The document provides information on various English grammar topics including question forms, prepositions of place and time, the present simple and continuous tenses, comparisons, reflexives, narrative tenses, time conjunctions, modals, and vocabulary related to cooking terms. It defines indirect questions and question tags. It explains the uses of prepositions like at, in, on for locations, times and movements. It also contrasts the present simple and continuous tenses and describes their typical uses. Other topics covered include modifiers, reflexives, narrative tenses, time conjunctions, modals, used to and would.
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2. Questions forms Indirect questions They are used to be more polite or tentative when youre asking a question e.g. Could you tell me where the cinema is, please? Id like to know if youre doing the english exam Question tags Are short questions at the end of s statement e.g. 1-Posotive statement + negative question tag He loves playing volleyball, doesnt he? 2-Negative statement + positive question tag You didnt make the hw, did you?
3. Prepositions of place, time and movement At Used for clock times, points of time in the day, weekends and holidays, point in time e.g. At 3 oclock, at the morning, at resest, at Christmas, at the end. In Used for the main parts of the day, months, years, seasons,centuries e.g. In the mignight, in March, in 2009, in the winter. On Used for specific dates and days e.g. On 17 marxh, on Tuesday, on christmas day In "time" phrases: at/in/on
4. In "place" phrases: at/in/on At Shows a point in place where something is happening e.g at the school, at the begining, at the chair. In Shows that something taking is incide e.g. in a table, in a houe, in a hospital. On Shows that something taking place is on something e.g On a car, on a table, on a travel, on a country.
5. In "movement" phrases: at/to/into/towards At We use at whit arrive and to show the person or thing the action is aimed at e.g We arrived at Mexico city,we arrived early She shouted at everyone her grades, He trew his gum. To We generally use to with verbs of movement and with nouns that segest movement e.g Run, move, come, catch, voyaje, tour, trip, Into We use into with verbs that mean to move from outside to an inside area e.g. I get into the school to do the exams Towards Means mover or pointing in a particular direction e.g. The car comes towards the Doctor Mora street
6. Present simple & Present continuos Present simple We use the present simple: 1-With routine or regular repeated actions e.g. I go to volleyball twice a week, We go to mazatlan every summer 2-In time clauses with a future meaning after when, as soon as, if, until e.g. Please go if you can, Ill make the exam when i get to the school 3-When we are talkink about permanent situations e.g. Im from culican, I came from mazatlan 4-When we are talking about the future as expressed in timetables, regulations and programmers e.g. The exam starts at 7:30 a.m., The school ends 15 of december 5-With scientifict facts e.g. The elements form components, The water names is H2O 6-With state vebs wich are not normally used in continuos form e.g. I just have 2 brothers, I dont know all the answers 7-In spoken instructions, sports commentaries, jokes and formal letters e.g. And jared going to make a goal, Coby going to score
7. Present continuous We use the present continuos when we are talking about 1-Actions happening now Shes revising the exams, Heis studying for his exam 2-Changing/developing situations The first place is the last one now, The sky was clear and now is raining 3-Temporary situations Im making 1 semester exams, Im living with my grandma for 1 month 4-Plans and arrangements in the future Are you doing anything over Christmas?, Are you doing something aver your birthday 5-Annoying or surprising habits with always Hes always failing the exams, Shes always getting dirty
8. Modifiers 1-Fairly usually modifies adjectives and adverbs e.g. Im fairly good at basketball but I prefer volleyball, He is fairly stupid but he want to be a teacher 2-Quite suggest a higher degree than fairly e.g. Hes quite tall than his brother, Hes quite stupid for her age 3-Pretty is stronger than quite e.g. I cook pretty well, This street is pretty large. 4-A bit is often used with the same meaning as a little e.g. Hes a bit taller, Im a bit clever than he 5-Really is used to show emphasis Im really exited, Its really late 6-Extremely, incredible and terribly are also used to show emphasis e.g. This travel is extremely long, That movie was terribly boring
9. Comparison To a higher degree ( comparative form + than ) e.g. The culiacan city is bigger than it used to be Im taller than I used to be To the same degree( asas ) e.g. Im as old as him He is not as tall as me To a lower degree( with less + than and the least ) e.g. Im less interestin g in play the guitar Hes less faster than before
10. Reflexives & own There are three main ways we used reflexive pronouns. 1-When the object is the same person/thing as the subject e.g. I made a sandwich by myself 2-When you want to emphasise the subject or object e.g. The food itself is delicious 3-With by to mean alone e.g. Shes making the work by herself There are three main ways we use own 1-On my own/on his own, to mean without the help of others e.g. I studied on my own 2-On my own/on his own to mean alone e.g. Im going to make the work on my own 3-My own/her own to mean belonging to no other person e.g. This is my own car
11. Narrative tenses Verb+ ed We use the past simple: 1-To talk about events in the past that are now finished e.g. I visited michoacan in the last vacations 2-To talk about habits in the past e.g. My family went to mazatlan every summer vacations 3-To talk about situations in the past e.g. When my brother was younger, he love to play X-BOX 4-In reported speech e.g. He said he want to play volleyball Was/were + ing We use the past continuous: 1-To talk about actions in progress in the past e.g. I was seeing my friends, playing soccer 2-To talk about temporary situations in the past e.g. Last summer I was working with my father 3-To talk about anticipated events that did not happen e.g. I was going to Guadalajara but for a problem my fathers postponed 4-To talk about an event that was in progress when another happened e.g. I was doing the english work when a friend called me 5-To talk about actions in progress at the same time in the past e.g. While I was sleeping some friends were doing the exams
12. Had + past participle We use the past perfect simple: 1-To refer to a time earlier than another past time e.g. The next time I see monterrey play, It had played a game 2-In reported speech e.g. He said he had studied por the exam Had benn + ing We use the past perfect continuous: 1-To talk about actions or situations which had continued up to the past moment that we are thinking about e.g. I decided to go with a teacher as I understand the topic
13. Time conjuctions As, when and while can introduce a background action/situation which is going on while something else happens e.g. As the day continue, I get bored When I was sleeping a friend called me While my mom was cooking I was doing the homework Eventually and finally mean in the end. We use them to say that something happens After a long time or a lot of effort. e.g. We werent making points but eventually we win the game At firts and to begin with refer to the beginning of a situation, to make contrast with Something different that happens later e.g. At first the movie was cool but then was boring As soon as and then can be used to talk about 2 actions or events that happen very quickly one after other e.g. As soon as I get to me home, Im going to sleep After is not usually alone. Instead we use other expressions like afterwards or after that e.g. After the game we went to a restaurant to celebrate By the time is used before a verb and means not taler than e.g. Ill finished my HW by the time you finish yours
14. Modals We use can to ask for and give permission e.g. Can I go to the cinema? We use could to ask for permission when youre not sure what the answer will be e.g. Could I talk with you? We use may to ask for or give permission in formal situations e.g. May I see this new movie in your t.v.? We use should and ought to to talk about obligations and duties in the future, present and past e.g. You should study more for the exam
15. Used to & would We use used to to talk about past habits and states that do not occur now or no longer exist e.g. I used to play baseball, but now I play volleyball Would is aldo used to talk about past habits and repeates actions but not about past states e.g. Whan I was younger, I would go with my cousins and play all the day