The document summarizes a simulation analysis conducted by Team 5 on a new product development. It outlines their initial objectives, strategy, changes made during the simulation, competition analysis, and one firm's success factors. Graphs show forecasts of indicative variables, price vs. sales, and sales vs. profits over 8 periods. The team's advertising campaign is also summarized. Key learnings from the simulation include the importance of understanding the market prior to decisions, how the initial strategy impacts future outcomes, and how data analysis informs both present and future decisions.
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Final Presentation Yogo
1. +
Simulation Analysis
New Product Development
Team 5
July 30, 2012
2. + Agenda Market Conditions
Initial Objectives and Strategy
Firms Success in The Industry
Indicative Variables Forecast
Price vs. Sales Force Cost vs. Profits Forecast
Advertising campaign
Indicative Variables
Decision Analysis
Learning Takeaways
3. +
Market Conditions
Low market barriers
High customer readiness
Long product life cycle
Low switching costs
4. +
Initial Objectives
Maximum Profits in the
middle segment
Market share within top
three firms
Moderate competitive pricing
Achieve breakeven by the
4th period of the game
Achieve cumulative
breakeven by the 6th period
of the game
5. +
Initial Strategy
Purchase of
Entry price of $0.45 in
Test marketing market
Period 2
Advertising to $90K in
Target middle market
create channel
segment with a first
awareness and promotions for
mover advantage
stimulate trial period 2
6. +
Price adjustment by a maximum limit
of $0.4
Continuously monitor the performance
of our competitors
Calculation of next periods sales
forecast using indicative variables to
determine production quantity
Re-allocation of advertising budget to
increase initial sales and consumption
7. +
Larger firms have lesser risk taking capability.
Firm 2 switched from segment 1 to 3 in the 3rd period.
Firm 6 switched from segment 1 to segment 2 in the 3rd period.
Firms when in their nascent formation stage are willing to take
greater risk and this have a greater chance of success.
Large firms are not willing to take risks since
If they fail in the strategy they have a lot to lose.
Market share
8. +
Firms success in the industry
Company 2 Company 4 Company 6
Entered the third Initial strategy: wait Medium size
segment creating a Competitive segment
competitive advantage with Effective
advantage market and combination of
Small market, the competitors price, advertising
volume of unit sales information and production
achieved at the end Best results in its strategies
of period 7 was not segment with the Leader in the
enough to generate highest market segment
cumulative profits share and
cumulative profits
14. +
Indicative Variables
Variables are different in the After selecting a sample size
data and analysis they we can analyze their buying
provide to a company but habits and determine the
have the same approach in
important variables to
determining their value.
identify stand in the market.
Future of the market
competition also can
assessed by doing this.
15. +
Decision Analysis
Viable to observe the market and analyze
the results
Increase the accuracy of forecasting for
the launch of product on the full scale
Scope for refinement of the product prior
to full scale launch
Greater chances of success meeting
companys objectives
Reduce the investment risk
16. +
Learning Takeaways - Simulation
Have knowledge The initial strategy Communicating Data analysis is not
about the will have a huge clearly under time only related to the
market, customers impact on the future pressure is the basis past and presence.
needs and the of the product, the for a good Its all about the
product prior to the company and its cooperation. future.
decision making departments.
Document the Simulation reflected Constructive
decision making the work of many of feedback is
process in a us in the past and motivating and
clear, cohesive and has shown others enlightening.
understandable way. what their work might
look like.
17. +
Learning Takeaways - Lectures
Correctly assessing key factors
Situation analysis
Internal analysis
External analysis
Developing marketing strategies
Market expansion strategies
How to utilize an information system?