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Andy Holler

               HOW CAN THE
              HELP YOU IN THE
Table of Contents                                                        The Sun

                                  際際滷 Name                             際際滷 No

   1   Introduction                                                         1

   2   Why should we know and teach about it                              3-6

   3   An inspirational and motivational movement  The Barefoot.org        7

   4   Using the Schoolgen tool from Genesis Energy in the classroom    8 - 11

   5   References                                                          12

   6   Here comes the sun                                                  13
Introduction                                      The Sun

  How could I teach solar energy

  What would have relevance and value for the students

   Challenge educational stereotypes - The learner
    shall become the teacher and the teacher the learner

  Teacher resources shown with the Genesis Energy project

Why should we know and teach about it ?              The Sun

   Every day of the suns 100% energy - 51% from it hit Earth
                       Use it or loose it.
Why should we know and teach about it ?             The Sun

             The source of solar energy is free -
              it needs no fuel and produces no
               waste or pollution  therefore it
              plays a huge environmental part
Why should we know and teach about it ?                   The Sun

             The estimates put the Sun being around
             for another 5 billion years - Solar energy
                          is very reliable
Why should we know and teach about it ?                       The Sun

        you can save money in the long run  resulting in socio
                        economic benefits
An inspirational and motivational movement
                                                     The Sun
             The Barefoot.org
The Long winding road   https://vimeo.com/60152959
The Schoolgen programme in the Classroom         The Sun

  What is Schoolgen?         http://www.schoolgen.co.nz/


  Additional reasons
The Schoolgen programme in the Classroom          The Sun

  How is the programme delivered

   1. 40 teaching resources

   2. Free Installation of 2kW Pw solar systems

   3. A dedicated monitoring

   4. Specialised Environmental Educators
The Schoolgen programme in the Classroom   The Sun

  What are the programme benefits

   1. Raising awareness

   2. Raising community

   3. Contributing
The Schoolgen programme in the Classroom           The Sun

  Teacher resources         acher_resource_table.aspx

    Teacher-led activities (lesson plans)

    Fact sheets for teachers & students

    Student inquiries

    A glossary of key terms

    General information on photovoltaics &
     energy efficiency
Conclusion                              The Sun


    actively develop skills

    enables students

    apply in a wide range of context
Data bases                                                                                            The Sun

AVS Video editor 6.3. (2013). http://www.avs4you.com/video.aspx, retrieved 15.02.2012

Barefoot College. (2013). http://www.barefootcollege.org/, retrieved 12.02.2013

Bond, T. (2009). Inquiry Learning. Retrieved from http://ictnz.com/Inquiry%20Learning.htm

Checkly, K. (1997). The First Sevenand the Eighth: A conversation with Howard Gardner. Educational
Leadership, 55(1), 12.

Easton, L.(2013). Affordable high performance home[pp.17-19]: in Winning Architectural Design
(www.adnz.org.nz). Architectural Designers New Zealand

Ecyclopdia of Earth: www. about.com. (2013).
retrieved 13/02/13

Inquiry learning at Weber School. (2009). Retrieved from http://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Curriculum-

Jan-Marie Kellow. (2009). What is Inquiry? Retrieved from

Rosemary Hipkins. (2008). Inquiry learning and key competencies. Perfect match or problematic partners?
Retrieved http://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Curriculum-stories/Keynotes-and-presentations/Inquiry-learning-

Schoolgen.(2013) Power to the next Generation. Genesis Energy. www.schoolgen.co.nz. Auckland, New

Nuthall, G. (2007). The Hidden Lives of Learners. Wellington: NZCER Press.

Wikipedia.org., (2013). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power, retrieved 13/02/13

18 Best Video Editing Software For Free Download (Windows)
retrieved 15.02.13
Thank you for listening                             The Sun

               Here comes the sun


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Final presentation aa 22.02.13

