This document discusses four different artworks and the key elements they demonstrate. The first cloth from Africa shows emphasis through a large yellow ribbon in the middle and rhythm around the edges through repeating patterns. The second statue achieves balance by shifting slightly forward and leaning on a metal stick. The third wooden figure uses various curved, straight, and diagonal lines to define the shape. The last piece called "Birds of Paradise" displays many primary and secondary colors that appear natural due to the lighting conditions.
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This is a cloth from Africa
that shows emphasis and
rhythm. The emphasis is
on the middle section with
the large yellow AIDS
ribbon on top of a map
from Tanzania. There is
rhythm around the edges
where there is the same
repetition of what seems
to be diamonds. There is
also repetition with the red
ribbons flowing through
the center.
? This is a picturesque
statue that seems to be
showing balance. The
artist basically has the
statue shift a little bit
toward the front and also
lean on a metal stick to
sustain balance. You can
notice that one leg is a
little more relaxed than
the other.
This wooden female
figure has various lines:
curved, straight, diagonal
and contour. The artist
used the lines to define
the shape of this piece of
art. This is very detailed
and draws your attention
to each part of her body.
This piece of artwork is
referred to as “Birds of
Paradise”. It displays
many colors including
the known primary
colors (red and yellow)
and secondary colors
(green). This is local
color, in that, it appears
to have a hue from the
lighting conditions.