasso)
GBM Number ofTrees = 200, Maximum Depth = 5, Interaction Depth = 2,
Learning Rate = 0.2
Deep Learning 3 Hidden Layers, each with 200 nodes
Random Forests Number ofTrees = 50, Maximum Depth = 10, Minimum Rows = 5,
Number of Bins = 20
Editor's Notes
#3: The CART and Simple CART models performed well too. The CART model performed better than the simpler model, showing the trade-off that simplicity and interpretability can be exchanged for increased predictive power. Even better, both models showed little signs of overfitting as its performance was nearly identical on the training, validation and test dataset.
GLM showed signs of overfitting. Its training accuracy was 82.6% while its test accuracy was 78.3%, which was lower than the Simple CART model. Likely, more rigorous feature transformation for non-linearities and perhaps other feature selection techniques (e.g. forward or backward stepwise) may provide less overfitting results.
In conclusion, from a predictive accuracy point of view, GBM was the best model and predicted clear rates with nearly 85% (out-of-sample) accuracy. Nevertheless, this model remains largely a black box model in which its components are difficult to interpret. Therefore, for practical use, we recommend that CART models can perform quite well along with interpretable results that practitioners may find usable than black box algorithms like GBM and Deep Learning.
#4: Why are Clearance Rates important:
They are official metrics tracked by local police departments and the FBI
They measure how effective at solving and thus, with crime feedback theory, also at preventing crime
Lower crime rates dont tell the whole story use example that tradeoff
#6: Our approach was to use the software and tools that would work best for the various parts of our project. For the data prep phase we used SQL, OpenRefine, and OpenGIS for the data wrangling. We then used ArcGIS and Tableau for exploring the data and looking for any high level patterns. External data sets were found and were run through SQL for standardization. Our datasets were merged with the external datasets we found, using the SAS EG software. Once we had our aggregated dataset we loaded this into R Studio for object building. Lastly, H2O was used for in-memory predictive analytics and fast data mining.
#8: Before running our models, we evaluated on a filter basis the variable of importance of each predictor using a statistical approach (Chi-Square). We chose Chi-Square given than nearly all of the variables were categorical and given that all variables were originally screened to ensure that they aligned to one of our hypotheses. However, as we explain later, most of our methods (like GBM and GLM with regularization) have their own wrapper based feature selection algorithms that will further refine the list of variables.
Notice the crime types are consistent year after year.
#9: For classification, we surveyed a range of models going from simple and intuitive (CART) to more complex, black box models like Gradient Boosting Models and Deep Learning. For more advanced models, we used the H2O R Wrapper to run H2O. H2O is an open-source machine and deep learning suite of applications used to increase the scalability for a broad range of algorithms. It uses in-memory compression to run millions of rows of data with a small cluster.
We started with a small decision tree where we selected for features with the largest predictive power. We called this our simple CART as it small and was easily interpretable. We then gave all of our features to a second decision tree to see if more variables would provide better predictive power.
Using the H2O engine we then used a Na誰ve Bayes on a limited number of variables with a Laplace smoother (lambda = 3). Fourth, we ran Regularized (Lasso) Generalized Linear Regression. We ran regularization on the model in order to reduce unnecessary and redundant features that are included in the dataset. We selected regularized instead of stepwise given that only regularization was available in the H2O package. We selected Lasso (Alpha = 1) instead of Ridge (Alpha = 0) because we found the Lasso performed better on the validation dataset.
In addition to the traditional methods (GLM, CART, Na誰ve Bayes), we ran three more advanced, black box methods: GBM, Deep Learning and Random Forests. For all three of these models, there were several tuning parameters (e.g. the number of trees and the maximum tree depth for GBM or the number of hidden neurons for Deep Learning).
#10: And here is what our simple decision tree looks like. This simple CART that restricted our decision tree to only the top variables (from filter selection) in order to gain intuition on our dataset. In particular, we restricted the type of crime variable to the variable Against rather than the more detailed NIBRS_Hi_Class or Category because this variable had far fewer classes (only four versus 30+) which made the interpretation much easier.
#14: A number of theories and crime models have been proposed over the years to explain the existence of a positive feedback loop between the level of crime at one point in time in a neighborhood, and the level of crime at a later point of time in the same neighborhood Dr. Weatherburn, a crime professor at Cambridge writes, In the book Delinquent-prone Communities the following, In the epidemic model of crime the positive feedback loop is created by the fact that each increase in the prevalence of involvement in crime expands the scope for further contact between delinquents and susceptibles, thereby fueling further increases in the level of participation in crime.