  • 1. Andy Holler andy_holler@yahoo.co.uk HOW CAN THE SUN HELP YOU IN THE CLASSROOM
  • 2. Table of Contents The Sun 際際滷 Name 際際滷 No 1 Introduction 1 2 Why should we know and teach about it 3-6 3 An inspirational and motivational movement The Barefoot.org 7 4 Using the Schoolgen tool from Genesis Energy in the classroom 8 - 11 5 References 12 6 Here comes the sun 13
  • 3. Introduction The Sun How could I teach solar energy What would have relevance and value for the students Challenge educational stereotypes - The learner shall become the teacher and the teacher the learner Teacher resources shown with the Genesis Energy project Conclusion
  • 4. Why should we know and teach about it ? The Sun Every day of the suns 100% energy - 51% from it hit Earth Use it or loose it.
  • 5. Why should we know and teach about it ? The Sun The source of solar energy is free - it needs no fuel and produces no waste or pollution therefore it plays a huge environmental part
  • 6. Why should we know and teach about it ? The Sun The estimates put the Sun being around for another 5 billion years - Solar energy is very reliable
  • 7. Why should we know and teach about it ? The Sun you can save money in the long run resulting in socio economic benefits
  • 8. An inspirational and motivational movement The Sun The Barefoot.org The Long winding road https://vimeo.com/60152959
  • 9. The Schoolgen programme in the Classroom The Sun What is Schoolgen? http://www.schoolgen.co.nz/ Why? Additional reasons
  • 10. The Schoolgen programme in the Classroom The Sun How is the programme delivered http://www.schoolgen.co.nz/ a/ 1. 40 teaching resources 2. Free Installation of 2kW Pw solar systems 3. A dedicated monitoring 4. Specialised Environmental Educators
  • 11. The Schoolgen programme in the Classroom The Sun What are the programme benefits 1. Raising awareness 2. Raising community 3. Contributing
  • 12. The Schoolgen programme in the Classroom The Sun http://www.schoolgen.co.nz/tr/te Teacher resources acher_resource_table.aspx Teacher-led activities (lesson plans) Fact sheets for teachers & students Student inquiries A glossary of key terms General information on photovoltaics & energy efficiency
  • 13. Conclusion The Sun Conclusion opportunities actively develop skills enables students apply in a wide range of context
  • 14. Data bases The Sun References AVS Video editor 6.3. (2013). http://www.avs4you.com/video.aspx, retrieved 15.02.2012 Barefoot College. (2013). http://www.barefootcollege.org/, retrieved 12.02.2013 Bond, T. (2009). Inquiry Learning. Retrieved from http://ictnz.com/Inquiry%20Learning.htm Checkly, K. (1997). The First Sevenand the Eighth: A conversation with Howard Gardner. Educational Leadership, 55(1), 12. Easton, L.(2013). Affordable high performance home[pp.17-19]: in Winning Architectural Design (www.adnz.org.nz). Architectural Designers New Zealand Ecyclopdia of Earth: www. about.com. (2013). http://geography.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=geography&cdn=education&tm=599&f=00&su=p 284.13.342.ip_&tt=2&bt=0&bts=0&zu=http%3A//www.eoearth.org/image/Mean_Annual_albedo.JPG, retrieved 13/02/13 Inquiry learning at Weber School. (2009). Retrieved from http://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Curriculum- stories/School-stories/Engaging-with-the-community-at-Weber-School/Weber-Inquiry Jan-Marie Kellow. (2009). What is Inquiry? Retrieved from http://www.inquiringmind.co.nz/WhatIsInquiry.htm Rosemary Hipkins. (2008). Inquiry learning and key competencies. Perfect match or problematic partners? Retrieved http://nzcurriculum.tki.org.nz/Curriculum-stories/Keynotes-and-presentations/Inquiry-learning- and-key-competencies.-Perfect-match-or-problematic-partners Schoolgen.(2013) Power to the next Generation. Genesis Energy. www.schoolgen.co.nz. Auckland, New Zealand Nuthall, G. (2007). The Hidden Lives of Learners. Wellington: NZCER Press. Wikipedia.org., (2013). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Solar_power, retrieved 13/02/13 18 Best Video Editing Software For Free Download (Windows) http://webseasoning.com/technology/best-free-windows-video-editing-software/1079/#.URy57WeSAro, retrieved 15.02.13
  • 15. Thank you for listening The Sun Here comes the sun http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6tV1 1acSRk

Editor's Notes

  • #4: My JourneyMy thinking lead me to the question how could I teach solar energy in a hands on approach that would have relevance and value for the students and their communities they live in. The essence of this inquiry shall bring you closer how important it is through continued inquiries to challenge educational stereotypes.The learner shall become the teacher and the teacher the learner. [Bunker Roy, Founder & Director of Barefoot College, Tilonia, Rajasthan, India ]Initial knowledge and students centered teaching sits at the core of this inquiry As you may have experienced as well, more often than not, this journey leads you down many different paths. My presentation represents a compact summary of my inquiry and will have the following content.IntroductionWhy should we teach and know about it2.A video, where Roy Bunker, a social activist and educator, tells us the story of his life experience. There I have analyzed the content and included my highlighted remarks during the video presentation.3. Here at home I have found the New Zealand development the Genesis Energy website a discovery of great student and teacher tools, which were developed with the NZCurriculum in mind and based on inquiry teaching methodology.4. In the Conclusion I will review and close the circle of inquiry.
  • #5: According to the Energy Budget, our Earth is able to receive around 51% of the Sun's solar energy. The rest is either absorbed by clouds and the atmosphere or radiated back into space. But the 51% we receive carries quite a punch. In fact its about 1000 kWh per m2.
  • #6: The source of solar energy is free - it needs no fuel and produces no waste or pollution. It makes a great resource if you live in a sunny climate and would like to go on or off grid.
  • #7: The Sun formed over four and a half billion years ago.油 You may think the Sun will die soon, but it will keep shining for at least another five billion years.油油There is hardly any fossil fuel available on Earth that long.
  • #8: Although solar panels or solar lights, etc., may be expensive to buy at the onset, you can save money in the long run. After all, you do not have to pay for energy from the sun. On the other hand, all of us are aware of the rising cost of oil
  • #9: Bunker Roy, Founder, Director - Bunker is a social activist and educator. In 1972 he founded the Indian non-governmental organization Barefoot College in Tilonia, Rajasthan, India. He tells us a story how he is dealing with the whole issue of education with his life long project. The video is starting with his life. He later then will explain how he uses solar energy in many contexts.
  • #10: We have seen an international effort and now I like to show a New Zealand project which has been successfully run and implemented by Genesis Energy.What is Schoolgen?: Schoolgen is a programme developed by Genesis Energy (one of New Zealand's largest energy companies) to bring solar energy to life for children across New Zealand. Why? Because young people are our future leaders and decision makers, and it's important that they understand the role renewable energy will play in their future.Additional reasons: By talking and interacting with them we have a real chance to cultivate environmentally- aware thinking and behaviour; not just theirs, but that of the people around them - their teachers, parents, parent's colleagues, friends... the whole community!
  • #11: 1. 40 teaching resources, free for any primary, intermediate or secondary school in New Zealand to use and linked to the NZ curriculum, that explore electricity generation, climate change, and renewable energy, in particular, solar energy and photovoltaic (PV) systems.2. Providing 42 schools across the North Island with a 2 kilowatt (kW) PV system, at no cost to the schools. The PV system allows these schools to generate a portion of their electricity from the sun, and to teach their students about solar energy, climate change and electricity generation.3. A dedicated programme website on which the real time generation data from the solar panels at these schools is displayed for anyone to see.Specialized Environmental Educators who work at the Primary, Intermediate and Secondary School level in the Schoolgen schools, helping students and teachers to learn about renewable energy and energy efficiency
  • #12: Raising the awareness and knowledge of students about renewable energy, in particular solar energy, electricity generation, energy efficiency and climate change; Raising community, parent and staff awareness of solar energy; Contributing to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; Contributing to energy savings for the schools that have had solar panels installed; Students and parents will be able to enthusiastically promote alternative energy forms across their local communities because they've experienced how it works; The programme has been designed so that the teacher resources are easily accessible and free to use by any school in New Zealand - schools do not need solar panels to engage in the programme
  • #13: The Schoolgen teaching resources are freely available to any school in New Zealand schools do not have to have solar panels on their roof to experience the benefits of Schoolgen. Teaching resources vary in levels and subject matter, and cover a wide range of learning levels including social sciences, science (environmental education), English, mathematics with statistics, technology and physics.
  • #14: An inquiry shall create opportunities for learners and always have relevance to their interests. Then they can actively develop skills which will enable the students to locate, gather and analyse in aMeaningful way ..and last, they will be able to apply then these information in a wide range of context.
  • #15: The Vision: Schoolgen encourages our young people to become actively involved citizens contributing to the well-being of New Zealand.The Principle of Future Focus: Schoolgen addresses issues of sustainability which includes energy issues and global climate change.The Values: Schoolgen encourages, models and explores values such as innovation, inquiry and curiosity; ecological sustainability, and community participation for the common good.The Key Competencies: Schoolgen resources encourage the engagement of a wide range of the key competencies such as thinking, using language, symbols and text, managing self, relating to others and participating and contributing Raising the awareness and knowledge of students about renewable energy, in particular solar energy, electricity generation, energy efficiency and climate change; Raising community, parent and staff awareness of solar energy; Contributing to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; Contributing to energy savings for the schools that have had solar panels installed; Students and parents will be able to enthusiastically promote alternative energy forms across their local communities because they've experienced how it works; The programme has been designed so that the teacher resources are easily accessible and free to use by any school in New Zealand - schools do not need solar panels to engage in the programme
  • #16: The Vision: Schoolgen encourages our young people to become actively involved citizens contributing to the well-being of New Zealand.The Principle of Future Focus: Schoolgen addresses issues of sustainability which includes energy issues and global climate change.The Values: Schoolgen encourages, models and explores values such as innovation, inquiry and curiosity; ecological sustainability, and community participation for the common good.The Key Competencies: Schoolgen resources encourage the engagement of a wide range of the key competencies such as thinking, using language, symbols and text, managing self, relating to others and participating and contributing Raising the awareness and knowledge of students about renewable energy, in particular solar energy, electricity generation, energy efficiency and climate change; Raising community, parent and staff awareness of solar energy; Contributing to a reduction of greenhouse gas emissions; Contributing to energy savings for the schools that have had solar panels installed; Students and parents will be able to enthusiastically promote alternative energy forms across their local communities because they've experienced how it works; The programme has been designed so that the teacher resources are easily accessible and free to use by any school in New Zealand - schools do not need solar panels to engage in the programme